
The Journal of Infectious Diseases | 2005

Predictors of HIV Drug-Resistance Mutations in a Large Antiretroviral-Naive Cohort Initiating Triple Antiretroviral Therapy

P. Richard Harrigan; Robert S. Hogg; Winnie Dong; Benita Yip; Brian Wynhoven; Justin Woodward; Chanson J. Brumme; Zabrina L. Brumme; Theresa Mo; Chris Alexander; Julio S. G. Montaner

OBJECTIVE The objective of this study was to systematically characterize the incidence and determinants of antiretroviral resistance in the HOMER (Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy [HAART] Observational Medical Evaluation and Research) cohort of 1191 human immunodeficiency virus-infected, antiretroviral-naive adults initiating HAART in British Columbia, Canada. METHODS All plasma samples with plasma virus loads (pVLs) >1000 copies/mL collected during the first 30 months of follow-up were genotyped for drug resistance. The primary outcome measure was time to the first detection of major drug-resistance mutation(s). Cox proportional hazard regression was used to identify factors significantly associated with the detection of drug-resistance mutations. RESULTS Drug-resistance mutations were detected in 298 subjects (25%). Factors significantly associated with detection of drug-resistance mutations included high baseline pVL (multivariate hazard ratio [HR], 1.59; P<.001) and adherence (estimated using prescription-refill data and/or untimed plasma drug-concentration measurements). When compared with subjects with low (0%-<20%) prescription-refill percentages, subjects at an elevated risk of harboring drug-resistance mutations were those with relatively high but imperfect prescription-refill percentages (80%-<90%; multivariate HR, 4.15; P<.001) and those with essentially perfect (>/=95%) refill percentages but with 2 plasma drug concentrations below the steady-state trough concentration minus 1 standard deviation (multivariate HR, 4.57; P<.001). Initial use of nonnucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitor-based HAART was significantly associated with multiclass drug resistance (multivariate HR, 1.84; P=.001). CONCLUSION High baseline pVLs and substantial but imperfect levels of adherence were major predictors of antiretroviral resistance.

PLOS Medicine | 2006

Emergence of Drug Resistance Is Associated with an Increased Risk of Death among Patients First Starting HAART

Robert S. Hogg; David R. Bangsberg; Viviane D. Lima; Chris Alexander; Simon Bonner; Benita Yip; Evan Wood; Winnie Dong; Julio S. G. Montaner; P. Richard Harrigan

Background The impact of the emergence of drug-resistance mutations on mortality is not well characterized in antiretroviral-naïve patients first starting highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Patients may be able to sustain immunologic function with resistant virus, and there is limited evidence that reduced sensitivity to antiretrovirals leads to rapid disease progression or death. We undertook the present analysis to characterize the determinants of mortality in a prospective cohort study with a median of nearly 5 y of follow-up. The objective of this study was to determine the impact of the emergence of drug-resistance mutations on survival among persons initiating HAART. Methods and Findings Participants were antiretroviral therapy naïve at entry and initiated triple combination antiretroviral therapy between August 1, 1996, and September 30, 1999. Marginal structural modeling was used to address potential confounding between time-dependent variables in the Cox proportional hazard regression models. In this analysis resistance to any class of drug was considered as a binary time-dependent exposure to the risk of death, controlling for the effect of other time-dependent confounders. We also considered each separate class of mutation as a binary time-dependent exposure, while controlling for the presence/absence of other mutations. A total of 207 deaths were identified among 1,138 participants over the follow-up period, with an all cause mortality rate of 18.2%. Among the 679 patients with HIV-drug-resistance genotyping done before initiating HAART, HIV-drug resistance to any class was observed in 53 (7.8%) of the patients. During follow-up, HIV-drug resistance to any class was observed in 302 (26.5%) participants. Emergence of any resistance was associated with mortality (hazard ratio: 1.75 [95% confidence interval: 1.27, 2.43]). When we considered each class of resistance separately, persons who exhibited resistance to non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors had the highest risk: mortality rates were 3.02 times higher (95% confidence interval: 1.99, 4.57) for these patients than for those who did not exhibit this type of resistance. Conclusions We demonstrated that emergence of resistance to non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors was associated with a greater risk of subsequent death than was emergence of protease inhibitor resistance. Future research is needed to identify the particular subpopulations of men and women at greatest risk and to elucidate the impact of resistance over a longer follow-up period.

