Wolfgang Schwanghart
University of Potsdam
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Featured researches published by Wolfgang Schwanghart.
Ecological Informatics | 2014
Jan Beck; Marianne Böller; Andreas Erhardt; Wolfgang Schwanghart
Abstract Species distribution modeling, in combination with databases of specimen distribution records, is advocated as a solution to the problem of distributional data limitation in biogeography and ecology. The global biodiversity information facility (GBIF), a portal that collates digitized collection and survey data, is the largest online provider of distribution records. However, all distributional databases are spatially biassed due to uneven effort of sampling, data storage and mobilization. Such bias is particularly pronounced in GBIF, where nation-wide differences in funding and data sharing lead to huge differences in contribution to GBIF. We use a common Eurasian butterfly (Aglais urticae) as an exemplar taxon to provide evidence that range model quality is decreasing due to the spatial clustering of distributional records in GBIF. Furthermore, we show that such loss of model quality would go unnoticed with standard methods of model quality evaluation. Using evaluations of model predictions of the Swiss distribution of the species, we compare distribution models of full data with data where a subsampling procedure removes spatial bias at the cost of record numbers, but not of spatial extent of records. We show that data with less spatial bias produce better predictive models even though they are based on less input data. Our subsampling routine may therefore be a suitable method to reduce the impact of spatial bias to species distribution models. Our results warn of automatized applications of species distribution models to distributional databases (as has been advocated and implemented), as internal model evaluation did not show the decline of model quality with increased spatial bias (but rather the opposite) while expert evaluation clearly did.
Science | 2016
Wolfgang Schwanghart; Anne Bernhardt; Amelie Stolle; Philipp Hoelzmann; Basanta Raj Adhikari; Christoff Andermann; Stefanie Tofelde; Silke Merchel; Georg Rugel; Monique Fort; Oliver Korup
Nepals quake-driven landslide hazards Large earthquakes can trigger dangerous landslides across a wide geographic region. The 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorhka earthquake near Kathmandu, Nepal, was no exception. Kargal et al. used remote observations to compile a massive catalog of triggered debris flows. The satellite-based observations came from a rapid response team assisting the disaster relief effort. Schwanghart et al. show that Kathmandu escaped the historically catastrophic landslides associated with earthquakes in 1100, 1255, and 1344 C.E. near Nepals second largest city, Pokhara. These two studies underscore the importance of determining slope stability in mountainous, earthquake-prone regions. Science, this issue p. 10.1126/science.aac8353; see also p. 147 Sediment records are used to identify catastrophic debris flows from paleoquakes near Pokhara, Nepal. Geomorphic footprints of past large Himalayan earthquakes are elusive, although they are urgently needed for gauging and predicting recovery times of seismically perturbed mountain landscapes. We present evidence of catastrophic valley infill following at least three medieval earthquakes in the Nepal Himalaya. Radiocarbon dates from peat beds, plant macrofossils, and humic silts in fine-grained tributary sediments near Pokhara, Nepal’s second-largest city, match the timing of nearby M > 8 earthquakes in ~1100, 1255, and 1344 C.E. The upstream dip of tributary valley fills and x-ray fluorescence spectrometry of their provenance rule out local sources. Instead, geomorphic and sedimentary evidence is consistent with catastrophic fluvial aggradation and debris flows that had plugged several tributaries with tens of meters of calcareous sediment from a Higher Himalayan source >60 kilometers away.
