Wouter Pronk
Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology
Featured researches published by Wouter Pronk.
Water Research | 2011
Stefan A. Huber; Andreas Balz; Michael Abert; Wouter Pronk
Size-exclusion chromatography in combination with organic carbon detection (SEC-OCD) is an established method to separate the pool of NOM into major fractions of different sizes and chemical functions and to quantify these on the basis of organic carbon. One specific approach, also known as LC-OCD-OND, is based on the Gräntzel thin-film UV-reactor. This approach is described with recent improvements in fraction assignation (humic substances, biopolymers, building blocks, low molecular weight organic acids and neutrals, hydrophobic organic carbon), the coupling of a novel organic nitrogen detector (OND), and an improved diagram for the characterisation of aquatic humic substances (HS-diagram). The diagram replaces the operational distinction between humic and fulvic acids by a continuum ranging from aquagenic fulvic acids to pedogenic humic acids.
Water Research | 2009
Maryna Peter-Varbanets; Chris Zurbrugg; Chris Swartz; Wouter Pronk
Decentralized drinking-water systems are an important element in the process of reaching the Millennium Development Goals, as centralized systems are often deficient or non-existent in developing and transition countries (DC and TC). Most water-quality problems are due to hygiene factors and pathogens. A range of decentralized systems is available to counter these problems, including thermal and/or UV methods, physical removal and chemical treatment. This review focuses on decentralized systems that treat the potable water (drinking and cooking) of a single household (point-of-use systems) or a community (small-scale systems). For application in DC and TC, important boundary conditions for decentralized systems include low costs, ease of use, sustainability, low maintenance and independence of utilities (energy sources). Although some low-cost systems are available, their application is limited by time-consuming daily operation and maintenance. Other systems are too expensive for the poor populations of DC and TC and in most cases do not fulfill the system requirements described above. Point-of-use systems based on membranes are commercially available and are designed to operate on tap pressure or gravity. Membrane systems are attractive since they provide an absolute barrier for pathogens and remove turbidity, thus increasing the palatability of the water. The costs of membrane have decreased rapidly during the last decades and therefore membrane systems have also become within reach for application in low-cost applications in DC and TC. Some membrane systems rely on gravity as a driving force, thereby avoiding the use of pumps and electricity. On the basis of the present literature data, no small-scale systems could be identified which meet all the requirements for successful implementation. Furthermore, in the available literature the performance of highly fouling water types has not been reported. For such cases, more extensive studies are required and a need for suitable pre-treatment was identified. It can be concluded that there are good prospects for decentralized systems based on membranes, but that a need exists for research and development of systems with low costs and low maintenance, specifically designed for DC and TC.
Water Research | 2008
Doris Jermann; Wouter Pronk; R. Kägi; M. Halbeisen; Markus Boller
This study focused on the mechanistic effects of molecular interactions between inorganic particles (kaolinite) and the two main NOM fouling fractions of polysaccharides (alginate) and humics (humic acids) in ultrafiltration. Fouling effects were studied during the dead-end filtration of individual and mixed compounds as well as during the subsequent filtration of individual compounds. SEM analyses were performed to further study the fouling-layer structure. A significant synergistic effect was observed during combined particle-NOM fouling, which was considerably greater than the sum of particle and organic fouling alone. Synergistic fouling could be explained by NOM-particle interactions in the feed solution and during the fouling process. Kaolinite alone formed a fouling layer of particle aggregates, whereas humic acid adsorption onto kaolinite resulted in a fouling layer of stabilized colloids of humic acid and kaolinite. In the case of alginate, simultaneous pore-blocking and cake-layer formation of NOM and kaolinite dominated the fouling. In both cases, incorporation of the organics in the kaolinite fouling layer resulted in a fouling cake of significantly reduced porosity compared to individual particle filtration. Irreversible fouling by NOM could not be prevented by kaolinite. SEM images showed patches of the particle-fouling layer remaining on the membrane surface after backwashing, which can be linked to particle-membrane associations by NOM bridging.
