William S. Currie
University of Michigan
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Featured researches published by William S. Currie.
BioScience | 1998
John D. Aber; William H. McDowell; Knute J. Nadelhoffer; Alison H. Magill; Glenn M. Berntson; Mark Kamakea; Steven G. McNulty; William S. Currie; Lindsey E. Rustad; Ivan J. Fernandez
N itrogen emissions to the atmosphere due to human activity remain elevated in industrialized regions of the world and are accelerating in many developing regions (Galloway 1995). Although the deposition of sulfur has been reduced over much of the United States and Europe by aggressive environmental protection policies, current nitrogen deposition reduction targets in the US are modest. Nitrogen deposition remains relatively constant in the northeastern United States and is increasing in the Southeast and the West (Fenn et al. in press). The US acid deposition effects
BioScience | 2004
Yiqi Luo; Bo Su; William S. Currie; Jeffrey S. Dukes; Adrien C. Finzi; Ueli A. Hartwig; Bruce A. Hungate; Ross E. McMurtrie; Ram Oren; William J. Parton; Diane E. Pataki; Rebecca M. Shaw; Donald R. Zak; Christopher B. Field
Abstract A highly controversial issue in global biogeochemistry is the regulation of terrestrial carbon (C) sequestration by soil nitrogen (N) availability. This controversy translates into great uncertainty in predicting future global terrestrial C sequestration. We propose a new framework that centers on the concept of progressive N limitation (PNL) for studying the interactions between C and N in terrestrial ecosystems. In PNL, available soil N becomes increasingly limiting as C and N are sequestered in long-lived plant biomass and soil organic matter. Our analysis focuses on the role of PNL in regulating ecosystem responses to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration, but the concept applies to any perturbation that initially causes C and N to accumulate in organic forms. This article examines conditions under which PNL may or may not constrain net primary production and C sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems. While the PNL-centered framework has the potential to explain diverse experimental results and to help researchers integrate models and data, direct tests of the PNL hypothesis remain a great challenge to the research community.
Ecosystems | 2003
Ruth D. Yanai; William S. Currie; Christine L. Goodale
In one of the most influential studies in the recent history of forest ecology, W. W. Covington (1981) described a pattern in organic matter storage in the forest floors of northern hardwood stands as a function of date of harvest. We review the history of the use and misuse of Covington’s curve, describe the studies that tested and failed to support early interpretations of the curve, and provide some alternate interpretations. The curve suggested that forest floor organic matter declines by 50% within 20 years after harvest, and this decline was attributed to accelerated decomposition and changes in litter inputs after harvest. Subsequent studies showed that decomposition rates of surface litter generally decrease after clear-cutting, but accelerated decomposition remains possible in the Oe and Oa horizons. Changes in litter inputs are still difficult to evaluate, because the rate at which woody debris enters the forest floor is unknown. Although Covington attempted to minimize variation due to mechanical disturbance during logging, a reasonable alternative explanation for low organic matter in the forest floor of young stands is that surface material is mixed into mineral soil during harvesting operations. The pattern of forest floor organic matter in stands of different ages may be partly due to changes over time in logging technology and the intensity of biomass removal, in addition to successional effects. It is important to distinguish between mechanisms that release carbon to the atmosphere and those that transfer it to the mineral soil before making inferences about nutrient cycling and carbon sequestration.
Global Biogeochemical Cycles | 1999
Daryl L. Moorhead; William S. Currie; Edward B. Rastetter; William J. Parton; Mark E. Harmon
Four mathematical models simulated decay of two litter types of contrasting quality over a 2-year period at four sites in North America. The litter types were Drypetes glauca and Triticum aestivum, representing litter with high and low nitrogen:lignin ratios, respectively. The field sites were an Arctic tussock tundra (Alaska, United States), a warm desert (New Mexico, United States), a temperate deciduous forest (New York, United States) and a tropical rain forest (Puerto Rico). Models captured the overall patterns of site and litter quality controls on decomposition; both simulated and observed mass losses were higher in warm, moist environments (both forests) than in cold (tundra) or dry sites (desert), and simulated and observed decay was more rapid for Drypetes than Triticum. However, predictions tended to underestimate litter mass loss in the tropical forest and overestimate decay in the desert and tundra, suggesting that site controls in model formulations require refinement for use under such a broad range of conditions. Also, predicted nitrogen content of litter residues was lower than observed in Drypetes litter and higher than observed for Triticum. Thus mechanisms describing loss of nitrogen from high-quality litter and nitrogen immobilization by low-quality litter were not captured by model structure. Individual model behaviors revealed different sensitivities to controlling factors that were related to differences in model formulation. As these models represent working hypotheses regarding the process of litter decay, results emphasize the need for greater resolution of climate and litter quality controls. Results also demonstrate the need for finer resolution of the relationships between carbon and nitrogen dynamics during decomposition.