AIDS | 2007

Current V3 genotyping algorithms are inadequate for predicting X4 co-receptor usage in clinical isolates

Andrew J. Low; Winnie Dong; Dennison Chan; Tobias Sing; Ronald Swanstrom; Mark A. Jensen; Satish K. Pillai; Benjamin M. Good; P. Richard Harrigan

Objective:Integrating CCR5 antagonists into clinical practice would benefit from accurate assays of co-receptor usage (CCR5 versus CXCR4) with fast turnaround and low cost. Design:Published HIV V3-loop based predictors of co-receptor usage were compared with actual phenotypic tropism results in a large cohort of antiretroviral naive individuals to determine accuracy on clinical samples and identify areas for improvement. Methods:Aligned HIV envelope V3 loop sequences (n = 977), derived by bulk sequencing were analyzed by six methods: the 11/25 rule; a neural network (NN), two support vector machines, and two subtype-B position specific scoring matrices (PSSM). Co-receptor phenotype results (Trofile Co-receptor Phenotype Assay; Monogram Biosciences) were stratified by CXCR4 relative light unit (RLU) readout and CD4 cell count. Results:Co-receptor phenotype was available for 920 clinical samples with V3 genotypes having fewer than seven amino acid mixtures (n = 769 R5; n = 151 X4-capable). Sensitivity and specificity for predicting X4 capacity were evaluated for the 11/25 rule (30% sensitivity/93% specificity), NN (44%/88%), PSSM(sinsi) (34%/96%), PSSM(x4r5) (24%/97%), SVMgenomiac (22%/90%) and SVMgeno2pheno (50%/89%). Quantitative increases in sensitivity could be obtained by optimizing the cut-off for methods with continuous output (PSSM methods), and/or integrating clinical data (CD4%). Sensitivity was directly proportional to strength of X4 signal in the phenotype assay (P < 0.05). Conclusions:Current default implementations of co-receptor prediction algorithms are inadequate for predicting HIV X4 co-receptor usage in clinical samples, particularly those X4 phenotypes with low CXCR4 RLU signals. Significant improvements can be made to genotypic predictors, including training on clinical samples, using additional data to improve predictions and optimizing cutoffs and increasing genotype sensitivity.

The Journal of Infectious Diseases | 2011

Deep sequencing to infer HIV-1 co-receptor usage: application to three clinical trials of maraviroc in treatment-experienced patients.

Luke C. Swenson; Theresa Mo; Winnie Dong; Xiaoyin Zhong; Conan K. Woods; Mark A. Jensen; Alexander Thielen; Douglass Chapman; Marilyn Lewis; Ian James; Jayvant Heera; Hernan Valdez; P. Richard Harrigan

BACKGROUND The Maraviroc versus Optimized Therapy in Viremic Antiretroviral Treatment-Experienced Patients (MOTIVATE) studies compared maraviroc versus placebo in treatment-experienced patients with CCR5-using (R5) human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), screened using the original Trofile assay. A subset with non-R5 HIV infection entered the A4001029 trial. We retrospectively examined the performance of a genotypic tropism assay based on deep sequencing of the HIV env V3 loop in predicting virologic response to maraviroc in these trials. METHODS V3 amplicons were prepared from 1827 screening plasma samples and sequenced on a Roche/454 GS-FLX to a depth of >3000 sequences/sample. Samples were considered non-R5 if ≥2% of their viral population scored greater than or equal to -4.75 or ≤3.5 using the PSSM(x4/R5) or geno2pheno algorithms, respectively. RESULTS Deep sequencing identified more than twice as many maraviroc recipients as having non-R5 HIV, compared with the original Trofile. With use of genotyping, we determined that 49% of maraviroc recipients with R5 HIV at screening had a week 48 viral load <50 copies/mL versus 26% of recipients with non-R5. Corresponding percentages were 46% and 23% with screening by Trofile. In cases in which screening assays differed, median week 8 log₁₀ copies/mL viral load decrease favored 454. Other parameters predicted by genotyping included likelihood of changing to non-R5 tropism. CONCLUSIONS This large study establishes deep V3 sequencing as a promising tool for identifying treatment-experienced individuals who could benefit from CCR5-antagonist-containing regimens.

