
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics | 2016

Beginning inflation in an inhomogeneous universe

William E. East; Matthew Kleban; Andrei Linde; Leonardo Senatore

Using numerical solutions of the full Einstein field equations coupled to a scalar inflaton field in 3+1 dimensions, we study the conditions under which a universe that is initially expanding, highly inhomogeneous and dominated by gradient energy can transition to an inflationary period. If the initial scalar field variations are contained within a sufficiently flat region of the inflaton potential, and the universe is spatially flat or open on average, inflation will occur following the dilution of the gradient and kinetic energy due to expansion. This is the case even when the scale of the inhomogeneities is comparable to the initial Hubble length, and overdense regions collapse and form black holes, because underdense regions continue expanding, allowing inflation to eventually begin. This establishes that inflation can arise from highly inhomogeneous initial conditions and solve the horizon and flatness problems, at least as long as the variations in the scalar field do not include values that exceed the inflationary plateau.

Physical Review D | 2012

Eccentric black hole-neutron star mergers: effects of black hole spin and equation of state

William E. East; Frans Pretorius; B. C. Stephens

There is a high level of interest in black hole-neutron star binaries, not only because their mergers may be detected by gravitational wave observatories in the coming years, but also because of the possibility that they could explain a class of short duration gamma-ray bursts. We study black hole-neutron star mergers that occur with high eccentricity as may arise from dynamical capture in dense stellar regions such as nuclear or globular clusters. We perform general relativistic simulations of binaries with a range of impact parameters, three different initial black hole spins (zero, aligned and anti-aligned with the orbital angular momentum), and neutron stars with three different equations of state. We find a rich diversity across these parameters in the resulting gravitational wave signals and matter dynamics, which should also be reflected in the consequent electromagnetic emission. Before tidal disruption, the gravitational wave emission is significantly larger than perturbative predictions suggest for periapsis distances close to effective innermost stable separations, exhibiting features reflecting the zoom-whirl dynamics of the orbit there. Guided by the simulations, we develop a simple model for the change in orbital parameters of the binary during close encounters. Depending upon the initial parameters of the system, we find that mass transfer during non-merging close encounters can range from essentially zero to a sizable fraction of the initial neutron star mass. The same holds for the amount of material outside the black hole post-merger, and in some cases roughly half of this material is estimated to be unbound. We also see that non-merging close encounters generically excite large oscillations in the neutron star that are qualitatively consistent with f-modes.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2011


B. C. Stephens; William E. East; Frans Pretorius

Within the next few years gravitational waves (GWs) from merging black holes (BHs) and neutron stars (NSs) may be directly detected, making a thorough theoretical understanding of these systems a high priority. As an additional motivation, these systems may represent a subset of short-duration gamma-ray burst progenitors. BH-NS mergers are expected to result from primordial, quasi-circular inspiral as well as dynamically formed capture binaries. The latter channel allows mergers with high eccentricity, resulting in a richer variety of outcomes. We perform general relativistic simulations of BH-NS interactions with a range of impact parameters, and find significant variation in the properties of these events that have potentially observable consequences, namely, the GW signature, remnant accretion disk mass, and amount of unbound material.

Physical Review Letters | 2017

Superradiant Instability and Backreaction of Massive Vector Fields around Kerr Black Holes

William E. East; Frans Pretorius

We study the growth and saturation of the superradiant instability of a complex, massive vector (Proca) field as it extracts energy and angular momentum from a spinning black hole, using numerical solutions of the full Einstein-Proca equations. We concentrate on a rapidly spinning black hole (a=0.99) and the dominant m=1 azimuthal mode of the Proca field, with real and imaginary components of the field chosen to yield an axisymmetric stress-energy tensor and, hence, spacetime. We find that in excess of 9% of the black holes mass can be transferred into the field. In all cases studied, the superradiant instability smoothly saturates when the black holes horizon frequency decreases to match the frequency of the Proca cloud that spontaneously forms around the black hole.

Physical Review Letters | 2013

Ultrarelativistic black hole formation.

