Wouter van der Bijl
Stockholm University
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences | 2015
Wouter van der Bijl; Malin Thyselius; Alexander Kotrschal; Niclas Kolm
Large brains are thought to result from selection for cognitive benefits, but how enhanced cognition leads to increased fitness remains poorly understood. One explanation is that increased cognitive ability results in improved monitoring and assessment of predator threats. Here, we use male and female guppies (Poecilia reticulata), artificially selected for large and small brain size, to provide an experimental evaluation of this hypothesis. We examined their behavioural response as singletons, pairs or shoals of four towards a model predator. Large-brained females, but not males, spent less time performing predator inspections, an inherently risky behaviour. Video analysis revealed that large-brained females were further away from the model predator when in pairs but that they habituated quickly towards the model when in shoals of four. Males stayed further away from the predator model than females but again we found no brain size effect in males. We conclude that differences in brain size affect the female predator response. Large-brained females might be able to assess risk better or need less sensory information to reach an accurate conclusion. Our results provide experimental support for the general idea that predation pressure is likely to be important for the evolution of brain size in prey species.
Science Advances | 2017
Alberto Corral-López; Natasha I. Bloch; Alexander Kotrschal; Wouter van der Bijl; Severine D. Buechel; Judith E. Mank; Niclas Kolm
Variation in brain size and cognitive ability affects mate quality assessment and underlies variation in mate choice. Mate choice decisions are central in sexual selection theory aimed to understand how sexual traits evolve and their role in evolutionary diversification. We test the hypothesis that brain size and cognitive ability are important for accurate assessment of partner quality and that variation in brain size and cognitive ability underlies variation in mate choice. We compared sexual preference in guppy female lines selected for divergence in relative brain size, which we have previously shown to have substantial differences in cognitive ability. In a dichotomous choice test, large-brained and wild-type females showed strong preference for males with color traits that predict attractiveness in this species. In contrast, small-brained females showed no preference for males with these traits. In-depth analysis of optomotor response to color cues and gene expression of key opsins in the eye revealed that the observed differences were not due to differences in visual perception of color, indicating that differences in the ability to process indicators of attractiveness are responsible. We thus provide the first experimental support that individual variation in brain size affects mate choice decisions and conclude that differences in cognitive ability may be an important underlying mechanism behind variation in female mate choice.
Evolution | 2017
Alexander Kotrschal; Hong-Li Zeng; Wouter van der Bijl; Caroline Öhman-Mägi; Kurt Kotrschal; Kristiaan Pelckmans; Niclas Kolm
The vertebrate brain shows an extremely conserved layout across taxa. Still, the relative sizes of separate brain regions vary markedly between species. One interesting pattern is that larger brains seem associated with increased relative sizes only of certain brain regions, for instance telencephalon and cerebellum. Till now, the evolutionary association between separate brain regions and overall brain size is based on comparative evidence and remains experimentally untested. Here, we test the evolutionary response of brain regions to directional selection on brain size in guppies (Poecilia reticulata) selected for large and small relative brain size. In these animals, artificial selection led to a fast response in relative brain size, while body size remained unchanged. We use microcomputer tomography to investigate how the volumes of 11 main brain regions respond to selection for larger versus smaller brains. We found no differences in relative brain region volumes between large‐ and small‐brained animals and only minor sex‐specific variation. Also, selection did not change allometric scaling between brain and brain region sizes. Our results suggest that brain regions respond similarly to strong directional selection on relative brain size, which indicates that brain anatomy variation in contemporary species most likely stem from direct selection on key regions.