AIDS | 2010

Population-based V3 genotypic tropism assay: a retrospective analysis using screening samples from the A4001029 and MOTIVATE studies.

Rachel A. McGovern; Alexander Thielen; Theresa Mo; Winnie Dong; Conan K. Woods; Douglass Chapman; Marilyn Lewis; I. James; Jayvant Heera; Hernan Valdez; P. Richard Harrigan

Background:The MOTIVATE-1 and 2 studies compared maraviroc (MVC) along with optimized background therapy (OBT) vs. placebo along with OBT in treatment-experienced patients screened as having R5-HIV (original Monogram Trofile). A subset screened with non-R5 HIV were treated with MVC or placebo along with OBT in a sister safety trial, A4001029. This analysis retrospectively examined the performance of population-based sequence analysis of HIV-1 env V3-loop to predict coreceptor tropism. Methods:Triplicate V3-loop sequences were generated using stored screening plasma samples and data was processed using custom software (‘ReCall’), blinded to clinical response. Tropism was inferred using geno2pheno (‘g2p’; 5% false positive rate). Primary outcomes were viral load changes after starting maraviroc; and concordance with prior screening Trofile results. Results:Genotype and Trofile results were available for 1164 individuals with virological outcome data (N = 169 non-R5 by Trofile). Compared with Trofile, V3 genotyping had a specificity of 92.6% and a sensitivity of 67.4% for detecting non-R5 virus. However, when compared with clinical outcome, virological responses were consistently similar between Trofile and V3 genotype at weeks 8 and 24 following the initiation of therapy for patients categorized as R5. Conclusion:Despite differences in sensitivity for predicting non-R5 HIV, week 8 and 24 week virological responses were similar in this treatment-experienced population. These findings suggest the potential utility of V3 genotyping as an accessible assay to select patients who may benefit from maraviroc treatment. Optimization of the predictive tropism algorithm may lead to further improvement in the clinical utility of HIV genotypic tropism assays.

Journal of Clinical Microbiology | 2007

Determining Human Immunodeficiency Virus Coreceptor Use in a Clinical Setting: Degree of Correlation between Two Phenotypic Assays and a Bioinformatic Model

Katharina Skrabal; Andrew J. Low; Winnie Dong; Tobias Sing; Peter K. Cheung; Fabrizio Mammano; P. Richard Harrigan

ABSTRACT Two recombinant phenotypic assays for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) coreceptor usage and an HIV envelope genotypic predictor were employed on a set of clinically derived HIV type 1 (HIV-1) samples in order to evaluate the concordance between measures. Previously genotyped HIV-1 samples derived from antiretroviral-naïve individuals were tested for coreceptor usage using two independent phenotyping methods. Phenotypes were determined by validated recombinant assays that incorporate either an ∼2,500-bp (“Trofile” assay) or an ∼900-bp (TRT assay) fragment of the HIV envelope gp120. Population-based HIV envelope V3 loop sequences (∼105 bp) were derived by automated sequence analysis. Genotypic coreceptor predictions were performed using a support vector machine model trained on a separate genotype-Trofile phenotype data set. HIV coreceptor usage was obtained from both phenotypic assays for 74 samples, with an overall 85.1% concordance. There was no evidence of a difference in sensitivity between the two phenotypic assays. A bioinformatic algorithm based on a support vector machine using HIV V3 genotype data was able to achieve 86.5% and 79.7% concordance with the Trofile and TRT assays, respectively, approaching the degree of agreement between the two phenotype assays. In most cases, the phenotype assays and the bioinformatic approach gave similar results. However, in cases where there were differences in the tropism results, it was not clear which of the assays was “correct.” X4 (CXCR4-using) minority species in clinically derived samples likely complicate the interpretation of both phenotypic and genotypic assessments of HIV tropism.

