
Genomics | 1988

Genotyping of human alcohol dehydrogenases at the ADH2 and ADH3 loci following DNA sequence amplification

Yiling Xu; Lucinda G. Carr; William F. Bosron; Ting-Kai Li; Howard J. Edenberg

Humans are polymorphic at two of the alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) loci important in ethanol metabolism, ADH2 and ADH3. Although the coding regions of these genes are 94% identical, they produce subunits that differ greatly in kinetic properties in vitro. These differences are likely to be reflected in the pharmacokinetics of alcohol metabolism, but studies have been hampered by the need to use liver biopsy specimens to determine the ADH phenotype. This problem has now been overcome by determining the genotype at these loci using DNA that has been amplified in vitro by the polymerase chain reaction. We report here the identification of all three of the ADH2 alleles and both of the ADH3 alleles. Any pair of ADH2 or ADH3 alleles can be distinguished using allele-specific oligonucleotide probes directed at their single base pair difference. In addition, ADH2(2) can be distinguished from ADH2(1) and ADH2(3) by detecting a new MaeIII site created in the third exon by the single base pair alteration in ADH2(2).

The FASEB Journal | 1991

Human liver cocaine esterases: ethanol-mediated formation of ethylcocaine.

Robert A. Dean; C D Christian; R H Sample; William F. Bosron

A new, pharmacologically active metabolite of cocaine, ethylcocaine, has been reported in individuals after concurrent use of cocaine and ethanol. Formation of ethylcocaine may contribute to the common coabuse of these two drugs and the apparent danger of this practice. We have identified a nonspecific carboxylesterase that catalyzes the ethyl transesterification of cocaine to ethylcocaine in the presence of ethanol. In the absence of ethanol, this human liver esterase catalyzes the hydrolysis of cocaine to benzoylecgonine, a metabolite that is inactive as a psychomotor stimulant. A second human liver esterase is also described. This enzyme catalyzes hydrolysis of cocaine to ecgonine methyl ester, also inactive as a stimulant. These two liver esterases may play important roles in regulating the metabolic inactivation of cocaine.—Dean, R. A.; Christian, C. D.; Sample, R. H. B.; Bosron, W. F. Human liver cocaine enterases: ethanol‐mediated formation of ethylcocaine. FASEB J. 5: 2735‐2739; 1991.

Pathologie Biologie | 2001

Research advances in ethanol metabolism

Vijay A. Ramchandani; William F. Bosron; Ting-Kai Li

The pharmacokinetics of alcohol determines the time course of alcohol concentration in blood after the ingestion of an alcoholic beverage and the degree of exposure of organs to its effects. The interplay between the kinetics of absorption, distribution and elimination is thus important in determining the pharmacodynamic responses to alcohol. There is a large degree of variability in alcohol absorption, distribution and metabolism, as a result of both genetic and environmental factors. The between-individual variation in alcohol metabolic rates is, in part due to allelic variants of the genes encoding the alcohol metabolizing enzymes, alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH). This review summarizes recent developments in the investigation of the following influences on alcohol elimination rate: gender, body composition and lean body mass, liver volume, food and food composition, ethnicity, and genetic polymorphisms in alcohol metabolizing enzymes as well as in the promoter regions of the genes for these enzymes. Evaluation of the factors regulating the rates of alcohol and acetaldehyde metabolism, both genetic and environmental, will help not only to explain the risk for development of alcoholism, but also the risk for development of alcohol-related organ damage and developmental problems.

Biochemical Pharmacology | 1994

Purification and characterization of a human liver cocaine carboxylesterase that catalyzes the production of benzoylecgonine and the formation of cocaethylene from alcohol and cocaine.

Monica R. Brzezinski; Trent L. Abraham; Carol L. Stone; Robert A. Dean; William F. Bosron

The psychomotor stimulant cocaine is inactivated primarily by hydrolysis to benzoylecgonine, the major urinary metabolite of the drug. A non-specific carboxylesterase was purified from human liver that catalyzes the hydrolysis of the methyl ester group of cocaine to form benzoylecgonine. In the presence of ethanol, the enzyme also catalyzes the transesterification of cocaine producing the pharmacologically active metabolite cocaethylene (benzoylecgonine ethyl ester). The carboxylesterase obeys simple Michaelis-Menten kinetics with Km values of 116 microM for cocaine and 43 mM for ethanol. The enzymatic activity suggests that it may play an important role in regulating the detoxication of cocaine and in the formation of the active metabolite cocaethylene. Additionally, the enzyme catalyzes the formation of ethyloleate from oleic acid and ethanol. The carboxylesterase was purified from autopsy liver by gel filtration, chromatofocusing, ion-exchange, and hydrophobic interaction chromatography to purity by SDS-PAGE and agarose gel isoelectric focusing. The subunit molecular weight was determined to be 59,000 and the native molecular weight was estimated to be 170,000 from a calibrated gel filtration column, suggesting that the active enzyme is a trimer. The isoelectric point was approximately 5.8. Digestion of carbohydrate residues on the protein with an acetylglucosaminidase plus binding to several lectins indicates that the enzyme is glycosylated. The esterase was cleaved with two proteases, and the amino acid sequences from fourteen peptides were used to search GenBank. Two identical matches were found corresponding to carboxylesterase cDNAs from human liver and lung.