BioEssays | 2016
Wouter van der Bijl; Niclas Kolm
A growing number of studies have found that large brains may help animals survive by avoiding predation. These studies provide an alternative explanation for existing correlative evidence for one of the dominant hypotheses regarding the evolution of brain size in animals, the social brain hypothesis (SBH). The SBH proposes that social complexity is a major evolutionary driver of large brains. However, if predation both directly selects for large brains and higher levels of sociality, correlations between sociality and brain size may be spurious. We argue that tests of the SBH should take direct effects of predation into account, either by explicitly including them in comparative analyses or by pin‐pointing the brain‐behavior‐fitness pathway through which the SBH operates. Existing data and theory on social behavior can then be used to identify precise candidate mechanisms and formulate new testable predictions.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences | 2018
Severine D. Buechel; Annika Boussard; Alexander Kotrschal; Wouter van der Bijl; Niclas Kolm
It has become increasingly clear that a larger brain can confer cognitive benefits. Yet not all of the numerous aspects of cognition seem to be affected by brain size. Recent evidence suggests that some more basic forms of cognition, for instance colour vision, are not influenced by brain size. We therefore hypothesize that a larger brain is especially beneficial for distinct and gradually more complex aspects of cognition. To test this hypothesis, we assessed the performance of brain size selected female guppies (Poecilia reticulata) in two distinct aspects of cognition that differ in cognitive complexity. In a standard reversal-learning test we first investigated basic learning ability with a colour discrimination test, then reversed the reward contingency to specifically test for cognitive flexibility. We found that large-brained females outperformed small-brained females in the reversed-learning part of the test but not in the colour discrimination part of the test. Large-brained individuals are hence cognitively more flexible, which probably yields fitness benefits, as they may adapt more quickly to social and/or ecological cognitive challenges. Our results also suggest that a larger brain becomes especially advantageous with increasing cognitive complexity. These findings corroborate the significance of brain size for cognitive evolution.
Physiological Entomology | 2017
Philipp Lehmann; Wouter van der Bijl; Sören Nylin; Christopher W. Wheat; Karl Gotthard
In temperate insects, winters are typically endured by entering diapause, which comprises a deep resting stage. Correct timing of diapause termination is vital for synchronization of emergence with conspecifics and for mobilizing resources when conditions for growth and reproduction become favourable. Although critical to survival, the intrinsic and extrinsic drivers of diapause termination timing are poorly understood. In the present study, we investigate diapause development under a range of durations (10–24 weeks) spent at different temperatures (−2 to 10 °C) in the pupal diapausing butterfly Pieris napi Linnaeus (Lepidoptera:Pieridae). We determine: (i) the maximum cold temperature for diapause development; (ii) if pupae in diapause count cold days or cold sums; and (iii) whether diapause termination is distinct or gradual. The results indicate large and idiosyncratic effects of high and low nonlethal temperatures on diapause development in P. napi. Although all temperatures tested lead to diapause termination, a thermal optimum between 2 and 4 °C is observed. Lower temperatures lead to decreased eclosion propensity, whereas higher temperatures slow down development and increase emergence desynchronization. These data suggest that, rather than a simple cold‐summing process with a distinct diapause termination point, there are trade‐offs between time and temperature at the low and high end of the thermal range, resulting in a nonlinear thermal landscape showing a ridge of increasing eclosion propensity at moderate temperatures. The present study suggests that the effects of temperature on diapause development should be included in projections on post‐winter phenology models of insects, including pest species.
PeerJ | 2018
Wouter van der Bijl
Confirmatory path analysis allows researchers to evaluate and compare causal models using observational data. This tool has great value for comparative biologists since they are often unable to gather experimental data on macro-evolutionary hypotheses, but is cumbersome and error-prone to perform. I introduce phylopath, an R package that implements phylogenetic path analysis (PPA) as described by von Hardenberg & Gonzalez-Voyer (2013). In addition to the published method, I provide support for the inclusion of binary variables. I illustrate PPA and phylopath by recreating part of a study on the relationship between brain size and vulnerability to extinction. The package aims to make the analysis straight-forward, providing convenience functions, and several plotting methods, which I hope will encourage the spread of the method.
