
Featured researches published by Wolfgang W. Schwippert.

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Comparative Pharmacology | 1982

Inhibition of potassium- and acetylcholine-in induced contractions in a molluscan smooth muscle by herbicidal carbamates

Wolfgang W. Schwippert

Abstract 1. The carbamate herbicide chlorpropham blocks acetylcholine- and potassium-induced tonical contractions of the smooth penis retractor muscle of Helix pomatia L. at concentrations of ≧5 × 10 −6 and ≧10 −5 M , respectively. 2. Reduction of tension development depends on the incubation period and the concentration of the carbamate. 3. The herbicides chlorbufam, barban, propham, and the degradation product 3-chloranilin show comparable effects. 4. The insecticide carbamate carbaryl, which blocks acetylcholinesterase, influences tonical-induced contractions in the opposite way. 5. Inhibition of a Na + -ionophore in the muscle cell membrane by chlorpropham is unlikely.

Archive | 1989

Visual Integration in Bulbar Structures of Toads: Intra/Extra-Cellular Recording and Labeling Studies

Wolfgang W. Schwippert; Thomas W. Beneke; Edda M. Framing

The concept of coding by “command releasing systems” raises the question of how visual information is decoded in post-tectal structures of the medulla oblongata. In the present study, extra- and intracellular activities of neurons in the bulbar reticular formation (RetF) and in nuclei of the branchiomotor column (BMC) were analyzed in response to visual stimulation as well as to electrical stimulation of the optic tectum, the brain stem, or the spinal cord in slightly paralyzed toads. Similarities between tectal and bulbar visual neurons, based on receptive field sizes and responses to moving configurai stimuli, suggest various kinds of integrating properties in the RetF and BMC. Besides configurai selectivities, particular characteristics of bulbar neurons were tonic activity, or warming-up and burst activity in response to specific input. Transformation of a visual input into a standard pre-motor activity was shown by cells that displayed cyclic bursts as a post-stimulus event. Camera-lucida reconstructions of intracellularly labeled neurons revealed five morphological types distinguished by size, orientation, and extension of dendrites. Most labeled cells in the RetF and BMC showed dendritic trees with bewildering arborizations suitable to pick up inputs from different sites of the grey and white matter. Results obtained in amphibians and in mammals are discussed.

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Comparative Pharmacology | 1988

The effects of several biocides on a simple muscle preparation of the ecologically relevant soil-organism Lumbricus terrestris L.☆

Thomas W. Beneke; Wolfgang W. Schwippert

Abstract 1. The action of different herbicides and one insecticide was studied on the oblique-striated muscle systems of the annelid Lumbricus terrestris L. 2. By means of a simple electrical stimulation device, preparations of the circular muscle system (CMS) were contracted in reproducible manner half-maximally. 3. From 12 tested herbicides, 7 showed a pure inhibiting and one a promoting action, two responded with both effects depending on the duration of incubation and 2 were ineffective. 4. The insecticide pirimicarb, an acetylcholinesterase blocker, enhanced the electrically evoked contractions. 5. The findings coincided in general with those obtained at a defined smooth muscle of the gastropod Helix pomatia L.

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Comparative Pharmacology | 1987

Evidence that herbicides relaxing smooth and oblique-striated muscles affect the muscle cell membrane☆

Wolfgang W. Schwippert; Thomas W. Beneke

Physikalische Blätter | 2001

Jackson und Schröter: Handbook of Semiconductor Technology, Vol. 1 + 2/Weaire u. Hutzler: The Physics of Foams/Knorr-cetina: Epistemic Cultures. How the Sciences Make Knowledge/Vojta u. Teubner: Teubner-Taschenbuch der statistischen Physik/Weidlich: Socio

Michael Specht; Martin Städele; Hannes Luyken; Stephan Herminghaus; Werner Eisner; Wolfgang Maass; Werner Ebeling; Elmar Schmidt; Manfred Jacobi; Haiko Steuer; Thomas W. Beneke; Wolfgang W. Schwippert

Physikalische Blätter | 2001

Close.: Lucifer's Legacy. The Meaning of Asymmetry/Krauss.: Quintessence. The Mystery of Missing Mass in the Universe/Favrholdt.: Niels Bohr Collected Works, Vol. 10 Complementarity Beyond Physics (1928-1962)/Schweber.: In the Shadow of the Bomb: Bethe, O

Ulf von Rauchhaupt; Thomas Görnitz; Helmut Rechenberg; Dieter Hoffmann; Klaus Stierstadt; Carsten Henkel; Thomas W. Beneke; Wolfgang W. Schwippert

Physikalische Blätter | 2001

Cole: Warum die Wolken nicht vom Himmel fallen/Livio: The Accelerating Universe/Torretti: The Philosophy of Physics/Jargodzki: Mad about Physics: Braintwisters, Paradoxes, and Curiosities/Comedi 0.7.x — Messdatenerfassung unter Linux/Mathcad 2001 — Erweiterungen für Spezialisten

Wolfgang Bürger; Domenico Giulini; Brigitte Falkenburg; Michael Komorek; Joachim Wuttke; Thomas W. Beneke; Wolfgang W. Schwippert

Physikalische Blätter | 2001

Meyenn: Wolfgang Pauli. Wissenschaftlicher Briefwechsel mit Bohr, Einstein, Heisenberg U. A./Kraus: Von der Uranspaltung zur Göttinger Erklärung. Otto Hahn, Werner Heisenberg und Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker und die Verantwortung des Wissenschaftlers/Dürr: Bohmsche Mechanik als Grundlage der Quantenmechanik/Thomas/Weise: The Structure of the Nucleon/Sube: Langenscheidts Fachwörterbuch Physik. Deutsch‐Englisch/ConceptDraw 1.6 — Zeichnen mit „intelligenten Objekten”︁/Rath: Quantenphysik für Windows Version 1.5

Thomas Görnitz; Helmut Rechenberg; Berthold-Georg Englert; Thomas Walcher; Katja Bammel; Thomas W. Beneke; Wolfgang W. Schwippert; Filip Floecel

Physikalische Blätter | 2001

Lexikon der Physik/Greene: Das elegante Universum. Superstrings, verborgene Dimensionen und die Suche nach der Weltformel/Kragh: Quantum Generations. A History of Physics in the Twentieth Century/Hentschel: Zum Zusammenspiel von Instrument, Experiment und Theorie/Heidelberger: Experimental Essays – Versuche zum Experiment/Smith: Optics and Photonics. An Introduction/Storch: Das Klimasystem und seine Modellierung. Eine Einführung/Harris: Carbon Nanotubes and Related Structures/Weise: Messunsicherheit und Messdatenauswertung/TableCurve 2D 5.0

Hans Christoph Wolf; Jan Plefka; Richard Staley; Dieter Hoffmann; Yuri B. Ovchinnikov; Jürgen Schoser; U. Platt; Wilfried Clauß; Peter Wilrich; Thomas W. Beneke; Wolfgang W. Schwippert

Physikalische Blätter | 2000

Hentschel: The Einstein Tower/Bull: Physik mit dem PC/Chawla: Composite Materials. Science and Engineering/Brennan: The Physics of Semiconductors/Huang: Quantum Field Theory. From Operators to Path Integrals/Quang/Pham: Elementary Particles and Their Interactions./Matlab 5.3, Release 11

Hans‐Heinrich Voigt; Christoph Schlier; Karl Ulrich Kainer; C. Klingshirn; Wolfgang Weller; Klaus R. Schubert; Thomas W. Beneke; Wolfgang W. Schwippert

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