Enzyme | 1987

Catalytic Properties of Human Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase Isoenzymes

William F. Bosron; Ting-Kai Li

Human liver alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) exists in multiple molecular forms which arise from the association of eight different types of subunits, alpha, beta 1, beta 2, beta 3, gamma 1, gamma 2, pi, and chi, into active dimeric molecules. A genetic model accounts for this multiplicity as products of five gene loci, ADH1 through ADH5. Polymorphism occurs at two loci, ADH2 and ADH3, which encode the beta and gamma subunits. All of the known homodimeric and heterodimeric isoenzymes have been isolated and purified to homogeneity. Analysis of the steady-state kinetic properties and substrate and inhibitor specificities has shown substantial differences in the catalytic properties of the isoenzymes. For example, the Km values for NAD+ and ethanol vary as much as 1,000-fold among the isoenzymes. Some of the differences in catalytic properties can be related to specific amino acid substitutions in the ADH isoenzymes.

Biochemical Pharmacology | 1979

Quantitative correlation of ethanol elimination rates in vivo with liver alcohol dehydrogenase activities in fed, fasted and food-restricted rats.

Lawrence Lumeng; William F. Bosron; Li Ting-Kai

Abstract The effects of nutritional states upon liver alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity and ethanol elimination rate in vivo have been examined in the rat. Male Sprague-Dawley rats, 250–280 g, were studied in the fed state, after fasting for 24, 48 and 72 hr, and after 9 days of food restriction (5g food/day). Total ADH activity per liver or per animal (2.20 m-moles/hr in fed rats) decreased after a 24-hr fast and was 1.32 and 0.94 m-moles/hr after a 48-hr fast and food restriction respectively. Cytosolic protein and liver wet weight decreased in parallel with total ADH activity, but DNA content exhibited only a 10% decrease with fasting and a 20% decrease with food restriction. Ethanol elimination rate in vivo per animal after intraperitoneal injection of 2g ethanol/kg was 1.92, 1.14 and 0.84 m-moles/hr in the fed, 48 hr-fasted and food-restricted rats, respectively. These data indicate that the decrease in the ethanol elimination rate with fasting and food restriction may be caused by decreasing ADH activity, since the cytosolic free NAD+/ NADH in liver after acute administration of alcohol in vivo has been reported to be nearly identical in the fed and 48 hr-fasted rats. The close agreement between liver ADH activity and ethanol elimination rate in vivo suggests that the total enzymatic activity of liver ADH is an important rate-limiting factor in ethanol metabolism under the nutritional conditions examined.

Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology | 1992

Effects of ethanol on cocaine metabolism: Formation of cocaethylene and norcocaethylene

Robert A. Dean; Edwin T. Harper; Natividad Dumaual; David A. Stoeckel; William F. Bosron

The coabuse of cocaine and ethanol occurs with high frequency and increases the risk of cocaine-related morbidity and mortality. The mechanisms mediating the toxic interactions of cocaine and ethanol are not clearly defined. This study examined the effects of acute ethanol administration on the metabolism of cocaine in the male Wistar rat. Intraperitoneal administration of 2 g/kg ethanol 30 min prior to administration of 25 mg/kg cocaine resulted in the formation of two ethylated derivatives of cocaine, benzoylecgonine ethyl ester (cocaethylene) and benzoylnorecgonine ethyl ester (norcocaethylene) in liver, brain, and serum. Fifteen minutes after cocaine administration, the tissue levels of cocaethylene were 22, 10, and 9% of the cocaine recovered from liver, serum, and brain, respectively. Ethanol pretreatment increased cocaine concentrations in liver and benzoylnorecgonine concentrations in liver and serum. The increased morbidity and hepatotoxicity seen with acute combined administration of cocaine and ethanol may be due to the formation of the toxic ethylated and N-demethylated metabolites of cocaine. Ethanol pretreatment decreased benzoylecgonine concentrations in serum and liver. The most important consequence of ethanol-induced inhibition of the normally rapid hydrolysis of cocaine to benzoylecgonine may be a decrease in benzoylecgonine-mediated vasoconstriction.

