X.M. Ma
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Physica Scripta | 2015
Z.K. Huang; Wenlong Wen; H.B. Wang; X. Xu; Lin-Fan Zhu; Xiao-Ya Chuai; Y. Yuan; X L Zhu; X Y Han; L.J. Mao; J. Li; X.M. Ma; Tingxing Yan; J. Yang; G Q Xiao; J.W. Xia; X. Y. Ma
The main cooler storage ring (CSRm) of the HIRFL facility in Lanzhou, China is equipped with an electron-cooler and denotes an ideal platform for dielectronic recombination (DR) experiments. In order to fully understand our DR experimental setup and especially the electron energy detuning system, we have performed a DR calibration experiment using the Li-like argon ions at the CSRm because Ar15+ has a simple electronic structure and the DR spectrum can be calculated with an ultra-high precision and be compared with the existing experimental data. The experiment was carried out over the center-of-mass energy range 0–32 eV that includes all DR resonance associated with 2S1/2 → 2p1/2 and most of the 2S1/2 → 2p3/2 excitations. We present the details of the experimental technique and the DR experimental resonance spectrum of the Ar15+.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2014
Yougang Wang; Ya-Juan Lei; Guo-Qiang Ding; J. L. Qu; M. Y. Ge; Cong Zhang; Li Chen; X.M. Ma
Using all the observations from Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer for the accreting neutron star XTE J1701-462, we carry out a systematic study of the cross-correlation function between its soft and hard light curves. Over the entire outburst, XTE J1701-462 evolves from super-Eddington luminosities to quiescence and shows both Z and atoll behaviours. Following previous work, we divide the outburst into five intervals: one Cyg-like interval, three Sco-like intervals and one atoll interval, according to their different behaviours in the corresponding colour-colour diagrams (CCDs). With cross-correlation analyses, anti-correlation, positive and ambiguous correlations are found in the different intervals in this source. Both anti-correlated soft and hard time lags are detected, where hard lags mean that the hard photons lag behind the soft ones and soft lags mean the reverse. In the Cyg-like interval, anti-correlations are presented in the hard vertex and upper normal branch (NB) and positive correlations dominate the horizontal branch (HB) and lower NB. In the first two Sco-like intervals, anti-correlations are detected first and most of them are found in the HB and/or upper NB, while positive correlations are mostly detected in the lower NB and flaring branch (FB). In the following interval, i.e. the third Sco-like interval, anti-correlations occur on the upper FB and positive correlations are mainly distributed in the lower FB. The different intervals correspond to various luminosities; therefore, the position of anti-correlations in the CCD might depend on the luminosity. It is noted that, in the Cyg-like interval, positive correlations dominate the HB, which is not consistent with the behaviour of the Cyg-like Z sources GX 5-1 and Cyg X-2, the HBs of which host ambiguous correlations and anti-correlations. Hence, for comparison with GX 5-1, we analyse the spectra of the HB and the hard vertex of the Cyg-like interval. The fitting results show that, in contrast to GX 5-1, the ratio of hard emission to soft emission basically remains unvaried from the HB to the hard vertex, which might result in positive correlation. Additionally, we compare the spectra of the third Sco-like interval with atoll source 4U 1735-44 and find that their spectral evolution along the tracks in the CCD is similar, indicating that in this interval XTE J1701-462 could approach an atoll source. The truncated disc model might be responsible for the detected time lags in XTE J1701-462; the possible origins of anti-correlated hard and soft time lags are also discussed.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2017
Hongwei Gao; Liang Zhang; Yupeng Chen; Zhen Zhang; Li Chen; Shuang-Nan Zhang; Shu Zhang; X.M. Ma; Z. B. Li; Qingcui Bu; J. L. Qu
We performed a global study on the timing and spectral properties of type-B quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in the outbursts of black hole X-ray binaries. The sample is built based on the observations of Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE), via searching in the literature in RXTE era for all the identified type-B QPOs. To enlarge the sample, we also investigated some type-B QPOs that are reported but not yet fully identified. Regarding to the time lag and hard/soft flux ratio, we found that the sources with type-B QPOs behave in two subgroups. In one subgroup, type-B QPO shows a hard time lag that first decreases and then reverse into a soft time lag along with softening of the energy spectrum. In the other subgroup, type-B QPOs distribute only in a small region with hard time lag and relatively soft hardness. These findings may be understood with a diversity of the homogeneity showing up for the hot inner flow of different sources. We confirm the universality of a positive relation between the type-B QPO frequency and the hard component luminosity in different sources. We explain the results by considering that the type-B QPO photons are produced in the inner accretion flow around the central black hole, under a local Eddington limit. Using this relationship, we derived a mass estimation of 9.3–27.1 M_⊙ for the black hole in H 1743−322.
Physica Scripta | 2013
L J Meng; X. Y. Ma; X L Zhu; S Zhang; X D Yang; J. Li; X.M. Ma; Tingxing Yan; Huiping Liu; Vasily Parkhomchuk; Vladimir Reva; J.W. Xia; Y. Yuan; H. Xu; J. Yang; G Q Xiao; C Y Li; J G Wang; W Q Xu; Lin-Fan Zhu
Absolute non-resonant recombination (RR) rate coefficients of Ni19+ ions were measured by employing the electron–ion merged-beams technique at the main cooler storage ring in Lanzhou. Using the electron cooler and energy detuning system, we obtained a narrow momentum spread (Δp/p ~ 2 × 10−4) and tuned precisely relative energies (minimum electron energy detuning step voltage 1 V) between electrons and ions. In addition, we compared the RR rate coefficients with the theoretical ones calculated by the self-consistent-field Dirac–Slater method, and found that they are in good agreement.
