Wojciech Kolanowski
Warsaw University of Life Sciences
International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition | 1999
Wojciech Kolanowski; Franciszek Swiderski; Stanisław Berger
Polyunsaturated fatty acids of omega-3 series (omega-3 or n-3 PUFA), especially long chain EPA and DHA, exert strong positive influence on human health. Intake of these fatty acids is however usually too low: that brings many unfavourable health effects to the whole populations. Therefore the increased consumption of omega-3 fatty acids is recommended. A good way to raise the omega-3 PUFA content in the diet, without radical changes of eating habits, seems to be the enrichment of frequent and common consumed food products. The target of this study was to explore the possibility of selected food products enrichment with omega-3 PUFA, using fish oil preparations in liquid (30% EPA and DHA) and powder-micro-encapsulated (10%) form, without significant taste deterioration of the enriched foods. These were designed as functional food, useful in prevention of many diseases. It was shown that food product palatability was affected very differently by enrichment. The highest inclusion level was obtained in the case of instant powder-milk-based formulae concentrates (up to 18% that provided 1.8% EPA, DHA), fats (up to 1.5% that provided 0.5% EPA, DHA), and products of high sweetness and flavours intensity, that mask unpleasant fishy taste and odour. Enriched salad oil retained good quality during 4 months of storage: also concentrates-during 6 months. Shelf-life prolongation of low pH, water-based products (fruit beverages), requires additional technological treatment to decrease oxidation. Enrichment at significant level (up than 0.1% that provides 0.03% EPA, DHA) of low-flavours intensity products (milk, vegetable juice), strongly decreases their palatability. As a final conclusion, authors suggest that frequent consumption of food products enriched at sensory acceptable levels may considerably increase EPA and DHA amount in the diet, improving its nutritional quality.
International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition | 2004
Wojciech Kolanowski; Günther Laufenberg; Benno Kunz
Fish oil is the richest dietary source of long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Stabilisation of omega-3 PUFA against oxidation is an important task in food processing. The ability of modified celluloses to act as microencapsulating agents for fish oil was investigated. Fish oil microcapsules were produced by spray-drying of homogenised emulsions containing modified celluloses and maltodextrin as coating materials. The quality of microcapsules was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy, determination of encapsulation efficiency, peroxide value during storage and solubility in water. Methylocellulose (MC) and hydroxypropyl methylocellulose (HPMC) showed good emulsifying properties. Homogenisation of emulsions resulted in creation of high amount of stable foam. More damage occurred in the powders coated with HPMC. The oil retention level was very high, 98.5% (i.e. up to 400.0 g/kg ready powder). Samples with fish oil content of approximately 500.0 g/kg exhibited more structural damage impairing the stabilisation effect. This study indicates that the use of modified cellulose, especially MC, as a coating material for the preparation of spray-dried fish oil microcapsules improves the stability and the concentration of fish oil in the powder.
International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition | 2001
Wojciech Kolanowski; Franciszek Swiderski; Ewa Lis; Stanisław Berger
Polyunsaturated fatty acids of the omega-3 series, especially very long chain--eicosapenta- and docosahexaenoic acid (EPA, DHA)--exert a strongly desirable influence on health. However, their intake with the western-style diet is usually too low which favours development of many diseases (CVD, cancers, allergies, etc.). Nowadays elevation of EPA and DHA intake is commonly recommended, but almost the only dietary source of them is seafoods, especially fish. A new way to increase the intake of long-chain omega-3 without radical changes of eating patterns is enrichment of regularly consumed foods with unhydrogenated fish oil. The aim of this study was to establish sensory and nutritionally acceptable enrichment level of low-calorie spreadable fats (soft margarine and mix of butter and vegetable oil) with EPA and DHA by addition of fish oil preparations (ROPUFA--30% EPA, DHA and MARITEX--10%), and evaluation of the stability of enriched spreads during storage (sensory and chemical). It was shown that tested spreadable fats might be enriched up to 1% EPA, DHA (i.e. 3% ROPUFA, 8% MARITEX), and that this had no significant influence on sensory acceptability. Both used fish oils which exerted similar influence on the quality of fats. An enriched mix of butter and vegetable oil and margarine may be stored up to 3 and 6 weeks respectively without significant decrease of quality. Peroxide value and acid numbers were not much affected by enrichment and storage. Daily portion (25-30 g/day) of spreadable fats enriched on the level established in the study may provide 0.2-0.3 g EPA, DHA, significantly increasing the amount of long-chain omega-3 in the diet above those eaten