Molecular Aspects of Medicine | 1988

Genetic polymorphism of enzymes of alcohol metabolism and susceptibility to alcoholic liver disease.

William F. Bosron; Lawrence Lumeng; Ting-Kai Li

Differences in the pharmacokinetics of alcohol absorption and elimination are, in part, genetically determined. There are polymorphic variants of the two main enzymes responsible for ethanol oxidation in liver, alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase. The frequency of occurrence of these variants, which have been shown to display strikingly different catalytic properties, differs among different racial populations. Since the activity of alcohol dehydrogenase in liver is a rate-limiting factor for ethanol metabolism in experimental animals, it is likely that the type and content of the polymorphic isoenzyme subunit encoded at ADH2, beta-subunit, and at ADH3, the gamma-subunit, are contributing factors to the genetic variability in ethanol elimination rate. The recent development of methods for genotyping individuals at these loci using white cell DNA will allow us to test this hypothesis as well as any relationship between ADH genotype and the susceptibility to alcoholism or alcohol-related pathology. A polymorphic variant of human liver mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase, ADLH2, which has little or no acetaldehyde oxidizing activity has been identified. Individuals with the deficient ALDH2 phenotype do not have altered ethanol elimination rates but they do exhibit high blood acetaldehyde levels and dysphoric symptoms such as facial flushing, nausea and tachycardia, after drinking alcohol. Because acetaldehyde is so reactive, it binds to free amino groups of proteins including a 37 kilodalton hepatic protein-acetaldehyde adduct and may elicit an antibody response. We would predict that individuals who have low ALDH2 activity because of liver disease or because they have the inactive ALDH2 variant isoenzyme might form more protein-acetaldehyde adducts and elicit a greater immune response. These adducts may represent good biological markers of alcohol abuse and may also play a role in liver injury due to chronic alcohol consumption.

Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics | 1983

Steady-state kinetic properties of purified rat liver alcohol dehydrogenase: application to predicting alcohol elimination rates in vivo.

David W. Crabb; William F. Bosron; Ting-Kai Li

The rate of ethanol elimination in fed and fasted rats can be predicted based on the liver content of alcohol dehydrogenase (EC, the steady-state rate equation, and the concentrations of substrates and products in liver during ethanol metabolism. The specific activity, kinetic constants, and multiplicity of enzyme forms are similar in fed and fasted rats, although the liver content of alcohol dehydrogenase falls 40% with fasting. The two major forms of the enzyme were separated and found to have very similar kinetic properties. The rat alcohol dehydrogenase is subject to substrate inhibition by ethanol at concentrations above 10 mM and follows a Theorell-Chance mechanism. The steady-state rate equation for this mechanism predicts that the in vivo activity of the enzyme is limited by NADH product inhibition at low ethanol concentrations and by both NADH inhibition and substrate inhibition at high ethanol concentrations. When the steady-state rate equation and the measured concentrations of substrates and products in freeze-clamped liver of fed and fasted rats metabolizing alcohol are employed to calculate alcohol oxidation rates, the values agree very well with the actual rates of ethanol elimination determined in vivo.

Journal of Biological Chemistry | 1997

X-ray structure of human class IV sigmasigma alcohol dehydrogenase. Structural basis for substrate specificity.

Peiguang Xie; Stephen H. Parsons; David C. Speckhard; William F. Bosron; Thomas D. Hurley

The structural determinants of substrate recognition in the human class IV, or ςς, alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) isoenzyme were examined through x-ray crystallography and site-directed mutagenesis. The crystal structure of ςς ADH complexed with NAD+ and acetate was solved to 3-Å resolution. The human β1β1 and ςς ADH isoenzymes share 69% sequence identity and exhibit dramatically different kinetic properties. Differences in the amino acids at positions 57, 116, 141, 309, and 317 create a different topology within the ςς substrate-binding pocket, relative to the β1β1 isoenzyme. The nicotinamide ring of the NAD(H) molecule, in the ςς structure, appears to be twisted relative to its position in the β1β1isoenzyme. In conjunction with movements of Thr-48 and Phe-93, this twist widens the substrate pocket in the vicinity of the catalytic zinc and may contribute to this isoenzyme’s high K m for small substrates. The presence of Met-57, Met-141, and Phe-309 narrow the middle region of the ςς substrate pocket and may explain the substantially decreased K m values with increased chain length of substrates in ςς ADH. The kinetic properties of a mutant ςς enzyme (ς309L317A) suggest that widening the middle region of the substrate pocket increases K m by weakening the interactions between the enzyme and smaller substrates while not affecting the binding of longer alcohols, such as hexanol and retinol.

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