William G. Read
California Institute of Technology
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Featured researches published by William G. Read.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing | 2006
J. W. Waters; L. Froidevaux; R. S. Harwood; R. F. Jarnot; Herbert M. Pickett; William G. Read; Peter H. Siegel; Richard E. Cofield; Mark J. Filipiak; Dennis A. Flower; James R. Holden; Gary K. Lau; Nathaniel J. Livesey; G. L. Manney; Hugh C. Pumphrey; Michelle L. Santee; Dong L. Wu; David T. Cuddy; Richard R. Lay; Mario S. Loo; V. S. Perun; Michael J. Schwartz; Paul Stek; Robert P. Thurstans; Mark A. Boyles; Kumar M. Chandra; Marco C. Chavez; Gun-Shing Chen; Bharat V. Chudasama; Randy Dodge
The Earth Observing System Microwave Limb Sounder measures several atmospheric chemical species (OH, HO/sub 2/, H/sub 2/O, O/sub 3/, HCl, ClO, HOCl, BrO, HNO/sub 3/, N/sub 2/O, CO, HCN, CH/sub 3/CN, volcanic SO/sub 2/), cloud ice, temperature, and geopotential height to improve our understanding of stratospheric ozone chemistry, the interaction of composition and climate, and pollution in the upper troposphere. All measurements are made simultaneously and continuously, during both day and night. The instrument uses heterodyne radiometers that observe thermal emission from the atmospheric limb in broad spectral regions centered near 118, 190, 240, and 640 GHz, and 2.5 THz. It was launched July 15, 2004 on the National Aeronautics and Space Administrations Aura satellite and started full-up science operations on August 13, 2004. An atmospheric limb scan and radiometric calibration for all bands are performed routinely every 25 s. Vertical profiles are retrieved every 165 km along the suborbital track, covering 82/spl deg/S to 82/spl deg/N latitudes on each orbit. Instrument performance to date has been excellent; data have been made publicly available; and initial science results have been obtained.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2007
Alyn Lambert; William G. Read; Nathaniel J. Livesey; Michelle L. Santee; G. L. Manney; L. Froidevaux; Dong L. Wu; Michael J. Schwartz; Hugh C. Pumphrey; Carlos Jiménez; Gerald E. Nedoluha; R. E. Cofield; D. T. Cuddy; W. H. Daffer; Brian J. Drouin; R. Fuller; R. F. Jarnot; B. W. Knosp; Herbert M. Pickett; V. S. Perun; W. V. Snyder; P. C. Stek; R. P. Thurstans; Paul A. Wagner; J. W. Waters; Kenneth W. Jucks; G. C. Toon; R. A. Stachnik; Peter F. Bernath; C. D. Boone
[1] The quality of the version 2.2 (v2.2) middle atmosphere water vapor and nitrous oxide measurements from the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) on the Earth Observing System (EOS) Aura satellite is assessed. The impacts of the various sources of systematic error are estimated by a comprehensive set of retrieval simulations. Comparisons with correlative data sets from ground-based, balloon and satellite platforms operating in the UV/visible, infrared and microwave regions of the spectrum are performed. Precision estimates are also validated, and recommendations are given on the data usage. The v2.2 H2O data have been improved over v1.5 by providing higher vertical resolution in the lower stratosphere and better precision above the stratopause. The single-profile precision is � 0.2–0.3 ppmv (4–9%), and the vertical resolution is � 3–4 km in the stratosphere. The precision and vertical resolution become worse with increasing height above the stratopause. Over the pressure range 0.1–0.01 hPa the precision degrades from 0.4 to 1.1 ppmv (6–34%), and the vertical resolution degrades to � 12–16 km. The accuracy is estimated to be 0.2–0.5 ppmv (4–11%) for the pressure range 68–0.01 hPa. The scientifically useful range of the H2O data is from 316 to 0.002 hPa, although only the 82–0.002 hPa pressure range is validated here. Substantial improvement has been achieved in the v2.2 N2O data over v1.5 by reducing a significant low bias in the stratosphere and eliminating unrealistically high biased mixing ratios in the polar regions. The single-profile precision is � 13–25 ppbv (7–38%), the vertical resolution is � 4–6 km and the accuracy is estimated to be 3–70 ppbv (9–25%) for the pressure range 100–4.6 hPa. The scientifically useful range of the N2O data is from 100 to 1 hPa.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2008
L. Froidevaux; Yibo Jiang; Alyn Lambert; Nathaniel J. Livesey; William G. Read; J. W. Waters; Edward V. Browell; J. W. Hair; M. Avery; T. J. McGee; Laurence Twigg; G. K. Sumnicht; K. W. Jucks; J. J. Margitan; B. Sen; R. A. Stachnik; G. C. Toon; Peter F. Bernath; C. D. Boone; Kaley A. Walker; Mark J. Filipiak; R. S. Harwood; R. Fuller; G. L. Manney; Michael J. Schwartz; W. H. Daffer; Brian J. Drouin; R. E. Cofield; D. T. Cuddy; R. F. Jarnot