William E. East; Frans Pretorius

We study the head-on collision of fluid particles well within the kinetic energy dominated regime (γ = 8 to 12) by numerically solving the Einstein-hydrodynamic equations. We find that the threshold for black hole formation is lower (by a factor of a few) than simple hoop conjecture estimates, and, moreover, near this threshold two distinct apparent horizons first form postcollision and then merge. We argue that this can be understood in terms of a gravitational focusing effect. The gravitational radiation reaches luminosities of 0.014 c(5)/G, carrying 16 ± 2% of the total energy.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2012


William E. East; Frans Pretorius

We study dynamical capture binary neutron star mergers as may arise in dense stellar regions such as globular clusters. Using general-relativistic hydrodynamics, we find that these mergers can result in the prompt collapse to a black hole or in the formation of a hypermassive neutron star, depending not only on the neutron star equation of state but also on impact parameter. We also find that these mergers can produce accretion disks of up to a tenth of a solar mass and unbound ejected material of up to a few percent of a solar mass. We comment on the gravitational radiation and electromagnetic transients that these sources may produce.

Physical Review D | 2017

Spacetime Dynamics of a Higgs Vacuum Instability During Inflation

William E. East; John Kearney; Bibhushan Shakya; Hojin Yoo; Kathryn M. Zurek

A remarkable prediction of the Standard Model is that, in the absence of corrections lifting the energy density, the Higgs potential becomes negative at large field values. If the Higgs field samples this part of the potential during inflation, the negative energy density may locally destabilize the spacetime. We use numerical simulations of the Einstein equations to study the evolution of inflation-induced Higgs fluctuations as they grow towards the true (negative-energy) minimum. These simulations show that forming a single patch of true vacuum in our past light cone during inflation is incompatible with the existence of our Universe; the boundary of the true vacuum region grows outward in a causally disconnected manner from the crunching interior, which forms a black hole. We also find that these black hole horizons may be arbitrarily elongated—even forming black strings—in violation of the hoop conjecture. By extending the numerical solution of the Fokker-Planck equation to the exponentially suppressed tails of the field distribution at large field values, we derive a rigorous correlation between a future measurement of the tensor-to-scalar ratio and the scale at which the Higgs potential must receive stabilizing corrections in order for the Universe to have survived inflation until today.

Physical Review D | 2012

Hydrodynamics in full general relativity with conservative adaptive mesh refinement

William E. East; Frans Pretorius; B. C. Stephens

There is great interest in numerical relativity simulations involving matter due to the likelihood that binary compact objects involving neutron stars will be detected by gravitational wave observatories in the coming years, as well as to the possibility that binary compact object mergers could explain short-duration gamma-ray bursts. We present a code designed for simulations of hydrodynamics coupled to the Einstein field equations targeted toward such applications. This code has recently been used to study eccentric mergers of black hole-neutron star binaries. We evolve the fluid conservatively using high-resolution shock-capturing methods, while the field equations are solved in the generalized-harmonic formulation with finite differences. In order to resolve the various scales that may arise, we use adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) with grid hierarchies based on truncation error estimates. A noteworthy feature of this code is the implementation of the flux correction algorithm of Berger and Colella to ensure that the conservative nature of fluid advection is respected across AMR boundaries. We present various tests to compare the performance of different limiters and flux calculation methods, as well as to demonstrate the utility of AMR flux corrections.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2016

Freely decaying turbulence in force-free electrodynamics

Jonathan Zrake; William E. East

Freely decaying relativistic force-free turbulence is studied for the first time. We initiate the magnetic field at a short wavelength and simulate its relaxation toward equilibrium on two and three dimensional periodic domains, in both helical and non-helical settings. Force-free turbulent relaxation is found to exhibit an inverse cascade in all settings, and in 3D to have a magnetic energy spectrum consistent with the Kolmogorov

Physical Review D | 2013

Observing complete gravitational wave signals from dynamical capture binaries

William E. East; Sean T. McWilliams; Janna Levin; Frans Pretorius


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