Wojciech Kapelański
University of Science and Technology, Sana'a
Annals of Animal Science | 2013
Wojciech Kapelański; Hanna Jankowiak; Maria Bocian; Salomea Grajewska; Jan Dybała; Anna Żmudzińska
Abstract The study involved an analysis of the developmental stage of reproductive organs collected at slaughter from 160 gilts (Polish Large White (PLW), n = 80; Polish Landrace (PL), n = 80) at 100 kg body weight. Due to a large variation in slaughter age (140-190 days), three groups of animals were set up: A (less than 160 days), B (160 to 180 days) and C (more than 180 days). PL gilts reached their slaughter weight earlier than PLW gilts (P≤0.05). Uterine weight increased with the age of animals but due to high variability and large deviations from the mean value, statistically significant differences were demonstrated only between gilt groups A and B for both breeds together (120.57 g vs. 148.83 g; P≤0.05). Larger differences related to the age of the gilts were found for cervical length between the groups compared (P≤0.01). The total length of the right and left uterine horns showed a significant increase with age in PLW gilts (P≤0.05). The ratio between uterine weight without ligament and the length of uterine horns (g/cm) was significantly higher in group B than in group A in gilts of both breeds together (P≤0.05), which might indicate thickening of the uterine walls. Uterine capacity was significantly higher in older animals yet due to a large variability of this trait, no significant differences between the groups were shown. The length and diameter of oviducts, the weight of each ovary, their sum and dimensions did not reveal any consistent changes associated with the age or breed of pigs. However, the size of the ovaries determined volumetrically and reported as the volume of ovaries in gilts of both breeds was significantly larger in group B compared with C (P≤0.01). No significant differences related to the studied traits were stated between PLW and PL prepubertal gilts. However, the effect of age on morphometric development of the reproductive system was more pronounced in PLW than in PL gilts. STRESZCZENIE W niniejszej pracy oceniano u 160 loszek (wbp n = 80; pbz n = 80) stan rozwoju narządów rodnych pobranych przy uboju przy masie ciała 100 kg. Ze względu na duże zróżnicowanie wieku przy uboju (140-190 dni) utworzono trzy grupy zwierząt: A (poniżej 160 dni), B (od 160 do 180 dni) i C (powyżej 180 dni). Nieco wcześniej osiągały masę ubojową loszki rasy pbz niż rasy wbp (P≤0.05). Masa macicy zwiększała się wraz z wiekiem zwierząt, jednak ze względu na dużą zmienność i dużą wartość odchylenia od średniej, statystycznie istotne różnice wykazano tylko między grupą loszek A i B obu ras łącznie (120.57g wobec 148.83 g; P≤0.05). Większe różnice związane z wiekiem loszek wykazano dla długości szyjki macicy między porównywanymi grupami (P≤0.01). Długość prawego i lewego rogu macicy podana łącznie wykazała istotny wzrost wraz z wiekiem zwierząt u loszek rasy wbp (P≤0.05). Proporcja masy macicy bez więzadła do długości rogów (g/cm) była istotnie większa w grupie B, niż w grupie A u loszek obu ras łącznie (P≤0.05), co może wskazywać na pogrubienie ścian macicy. Pojemność macicy była wyraźnie większa u zwierząt starszych, lecz ze względu na dużą zmienność tej cechy nie wykazano istotności różnic między grupami. Długość i średnica jajowodów, masa poszczególnych jajników, ich suma i wymiary nie wykazały systematycznych zmian związanych z wiekiem i rasą świń. Jednak wielkość jajników określona metodą wolumetryczną i podana jako objętość jajników u loszek obu ras była istotnie większa w grupie B w porównaniu z C (P≤0.01). Nie wykazano istotnych różnic związanych z rasą w morfometrycznej budowie układu rozrodczego niedojrzałych płciowo loszek wbp i pbz. Jednak wpływ wieku na badane cechy był bardziej wyraźny u loszek rasy wbp niż pbz.