Water Research | 2010
Maryna Peter-Varbanets; Frederik Hammes; Marius Vital; Wouter Pronk
Gravity driven ultrafiltration was operated in dead-end mode without any flushing or cleaning. In contrary to general expectations, the flux value stabilized after about one week of operation and remained constant during an extended period of time (several months). Different surface water types and diluted wastewater were used as feed water and, depending on the feed water composition, stable flux values were in the range of 4-10 L h(-1) m(-2). When sodium azide was added to the feed water to diminish the biological activity, no stabilization of flux occurred, indicating that biological processes play an important role in the flux stabilization process. Confocal laser scanning microscopy revealed the presence of a biofouling layer, of which the structure changed over time, leading to relatively heterogeneous structures. It is assumed that the stabilization of flux is related to the development of heterogeneous structures in the fouling layer, due to biological processes in the layer. The phenomenon of flux stabilization opens interesting possibilities for application, for instance in simple and low-cost ultrafiltration systems for decentralized drinking water treatment in developing and transition countries, independent of energy supply, chemicals, or complex process control.
Water Research | 2012
Nicolas Derlon; Maryna Peter-Varbanets; Andreas Scheidegger; Wouter Pronk; Eberhard Morgenroth
This study investigates the impact of predation by eukaryotes on the development of specific biofilm structures in gravity-driven dead-end ultrafiltration systems. Filtration systems were operated under ultra-low pressure conditions (65 mbar) without the control of biofilm formation. Three different levels of predation were evaluated: (1) inhibition of eukaryotic organisms, (2) addition of cultured protozoa (Tetrahymena pyriformis), and (3) no modification of microbial community as a control. The system performance was evaluated based on permeate flux and structures of the biofilm. It was found that predation had a significant influence on both the total amount and also the structure of the biofilm. An open and heterogeneous structure developed in systems with predation whereas a flat, compact, and thick structure that homogeneously covered the membrane surface developed in absence of predation. Permeate flux was correlated with the structure of the biofilm with increased fluxes for smaller membrane coverage. Permeate fluxes in the presence or absence of the predators was 10 and 5 L m(-2) h(-1), respectively. It was concluded that eukaryotic predation is a key factor influencing the performance of gravity-driven ultrafiltration systems.
Water Research | 2013
Nicolas Derlon; Nicolas Koch; Bettina Eugster; Thomas Posch; Jakob Pernthaler; Wouter Pronk; Eberhard Morgenroth
The impact of different feed waters in terms of eukaryotic populations and organic carbon content on the biofilm structure formation and permeate flux during Gravity-Driven Membrane (GDM) filtration was investigated in this study. GDM filtration was performed at ultra-low pressure (65 mbar) in dead-end mode without control of the biofilm formation. Different feed waters were tested (River water, pre-treated river water, lake water, and tap water) and varied with regard to their organic substrate content and their predator community. River water was manipulated either by chemically inhibiting all eukaryotes or by filtering out macrozoobenthos (metazoan organisms). The structure of the biofilm was characterized at the meso- and micro-scale using Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) and Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM), respectively. Based on Total Organic Carbon (TOC) measurements, the river waters provided the highest potential for bacterial growth whereas tap water had the lowest. An increasing content in soluble and particulate organic substrate resulted in increasing biofilm accumulation on membrane surface. However, enhanced biofilm accumulation did not result in lower flux values and permeate flux was mainly influenced by the structure of the biofilm. Metazoan organisms (in particular nematodes and oligochaetes) built-up protective habitats, which resulted in the formation of open and spatially heterogeneous biofilms composed of biomass patches. In the absence of predation by metazoan organisms, a flat and compact biofilm developed. It is concluded that the activity of metazoan organisms in natural river water and its impact on biofilm structure balances the detrimental effect of a high biofilm accumulation, thus allowing for a broader application of GDM filtration. Finally, our results suggest that for surface waters with high particulate organic carbon (POC) content, the use of worms is suitable to enhance POC removal before ultrafiltration units.
Water Research | 2012
Maryna Peter-Varbanets; Willi Gujer; Wouter Pronk
River water was treated by ultrafiltration at a relatively low transmembrane pressure (40 mbar). As observed before, flux stabilization occurred after several days of operation although no back-flushing or cross flow was applied. Interruptions in flux were applied by temporary offset of the transmembrane pressure. After restoration of the transmembrane pressure, the initial flux was higher than the stable flux level, and the flux recovery depended on the standstill time. Furthermore, if a short cross flow was applied after standstill, the flux was restored to an even higher level. In all cases, the flux decreased again during operation to reach finally the same stable level as before standstill. In order to evaluate the influence of intermittent operation as practiced for water treatment on a household level, daily interruptions of flux were applied. An optimum of total daily water production rate was obtained at 21 h of operation and 3 h of standstill per day. A model was developed which can describe the impact of intermittent operation on the flux depending on the duration of the standstill and operating periods. This enables the prediction of production capacity of the system operated intermittently. The flux increase during standstill could be explained by a relaxation and expansion of the biofouling layer, while the higher flux after forward-flushing was caused by this layer being partially sloughed off. Household water treatment with the process presented here will generally be operated on a discontinuous basis. The results show that such operation schemes do not compromise the permeability of the system, but actually lead to higher fluxes after standstill.
