William Burkhart
Research Triangle Park
Featured researches published by William Burkhart.
Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2003
Yanping Zhang; Gabrielle White Wolf; Krishna P. Bhat; Aiwen Jin; Theresa Allio; William Burkhart; Yue Xiong
ABSTRACT The gene encoding p53 mediates a major tumor suppression pathway that is frequently altered in human cancers. p53 function is kept at a low level during normal cell growth and is activated in response to various cellular stresses. The MDM2 oncoprotein plays a key role in negatively regulating p53 activity by either direct repression of p53 transactivation activity in the nucleus or promotion of p53 degradation in the cytoplasm. DNA damage and oncogenic insults, the two best-characterized p53-dependent checkpoint pathways, both activate p53 through inhibition of MDM2. Here we report that the human homologue of MDM2, HDM2, binds to ribosomal protein L11. L11 binds a central region in HDM2 that is distinct from the ARF binding site. We show that the functional consequence of L11-HDM2 association, like that with ARF, results in the prevention of HDM2-mediated p53 ubiquitination and degradation, subsequently restoring p53-mediated transactivation, accumulating p21 protein levels, and inducing a p53-dependent cell cycle arrest by canceling the inhibitory function of HDM2. Interference with ribosomal biogenesis by a low concentration of actinomycin D is associated with an increased L11-HDM2 interaction and subsequent p53 stabilization. We suggest that L11 functions as a negative regulator of HDM2 and that there might exist in vivo an L11-HDM2-p53 pathway for monitoring ribosomal integrity.
The EMBO Journal | 1998
Stephen T. Safrany; James J. Caffrey; Xiaonian Yang; Michael E. Bembenek; Mary Moyer; William Burkhart; Stephen B. Shears
Diphosphoinositol pentakisphosphate (PP‐InsP5 or ‘InsP7’) and bisdiphosphoinositol tetrakisphosphate ([PP]2‐InsP4 or ‘InsP8’) are the most highly phosphorylated members of the inositol‐based cell signaling family. We have purified a rat hepatic diphosphoinositol polyphosphate phosphohydrolase (DIPP) that cleaves a β‐phosphate from the diphosphate groups in PP‐InsP5 (Km = 340 nM) and [PP]2‐InsP4 (Km = 34 nM). Inositol hexakisphophate (InsP6) was not a substrate, but it inhibited metabolism of both [PP]2‐InsP4 and PP‐InsP5 (IC50 = 0.2 and 3 μM, respectively). Microsequencing of DIPP revealed a ‘MutT’ domain, which in other contexts guards cellular integrity by dephosphorylating 8‐oxo‐dGTP, which causes AT to CG transversion mutations. The MutT domain also metabolizes some nucleoside phosphates that may play roles in signal transduction. The rat DIPP MutT domain is conserved in a novel recombinant human uterine DIPP. The nucleotide sequence of the human DIPP cDNA was aligned to chromosome 6; the candidate gene contains at least four exons. The dependence of DIPPs catalytic activity upon its MutT domain was confirmed by mutagenesis of a conserved glutamate residue. DIPPs low molecular size, Mg2+ dependency and catalytic preference for phosphoanhydride bonds are also features of other MutT‐type proteins. Because overlapping substrate specificity is a feature of this class of proteins, our data provide new directions for future studies of higher inositol phosphates.
Molecular Genetics and Genomics | 1988
Eduard Back; William Burkhart; Mary Moyer; Laura Privalle; Steven J. Rothstein
SummaryThe main nitrogen source for most higher plants is soil nitrate. Prior to its incorporation into amino acids, plants reduce nitrate to ammonia in two enzymatic steps. Nitrate is reduced by nitrate reductase to nitrite, which is further reduced to ammonia by nitrite reductase. In this paper, the complete primary sequence of the precursor protein for spinach nitrite reductase has been deduced from cloned cDNAs. The cDNA clones were isolated from a nitrate-induced cDNA library in two ways: through the use of oligonucleotide probes based on partial amino acid sequences of nitrite reductase and through the use of antibodies raised against purified nitrite reductase. The precursor protein for nitrite reductase is 594 amino acids long and has a 32 amino acid extension at the N-terminal end of the mature protein. These 32 amino acids most likely serve as a transit peptide involved in directing this nuclearencoded protein into the chloroplast. The cDNA hybridizes to a 2.3 kb RNA whose steady-state level is markedly increased upon induction with nitrate.