Annals of Animal Science | 2016
Joanna Bogucka; Wojciech Kapelański
Abstract In 50 fattening pigs representing two Polish native breeds: 24 Złotnicka Spotted, 10 Puławska and 16 F1 ♀ (Polish Large White × Polish Landrace) × F1 ♂ (Duroc × Pietrain) crosses microstructure of muscle, carcass and meat quality were studied. Puławska pigs had the thickest backfat, but the loin eye area was smaller only in comparison to crossbreds. Compared to the Puławska breed, the meat of Złotnicka Spotted pigs was darker, which was associated with a greater percentage of type I fibres and a smaller percentage of type IIB fibres. Puławska pigs distinguished themselves from the other groups under study by the greatest density of fibres per mm2. Smaller diameter of type IIA and IIB fibres and higher total number of fibres were found in Puławska breed pigs compared to Złotnicka Spotted, despite the absence of differences in the loin eye area. Smaller thickness of the fibres favourably affects meat quality, and might be considered an indicator of a delicate structure of meat.
Annals of Animal Science | 2015
Péter Balogh; Wojciech Kapelański; Hanna Jankowiak; Lajos Nagy; Sándor Kovács; László Huzsvai; József Popp; János Posta; Angela Soltesz
Abstract The aim of this study was to compare the characteristics of the productive lifetime (PLT) of sows kept on two farms, from the aspect of reasons for culling. The study was based on data from animals from two breeding farms in Hungary, using the data of 3493 crossbred Dutch Large White and Dutch Landrace sows (DLW × DL) between their first farrowing until the time of culling (2006 and 2012). For six years, the annual culling rate for both farms averaged 45%. The most frequent reasons for removal on both farms were reproductive problems (40%, 51%), leg problems (29%, 23%) and mortality (19%, 15%). There was a significant difference between the distributions of reasons for culling on the two farms (χ2=41.7, P≤0.001). The distributions of reasons for culling differed in three periods of sow breeding (Farm A: χ2=264.7, P≤0.001; Farm B: χ2=511.1, P≤0.001). The percentage of main removal reasons decreased, whereas the frequency of culling due to age increased. Using survival analysis (Kaplan-Meier method and Cox proportional hazard model), significant differences were identified between the PLT of sows culled due to reproductive problems (P≤0.001), leg problems (P≤0.001) and old age (P≤0.001). Reproductive problems (HR: 1.34, P≤0.001) and leg problems (HR: 1.39, P≤0.001) were higher and culling due to old age (HR: 0.44, P≤0.001) was lower on Farm A compared to Farm B. There were no significant differences between the two farms in terms of mortality (HR: 0.99, P=0.923). Overall, the results can be useful for breeders of crossbred (DLW × DL) sow populations in more accurately defining their culling systems.
Annals of Animal Science | 2013
Agnieszka Korwin-Kossakowska; Dorota Goluch; Wojciech Kapelański; Maria Bocian; Grazyna Sender
Abstract The aim of the study was to find osteopontin gene (OPN) polymorphisms as potential mutations affecting the expression level of genes in the ovaries, uterus and oviduct of sows. The material consisted of 71 F1 sows (Polish Large White × Polish Landrace). In the first stage several polymorphisms in the promoter region, intron 6, exon 6 and 7 of the OPN gene were found. The parameters estimated were the frequency of alleles and genotypes, observed heterozygosity and gene diversity, PIC, and chi2 factors. Chi2 values allow for assessment of genetic equilibrium in the population. Thus, the loci OPNp3-4 and OPNe6-1 were in genetic disequilibrium while locus OPNe6-Knoll showed genetic equilibrium. Also real-time PCR analysis to determine the expression dynamics of the OPN gene in examined tissues was performed in relation to “housekeeping” genes. A comparison was made for relative expression in different tissues and different mutations. The highest expression pattern was observed in the oviduct. Based on the novel polymorphisms a significant correlation between the OPN genotype and OPN expression (mRNA) level in the