
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution | 2013

Molecular systematics of Dendrobium (Orchidaceae, Dendrobieae) from mainland Asia based on plastid and nuclear sequences

Xiao-Guo Xiang; André Schuiteman; De-Zhu Li; Wei-Chang Huang; Shih-Wen Chung; Jian-Wu Li; Hai-Lang Zhou; Wei-Tao Jin; Yangjun Lai; Zhen-Yu Li; Xiao-Hua Jin

Dendrobium is one of the three largest genera and presents some of the most intricate taxonomic problems in the family Orchidaceae. Based on five DNA markers and a broad sampling of Dendrobium and its relatives from mainland Asia (109 species), our results indicate that mainland Asia Dendrobium is divided into eight clades (with two unplaced species) that form polytomies along the spine of the cladogram. Both Dendrobium and Epigeneium are well supported as monophyletic, whereas sect. Dendrobium, sect. Densiflora, sect. Breviflores, sect. Holochrysa, are paraphyletic/polyphyletic. Many ignored phylogenetic relationships, such as the one of major clades formed by D. jenkinsii and D. lindleyi (two members of sect. Densiflora), the Aphyllum group, the Devonianum group, the Catenatum group, the Crepidatum group, and the Dendrobium moniliforme complex are well supported by both molecular and morphological evidence. Based on our data, we propose to broaden sect. Dendrobium to include sect. Stuposa, sect. Breviflores, and sect. Holochrysa and to establish a new section to accommodate D. jenkinsii and D. lindleyi. Our results indicated that it is preferable to use a broad generic concept of Dendrobium and to pursue an improved infrageneric classification at sectional level, taking into account both morphology and current molecular findings.

Molecular Ecology Resources | 2011

DNA barcoding of the recently evolved genus Holcoglossum (Orchidaceae: Aeridinae): a test of DNA barcode candidates

Xiao-Guo Xiang; Hao Hu; Wei Wang; Xiao-Hua Jin

Orchidaceae is one of the largest families of flowering plants. Many species of orchid are endangered, and all species are included in Conventions on International Trade of Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora (CITES) I and II, but it is very difficult to identify orchid species, even those with fertile parts. The genus Holcoglossum (Orchidaceae: Aeridinae) has long been problematic in taxonomy. It consists of both long‐evolved and radiated species and is an excellent case to use for testing DNA barcodes for Orchidaceae. We investigated the power of a subset of proposed plant barcoding loci [rbcL, matK, atpF‐atpH, psbK‐psbI, trnH‐psbA and internal transcribed spacer (ITS)] to discriminate between species in this genus. Our results showed that all these DNA regions, except psbK‐psbI and atpF‐atpH, can be amplified easily from Holcoglossum and sequenced with established primers. The DNA regions matK and ITS had the highest variability. Among the six loci, matK resolved eight of the 12 Holcoglossum species and had the highest discriminatory ability. However, the combination of matK and ITS showed a greater ability to identify species than matK alone. Single or combined DNA markers discriminated between Holcoglossum species distributed in tropical areas effectively, but had less ability to identify radiated species from the temperate Hengduan Mountains of China. In the study, matK proved to be a useful DNA barcode for the genus Holcoglossum; however, complementary DNA regions are still required to accelerate the investigation and preservation of radiated species of orchid.

PLOS ONE | 2015

Evaluation of the DNA Barcodes in Dendrobium (Orchidaceae) from Mainland Asia

Songzhi Xu; De-Zhu Li; Jian-Wu Li; Xiao-Guo Xiang; Wei-Tao Jin; Wei-Chang Huang; Xiao-Hua Jin; Lu-Qi Huang

DNA barcoding has been proposed to be one of the most promising tools for accurate and rapid identification of taxa. However, few publications have evaluated the efficiency of DNA barcoding for the large genera of flowering plants. Dendrobium, one of the largest genera of flowering plants, contains many species that are important in horticulture, medicine and biodiversity conservation. Besides, Dendrobium is a notoriously difficult group to identify. DNA barcoding was expected to be a supplementary means for species identification, conservation and future studies in Dendrobium. We assessed the power of 11 candidate barcodes on the basis of 1,698 accessions of 184 Dendrobium species obtained primarily from mainland Asia. Our results indicated that five single barcodes, i.e., ITS, ITS2, matK, rbcL and trnH-psbA, can be easily amplified and sequenced with the currently established primers. Four barcodes, ITS, ITS2, ITS+matK, and ITS2+matK, have distinct barcoding gaps. ITS+matK was the optimal barcode based on all evaluation methods. Furthermore, the efficiency of ITS+matK was verified in four other large genera including Ficus, Lysimachia, Paphiopedilum, and Pedicularis in this study. Therefore, we tentatively recommend the combination of ITS+matK as a core DNA barcode for large flowering plant genera.

