
Communications of The ACM | 2009

Formal verification of a realistic compiler

Xavier Leroy

This paper reports on the development and formal verification (proof of semantic preservation) of CompCert, a compiler from Clight (a large subset of the C programming language) to PowerPC assembly code, using the Coq proof assistant both for programming the compiler and for proving its correctness. Such a verified compiler is useful in the context of critical software and its formal verification: the verification of the compiler guarantees that the safety properties proved on the source code hold for the executable compiled code as well.

symposium on principles of programming languages | 2006

Formal certification of a compiler back-end or: programming a compiler with a proof assistant

Xavier Leroy

This paper reports on the development and formal certification (proof of semantic preservation) of a compiler from Cminor (a C-like imperative language) to PowerPC assembly code, using the Coq proof assistant both for programming the compiler and for proving its correctness. Such a certified compiler is useful in the context of formal methods applied to the certification of critical software: the certification of the compiler guarantees that the safety properties proved on the source code hold for the executable compiled code as well.

Journal of Automated Reasoning | 2009

A Formally Verified Compiler Back-end

Xavier Leroy

This article describes the development and formal verification (proof of semantic preservation) of a compiler back-end from Cminor (a simple imperative intermediate language) to PowerPC assembly code, using the Coq proof assistant both for programming the compiler and for proving its soundness. Such a verified compiler is useful in the context of formal methods applied to the certification of critical software: the verification of the compiler guarantees that the safety properties proved on the source code hold for the executable compiled code as well.

symposium on principles of programming languages | 1994

Manifest types, modules, and separate compilation

Xavier Leroy

This paper presents a variant of the SML module system that introduces a strict distinction between abstract types and manifest types (types whose definitions are part of the module specification), while retaining most of the expressive power of the SML module system. The resulting module system provides much better support for separate compilation.

symposium on principles of programming languages | 1992

Unboxed objects and polymorphic typing

Xavier Leroy

This paper presents a program transformation that allows languages with polymorphic typing (e.g. ML) to be implemented with unboxed, multi-word data representations. The transformation introduces coercions between various representations, based on a typing derivation. A prototype ML compiler utilizing this transformation demonstrates important speedups.

Journal of Automated Reasoning | 2003

Java Bytecode Verification: Algorithms and Formalizations

Xavier Leroy

Bytecode verification is a crucial security component for Java applets, on the Web and on embedded devices such as smart cards. This paper reviews the various bytecode verification algorithms that have been proposed, recasts them in a common framework of dataflow analysis, and surveys the use of proof assistants to specify bytecode verification and prove its correctness.

international conference on functional programming | 2002

A compiled implementation of strong reduction

Benjamin Grégoire; Xavier Leroy

Motivated by applications to proof assistants based on dependent types, we develop and prove correct a strong reducer and ß-equivalence checker for the λ-calculus with products, sums, and guarded fixpoints. Our approach is based on compilation to the bytecode of an abstract machine performing weak reductions on non-closed terms, derived with minimal modifications from the ZAM machine used in the Objective Caml bytecode interpreter, and complemented by a recursive read back procedure. An implementation in the Coq proof assistant demonstrates important speed-ups compared with the original interpreter-based implementation of strong reduction in Coq.

symposium on principles of programming languages | 1995

Applicative functors and fully transparent higher-order modules

Xavier Leroy

we present a variety of the Standard ML module system where parameterized abstract types (i.e. functors returning generative types) map provably equal arguments to compatible abstract types, instead of generating distinct types at each applications as in Standard ML. This extension solves the full transparency problem (how to give syntactic signatures for higher-order functors that express exactly their propagation of type equations), and also provides better support for non-closed code fragments.

formal methods | 2006

Formal verification of a c compiler front-end

Sandrine Blazy; Zaynah Dargaye; Xavier Leroy

This paper presents the formal verification of a compiler front-end that translates a subset of the C language into the Cminor intermediate language. The semantics of the source and target languages as well as the translation between them have been written in the specification language of the Coq proof assistant. The proof of observational semantic equivalence between the source and generated code has been machine-checked using Coq. An executable compiler was obtained by automatic extraction of executable Caml code from the Coq specification of the translator, combined with a certified compiler back-end generating PowerPC assembly code from Cminor, described in previous work.

generative programming and component engineering | 2003

Implementing multi-stage languages using ASTs, Gensym, and reflection

Cristiano Calcagno; Walid Taha; Liwen Huang; Xavier Leroy

The paper addresses theoretical and practical aspects of implementing multi-stage languages using abstract syntax trees (ASTs), gensym, and reflection. We present an operational account of the correctness of this approach, and report on our experience with a bytecode compiler called MetaOCaml that is based on this strategy. Current performance measurements reveal interesting characteristics of the underlying OCaml compiler, and illustrate why this strategy can be particularly useful for implementing domain-specific languages in a typed, functional setting.

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