AIDS | 2004

Clinical and immunological impact of HIV envelope V3 sequence variation after starting initial triple antiretroviral therapy

Zabrina L. Brumme; Winnie Dong; Benita Yip; Brian Wynhoven; Noah G. Hoffman; Ronald Swanstrom; Mark A. Jensen; James I. Mullins; Robert S. Hogg; Julio S. G. Montaner; P. Richard Harrigan

Background: The HIV-1 envelope third variable loop (V3 loop) is an important determinant of viral phenotype and co-receptor usage. We wished to determine the impact of specific V3 genotypes associated with viral phenotype and co-receptor usage on response to initial triple antiretroviral therapy. Methods: Pre-therapy plasma samples from the HOMER cohort of 1191 antiretroviral-naive, HIV-infected adults who initiated triple therapy in British Columbia, Canada between August 1996 and September 1999 were genotyped for V3 loop sequence. V3 sequences were dichotomized by the presence or absence of positively charged residues at codons 11 and/or 25 (an ‘11/25’ genotype). Neural network (NN) and Position Specific Scoring Matrix (PSSM) approaches were used as alternative V3 sequence interpretation methods. The association of V3 genotypes with clinical endpoints was assessed over a median of 43 months of follow up. Results: One-hundred and eighteen (10.9%) of the 1085 isolates successfully genotyped for V3 displayed the 11/25 genotype. In multivariate analyses, this genotype was associated with a more rapid CD4 decline [risk ratio, (RR), 1.38; P = 0.012] and earlier mortality (RR, 1.70; P = 0.027), despite comparable viral load suppression below 500 HIV RNA copies/ml. We observed no influence of the 11/25 genotype on time to viral rebound or the development of drug resistance. PSSM-based sequence categories were similarly predictive of outcomes. NN sequence categories were not associated with any endpoints. Conclusion: The 11/25 genotype of the HIV V3 loop is an independent predictor of poor immunological response and more rapid mortality even after starting triple antiretroviral therapy. These results may prove to be useful for the clinical management of HIV-infected individuals.

Clinical Infectious Diseases | 2011

Deep V3 Sequencing for HIV Type 1 Tropism in Treatment-Naive Patients: A Reanalysis of the MERIT Trial of Maraviroc

Luke C. Swenson; Theresa Mo; Winnie Dong; Xiaoyin Zhong; Conan K. Woods; Alexander Thielen; Mark A. Jensen; David J.H.F. Knapp; Douglass Chapman; Simon Portsmouth; Marilyn Lewis; Ian James; Jayvant Heera; Hernan Valdez; P. Richard Harrigan

BACKGROUND Deep sequencing is a highly sensitive technique that can detect and quantify the proportion of non-R5 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) variants, including small minorities, that may emerge and cause virologic failure in patients who receive maraviroc-containing regimens. We retrospectively tested the ability of deep sequencing to predict response to a maraviroc-containing regimen in the Maraviroc versus Efavirenz in Treatment-Naive Patients (MERIT) trial. Results were compared with those obtained using the Enhanced Sensitivity Trofile Assay (ESTA), which is widely used in clinical practice. METHODS Screening plasma samples from treatment-naive patients who received maraviroc and efavirenz in the MERIT trial were assessed. Samples were extracted, and the V3 region of HIV type 1 glycoprotein 120 was amplified in triplicate and combined in equal quantities before sequencing on a Roche/454 Genome Sequencer-FLX (n = 859). Tropism was inferred from third variable (V3) sequences, with samples classified as non-R5 if ≥2% of the viral population scored ≤3.5 using geno2pheno. RESULTS Deep sequencing distinguished between responders and nonresponders to maraviroc. Among patients identified as having R5-HIV by deep sequencing, 67% of maraviroc recipients and 69% of efavirenz recipients had a plasma viral load <50 copies/mL at week 48, similar to the ESTA results: 68% and 68%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS Reanalysis of the MERIT trial using deep V3 loop sequencing indicates that, had patients originally been screened using this method, the maraviroc arm would have likely been found to be noninferior to the efavirenz arm.

Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes | 2010

Improved detection of CXCR4-using HIV by V3 genotyping: application of population-based and "deep" sequencing to plasma RNA and proviral DNA.

Luke C. Swenson; Andrew Moores; Andrew J. Low; Alexander Thielen; Winnie Dong; Conan K. Woods; Mark A. Jensen; Brian Wynhoven; Dennison Chan; Christopher Glascock; P. Richard Harrigan

Background:Tropism testing should rule out CXCR4-using HIV before treatment with CCR5 antagonists. Currently, the recombinant phenotypic Trofile assay (Monogram) is most widely utilized; however, genotypic tests may represent alternative methods. Methods:Independent triplicate amplifications of the HIV gp120 V3 region were made from either plasma HIV RNA or proviral DNA. These underwent standard, population-based sequencing with an ABI3730 (RNA n = 63; DNA n = 40), or “deep” sequencing with a Roche/454 Genome Sequencer-FLX (RNA n = 12; DNA n = 12). Position-specific scoring matrices (PSSMX4/R5) (−6.96 cutoff) and geno2pheno[coreceptor] (5% false-positive rate) inferred tropism from V3 sequence. These methods were then independently validated with a separate, blinded dataset (n = 278) of screening samples from the maraviroc MOTIVATE trials. Results:Standard sequencing of HIV RNA with PSSM yielded 69% sensitivity and 91% specificity, relative to Trofile. The validation dataset gave 75% sensitivity and 83% specificity. Proviral DNA plus PSSM gave 77% sensitivity and 71% specificity. “Deep” sequencing of HIV RNA detected >2% inferred-CXCR4-using virus in 8/8 samples called non-R5 by Trofile, and <2% in 4/4 samples called R5. Conclusions:Triplicate analyses of V3 standard sequence data detect greater proportions of CXCR4-using samples than previously achieved. Sequencing proviral DNA and “deep” V3 sequencing may also be useful tools for assessing tropism.

AIDS | 1999

Prevalence of primary HIV drug resistance among seroconverters during an explosive outbreak of HIV infection among injecting drug users.

Chris Alexander; Winnie Dong; Martin T. Schechter; M. V. O'shaughnessy; Steffanie A. Strathdee; Theresa Mo; J. S. G. Montaner; Harrigan Pr

OBJECTIVES This study examined the frequency of transmission of drug resistant HIV in the population of injecting drug users (IDU) in Vancouver, Canada during a period of particularly high virus transmission. DESIGN All subjects enrolled in the Vancouver Injection Drug Users Study who seroconverted from HIV negative to positive status (n = 61) between December 1996 and February 1998 were eligible for analysis. The first seropositive sample from 57 individuals with plasma samples available was analyzed for resistance to antiretroviral agents by population based sequencing of the HIV protease and reverse transcriptase genes. METHODS Plasma viral RNA was extracted and the viral reverse transcriptase and protease regions were amplified by nested reverse transcription-PCR. The presence of mutations associated with antiretroviral drug resistance was assessed by automated sequence analysis. RESULTS Protease and reverse transcriptase sequences were successfully obtained from the 57 recent seroconverters. No cases of transmission of variants associated with significant resistance to protease inhibitors or nucleoside and non-nucleosides reverse transcriptase inhibitors were detected. CONCLUSION The frequency of transmission of drug resistant HIV amongst these recently infected IDU is extremely low, with no protease or reverse transcriptase inhibitor resistant strains detected soon after seroconversion. The data provide no rationale for withholding treatment from this already marginalized population.

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