Woo-Young Lim
Seoul National University
Aci Structural Journal | 2016
Woo-Young Lim; Thomas H.-K. Kang; Sung-Gul Hong
An innovative precast concrete (PC) T-wall panel system was developed to enhance constructibility and lateral load resistance of fasttrack, low-rise buildings. The system consists of bolt-type connections between PC wall panels and emulated cast-in-place joints between the flange-wall and web-wall components. To confirm its lateral-load-resisting and seismic performance, reversed cyclic tests of two two-thirds-scale PC T-walls with and without diagonal reinforcing bars were conducted under displacement control. Test results showed that the T-wall specimen without diagonal reinforcement performed reasonably well in terms of lateral stiffness, strength, and ductility, except for slip behavior. On the other hand, the use of supplementary diagonal reinforcement in each panel adversely affected the lateral ductility and energy dissipating capacity. All the details of the bolt-type connections between the lower and upper panels proved to be robust and practical. Finally, simplified prediction methods for strength and displacement are presented that can be used to develop design guidelines.
Journal of The Korea Concrete Institute | 2014
Woo-Young Lim; Hong-Gun Park; Jung-Keun Oh; Chang-Soo Kim
Two types of cast-in-place concrete-filled hollow PC (HPC1, HPC2) columns were developed to reduce lifting load of heavy-weight PC columns and to improve the structural integrity of joints. To form the hollow PC columns, a couple of prefabricated PC panels was used for HPC1, and special hoops were used for HPC2. Lateral pressure of wet concrete on PC faces was measured while placing the concrete inside the columns. To evaluate the seismic resistance, full scale specimens of two HPC columns and a conventional RC column were tested under combined axial compression and lateral cyclic loading. The test results showed that the structural performance of the proposed HPC columns such as intial stiffness, maximum strength, and displacement ductility was comparable to that of the conventional RC column, but the energy dissipation of HPC2 slightly decreased after rebar-buckling. However, all the test specimens satisfied the energy dissipation requirement specified in ACI 374.
Journal of The Korea Concrete Institute | 2016
Woo-Young Lim; Sung-Gul Hong
Uniaxial compression tests for ultra-high performance hybrid steel fiber reinforced concrete (UHPC) were performed to evaluate the compressive behavior of UHPC. The UHPC for testing contains hybrid steel fibers with a predetermined ratio using a length of 19 mm and 16 mm straight typed steel fibers. Test parameter was determined as a fiber volume ratio to investigate the effect of fiber volume ratio on the strength and secant modulus of elasticity. Test results showed that the compressive strength and elastic modulus of UHPC increased with increasing the fiber volume ratio. Based on the test results, the compressive strength and modulus of elasticity equations were proposed as function of the compressive strength of unreinforced and fiber reinforced UHPC, respectively. The simplified equations for predicting the mechanical properties of the UHPC were a good agreement with the test data. The proposed equations are expected to be applied to the SFRC and UHPC with steel fibers.
Journal of The Korea Concrete Institute | 2010
Woo-Young Lim; Sung-Gul Hong
This paper investigates the behavior of precast concrete (PC) shear walls with a new vertical connections for a fast remodeling construction. The C-type vertical connections for the PC wall systems are proposed for transfer of bending moment between top and bottom walls in the vertical direction while a shear key in the center of wall is prepared to transfer shear forces by bearing action. The proposed vertical connections allows easy fabrication thanks to slots at the edges of wall in opposite directions. The plane PC wall systems subject to lateral load are compared with ordinary wall systems by investigating the effects of connection on the stiffness, strength, ductility, and failure modes of whole systems. The load-displacement relationship and influence of premature failure of connections are examined. The experimental test showed that the longitudinal reinforcing steel bars placed at the edges of walls yielded first and the ultimate deformation were terminated due to premature failure of connections. The diagonal reinforcements for efficient shear transfer in the walls were not effective. The strength and deformation obtained through the section analysis were generally in agreement with the experimental data, and indicated that. Gap opening contributed to the deformation behavior more than any other factors.