[1] The Earth Observing System (EOS) Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) aboard the Aura satellite has provided essentially daily global measurements of ozone (O3) profiles from the upper troposphere to the upper mesosphere since August of 2004. This paper focuses on validation of the MLS stratospheric standard ozone product and its uncertainties, as obtained from the 240 GHz radiometer measurements, with a few results concerning mesospheric ozone. We compare average differences and scatter from matched MLS version 2.2 profiles and coincident ozone profiles from other satellite instruments, as well as from aircraft lidar measurements taken during Aura Validation Experiment (AVE) campaigns. Ozone comparisons are also made between MLS and balloon-borne remote and in situ sensors. We provide a detailed characterization of random and systematic uncertainties for MLS ozone. We typically find better agreement in the comparisons using MLS version 2.2 ozone than the version 1.5 data. The agreement and the MLS uncertainty estimates in the stratosphere are often of the order of 5%, with values closer to 10% (and occasionally 20%) at the lowest stratospheric altitudes, where small positive MLS biases can be found. There is very good agreement in the latitudinal distributions obtained from MLS and from coincident profiles from other satellite instruments, as well as from aircraft lidar data along the MLS track.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2001
Richard E. Orville; Gary R. Huffines; John W. Nielsen-Gammon; Renyi Zhang; Brandon Lee Ely; Scott M. Steiger; Stephen Phillips; Steve Allen; William G. Read
Cloud-to-ground lightning flash data have been analyzed for the twelve-year period 1989–2000, for a geographical area centered on Houston, Texas. Of the 1.6 million cloud-to-ground flashes in this area of study, approximately 752,000 flashes occurred in the summer months of June, July, and August, and 119,000 flashes in the months of December, January, and February. The highest flash densities, greater than 4 flashes km−2 in the summer and 0.7 flashes/km−2 in the winter, are near the urban areas of Houston. We suggest that the elevated flash densities could result from several factors, including, 1) the convergence due to the urban heat island effect, and 2) the increasing levels of air pollution from anthropogenic sources producing numerous small droplets and thereby suppressing mean droplet size. The latter effect would enable more cloud water to reach the mixed phase region where it is involved in the formation of precipitation and the separation of electric charge, leading to an enhancement of lightning.
Geophysical Research Letters | 1998
S. Chandra; J. R. Ziemke; W. Min; William G. Read
This paper analyzes the impact of the 1997–1998 El Nino on tropospheric column ozone and tropospheric water vapor derived respectively from the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) on Earth Probe and the Microwave Limb Scanning instrument on the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite. The 1997-1998 El Nino, characterized by an anomalous increase in sea-surface temperature (SST) across the eastern and central tropical Pacific Ocean, is one of the strongest El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events of the century, comparable in magnitude to the 1982–1983 episode. The major impact of the SST change has been the shift in the convection pattern from the western to the eastern Pacific affecting the response of rain-producing cumulonimbus. As a result, there has been a significant increase in rainfall over the eastern Pacific and a decrease over the western Pacific and Indonesia. The dryness in the Indonesian region has contributed to large-scale burning by uncontrolled wildfires in the tropical rainforests of Sumatra and Borneo. Our study shows that tropospheric column ozone decreased by 4–8 Dobson units (DU) in the eastern Pacific and increased by about 10–20 DU in the western Pacific largely as a result of the eastward shift of the tropical convective activity as inferred from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) data. The effect of this shift is also evident in the upper tropospheric water vapor mixing ratio which varies inversely as ozone (O3). These conclusions are qualitatively consistent with the changes in atmospheric circulation derived from zonal and vertical wind data obtained from the Goddard Earth Observing System data assimilation analyses. The changes in tropospheric column O3 during the course of the 1997–1998 El Nino appear to be caused by a combination of large-scale circulation processes associated with the shift in the tropical convection pattern and surface/boundary layer processes associated with forest fires in the Indonesian region.