BMC Plant Biology | 2015

NDH expression marks major transitions in plant evolution and reveals coordinate intracellular gene loss

Tracey A. Ruhlman; Wan Jung Chang; Jeremy J.W. Chen; Yao Ting Huang; Ming-Tsair Chan; Jin Zhang; De Chih Liao; John C. Blazier; Xiao-Hua Jin; Ming-Che Shih; Robert K. Jansen; Choun-Sea Lin

BackgroundKey innovations have facilitated novel niche utilization, such as the movement of the algal predecessors of land plants into terrestrial habitats where drastic fluctuations in light intensity, ultraviolet radiation and water limitation required a number of adaptations. The NDH (NADH dehydrogenase-like) complex of Viridiplantae plastids participates in adapting the photosynthetic response to environmental stress, suggesting its involvement in the transition to terrestrial habitats. Although relatively rare, the loss or pseudogenization of plastid NDH genes is widely distributed across diverse lineages of photoautotrophic seed plants and mutants/transgenics lacking NDH function demonstrate little difference from wild type under non-stressed conditions. This study analyzes large transcriptomic and genomic datasets to evaluate the persistence and loss of NDH expression across plants.ResultsNuclear expression profiles showed accretion of the NDH gene complement at key transitions in land plant evolution, such as the transition to land and at the base of the angiosperm lineage. While detection of transcripts for a selection of non-NDH, photosynthesis related proteins was independent of the state of NDH, coordinate, lineage-specific loss of plastid NDH genes and expression of nuclear-encoded NDH subunits was documented in Pinaceae, gnetophytes, Orchidaceae and Geraniales confirming the independent and complete loss of NDH in these diverse seed plant taxa.ConclusionThe broad phylogenetic distribution of NDH loss and the subtle phenotypes of mutants suggest that the NDH complex is of limited biological significance in contemporary plants. While NDH activity appears dispensable under favorable conditions, there were likely sufficiently frequent episodes of abiotic stress affecting terrestrial habitats to allow the retention of NDH activity. These findings reveal genetic factors influencing plant/environment interactions in a changing climate through 450 million years of land plant evolution.

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution | 2011

Molecular phylogeny of Cypripedium (Orchidaceae: Cypripedioideae) inferred from multiple nuclear and chloroplast regions

Ji-hong Li; Zhong-Jian Liu; Gerardo A. Salazar; Peter Bernhardt; Holger Perner; Yukawa Tomohisa; Xiao-Hua Jin; Shih-Wen Chung; Yi-Bo Luo

A molecular analysis was performed on 56 taxa in the orchid genus Cypripedium using nrDNA ITS and five chloroplast regions (trnH-psbA, atpI-atpH, trnS-trnfM, trnL-F spacer, and the trnL intron). The genus Cypripedium was confirmed as monophyletic. Our data provided strong support for monophyletic grouping of eight infrageneric sections (Subtropica, Obtusipetala, Trigonopedia, Sinopedilum, Bifolia, Flabelinervia, Arietinum, and Cypripedium) defined in earlier taxonomic treatments, and paraphyletic grouping of two sections (Irapeana and Retinervi). Within the genus Cypripedium, the first divergent lineage consisted of two Mesomaerican species, and subsequently the Cypripedium debile lineage from eastern Asia was split. Our study did not support the notion that two Asian species (Cypripedium subtropicum and Cypripedium singchii) were closely related to either Mesoamerican Cypripedium irapeanum or North American Cypripedium californicum, as indicated by previous interpretations based on morphological evidences. In addition, one pair of vicariant species, Cypripedium plectrochilum (eastern Asia) and Cypripedium arietinum (North America), unique to section Arietinum, was confirmed. Furthermore, within the monophyletic section Cypripedium two previously recognized subsections, Cypripedium and Macrantha, were shown to be paraphyletic. Our results suggested that this section split into two groups based on distribution (North America vs. Eurasia) instead of such previously used, morphological traits as flower color, and the shape of the lips (labellum) and lateral petals.