Journal of The Korea Concrete Institute | 2016
Woo-Young Lim; Sung-Gul Hong
In this study, direct tension test for hybrid steel fiber reinforced ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) containing two different steel fibers with a length of 16 and 19 mm was performed to investigate the fracture behavior of UHPC. Test results showed that crack strength and tensile strength, and fracture energy increased with increasing the fiber volume ratio. Based on the test results, the peak cohesive stress at the crack tip, tensile strength, and fracture energy depending on the fiber volume ratio were proposed. The proposed tensile strength of UHPC was suggested as a function of the fiber volume ratio and compressive strength. The peak cohesive stress at the crack tip and fracture energy were also proposed as a function of the tensile strength. The predicted values were relatively agree well with the test results. Thus, the proposed equations is expected to be applicable to UHPC with a compressive strength of 140~170 MPa and a fiber volume ratio of less than 2%.
Journal of The Korea Concrete Institute | 2015
Woo-Young Lim; Sung-Gul Hong
In this paper, cyclic loading test was performed to evaluate the seismic performance of the steel coupling beam and RC shear wall. The test parameter was reinforcement detail of the shear wall. For the shear wall which was designed in accordance with the current design codes, a premature bearing failure occurred at the face of the wall. On the other hand, the bearing failure of walls was prevented due to the new type of reinforcement details. Test results indicated that the vertical reinforcements were more affected to the shear strength of the coupled shear wall than the horizontal reinforcement. Based on the failure mode, concrete stress distribution above and below flanges of the embedded steel beam was proposed. Assuming proposed concrete stress distribution, load resistance was predicted and it was agree well with test data.
Journal of The Korea Concrete Institute | 2015
Woo-Young Lim; Sung-Gul Hong
Cyclic loading tests for the PC moment frame with plastic shear hinges were performed to evaluate the seismic performance. The plastic shear hinges consisted of two steel plates were installed at the mid-length of the beam to connect the PC frames. Three shear links are existed in each steel plate. The three shear links were designed using shear force corresponding to the shear capacity of 50%, 75%, and 100% of the beam shear capacity. The proposed connections showed an efficient energy dissipation capacity and good structural performance. As a result, it is reasonable to design the plastic shear hinges using design shear capacity less than 100% of the beam shear capacity.
Journal of The Korea Concrete Institute | 2014
Woo-Young Lim; Sung-Gul Hong
This paper investigates the seismic performance of T-shaped PC walls with a new vertical connections and wet cast joint. The load-displacement relationship, strength, ductility, failure mechanism, and deformation capacity of the T-shaped PC walls subjected to cyclic loading are verified. Test parameter is diagonal reinforcement of both flange and web wall panels to transfer shear strength. The longitudinal reinforcing steel bars placed edges of walls yield first and the ultimate deformation is terminated due to premature failure of connections. And diagonal reinforcements for shear transfer in walls are effective to restrain the wall crack. The strength and displacement obtained by the cross section analysis were very similar to the experimental data.
Journal of The Korea Concrete Institute | 2014
Sang-Jin Lee; Sung-Gul Hong; Woo-Young Lim
Precast concrete (PC) beam-column connections using ductile rods are proposed for earthquake zone. An existing beam-column connection, two PC specimens designed by considering failure modes and a conventional RC specimen were tested under cyclic loading to evaluate the seismic performance. The specimens were designed to satisfy the requirements of current design code. The variables are the yield strength of longitudinal reinforcing bars of PC beams. The test results showed that the proposed system applying smaller yield strength of the longitudinal reinforcing bars at the PC beams than the ductile rods was satisfied with seismic criteria. The deformation capacity and energy dissipation capacity of the proposed PC beam-column connections were greater than those of the existing DDC system.
Advanced Materials Research | 2010
Sung Gul Hong; Woo-Young Lim
This paper investigates feasibility of reinforcement method for fractured granite of slab type and beam members used as components of old stone masonry pagodas. Investigation of the effect of reinforcement to flexural and shear strength is performed using the concept for the high strength concrete since the mechanical properties of granite are similar to properties of high strength of concrete. In this experimental program two types of notched specimens are intended for failures with shear and flexural cracks. Intended fractured specimens are reinforced by metal rods, so called pinning method. The rods are inserted in holes and bonded with inorganic cement. The metal rods are supposed to transfer forces by tensile resistance in flexure and dowel action in shear. Increase in shear and flexural capacities and ductile behavior after sudden yielding of the metal rods are observed. The final failure cracks in reinforced specimens occurred different from interfaces along the original cracks. Locations of metal rods, their numbers, and construction of anchored rod are main variables to be examined for guidelines for reinforcement methods.