Nature Chemical Biology | 2013
Mercedes Lobera; Kevin P. Madauss; Denise Teotico Pohlhaus; Quentin G Wright; Mark Trocha; Darby Schmidt; Erkan Baloglu; Ryan P. Trump; Martha S. Head; Glenn A. Hofmann; Monique Murray-Thompson; Benjamin Schwartz; Subhas Chakravorty; Zining Wu; Palwinder K. Mander; Laurens Kruidenier; Robert A. Reid; William Burkhart; Brandon J Turunen; James X. Rong; Craig D. Wagner; Mary Moyer; Carrow Wells; Xuan Hong; John T. Moore; Jon D. Williams; Dulce Soler; Shomir Ghosh; Michael A. Nolan
In contrast to studies on class I histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors, the elucidation of the molecular mechanisms and therapeutic potential of class IIa HDACs (HDAC4, HDAC5, HDAC7 and HDAC9) is impaired by the lack of potent and selective chemical probes. Here we report the discovery of inhibitors that fill this void with an unprecedented metal-binding group, trifluoromethyloxadiazole (TFMO), which circumvents the selectivity and pharmacologic liabilities of hydroxamates. We confirm direct metal binding of the TFMO through crystallographic approaches and use chemoproteomics to demonstrate the superior selectivity of the TFMO series relative to a hydroxamate-substituted analog. We further apply these tool compounds to reveal gene regulation dependent on the catalytic active site of class IIa HDACs. The discovery of these inhibitors challenges the design process for targeting metalloenzymes through a chelating metal-binding group and suggests therapeutic potential for class IIa HDAC enzyme blockers distinct in mechanism and application compared to current HDAC inhibitors.
FEBS Letters | 2001
Emine C. Koc; Asoka Ranasinghe; William Burkhart; Kevin Blackburn; Hasan Koc; Arthur Moseley; Linda L. Spremulli
Two proteins known to be involved in promoting apoptosis in mammalian cells have been identified as components of the mammalian mitochondrial ribosome. Proteolytic digestion of whole mitochondrial ribosomal subunits followed by analysis of the peptides present using liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry revealed that the proapoptotic proteins, death‐associated protein 3 (DAP3) and the programmed cell death protein 9, are both components of the mitochondrial ribosome. DAP3 has motifs characteristic of guanine nucleotide binding proteins and is probably the protein that accounts for the nucleotide binding activity of mammalian mitochondrial ribosomes. The observations reported here implicate mitochondrial protein synthesis as a major component in cellular apoptotic signaling pathways.
Plant Physiology | 1994
Bonita J. M. Ferrie; Nathalie Beaudoin; William Burkhart; Caroline G. Bowsher; Steven J. Rothstein
A membrane-associated lipoxygenase from breaker-stage fruit of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) was purified and partially sequenced. Using degenerate oligonucleotides corresponding to portions of this sequence, a cDNA was amplified by PCR and used to screen a breaker fruit cDNA library. Two clones, tomloxA and tomloxB, were isolated and one of these (tomloxA) corresponded to the isolated protein. Genomic clones were isolated and sequence data from these were used to obtain the 5[prime] ends of the cDNAs. The 2.8-kb cDNAs encode proteins that are similar in size and sequence to each other and to other plant lipoxygenases. DNA blot analysis indicated that tomato contains three or more genes that encode lipoxygenase. RNA blot analysis showed that tomloxA is expressed in germinating seeds as well as in ripening fruit, where it reached its peak during breaker stage. tomloxB appears to be fruit specific and is at its highest level in ripe fruit.