ovary, oviduct, uterine body and uterine horn was observed. In the second stage, the levels of expression of the OPN gene in individual tissues, traits of reproductive performance and reproductive tract traits of sows were also compared. The expression levels in the uterine body and oviduct were related to the age of mating, cervical length, litter weight at birth, number of active nipples, age at slaughter and body weight at mating. Streszczenie Celem badań było znalezienie polimorfizmu genu osteopontyny (OPN) jako potencjalnego miejsca mutacji mającej związek z ekspresją tego genu na poziomie mRNA w jajnikach, macicy i jajowodzie. Materiał stanowiło 71 loch ras wbp × pbz. W pierwszym etapie badań opracowano kilka polimorfizmów w obrębie promotora, intronu 6 oraz eksonów 6 i 7 genu osteopontyny. Oszacowano frekwencję genotypów i alleli, heterozygotyczność oczekiwaną i spodziewaną,, współczynniki PIC oraz chi2. Stwierdzono, że w obrębie dwóch loci badana populacja nie znajdowała się w stanie równowagi genetycznej, natomiast w trzecim locus, tj. OPNe6-Knoll taka równowaga została zachowana. Wykonano również analizę real time PCR w celu określenia poziomu ekspresji w badanych tkankach w odniesieniu do genów ulegających stabilnej ekspresji w układzie rozrodczym. Dokonano porównania poziomu relatywnej ekspresji w różnych tkankach i w odniesieniu do różnych mutacji. Najwyższy poziom ekspresji odnotowano w jajowodzie. Bazując na nowo opracowanych mutacjach zaobserwowano wiele istotnych zależności pomiędzy genotypem OPN a poziomem ekspresji w jajniku, jajowodzie, rogach i trzonie macicy. W drugim etapie badań porównywano poziom ekspresji w poszczególnych częściach układu rozrodczego i poziom cech związanych z rozrodem i budową układu rozrodczego. Poziom ekspresji w jajowodzie miał związek z wiekiem krycia, liczbą aktywnych sutków, długością szyjki macicy, masą miotu przy urodzeniu, i masą ciała przy uboju. Natomiast poziom ekspresji w trzonie macicy miał związek z długością szyjki macicy, masą miotu przy urodzeniu i wiekiem uboju, a także wiekiem krycia i masą ciała przy kryciu.
Annals of Animal Science | 2018
Aleksandra Cebulska; Eva Václavková; Maria Bocian; Jan Dybała; Joanna Wiśniewska; Wojciech Kapelański
Abstract The aim of the study was to determine the quality and nutritional value of meat originating from pigs of Polish native pure breeds - the Puławska and Złotnicka Spotted as well as the commercial four-breed crossbreds F1 (Large White × Polish Landrace) × F1 (Duroc × Pietrain). Physicochemical properties of meat were evaluated, such as acidity, water holding capacity, tenderness, and color parameters. In addition, functional properties of meat were determined: nutritional value, mineral content and fatty acid profile. The dietetic indices of meat were also determined. The smallest acidity of muscle tissue was characteristic of the meat of the Puławska breed and the smallest meat drip loss was found in both native breeds (P≤0.01). This can confirm their greater technological suitability. The most tender was meat obtained from pigs of the Puławska breed (36.07 N/cm2). The darker color was characteristic of the pig meat of the Złotnicka Spotted breed (L* = 49.19) (P≤0.01). Meat of all three groups of the tested pigs had the quality characteristics related to normal meat. The highest content of protein was found in the Złotnicka Spotted meat (25.23%) at optimum fat content (2.25%). The high content of ash (1.63%) recorded in the Złotnicka Spotted meat meant higher content of macro and microelements, especially iron and zinc, as compared to meat of the four-breed crossbreds (P≤0.01). The highest amount of monounsaturated fatty acids (52.72%) was recorded in porcine meat of the Puławska breed, while content of polyunsaturated fatty acids was the highest in meat of the four-breed crossbreds (16.77% vs. 9.32% and 15.19%) (P≤0.01). No differences were found between the groups tested for atherogenic index. In terms of most physicochemical and functional characteristics, meat of native pig breeds was superior to the meat of commercial pigs from mass-production.