Environmental Research Letters | 2016
Wolfgang Schwanghart; Raphael Worni; Christian Huggel; Markus Stoffel; Oliver Korup
Himalayan water resources attract a rapidly growing number of hydroelectric power projects (HPP) to satisfy Asias soaring energy demands. Yet HPP operating or planned in steep, glacier-fed mountain rivers face hazards of glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) that can damage hydropower infrastructure, alter water and sediment yields, and compromise livelihoods downstream. Detailed appraisals of such GLOF hazards are limited to case studies, however, and a more comprehensive, systematic analysis remains elusive. To this end we estimate the regional exposure of 257 Himalayan HPP to GLOFs, using a flood-wave propagation model fed by Monte Carlo-derived outburst volumes of >2300 glacial lakes. We interpret the spread of thus modeled peak discharges as a predictive uncertainty that arises mainly from outburst volumes and dam-breach rates that are difficult to assess before dams fail. With 66% of sampled HPP are on potential GLOF tracks, up to one third of these HPP could experience GLOF discharges well above local design floods, as hydropower development continues to seek higher sites closer to glacial lakes. We compute that this systematic push of HPP into headwaters effectively doubles the uncertainty about GLOF peak discharge in these locations. Peak discharges farther downstream, in contrast, are easier to predict because GLOF waves attenuate rapidly. Considering this systematic pattern of regional GLOF exposure might aid the site selection of future Himalayan HPP. Our method can augment, and help to regularly update, current hazard assessments, given that global warming is likely changing the number and size of Himalayan meltwater lakes.
Insect Conservation and Diversity | 2011
Jan Beck; Wolfgang Schwanghart; Chey Vun Khen; Jeremy D. Holloway
Abstract. 1. Comprehensive maps of regional biodiversity are so far lacking for tropical insects. However, such data would be relevant to guide implementations of conservation areas. Using geometrid moths of Borneo as a case study, we show how insect biodiversity data can be made available for regional conservation planning.
Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Supplementary Issues | 2008
Wolfgang Schwanghart; Brigitta Schütt
Sediment profile analysis and electrical resistivity tomography were applied in the Ugii Nuur basin, central Mongolia, in order to gain insight into the sedimentary architecture of valley fillings. It is shown that important constituents in the near surface ground are aeolian fines. Coarse grainsizes were predominantly deposited during the Late Pleistocene and the beginning of the Holocene indicating local dune activity and arid conditions. Since the Early to Mid Holocene a larger proportion of silt suggests an increase in mineral dust deposition. In combination with soil formation this points at dust trapping by a denser vegetation cover that reflects more humid conditions in the Ugii Nuur basin. Yet, 1D electrical resistivity tomography (VES) shows that Holocene deposits represent only a minor part of the thick valley fillings. Hence, it is assumed that there main extent has been established during the Pleistocene.
Remote Sensing | 2015
Radosław Malinowski; Geoff Groom; Wolfgang Schwanghart; Goswin Heckrath
Remote sensing technology serves as a powerful tool for analyzing geospatial characteristics of flood inundation events at various scales. However, the performance of remote sensing methods depends heavily on the flood characteristics and landscape settings. Difficulties might be encountered in mapping the extent of localized flooding with shallow water on riverine floodplain areas, where patches of herbaceous vegetation are interspersed with open water surfaces. To address the difficulties in mapping inundation on areas with complex water and vegetation compositions, a high spatial resolution dataset has to be used to reduce the problem of mixed pixels. The main objective of our study was to investigate the possibilities of using a single date WorldView-2 image of very high spatial resolution and supporting data to analyze spatial patterns of localized flooding on a riverine floodplain. We used a decision tree algorithm with various combinations of input variables including spectral bands of the WorldView-2 image, selected spectral indices dedicated to mapping water surfaces and vegetation, and topographic data. The overall accuracies of the twelve flood extent maps derived with the decision tree method and performed on both pixels and image objects ranged between 77% and 95%. The highest mapping overall accuracy was achieved with a method that utilized all available input data and the object-based image analysis. Our study demonstrates the possibility of using single date WorldView-2 data for analyzing flooding events at high spatial detail despite the absence of spectral bands from the short-waveform region that are frequently used in water related studies. Our study also highlights the importance of topographic data in inundation analyses. The greatest difficulties were met in mapping water surfaces under dense canopy herbaceous vegetation, due to limited water surface exposure and the dominance of vegetation reflectance.