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray | 2018
Shu Zhang; Shuang-Nan Zhang; Ti-Pei Li; F. J. Lu; Li-Ming Song; Y. Xu; H. W. Wang; J. L. Qu; C. X. Liu; Yong Chen; Xuelei Cao; Fan Zhang; Shaolin Xiong; M. Y. Ge; Yupeng Chen; Jin-Yuan Liao; Jianyin Nie; Haisheng Zhao; Shu-Mei Jia; Xiaobo Li; Ju Guan; Chengkui Li; Juan Zhang; Jing Jin; Guofeng Wang; Shijie Zheng; X.M. Ma; Lian Tao; Yue Huang
The Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope (HXMT or also dubbed as Insight-HXMT) is China’s first astronomical satellite. It was launched on 15th June 2017 in JiuQuan, China and is currently in service smoothly. It was designed to perform pointing, scanning and gamma-ray burst (GRB) observations and, based on the Direct Demodulation Method (DDM), the image of the scanned sky region can be reconstructed. Here we introduce the mission and its progresses in aspects of payload, core sciences, ground calibration/facility, ground segment, data archive, software, in-orbit performance, calibration, background model, observations and preliminary results.
Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems VII | 2018
Shu-Mei Jia; X.M. Ma; Yue Huang; Li-Ming Song; J. L. Qu; Shu Zhang; Wenzhao Zhang; Ge Ou; Li Chen
The Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope (Insight-HXMT) was successfully launched on June 15th, 2017. It performs broad band X-ray scan survey of the Galactic Plane to detect new black holes and other objects in active states. It also observes X-ray binaries to study their X-ray variabilities. Here we will introduce the Science Operations of Insight-HXMT, which is responsible for collecting and evaluating observation proposals, scheduling observations, and monitoring the working status of the payloads
Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 2014
Wei Xu; X. Y. Ma; Wenlong Wen; X L Zhu; Y. Gao; S.L. Wang; P. Zhang; Ruitian Zhang; B. Li; Y. Zhang; D. M. Zhao; He-Qun Liu; Vasily Parkhomchuk; Vladimir Reva; X.D. Yang; J. Li; X.M. Ma; Tingxing Yan; J. Yang; J.W. Xia; Y. Yuan; H. Xu; G Q Xiao; C Y Li; J G Wang; L F Zhut; N R Badnell
Total recombination rate coefficients of Sn-112(35+) ions have been firstly measured by employing the electron-ion merged-beams technique on the main cooler storage ring at Lanzhou. Using an electron beam energy detuning system, we precisely tuned the relative energies from 0 to 6.0 eV between the electron beam and the ion beam (momentum spread Delta p/p similar to 5 x 10(-4)). A multi-configuration Breit-Pauli calculation utilizing kappa-averaged relativistic orbitals has been carried-out for the recombination rate coefficients. We find that there are obvious differences between the experimental total rate coefficients and the theoretical calculations.
arXiv: Accelerator Physics | 2012
L J Meng; X. Y. Ma; X.D. Yang; H. Xu; J.W. Xia; Y. Yuan; J. Yang; Xiangping Zhu; L.J. Mao; J. C. Li; X.M. Ma; Tailai Yan; D B Qian; G Q Xiao; Vasily Parkhomchuk; Vladimir Reva
The storage ring equipped with an electron cooler is an ideal platform for dielectronic recombination (DR) experiments. In order to fulfil the requirement of DR measurements at the main Cooler Storage Ring, a detuning system for the precision control of the relative energy between the ion beam and the electron beam has been installed on the electron cooler device. The test run using 7.0 MeV/u C6+ beam was performed to examine the influence of this system on the performance of the stored ion beam. The Schottky spectra and the ion beam currents were recorded to monitor the beam status. The influence of pulse heights and widths of the detuning voltage on the ion beam was investigated. For the small pulse height, the experimental results from the Schottky spectrum were in good agreement with the theoretical results. The frequency shift in the Schottky spectrum is significantly reduced for the short pulse width. For the large pulse height, an oscillation phenomenon was observed. From the Schottky spectrum, we found the oscillation amplitude is dependent on the pulse width of detuning and the ion beam intensity. The detailed description of the phenomenon and the theoretical model based on the plasma oscillation was discussed in this paper.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 2015
L.J. Mao; J. Yang; J.W. Xia; X.D. Yang; Y. Yuan; J. Li; X.M. Ma; Tingxing Yan; D.Y. Yin; W.P. Chai; Lizhi Sheng; Guo-Dong Shen; H. W. Zhao; M.T. Tang
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 2016
L.J. Mao; H. W. Zhao; X.D. Yang; J. Li; J. Yang; Y. Yuan; Vasily Parkhomchuk; Vladimir Reva; X.M. Ma; Tingxing Yan; M.T. Tang; J.W. Xia