Annals of Animal Science | 2017
Pavel Nevrkla; Wojciech Kapelański; Eva Václavková; Zdeněk Hadaš; Aleksandra Cebulska; Pavel Horký
Abstract The aim of this study was to verify the hypothesis that carcass traits, quality and oxidative stability of meat, and fatty acids profile in intramuscular fat (IMF) of M. longissimus lumborum et thoracis (MLLT) and backfat (BF) are different between the observed genotypes of pigs. A total of 64 animals were included in the experiment, 32 pigs of native breed Prestice Black-Pied breed (PBP) and 32 pigs of hybrid combination Large White × Landrace sows × Duroc × Pietrain boars (LWLDP). PBP pigs showed higher values of IMF (P≤0.01) and BF, lower lean meat content and drip loss value (P≤0.001) than the LWLDP hybrid. The value of pH45,24 was higher (P≤0.05) in PBP pigs. The analysis of fatty acid profile in MLLT showed higher content of C8:0 (P≤0.01), C10:0 (P≤0.01), C15:0 (P≤0.01), C22:0 (P≤0.05), C18:1 n-9 (P≤0.01), C18:3 n-6 (P≤0.001), C20:3 n-3 (P≤0.05), C20:4 n-6 (P≤0.01), C22:4 n-6 (P≤0.05), C22:5 n-3 (P≤0.01) and C22:6 n-3 (P≤0.01) in LWLDP than in PBP pigs. The opposite trend was observed in C18:1 n-9 (P≤0.01) and C20:5 n-3 (P≤0.01). Higher content of MUFA as well as the MUFA/SFA ratio were found in PBP breed (P≤0.01). Higher levels of C10:0 (P≤0.01), C12:0 (P≤0.01), C14:0 (P≤0.001), C16:0 (P≤0.001), C14:1 n-5 (P≤0.01), C16:1 n-7 (P≤0.05), C18:1 n-7 (P≤0.001), C20:5 n-3 (P≤0.01) and C22:6 n-3 (P≤0.05) in BF were found in LWLDP pigs, however the content of C24:1 n-9 (P≤0.01), C18:2 n-6 (P≤0.05), C18: n-3 (P≤0.05), C20:4 n-6 (P≤0.01) and C22:5 n-3 (P≤0.01) was higher in PBP pigs. SFA content was higher (P≤0.001) in LWLDP hybrid, but PUFA (P≤0.01), n-6 PUFA (P≤0.05) and mainly n-3 PUFA (P≤0.01) were higher in PBP pigs. In BF, the MUFA/SFA (P≤0.05) and PUFA/SFA (P≤0.001) ratios were higher in PBP pigs; on the contrary the MUFA/PUFA (P≤0.05) ratio was higher in LWLDP pigs.
Nauka Przyroda Technologie | 2016
Maria Bocian; Wojciech Kapelański; Marta Adamowicz; Hanna Jankowiak; Aleksandra Cebulska; Agnieszka Gimińska; Anna Mońko
Background. More restrictive requirements concerning food production safety will bring about the process of withdrawing GM plants, including soya, from animal feed mixtures starting in 2017. At present, imported extracted soya meal is the base to make complete-portion mixtures used in pig feed. The soybean meal will have to be replaced by legumes produced in Poland. The aim of the research was a comparison of meat quality coming from pigs fed on complete-portion mixtures on the base of soya meal and complete-portion mixtures with an addition of pea and with an addition of lupine. Material and methods. Meat of 32 crossbred fatteners (plw × pl) was tested. Half of them were fed a soya-share diet (K) and the other (D) a 20–38.5% pea and lupine share diet. In the longissimus lumborum muscle the pH45 and pH48h values and basic chemical composition were determined, as well as technological properties of the meat. The colour of the meat was also analysed with Minolta CR 310 apparatus, as well as sensorially, while its marbling and firmness were tested only sensorially. Results. The assessed meat from both groups, i.e. control (K) and experimental (D), displayed good technological and sensorial properties and colour parameters. Moreover, the meat was tender with a beneficial protein and intramuscular fat content. Conclusion. No negative influence on obtaining good quality meat without any significant differentiation in its parameters was observed from substituting soybean meal for legume seeds in feed mixture.
Acta Veterinaria Hungarica | 2016
Hanna Jankowiak; Wojciech Kapelański; Maria Bocian; Angela Soltesz; Péter Balogh
This study evaluated the correlation of carcass meat content with the development of the reproductive system in sexually immature gilts of Polish Large White (PLW) and Polish Landrace (PL) breeds. The results, obtained from three groups (I, II, III) of gilts differing in lean meat percentage, indicate an effect on fattening and slaughtering traits as well as on the morphometric characteristics of the uterus. There were statistically significant differences in the values of fattening and slaughtering traits in the groups of gilts tested. Studies on the relationship between morphometric characteristics of the reproductive system and carcass meat content showed that there was a correlation between the weight of the uterus with and without the broad ligament and the meat content of the carcass. The weight of the uterus was higher (P ≤ 0.05) in gilts with lower meat content. The negative influence of high gilt meatiness on development of the reproductive system was more pronounced in PLW gilts.
Folia Biologica | 2012
Maria Bocian; Dorota Wojtysiak; Hanna Jankowiak; Aleksandra Cebulska; Wojciech Kapelański; Władysław Migdał
Animal Science Papers and Reports | 2004
Joanna Bogucka; Wojciech Kapelański