FEBS Letters | 1992
William Burkhart; Gardiner F.H. Smith; Jui-Lan Su; Indu Parikh; Harry LeVine
The thrombin‐like serine protease and antithrombotic agent. Ancrod, was rapidly purified from the crude venom of Akistradon rhodostoma by agmatine‐Sepharose affinity chromatography followed by MonoQ anion exchange chromatography. N‐Terminal sequencing and analysis of overlapping proteolytic fragments of purified Ancrod by automated Edman degradation in combination with tandem mass spectroscopy allowed the determination of the 234 amino acid sequence of the protease. Glycosylation sites at all five canonical N‐linked glycosylation sites were inferred from the appearance of blank sequencer cycles in the amino acid sequence and were confirmed by mass spectroscopic analysis of the N‐glycanase‐treated peptides. Monoclonal antibodies raised against the denatured protein and HF‐deglycosylated protein recognized Ancrod on Western blots. Sequence comparison to other thrombin‐like serine proteases and reptilian fibrinogenases revealed a number of similarities, most notably the catalytic triad and many conserved cysteine positions.
Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2000
Emine C. Koc; William Burkhart; Kevin Blackburn; Arthur Moseley; Hasan Koc; Linda L. Spremulli
Mammalian mitochondrial small subunit ribosomal proteins were separated by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The proteins in six individual spots were subjected to in-gel tryptic digestion. Peptides were separated by capillary liquid chromatography, and the sequences of selected peptides were obtained by electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. The peptide sequences obtained were used to screen human expressed sequence tag data bases, and complete consensus cDNAs were assembled. Mammalian mitochondrial small subunit ribosomal proteins from six different classes of ribosomal proteins were identified. Only two of these proteins have significant sequence similarities to ribosomal proteins from prokaryotes. These proteins correspond to Escherichia coliS10 and S14. Homologs of two human mitochondrial proteins not found in prokaryotes were observed in the genomes of Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans. A homolog of one of these proteins was observed in D. melanogaster but not in C. elegans, while a homolog of the other was present in C. elegans but not in D. melanogaster. A homolog of one of the ribosomal proteins not found in prokaryotes was tentatively identified in the yeast genome. This latter protein is the first reported example of a ribosomal protein that is shared by mitochondrial ribosomes from lower and higher eukaryotes that does not have a homolog in prokaryotes.
Plant Molecular Biology | 1988
George Payne; T. Dawn Parks; William Burkhart; Sandra Dincher; Patricia Ahl; Jean Pierre Metraux; John Ryals
We describe the isolation of the chromosomal gene for pathogenesis-related protein 1a from Nicotiana tabacum. A 2 kb fragment containing the PR-1a gene as well as 5′ and 3′ flanking DNA has been sequenced and the transcriptional start site has been determined by primer extension and S1 nuclease mapping. 80% of the protein sequence from purified PR-1a and 20% of the sequence of purified PR-1b has also been determined and used to verify the nomenclature established for the PR-1 cDNAs.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta | 1991
Tany Amarant; William Burkhart; Harry LeVine; Carmen L. Arocha-Pinango; Indu Parikh
The major toxic and fibrinolytic activity of the saliva and hemolymph of the larval form of Lonomia achelous was purified to homogeneity by a combination of metal chelate and affinity chromatography. Two apparent isozymes, Achelase I (213 amino acids, pIcalc = 10.55) and Achelase II (214 amino acids, pIcalc = 8.51), were sequenced by automated Edman degradation, and their C-termini confirmed by Fourier-transform mass spectrometry. The calculated molecular weights (22,473 and 22,727) correspond well to Mr estimates of 24,000 by SDS-PAGE. No carbohydrate was detected during sequencing. The enzymes degraded all three chains of fibrin, alpha greater than beta much greater than gamma, yielding a fragmentation pattern indistinguishable from that produced by trypsin. Chromogenic peptides S-2222 (Factor Xa and trypsin), S-2251 (plasmin), S-2302 (kallikrein) and S-2444 (urokinase) were substrates while S-2288 (broad range of serine proteinases including thrombin) was not hydrolyzed. Among a range of inhibitors Hg+2, aminophenylmercuriacetate, leupeptin, antipain and E-64 but not N-ethylmaleimide or iodoacetate abolished the activity of the purified isozymes against S-2444. Phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, soybean trypsin inhibitor and aprotinin were less effective. The presence of the classic catalytic triad (histidine-41, aspartate-86 and serine-189) suggests that Achelases I and II may be serine proteinases, but with a potentially free cysteine-185 which could react with thiol proteinase-directed reagents.