Geology | 2015
Jan Henrik Blöthe; Oliver Korup; Wolfgang Schwanghart
Mass wasting is an important process for denuding hillslopes and lowering ridge crests in active mountain belts such as the Himalaya-Karakoram ranges (HKR). Such a high-relief landscape is likely to be at its mechanical threshold, maintained by competing rapid rock uplift, river incision, and pervasive slope failure. We introduce excess topography, Z E , for quantifying potentially unstable rock-mass volumes inclined at angles greater than a specified threshold angle. We find that Z E peaks along major fluvial and glacial inner gorges, which is also where the majority of 492 large (>0.1 km 2 ) rock-slope failures occur in the Himalaya9s largest cluster of documented Pleistocene to Holocene bedrock landslides. Our data reveal that bedrock landslides in the HKR chiefly detached from near or below the median elevation, whereas glaciers and rock glaciers occupy higher-elevation bands almost exclusively. Less than 10% of the area of the HKR is upslope of glaciers, such that possible censoring of evidence of large bedrock landslides above the permanent snow line barely affects this finding. Bedrock landslides appear to preferentially undermine topographic relief in response to fluvial and glacial incision along inner gorges, unless more frequent and smaller undetected failures, or rigorous (peri-)glacial erosion, compensate for this role at higher elevation. Either way, the distinct patterns of excess topography and large bedrock landsliding in the HKR juxtapose two stacked domains of landslide and (peri-)glacial erosion that may respond to different time scales of perturbation. Our findings call for more detailed analysis of vertical erosional domains and their geomorphic coupling in active mountain belts.
Environmental Modelling and Software | 2012
Wolfgang Schwanghart; Tobias Heckmann
The assessment of uncertainty is a major challenge in geomorphometry. Methods to quantify uncertainty in digital elevation models (DEM) are needed to assess and report derivatives such as drainage basins. While Monte-Carlo (MC) techniques have been developed and employed to assess the variability of second-order derivatives of DEMs, their application requires explicit error modeling and numerous simulations to reliably calculate error bounds. Here, we develop an analytical model to quantify and visualize uncertainty in drainage basin delineation in DEMs. The model is based on the assumption that multiple flow directions (MFD) represent a discrete probability distribution of non-diverging flow networks. The Shannon Index quantifies the uncertainty of each cell to drain into a specific drainage basin outlet. In addition, error bounds for drainage areas can be derived. An application of the model shows that it identifies areas in a DEM where drainage basin delineation is highly uncertain owing to flow dispersion on convex landforms such as alluvial fans. The model allows for a quantitative assessment of the magnitudes of expected drainage area variability and delivers constraints for observed volatile hydrological behavior in a palaeoenvironmental record of lake level change. Since the model cannot account for all uncertainties in drainage basin delineation we conclude that a joint application with MC techniques is promising for an efficient and comprehensive error assessment in the future.
Journal of Geography in Higher Education | 2015
Andrea Philips; Ariane Walz; Andreas Bergner; Thomas Graeff; Maik Heistermann; Sarah Kienzler; Oliver Korup; Torsten Lipp; Wolfgang Schwanghart; Gerold Zeilinger
In this study, we investigate how immersive 3D geovisualization can be used in higher education. Based on MacEachren and Kraaks geovisualization cube, we examine the usage of immersive 3D geovisualization and its usefulness in a research-based learning module on flood risk, called GEOSimulator. Results of a survey among participating students reveal benefits, such as better orientation in the study area, higher interactivity with the data, improved discourse among students and enhanced motivation through immersive 3D geovisualization. This suggests that immersive 3D visualization can effectively be used in higher education and that 3D CAVE settings enhance interactive learning between students.
Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Supplementary Issues | 2013
Harald Hikel; Aaron Yair; Wolfgang Schwanghart; Ulrike Hoffmann; Sarah Straehl; Nikolaus J. Kuhn
Dryland vegetation is expected to respond sensitively to climate change and the projected variability of rainfall events. Rainfall as a water source is an obvious factor for the water supply of vegetation. However, the interaction of water and surface on rocky desert slopes with a patchy soil cover is also vital for vegetation in drylands. In particular, runoff on rocky surfaces and infiltration capacity of soil patches determine plant available water. Process-based studies into rock-soil interaction benefit from rainfall simulation, but require an approach accounting for the micro-scale heterogeneity of the slope surfaces. This study therefore aims at developing a suitable procedure for examining rock-soil interaction and the relevance of soil volume for storing plant available water in the northern Negev, Israel.