Ecology | 2012
Pamela H. Templer; Michelle C. Mack; F.S. Chapin; Lynn M. Christenson; Jana E. Compton; H. D. Crook; William S. Currie; C. J. Curtis; D. B. Dail; Carla M. D'Antonio; Bridget A. Emmett; Howard E. Epstein; Christine L. Goodale; Per Gundersen; Sarah E. Hobbie; K. Holland; David U. Hooper; Bruce A. Hungate; S. Lamontagne; Knute J. Nadelhoffer; Craig W. Osenberg; Steven S. Perakis; Patrick Schleppi; Josh Schimel; Inger Kappel Schmidt; Martin Sommerkorn; J. Spoelstra; A. Tietema; Wim W. Wessel; Donald R. Zak
Effects of anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition and the ability of terrestrial ecosystems to store carbon (C) depend in part on the amount of N retained in the system and its partitioning among plant and soil pools. We conducted a meta-analysis of studies at 48 sites across four continents that used enriched 15N isotope tracers in order to synthesize information about total ecosystem N retention (i.e., total ecosystem 15N recovery in plant and soil pools) across natural systems and N partitioning among ecosystem pools. The greatest recoveries of ecosystem 15N tracer occurred in shrublands (mean, 89.5%) and wetlands (84.8%) followed by forests (74.9%) and grasslands (51.8%). In the short term (< 1 week after 15N tracer application), total ecosystem 15N recovery was negatively correlated with fine-root and soil 15N natural abundance, and organic soil C and N concentration but was positively correlated with mean annual temperature and mineral soil C:N. In the longer term (3-18 months after 15N tracer application), total ecosystem 15N retention was negatively correlated with foliar natural-abundance 15N but was positively correlated with mineral soil C and N concentration and C:N, showing that plant and soil natural-abundance 15N and soil C:N are good indicators of total ecosystem N retention. Foliar N concentration was not significantly related to ecosystem 15N tracer recovery, suggesting that plant N status is not a good predictor of total ecosystem N retention. Because the largest ecosystem sinks for 15N tracer were below ground in forests, shrublands, and grasslands, we conclude that growth enhancement and potential for increased C storage in aboveground biomass from atmospheric N deposition is likely to be modest in these ecosystems. Total ecosystem 15N recovery decreased with N fertilization, with an apparent threshold fertilization rate of 46 kg N x ha(-1) x yr(-1) above which most ecosystems showed net losses of applied 15N tracer in response to N fertilizer addition.
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment | 2004
Carol A. Johnston; Peter M. Groffman; David D. Breshears; Zoe G. Cardon; William S. Currie; William R. Emanuel; Julia B. Gaudinski; Robert B. Jackson; Kate Lajtha; Knute J. Nadelhoffer; David Nelson; W. Mac Post; Greg J. Retallack; Lucian Wielopolski
As yet, nobody knows what effects climate change will have on soil carbon reserves, or how those changes will affect the global carbon cycle. Soils are the primary terrestrial repository for carbon, so minor changes in the balance between belowground carbon storage and release could have major impacts on greenhouse gases. Soil fauna, roots, fungi, and microbes interact with mineral and organic matter to process soil carbon. Studies have been hampered by the difficulty of observing processes beneath the earths surface, but advances in science and technology are improving our ability to understand belowground ecosystems.
Ecosystems | 2002
William S. Currie; Knute J. Nadelhoffer
Few data sets have characterized carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) pools in woody debris at sites where other aspects of C and N cycling are studied and histories of land use and disturbance are well documented. We quantified pools of mass, C, and N in fine and coarse woody debris (CWD) in two contrasting stands: a 73-year-old red pine plantation on abandoned agricultural land and a naturally regenerated deciduous forest that has experienced several disturbances in the past 150 years. Masses of downed woody debris amounted to 40.0 Mg ha−1 in the coniferous stand and 26.9 Mg ha−1 in the deciduous forest (20.4 and 13.8 Mg C ha−1, respectively). Concentrations of N were higher and C:N ratios were lower in the deciduous forest compared to the coniferous. Pools of N amounted to 146 kg N ha−1 in the coniferous stand and 155 kg N ha−1 in the deciduous forest; both are larger than previously published pools of N in woody debris of temperate forests. Woody detritus buried in O horizons was minimal in these forests, contrary to previous findings in forests of New England. Differences in the patterns of mass, C, and N in size and decay classes of woody debris were related to stand histories. In the naturally regenerated deciduous forest, detritus was distributed across all size categories, and most CWD mass and N was present in the most advanced decay stages. In the coniferous plantation, nearly all of the CWD mass was present in the smallest size class (less than 25 cm diameter), and a recognizable cohort of decayed stems was evident from the stem-exclusion phase of this even-aged stand. These results indicate that heterogeneities in site histories should be explicitly included when biogeochemical process models are used to scale C and N stocks in woody debris to landscapes and regions.
