Woutjan Branderhorst
Utrecht University
The Journal of Nuclear Medicine | 2009
F van der Have; Brendan Vastenhouw; Ruud M. Ramakers; Woutjan Branderhorst; J.O. Krah; Changguo Ji; S.G. Staelens; Freek J. Beekman
We present a new rodent SPECT system (U-SPECT-II) that enables molecular imaging of murine organs down to resolutions of less than half a millimeter and high-resolution total-body imaging. Methods: The U-SPECT-II is based on a triangular stationary detector set-up, an XYZ stage that moves the animal during scanning, and interchangeable cylindric collimators (each containing 75 pinhole apertures) for both mouse and rat imaging. A novel graphical user interface incorporating preselection of the field of view with the aid of optical images of the animal focuses the pinholes to the area of interest, thereby maximizing sensitivity for the task at hand. Images are obtained from list-mode data using statistical reconstruction that takes system blurring into account to increase resolution. Results: For 99mTc, resolutions determined with capillary phantoms were smaller than 0.35 and 0.45 mm using the mouse collimator with 0.35- and 0.6-mm pinholes, respectively, and less than 0.8 mm using the rat collimator with 1.0-mm pinholes. Peak geometric sensitivity is 0.07% and 0.18% for the mouse collimator with 0.35- and 0.6-mm pinholes, respectively, and 0.09% for the rat collimator. Resolution with 111In, compared with that with 99mTc, was barely degraded, and resolution with 125I was degraded by about 10%, with some additional distortion. In vivo, kidney, tumor, and bone images illustrated that U-SPECT-II could be used for novel applications in the study of dynamic biologic systems and radiopharmaceuticals at the suborgan level. Conclusion: Images and movies obtained with U-SPECT-II provide high-resolution radiomolecule visualization in rodents. Discrimination of molecule concentrations between adjacent volumes of about 0.04 μL in mice and 0.5 μL in rats with U-SPECT-II is readily possible.
Physics in Medicine and Biology | 2010
Woutjan Branderhorst; Brendan Vastenhouw; Freek J. Beekman
Block-iterative image reconstruction methods, such as ordered subset expectation maximization (OSEM), are commonly used to accelerate image reconstruction. In OSEM, the speed-up factor over maximum likelihood expectation maximization (MLEM) is approximately equal to the number of subsets in which the projection data are divided. Traditionally, each subset consists of a couple of projection views, and the more subsets are used, the more the solution deviates from MLEM solutions. We found for multi-pinhole single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) that even moderate acceleration factors in OSEM lead to inaccurate reconstructions. Therefore, we introduce pixel-based ordered subset expectation maximization (POSEM), which is based on an alternative subset choice. Pixels in each subset are spread out regularly over projections and are spatially separated as much as possible. We validated POSEM for data acquired with a focusing multi-pinhole SPECT system. Performance was compared with traditional OSEM and MLEM for a rat total body bone scan, a gated mouse myocardial perfusion scan and a Defrise phantom scan. We found that POSEM can be operated at acceleration factors that are often an order of magnitude higher than in traditional OSEM.
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging | 2011
Woutjan Branderhorst; Brendan Vastenhouw; Frans van der Have; Erwin L. A. Blezer; Wim K. Bleeker; Freek J. Beekman
PurposeSmall-animal single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) with focused multi-pinhole collimation geometries allows scanning modes in which large amounts of photons can be collected from specific volumes of interest. Here we present new tools that improve targeted imaging of specific organs and tumours, and validate the effects of improved targeting of the pinhole focus.MethodsA SPECT system with 75 pinholes and stationary detectors was used (U-SPECT-II). An XYZ stage automatically translates the animal bed with a specific sequence in order to scan a selected volume of interest. Prior to stepping the animal through the collimator, integrated webcams acquire images of the animal. Using sliders, the user designates the desired volume to be scanned (e.g. a xenograft or specific organ) on these optical images. Optionally projections of an atlas are overlaid semiautomatically to locate specific organs. In order to assess the effects of more targeted imaging, scans of a resolution phantom and a mouse myocardial phantom, as well as in vivo mouse cardiac and tumour scans, were acquired with increased levels of targeting. Differences were evaluated in terms of count yield, hot rod visibility and contrast-to-noise ratio.ResultsBy restricting focused SPECT scans to a 1.13-ml resolution phantom, count yield was increased by a factor 3.6, and visibility of small structures was significantly enhanced. At equal noise levels, the small-lesion contrast measured in the myocardial phantom was increased by 42%. Noise in in vivo images of a tumour and the mouse heart was significantly reduced.ConclusionTargeted pinhole SPECT improves images and can be used to shorten scan times. Scan planning with optical cameras provides an effective tool to exploit this principle without the necessity for additional X-ray CT imaging.