Geophysical Research Letters | 1993
William G. Read; L. Froidevaux; J. W. Waters
This paper presents measurements of sulfur dioxide densities in the stratosphere made by the microwave limb sounder (MLS) on the upper atmosphere research satellite. The SO[sub 2] came from the eruption of the Mt Pinatubo volcano which injected a massive quantity of gas into the stratosphere. The MLS is able to measure the decay rate of the gas densities based on its extended time and spatial coverage, and from this decay rate infer the OH densities in the stratosphere, since OH is the major reactive species which converts the SO[sub 2] into sulfuric acid.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2007
Michelle L. Santee; Alyn Lambert; William G. Read; Nathaniel J. Livesey; G. L. Manney; R. E. Cofield; D. T. Cuddy; W. H. Daffer; Brian J. Drouin; L. Froidevaux; R. Fuller; R. F. Jarnot; B. W. Knosp; V. S. Perun; W. V. Snyder; P. C. Stek; R. P. Thurstans; Paul A. Wagner; J. W. Waters; Brian J. Connor; Jakub Urban; Donal P. Murtagh; Philippe Ricaud; B. Barret; Armin Kleinböhl; Jayanarayanan Kuttippurath; H. Küllmann; M. von Hobe; G. C. Toon; R. A. Stachnik
We assess the quality of the version 2.2 (v2.2) ClO measurements from the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) on the Earth Observing System Aura satellite. The MLS v2.2 ClO data are scientifically useful over the range 100 to 1 hPa, with a single- profile precision of similar to 0.1 ppbv throughout most of the vertical domain. Vertical resolution is similar to 3-4 km. Comparisons with climatology and correlative measurements from a variety of different platforms indicate that both the amplitude and the altitude of the peak in the ClO profile in the upper stratosphere are well determined by MLS. The latitudinal and seasonal variations in the ClO distribution in the lower stratosphere are also well determined, but a substantial negative bias is present in both daytime and nighttime mixing ratios at retrieval levels below (i. e., pressures larger than) 22 hPa. Outside of the winter polar vortices, this negative bias can be eliminated by subtracting gridded or zonal mean nighttime values from the individual daytime measurements. In studies for which knowledge of lower stratospheric ClO mixing ratios inside the winter polar vortices to better than a few tenths of a ppbv is needed, however, day - night differences are not recommended and the negative bias must be corrected for by subtracting the estimated value of the bias from the individual measurements at each affected retrieval level.