Journal of Environmental Monitoring | 2007
Michele Steiner; Markus Boller; Thorsten Schulz; Wouter Pronk
A new method is presented which allows emissions of traffic into the environment to be described as a function of road distance. The method distinguishes different types of emissions (runoff, spray and drift), which are determined by measurements and mass balances of a specified road section. The measurement of two-dimensional pollutant concentrations in the road shoulder is an important part of the method. In a case study performed at Burgdorf, Switzerland, the method was applied to the determination of the spatial distribution of heavy metal emissions. The results show that between 36 and 65% of the heavy metals Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn are present in runoff and spray and between 35 and 64% are dispersed diffusely in the environment (defined as drift). The runoff infiltrates into the vegetated road shoulder up to a distance of approx. 1 m from the road. The distribution of spray shows a maximum at 1 m and decreases steadily up to a distance of 5 m. This information can serve as a basis for the quantitative evaluation of road-runoff treatment scenarios. Although the results of the Burgdorf study are case-specific, several general guidelines for the reduction of traffic-related emissions can be derived from it.
Water Research | 2016
Theresa Klein; David Zihlmann; Nicolas Derlon; Carl W. Isaacson; Ilona Szivak; David G. Weissbrodt; Wouter Pronk
Traditionally, chemical and physical methods have been used to control biofouling on membranes by inactivating and removing the biofouling layer. Alternatively, the permeability can be increased using biological methods while accepting the presence of the biofouling layer. We have investigated two different types of metazoans for this purpose, the oligochaete Aelosoma hemprichi and the nematode Plectus aquatilis. The addition of these grazing metazoans in biofilm-controlled membrane systems resulted in a flux increase of 50% in presence of the oligochaetes (Aelosoma hemprichi), and a flux increase of 119-164% in presence of the nematodes (Plectus aquatilis) in comparison to the control system operated without metazoans. The change in flux resulted from (1) a change in the biofilm structure, from a homogeneous, cake-like biofilm to a more heterogeneous, porous structure and (2) a significant reduction in the thickness of the basal layer. Pyrosequencing data showed that due to the addition of the predators, also the community composition of the biofilm in terms of protists and bacteria was strongly affected. The results have implications for a range of membrane processes, including ultrafiltration for potable water production, membrane bioreactors and reverse osmosis.
Water Research | 2016
Bing Wu; Florian Hochstrasser; Ebrahim Akhondi; Noëmi Ambauen; Lukas Tschirren; Michael Burkhardt; Anthony G. Fane; Wouter Pronk
Seawater pretreatment by gravity-driven membrane (GDM) filtration at 40 mbar has been investigated. In this system, a beneficial biofilm develops on the membrane that helps to stabilize flux. The effects of membrane type, prefiltration and system configuration on stable flux, biofilm layer properties and dissolved carbon removal were studied. The results show that the use of flat sheet PVDF membranes with pore sizes of 0.22 and 0.45 μm in GDM filtration achieved higher stabilized permeate fluxes (7.3-8.4 L/m(2)h) than that of flat sheet PES 100 kD membranes and hollow fibre PVDF 0.1 μm membranes. Pore constriction and cake filtration were identified as major membrane fouling mechanisms, but their relative contributions varied with filtration time for the various membranes. Compared to raw seawater, prefiltering of seawater with meshes at sizes of 10, 100 and 1000 μm decreased the permeate flux, which was attributed to removal of beneficial eukaryotic populations. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) showed that the porosity of the biofouling layer was more significantly related with permeate flux development rather than its thickness and roughness. To increase the contact time between the biofilm and the dissolved organics, a hybrid biofilm-submerged GDM reactor was evaluated, which displayed significantly higher permeate fluxes than the submerged GDM reactor. Although integrating the biofilm reactor with the membrane system displayed better permeate quality than the GDM filtration cells, it could not effectively reduce dissolved organic substances in the seawater. This may be attributed to the decomposition/degradation of solid organic substances in the feed and carbon fixation by the biofilm. Further studies of the dynamic carbon balance are required.