normally.Polyunsaturated fatty acids of the omega-3 series, especially very long chain – eicosapenta- and docosahexaenoic acid (EPA, DHA) – exert a strongly desirable influence on health. However, their intake with the western-style diet is usually too low which favours development of many diseases (CVD, cancers, allergies, etc.). Nowadays elevation of EPA and DHA intake is commonly recommended, but almost the only dietary source of them is seafoods, especially fish. A new way to increase the intake of long-chain omega-3 without radical changes of eating patterns is enrichment of regularly consumed foods with unhydrogenated fish oil. The aim of this study was to establish sensory and nutritionally acceptable enrichment level of low-calorie spreadable fats (soft margarine and mix of butter and vegetable oil) with EPA and DHA by addition of fish oil preparations (ROPUFA – 30% EPA, DHA and MARITEX – 10%), and evaluation of the stability of enriched spreads during storage (sensory and chemical). It was shown that tested spreadable fats might be enriched up to 1% EPA, DHA (i.e. 3% ROPUFA, 8% MARITEX), and that this had no significant influence on sensory acceptability. Both used fish oils which exerted similar influence on the quality of fats. An enriched mix of butter and vegetable oil and margarine may be stored up to 3 and 6 weeks respectively without significant decrease of quality. Peroxide value and acid numbers were not much affected by enrichment and storage. Daily portion (25–30 g/day) of spreadable fats enriched on the level established in the study may provide 0.2–0.3 g EPA, DHA, significantly increasing the amount of long-chain omega-3 in the diet above those eaten normally.
International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition | 2014
Joanna Trafialek; Wojciech Kolanowski
Abstract N-Nitroso compounds (NOCs), heterocyclic amines (HCAs), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PHAs) are examples of carcinogenic substances, which are formed during cooking and processing of meat. Many researches suggest that high consumption of meat is positively associated with increased risk of some cancers. The majority of the researches are of epidemiological nature and, therefore, provide only associations related to population exposure to diet-related carcinogenic substances. The individuals exposure risk may be estimated by using food frequency questionnaire and analytical methods. However, there is a lack of methods which enable estimation of the risk concerning particular meat meals. The purpose of this paper was to summarize and emphasize the importance of factors influencing the formation of carcinogenic substances in meat during cooking.
Nutrition Research | 2008
Wojciech Kolanowski
The aim of this study was to estimate the rate of sale and intake level of dietary supplements containing fish oil among inhabitants of Warsaw. The survey was carried out during 25 months in the years 2004 to 2006 in 3 selected drugstores localized in the central areas of Warsaw. The amount of fish oil, level of omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids declared on the label, price and rate of sale of particular supplements, as well as the reasons why customers purchased the supplements were collected and analyzed. The rate of sale of fish oil supplements was low; however, it showed a tendency for increase during the time of evaluation. Strong seasonal variability of supplements sale and therefore intake were observed. The highest levels for these parameters occurred from October to February and the lowest from May to July. The most often purchased supplements were fish liver oil capsules. The main reason for fish oil supplement purchases was medical recommendations. The health benefits of fish liver oil were known among customers of drugstores; however, the term omega-3 was almost unknown.
International Journal of Food Engineering | 2007
Wojciech Kolanowski; Danuta Jaworska; Jenny Weissbrodt
Each year the assortment of fish oil fortified foods increases. Fish oil is a rich source of long chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) which low intake results in less protection against many common diseases. According to recommendations the level of omega-3s in average diet should be increased. Consumption of foods fortified with fish oil may elevate omega-3 intake. Such fortification, among others, may influence the texture of food product because of liquid form of added fish oil. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of fortification with 30 g kg-1 of fish oil on selected texture properties of reduced-fat spread by sensory and instrumental assessment during 3 months of storage. Samples were prepared on industrial pilot plant. Hardness, spreadability, consistency and adhesiveness were measured by sensory and instrumental methods (Texture Analyser TX.TA2i). During storage time results of measurements of all evaluated attributes were comparable to controls. Slight increase in hardness and consistency was observed. It is concluded that fortification with 30 g kg-1 of fish oil used in the study has no significant effect on texture properties of evaluated spread. Combined instrumental and sensory methods may assure precise assessment of texture parameters in the quality control of spreadable fat production.