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1996
Dong L. Wu; Evan F. Fishbein; William G. Read; J. W. Waters
The quasi-2-day wave is known as a strong and transient perturbation in the middle and upper atmosphere that often occurs shortly after solstice. The excitation mechanisms of this transient wave have been discussed for years, but no clear answer has yet been attained. In this paper, propagating characteristics of the 2-day wave are studied based on 8-mon temperature measurements from the Microwave Limb Sounder onboard the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite. The studies are focused on the wave events that happened in January 1993 and in July-August 1993. The observations suggest that winter planetary waves could be responsible for triggering the summer 2-day wave through long penetration into the summer stratosphere. A connection is evident in the evolution of the wave amplitude between the summer 2-day wave generation and winter wave penetration. The data also suggest that the enhancement of the wave amplitude is a manifestation of both a local unstable wave and a global normal-mode Rossby wave.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1996
M. P. Chipperfield; Michelle L. Santee; L. Froidevaux; G. L. Manney; William G. Read; J. W. Waters; A. E. Roche; James M. Russell
We have used a new, isentropic-coordinate three-dimensional chemical transport model to investigate the decay of ClO and evolution of other species in the Antarctic polar vortex during September 1992. The model simulations cover the same southern hemisphere period studied in a companion data paper by Santee et al. [this issue]. The model is initialized using the available data from the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) and Cryogenic Limb Array Etalon Spectrometer (CLAES) on the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS). During the model initialization chemical inconsistencies in the UARS data became evident. Fields of odd nitrogen (NOy) derived from CLAES N2O underestimated the sum of the direct observations of the major NOy species. Results from the model integrations at 465 K and 585 K are sampled in the same way as the various UARS instruments and compared to the observations both directly and by considering average quantities in the inner and edge vortex regions. Sampling the observed species in the same way as the UARS instruments is important in removing any spurious trends due, for example, to changing solar zenith angle. While the model can reproduce the magnitude of the MLS ClO observations at 585 K, this is not possible at 465 K. The model partitions too much ClO into Cl2O2 to reproduce the observed ClO which is around 2.0 parts per billion by volume (ppbv) averaged within the polar vortex. The model also underestimates CLAES ClONO2 in the inner vortex at 465 K due to heterogeneous processing. The observations require that effectively all of the inorganic chlorine is in the form of ClO and ClONO2 in the inner vortex at this altitude. In the basic model run, the decay of ClO produces ClONO2 which is not observed by CLAES. Our results indicate the potential importance of the speculative reaction between OH and ClO producing HCl for the recovery of HCl in the Antarctic spring. By including this reaction, the decay of model ClO into HCl is enhanced, yielding better agreement with HCl data from the Halogen Occultation Experiment (HALOE) data. Similar results can also be obtained by including the reaction between HO2 and ClO to produce HCl with a 3% channel. The model generally reproduces the observed O3 destruction during September. The most significant discrepancy for O3 is in the inner vortex at 465 K where the model underestimates the observed O3 loss rate, especially when the effects of vertical motion are included.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2007
Yibo Jiang; L. Froidevaux; Alyn Lambert; Nathaniel J. Livesey; William G. Read; J. W. Waters; Bojan Bojkov; Thierry Leblanc; I. S. McDermid; Sophie Godin-Beekmann; Mark J. Filipiak; R. S. Harwood; R. Fuller; W. H. Daffer; Brian J. Drouin; R. E. Cofield; D. T. Cuddy; R. F. Jarnot; B. W. Knosp; V. S. Perun; Michael J. Schwartz; W. V. Snyder; P. C. Stek; R. P. Thurstans; P. A. Wagner; M. Allaart; S. B. Andersen; G. E. Bodeker; B. Calpini; H. Claude
We present validation studies of MLS version 2.2 upper tropospheric and stratospheric ozone profiles using ozonesonde and lidar data as well as climatological data. Ozone measurements from over 60 ozonesonde stations worldwide and three lidar stations are compared with coincident MLS data. The MLS ozone stratospheric data between 150 and 3 hPa agree well with ozonesonde measurements, within 8% for the global average. MLS values at 215 hPa are biased high compared to ozonesondes by A`20% at middle to high latitude, although there is a lot of variability in this altitude region. Comparisons between MLS and ground-based lidar measurements from Mauna Loa, Hawaii, from the Table Mountain Facility, California, and from the Observatoire de Haute-Provence, France, give very good agreement, within A`5%, for the stratospheric values. The comparisons between MLS and the Table Mountain Facility tropospheric ozone lidar show that MLS data are biased high by A`30% at 215 hPa, consistent with that indicated by the ozonesonde data. We obtain better global average agreement between MLS and ozonesonde partial column values down to 215 hPa, although the average MLS values at low to middle latitudes are higher than the ozonesonde values by up to a few percent. MLS v2.2 ozone data agree better than the MLS v1.5 data with ozonesonde and lidar measurements. MLS tropical data show the wave one longitudinal pattern in the upper troposphere, with similarities to the average distribution from ozonesondes. High upper tropospheric ozone values are also observed by MLS in the tropical Pacific from June to November.