Ecosystems | 1999
William S. Currie; Knute J. Nadelhoffer
ABSTRACT We compared simulated time series of nitrogen-15 (15N) redistribution following a large-scale labeling experiment against field recoveries of 15NH4+ and 15NO3− in vegetation tissues. We sought to gain insight into the altered modes of N cycling under long-term, experimentally elevated N inputs. The study took place in two contrasting forests: a red pine stand and a mixed deciduous stand (predominantly oak) at the Harvard Forest, Massachusetts, USA. We used TRACE, a dynamic simulation model of ecosystem biogeochemistry that includes 15N/14N ratios in N pools and fluxes. We simulated input–output and internal fluxes of N, tracing the labeled cohorts of N inputs through ecosystem pools for one decade. TRACE simulated the peaks and timing of 15N recovery in foliage well, providing a key link between modeling and field studies. Recovery of tracers in fine roots was captured less well. The model was structured to provide rapid, initial sinks for 15NO3− and 15NH4+ in both forests, as indicated by field data. In simulations, N in litter turned over rapidly, even as humus provided a long-term sink for rapidly cycling N. This sink was greater in the oak forest. Plant uptake fluxes of N in these fertilized plots were on the same order of magnitude as net assimilation fluxes in forest-floor humus. A striking result was the small rate of incorporation of N in humus resulting from the transfer of litter material to humus, compared with large fluxes of N into humus and its associated microorganisms through direct transfers from pools of inorganic N in soils.
Ecosystems | 2012
Kyle A. Whittinghill; William S. Currie; Donald R. Zak; Andrew J. Burton; Kurt S. Pregitzer
Recent meta-analyses of experimental studies simulating increased anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition in forests reveal greater soil carbon (C) storage under elevated levels of atmospheric N deposition. However, these effects have not yet been included in ecosystem-scale models of soil C and N cycling and it is unclear whether increased soil C storage results from slower decomposition rates or a reduced extent of decomposition (for example, an increase in the amount of litter entering slowly decaying humus pools). To test these alternatives, we conducted a meta-analysis of litter decomposition data. We then used the results from our meta-analysis to model C and N cycling in four sugar maple forests in Michigan using an ecosystem process model (TRACE). We compared model results testing our alternative hypotheses to field data on soil C storage from a 17-year N deposition experiment. Using data from published litter decomposition studies in forests, we determined that, on average, exogenous N inputs decreased lignin decomposition rates by 30% and increased cellulose decomposition by 9%. In the same set of litter decomposition studies increased exogenous N availability increased the amount of litter entering slowly decaying humus pools in a manner significantly related to the lignocellulose index of decaying litter. Incorporating changes to decomposition rates in TRACE did not accurately reproduce greater soil C storage observed in our field study with experimentally elevated N deposition. However, when changes in the extent of decomposition were incorporated in TRACE, the model produced increased soil C storage by increasing the amount of litter entering the humus pool and accurately represented C storage in plant and soil pools under experimental N deposition. Our modeling results and meta-analysis indicate that the extent of litter decay as humus is formed, rather than slower rates of litter decay, is likely responsible for the accumulation of organic matter, and hence soil C storage, under experimental N deposition. This effect should be incorporated in regional to global-scale models simulating the C balance of forest ecosystems in regions receiving elevated N deposition.
Environmental Modelling and Software | 2013
Derek T. Robinson; Shipeng Sun; Meghan Hutchins; Rick L. Riolo; Daniel G. Brown; Dawn C. Parker; Tatiana Filatova; William S. Currie; Sarah Kiger
This paper presents the conceptual design and application of a new land-change modelling framework that represents geographical, sociological, economic, and ecological aspects of a land system. The framework provides an overarching design that can be extended into specific model implementations to evaluate how policy, land-management preferences, and land-market dynamics affect (and are affected by) land-use and land-cover change patterns and subsequent carbon storage and flux. To demonstrate the framework, we implement a simple integration of a new agent-based model of exurban residential development and land-management decisions with the ecosystem process model BIOME-BGC. Using a stylized scenario, we evaluate the influence of different exurban residential-land-management strategies on carbon storage at the parcel level over a 48-year period from 1958 to 2005, simulating stocks of carbon in soil, litter, vegetation, and net primary productivity. Results show 1) residential parcels with management practices that only provided additions in the form of fertilizer and irrigation to turfgrass stored slightly more carbon than parcels that did not include management practices, 2) conducting no land-management strategy stored more carbon than implementing a strategy that included removals in the form of removing coarse woody debris from dense tree cover and litter from turfgrass, and 3) the removal practices modelled had a larger impact on total parcel carbon storage than our modelled additions. The degree of variation within the evaluated land-management practices was approximately 42,104?kg?C storage on a 1.62?ha plot after 48 years, demonstrating the substantial effect that residential land-management practices can have on carbon storage. Highlights? The new framework integrates agent-based and ecosystem models to link management and the C cycle. ? Fertilization and irrigation of residential turfgrass stored more carbon than no management. ? No management stored more carbon than managements removing woody debris and grass clippings. ? Removal practices had a larger impact on total parcel carbon storage than modeled additions. ? Residential land-management practices can have a substantial effect on carbon storage.