British Food Journal | 2016
Joanna Trafialek; Michal Zwolinski; Wojciech Kolanowski
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to assess hygiene practices during fish selling in retail stores. Design/methodology/approach – The data were collected by observations during inspections carried out in 100 randomly selected food retail stores, both independent and chain, selling fresh fish, fish products and other seafood. Stores were located in and around the area of Warsaw, Poland. The inspection check list consisted of 43 questions based on rigorist requirements of Commission Regulation (EC) 852, 853 and Codex Alimentarius. The question form was divided into three hygiene sectors: hygiene conditions of seafood departments; hygiene of fish selling process; personal hygiene of employees. Inspections were unannounced, and were conducted by discreet visual observations of employees work routine and selling procedures. Findings – The level of hygiene compliances with inspection criteria was unexpectedly low. The highest percentage of compliance appeared in the hygiene of fish selling processes (in 44 percent of the stores compliance with evaluated criteria was found), less one compliance levels appeared in personal hygiene (18 percent) and hygiene of seafood department’s hygiene conditions (23 percent). Neither the size of the store, nor its location and type (independent and local or global chain) affected the compliance rate. Research limitations/implications – The main research limitation is that assessment was done only by observation method. This is one of audit/inspection methods according to ISO 19011/2011, guidelines for auditing management systems. However, this kind of inspection cannot assess microbiological cleanliness or other like ATP or symptoms of diseases expect of only visible signs. The used inspection check list needs more testing and more analyses should be done for its reliability and validity. Practical implications – Adequate hygiene practices are critical in preventing cross-contamination. However, none of the inspected stores ensured full implementation of all hygiene requirements during the sale of fish. The results indicated that a greater effort should be made to increase hygiene level both in small and large size retail stores. The designed inspection questionnaire proved to be a successful format for detailed evaluation of hygiene practices during the sale of fish. However, more work and analyses should be done for its reliability and validity. Social implications – The findings bring some information for the consumers that in many retail stores the hygiene level during the fish sales might be insufficient. Originality/value – The paper presents additional and detailed data on hygiene practices during fish selling, which are rarely pointed out by other authors. The applied evaluation method showed a low level of compliance with the rigorous hygienic criteria, adopted in this study, that may raise some food safety concerns.
International Journal of Food Engineering | 2007
Wojciech Kolanowski; Danuta Jaworska; Günther Laufenberg
The aim of the study was to evaluate selected quality attributes of low-fat spread fortified with calcium complex isolated form cow milk. Calcium preparations added into foods may influence texture properties of product. In the study texture parameters of milk derived calcium complex enriched spreadable fat were measured using instrumental and sensory methods. Additionally overall sensory quality and chemical indicators i.e. peroxide value and acid value were estimated. All measurements were carried out during 3 months of storage. There was not significant influence of fortification on samples quality. Results of peroxide value measurements may suggest protective influence of added milk calcium complex against oxidation. The average daily portion of enriched spread (30 g) might provide at least 160 mg of best available calcium of milk origin, i.e. 15% of its recommended daily intake, which can significantly improve dietary calcium level.
International Journal of Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics | 2015
Wojciech Kolanowski; Joanna Trafialek
High consumption of meat was shown to be positively associated with increased risk of some types of cancer. Meat could be involved in carcinogenesis via carcinogenic substances related to cooking and processing, e.g. nitrate, heterocyclic amines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The evaluation of exposure to carcinogens from the diet is estimated using food frequency questionnaire and instrumental analysis. However, there is a lack of methods suitable to use by individual consumer enabling individual dietary hazards assessment. The purpose of this paper was to introduce the fast estimation method of dietary exposure risk to cooked meat-related carcinogenic substances, which could be easy to use by individual consumer. The method was based on special, formula which includes factors related to meat processing and cooking involved in carcinogens formation. It allows to calculate the hazard category and shows cooking procedures which lower the risk. The method may be helpful for every family to reduce intake of meat-related carcinogenic compounds, thus decreasing the risk of cancer.
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture | 2004
Wojciech Kolanowski; Franciszek Swiderski; Danuta Jaworska; Stanisław Berger
The original article to which this Correction refers was published in Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 84(15):2135–2141 (2004) DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.1770 (published online 3 August 2004)