bioRxiv | 2018
Christina Hansen Wheat; Wouter van der Bijl; Hans Temrin
Selection on behavioural traits holds a prominent role in the domestication of animals. Specifically, a reduction of the fear response is considered a key component, with domesticated animals expressing lower levels of fear towards novelty than their wild counterparts. Previous work has suggested that this is caused by a delay in the onset of fearful behaviour during early ontogeny in domesticated canids. However, it remains unclear how the developmental timing of initial fear expression affects fearfulness later in development. Here we present the first extended examination of the development of fear behaviour in wolves and dogs, using repeated novel object tests between six and 26 weeks of age. Contrary to expectations, fear of novelty did not change in wolves with age, but dogs expressed decreased latency to approach a novel object with age, resulting in a species difference at the end of the measured period. Our results thereby suggest that differences in fear of novelty between wolves and dogs are not caused by a domestication driven shift in the first onset of fear response. Instead we suggest that differences in fear expression between wolves and dogs are caused by a loss of sensitivity towards novelty with age in dogs.
bioRxiv | 2018
Wouter van der Bijl; Severine D. Buechel; Alexander Kotrschal; Niclas Kolm
Background Brain size is expected to evolve by a balance between cognitive benefits and energetic costs. Several influential hypotheses have suggested that large brains may be especially beneficial in social contexts. Group living and competition may pose unique cognitive challenges to individuals and favor the evolution of increased cognitive ability. Evidence comes from comparative studies on the link between social complexity and brain morphology, but the strength of empirical support has recently been challenged. In addition, the behavioral mechanisms that would link cognitive ability to sociality are rarely studied. Here we take an alternative approach and investigate experimentally how brain size can relate to the social competence of individuals within species, a problem that so far has remained unresolved. We use the unique guppy brain size selection line model system to evaluate whether large brains are advantageous by allowing individuals to better assess their performance in a social contest situation. Based on theoretical literature, we predict that contest duration should depend on the brain size of the loser, as it is the capitulation of the losing individual that ends the fight. Results First, we show that studying the movement of competitors during contests allows for precise estimation of the dominance timeline in guppies, even when overt aggression is typically one-sided and delayed. Second, we staged contests between pairs of male that had been artificially selected for large and small relative brain size, with demonstrated differences in cognitive ability. We show that dominance was established much earlier in contests with large-brained losers, whereas the brain size of the winner had no effect. Following our prediction, large-brained individuals gave up more quickly when they were going to lose. Conclusions These results suggest that large-brained individuals assess their performance in contests better and that social competence indeed can depend on brain size. Conflict resolution may therefore be an important behavioral mechanism behind macro-evolutionary patterns between sociality and brain size. Since conflict is ubiquitous among group-living animals, the possible effects of the social environment on the evolution of cognition may be more broadly applicable than previously thought.
Nature Ecology and Evolution | 2018
Masahito Tsuboi; Wouter van der Bijl; Bjørn Tore Kopperud; Johannes Erritzøe; Kjetil L. Voje; Alexander Kotrschal; Kara E. Yopak; Shaun P. Collin; Andrew N. Iwaniuk; Niclas Kolm
The allometric relationship between brain and body size among vertebrates is often considered a manifestation of evolutionary constraints. However, birds and mammals have undergone remarkable encephalization, in which brain size has increased without corresponding changes in body size. Here, we explore the hypothesis that a reduction of phenotypic integration between brain and body size has facilitated encephalization in birds and mammals. Using a large dataset comprising 20,213 specimens across 4,587 species of jawed vertebrates, we show that the among-species (evolutionary) brain–body allometries are remarkably constant, both across vertebrate classes and across taxonomic levels. Birds and mammals, however, are exceptional in that their within-species (static) allometries are shallower and more variable than in other vertebrates. These patterns are consistent with the idea that birds and mammals have reduced allometric constraints that are otherwise ubiquitous across jawed vertebrates. Further exploration of ontogenetic allometries in selected taxa of birds, fishes and mammals reveals that birds and mammals have extended the period of fetal brain growth compared to fishes. Based on these findings, we propose that avian and mammalian encephalization has been contingent on increased variability in brain growth patterns.Analysing >20,000 specimens from >4,500 species, the authors reveal an exceptional pattern of brain–body allometry among birds and mammals, consistent with the hypothesis that they have relaxed allometric constraints compared to other jawed vertebrates.