Physics in Medicine and Biology | 2012
Woutjan Branderhorst; Frans van der Have; Brendan Vastenhouw; Max A. Viergever; Freek J. Beekman
Ultra-high-resolution SPECT images can be obtained with focused multipinhole collimators. Here we investigate the influence of unwanted high tracer uptake outside the scan volume on reconstructed tracer distributions inside the scan volume, for (99m)Tc-tetrofosmin myocardial perfusion scanning in mice. Simulated projections of a digital mouse phantom (MOBY) in a focusing multipinhole SPECT system (U-SPECT-II, MILabs, The Netherlands) were generated. With this system differently sized user-defined scan volumes can be selected, by translating the animal in 3D through the focusing collimators. Scan volume selections were set to (i) a minimal volume containing just the heart, acquired without translating the animal during scanning, (ii) a slightly larger scan volume as is typically applied for the heart, requiring only small XYZ translations during scanning, (iii) same as (ii), but extended further transaxially, and (iv) same as (ii), but extended transaxially to cover the full thorax width (gold standard). Despite an overall negative bias that is significant for the minimal scan volume, all selected volumes resulted in visually similar images. Quantitative differences in the reconstructed myocardium between gold standard and the results from the smaller scan volume selections were small; the 17 standardized myocardial segments of a bulls eye plot, normalized to the myocardial mean of the gold standard, deviated on average 6.0%, 2.5% and 1.9% for respectively the minimal, the typical and the extended scan volume, while maximum absolute deviations were respectively 18.6%, 9.0% and 5.2%. Averaged over ten low-count noisy simulations, the mean absolute deviations were respectively 7.9%, 3.2% and 1.9%. In low-count noisy simulations, the mean and maximum absolute deviations for the minimal scan volume could be reduced to respectively 4.2% and 12.5% by performing a short survey scan of the exterior activity and focusing the remaining scan time at the organ of interest. We conclude that reconstructed tracer distribution in the myocardium can be influenced by activity in surrounding organs when a too narrow scan volume is used. With slightly larger scan volumes this problem is adequately suppressed. This approach produced a smaller mean deviation and may be more effective than employing a narrow scan volume with an additional survey scan.
The Journal of Nuclear Medicine | 2014
Woutjan Branderhorst; Erwin L. A. Blezer; Mischa Houtkamp; Ruud M. Ramakers; Jeroen van den Brakel; Henry Witteveen; Frans van der Have; Hugo A. Gratama van Andel; Brendan Vastenhouw; Chao Wu; Marijke Stigter-van Walsum; Guus A.M.S. van Dongen; Max A. Viergever; Wim K. Bleeker; Freek J. Beekman
Longitudinal imaging of intratumoral distributions of antibodies in vivo in mouse cancer models is of great importance for developing cancer therapies. In this study, multipinhole SPECT with sub–half-millimeter resolution was tested for exploring intratumoral distributions of radiolabeled antibodies directed toward the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFr) and compared with full 3-dimensional target expression assessed by immunohistochemistry. Methods: 111In-labeled zalutumumab, a human monoclonal human EGFr-targeting antibody, was administered at a nonsaturating dose to 3 mice with xenografted A431 tumors exhibiting high EGFr expression. Total-body and focused in vivo tumor SPECT was performed at 0 and 48 h after injection and compared both visually and quantitatively with full 3-dimensional immunohistochemical staining for EGFr target expression. Results: SPECT at 48 h after injection showed that activity was predominantly concentrated in the tumor (10.5% ± 1.3% of the total-body activity; average concentration, 30.1% ± 4.6% of the injected dose per cubic centimeter). 111In-labeled EGFr-targeting antibodies were distributed heterogeneously throughout the tumor. Some hot spots were observed near the tumor rim. Immunohistochemistry indicated that the antibody distributions obtained by SPECT were morphologically similar to those obtained for ex vivo EGFr target expression. Regions showing low SPECT activity were necrotic or virtually negative for EGFr target expression. A good correlation (r = 0.86, P < 0.0001) was found between the percentage of regions showing low activity on SPECT and the percentage of necrotic tissue on immunohistochemistry. Conclusion: Multipinhole SPECT enables high-resolution visualization and quantification of the heterogeneity of 111In-zalutumumab concentrations in vivo.
Proceedings of SPIE | 2009
Martin Baiker; Brendan Vastenhouw; Woutjan Branderhorst; Johan H. C. Reiber; Freek J. Beekman; Boudewijn P. F. Lelieveldt
Highly focused Micro-SPECT scanners enable the acquisition of functional small animal data with very high-resolution. To acquire a maximum of emitted photons from a specific structure of interest and at the same time minimize the required acquisition time, typically only a small subvolume of the animal is scanned that contains the organs of interest. This Volume of Interest (VOI) can be defined manually based on photographs of the animal taken prior to SPECT scanning, for example two lateral views and a top view. In these photographs however, only the surface of the animal is visible and therefore visual estimation of the location of these organs may be difficult. In this paper, we propose a novel atlas-based technique for estimating the organ VOI for the major organs by mapping a small animal atlas to optical scout images. The user is required to outline the animal contour in one lateral view, and to mark two lateral landmarks in the top view photograph. These landmarks subsequently serve as fiducial landmarks to define a 3D Thin-Plate-Spline mapping of an anatomical mouse atlas to the photographic coordinate space. Planar projections of the mapped atlas organs on the photographs greatly facilitate the estimation of the size and position of the target organ. To validate the proposed approach, the estimated organ VOIs were compared to manually drawn organ outlines in a Micro-CT scan, which was co-registered to the scout photographs using physical landmarks. The results demonstrate a highly promising volume correspondence between the real and the estimated organ VOIs.
international symposium on biomedical imaging | 2008
F.J. Beekman; F. van der Have; Brendan Vastenhouw; Woutjan Branderhorst; A. Van Der Linden; Marten P. Smidt
We demonstrate new technologies for SPECT imaging with unsurpassed resolution in mice and rats. Results of the imaging of living animals will be shown. In addition development of detectors for next generation systems with an even higher resolution will be shown.
Proceedings of SPIE, 2008 vol. 7261 | 2009
Martin Baiker; Brendan Vastenhouw; Woutjan Branderhorst; Johan H. C. Reiber; Freek J. Beekman; Boudewijn P. F. Lelieveldt
Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting Abstracts | 2010
Woutjan Branderhorst; Brendan Vastenhouw; Frans van der Have; Erwin L. A. Blezer; Frederik Beekman
Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting Abstracts | 2008
Woutjan Branderhorst; Brendan Vastenhouw; Frans van der Have; Frederik Beekman