Journal of Systematics and Evolution | 2016

Tree of life for the genera of Chinese vascular plants

Zhi-Duan Chen; Tuo Yang; Li Lin; Li-Min Lu; Hong-Lei Li; Miao Sun; Bing Liu; Min Chen; Yan-Ting Niu; Jianfei Ye; Zhi‐Yong Cao; Hong-Mei Liu; Xiao‐Ming Wang; Wei Wang; Jing-Bo Zhang; Zhen Meng; Wei Cao; Jianhui Li; Sheng‐Dan Wu; Hui‐Ling Zhao; Zhong-Jian Liu; Zhi‐Yuan Du; Qing-Feng Wang; Jing Guo; Xin‐Xin Tan; Jun-Xia Su; Linjing Zhang; Lei‐Lei Yang; Yi‐Ying Liao; Ming-He Li

We reconstructed a phylogenetic tree of Chinese vascular plants (Tracheophyta) using sequences of the chloroplast genes atpB, matK, ndhF, and rbcL and mitochondrial matR. We produced a matrix comprising 6098 species and including 13 695 DNA sequences, of which 1803 were newly generated. Our taxonomic sampling spanned 3114 genera representing 323 families of Chinese vascular plants, covering more than 93% of all genera known from China. The comprehensive large phylogeny supports most relationships among and within families recognized by recent molecular phylogenetic studies for lycophytes, ferns (monilophytes), gymnosperms, and angiosperms. For angiosperms, most families in Angiosperm Phylogeny Group IV are supported as monophyletic, except for a paraphyletic Dipterocarpaceae and Santalaceae. The infrafamilial relationships of several large families and monophyly of some large genera are well supported by our dense taxonomic sampling. Our results showed that two species of Eberhardtia are sister to a clade formed by all other taxa of Sapotaceae, except Sarcosperma. We have made our phylogeny of Chinese vascular plants publically available for the creation of subtrees via SoTree (, an automated phylogeny assembly tool for ecologists.

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution | 2014

Molecular systematics of subtribe Orchidinae and Asian taxa of Habenariinae (Orchideae, Orchidaceae) based on plastid matK, rbcL and nuclear ITS

Wei-Tao Jin; Xiao-Hua Jin; André Schuiteman; De-Zhu Li; Xiao-Guo Xiang; Wei-Chang Huang; Jian-Wu Li; Lu-Qi Huang

The subtribe Orchidinae, distributed predominantly in Eastern Asia and the Mediterranean, presents some of the most intricate taxonomic problems in the family Orchidaceae with respect to generic delimitation. Based on three DNA markers (plastid matK, rbcL, and nuclear ITS), morphological characters, and a broad sampling of Orchidinae and selected Habenariinae mainly from Asia (a total of 153 accessions of 145 species in 31 genera), generic delimitation and phylogenetic relationships within the subtribe Orchidinae and Habenariinae from Asia were assessed. Orchidinae and Asian Habenariinae are monophyletic, and Orchidinae is divided into distinct superclades. Many genera, such as Amitostigma, Habenaria, Hemipilia, Herminium, Platanthera, Peristylus and Ponerorchis, are not monophyletic. Habenaria is subdivided into two distantly related groups, while Platanthera is subdivided into three even more disparate groups. Many previously undetected phylogenetic relationships, such as clades formed by the Amitostigma-Neottianthe-Ponerorchis complex, Platanthera latilabris group, Ponerorchis chrysea, Sirindhornia, and Tsaiorchis, are well supported by both molecular and morphological evidence. We propose to combine Hemipiliopsis with Hemipilia, Amitostigma and Neottianthe with Ponerorchis, Smithorchis with Platanthera, and Aceratorchis and Neolindleya with Galearis, and to establish a new genus to accommodate Ponerorchis chrysea. Tsaiorchis and Sirindhornia are two distinctive genera supported by both molecular data and morphological characters. A new genus, Hsenhsua, and 41 new combinations are proposed based on these findings.

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution | 2016

Advances in Dendrobium molecular research: Applications in genetic variation, identification and breeding.

Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva; Xiao-Hua Jin; Judit Dobránszki; Jiangjie Lu; Huizhong Wang; Gerhard Zotz; Jean Carlos Cardoso; Songjun Zeng

Orchids of the genus Dendrobium are of great economic importance in global horticultural trade and in Asian traditional medicine. For both areas, research yielding solid information on taxonomy, phylogeny, and breeding of this genus are essential. Traditional morphological and cytological characterization are used in combination with molecular results in classification and identification. Markers may be useful when used alone but are not always reliable in identification. The number of species studied and identified by molecular markers is small at present. Conventional breeding methods are time-consuming and laborious. In the past two decades, promising advances have been made in taxonomy, phylogeny and breeding of Dendrobium species due to the intensive use of molecular markers. In this review, we focus on the main molecular techniques used in 121 published studies and discuss their importance and possibilities in speeding up the breeding of new cultivars and hybrids.

Genome Biology and Evolution | 2016

Lineage-Specific Reductions of Plastid Genomes in an Orchid Tribe with Partially and Fully Mycoheterotrophic Species

Yan-Lei Feng; Susann Wicke; Jian-Wu Li; Yu Han; Choun-Sea Lin; De-Zhu Li; Ting-Ting Zhou; Wei-Chang Huang; Lu-Qi Huang; Xiao-Hua Jin

The plastid genome (plastome) of heterotrophic plants like mycoheterotrophs and parasites shows massive gene losses in consequence to the relaxation of functional constraints on photosynthesis. To understand the patterns of this convergent plastome reduction syndrome in heterotrophic plants, we studied 12 closely related orchids of three different lifeforms from the tribe Neottieae (Orchidaceae). We employ a comparative genomics approach to examine structural and selectional changes in plastomes within Neottieae. Both leafy and leafless heterotrophic species have functionally reduced plastid genome. Our analyses show that genes for the NAD(P)H dehydrogenase complex, the photosystems, and the RNA polymerase have been lost functionally multiple times independently. The physical reduction proceeds in a highly lineage-specific manner, accompanied by structural reconfigurations such as inversions or modifications of the large inverted repeats. Despite significant but minor selectional changes, all retained genes continue to evolve under purifying selection. All leafless Neottia species, including both visibly green and nongreen members, are fully mycoheterotrophic, likely evolved from leafy and partially mycoheterotrophic species. The plastomes of Neottieae span many stages of plastome degradation, including the longest plastome of a mycoheterotroph, providing invaluable insights into the mechanisms of plastome evolution along the transition from autotrophy to full mycoheterotrophy.

BMC Plant Biology | 2014

The evolution of floral deception in Epipactis veratrifolia (Orchidaceae): from indirect defense to pollination

Xiao-Hua Jin; Zong-Xin Ren; Songzhi Xu; Hong Wang; De-Zhu Li; Zheng-Yu Li

BackgroundIt is estimated that floral deception has evolved in at least 7500 species of angiosperms, of which two thirds are orchids. Epipactis veratrifolia (Orchidaceae) is a model system of aphid mimicry as aphidophagous hoverflies lay eggs on false brood sites on their flowers. To understand the evolutionary ecology of floral deception, we investigated the pollination biology of E. veratrifolia across 10 populations in the Eastern Himalayas. We reconstructed the phylogeny of Epipactis and mapped the known pollination systems of previously studied species onto the tree.ResultsSome inflorescences of E. veratrifolia were so infested with aphids while they were still in bud that the some larvae of hoverflies developed to the third instar while flower buds opened. This indicated that adult female hoverflies were partly rewarded for oviposition. Although flowers failed to secrete nectar, they mimicked both alarm pheromones and aphid coloring of to attract female hoverflies as their exclusive pollinators. Phylogenetic mapping indicate that pollination by aphidophagous hoverflies is likely an ancestral condition in the genus Epipactis. We suggest that the biological interaction of aphid (prey), orchid (primary producer) and hoverfly (predator) may represent an intermediate stage between mutualism and deception in the evolution of pollination-by-deceit in E. veratrifolia.ConclusionsOur analyses indicate that this intermediate stage may be used as a model system to interpret the origin of oviposition (brood site) mimicry in Epipactis. We propose the hypothesis that some deceptive pollination systems evolved directly from earlier (partly) mutualistic systems that maintained the fidelity of the original pollinator(s) even though rewards (nectar/ brood site) were lost.

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