Xu Hua-Gen
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Chinese Physics C | 2009
Yu Yu-Hong; Xu Hua-Gen; Xu Hu-Shan; Zhan Wen-Long; Sun Zhi-Yu; Guo Zhong-Yan; Hu Zheng-Guo; Wang Jian-Song; Chen Junling; Zheng Chuan
To achieve a better time resolution of a scintillator-bar detector for a neutron wall at the external target facility of HIRFL-CSR, we have carried out a detailed study of the photomultiplier, the wrapping material and the coupling media. The timing properties of a scintillator-bar detector have been studied in detail with cosmic rays using a high and low level signal coincidence. A time resolution of 80 ps has been achieved in the center of the scintillator-bar detector.
Chinese Physics Letters | 2007
Bai Zhen; Wang Qi; Han Jian-Long; Xiao Zhi-Gang; Xu Hu-Shan; Sun Zhi-Yu; Hu Zheng-Guo; Zhang Xue-Ying; Wang Hongwei; Mao Rui-Shi; Yuan Xiao-Hua; Xu Zhi-Guo; Zhang Hong-Bin; Xu Hua-Gen; Qi Hui-Rong; Wang Yue; Jia Fei; Wu Li-Jie; Ding Xian-Li; Gao Qi; Gao Hui; Li Song-Lin; Li Jun-Qing; Zhang Ya-Peng; Xiao Guo-Qing; Jin Gen-Ming; Ren Zhong-Zhou; Zhou Shan-Gui; Xu Wang; Fan Gong-Tao
The differential cross sections for elastic scattering products of F-17 on Pb-208 have been measured. The angular dispersion plots of ln(d sigma/d theta) versus theta(2) are obtained from the angular distribution of the elastic scattering differential cross sections. Systematical analysis on the angular dispersion for the available experimental data indicates that there is an angular dispersion turning angle at forward angular range within the grazing angle. This turning angle can be clarified as nuclear rainbow in classical deflection function. The exotic behaviour of the nuclear rainbow angle offers a new probe to investigate the halo and skin phenomena.
Chinese Physics Letters | 2006
Wang Qi; Han Jian-Long; Xiao Zhi-Gang; Xu Hu-Shan; Sun Zhi-Yu; Hu Zheng-Guo; Zhang Xue-Ying; Wang Hongwei; Mao Rui-Shi; Yuan Xiao-Hua; Xu Zhi-Guo; Zhao Tie-Cheng; Zhang Hong-Bin; Xu Hua-Gen; Qi Hui-Rong; Wang Yue; Jia Fei; Wu Li-Jie; Ding Xian-Li; Gao Qi; Gao Hui; Li Song-Lin; Bai Zhen; Xiao Guo-Qing; Jin Gen-Ming; Ren Zhong-Zhou; Zhou Shan-Gui; Sergey Yu-Kun
The differential cross sections of 17F and 17O elastic scattering products on 208Pb have been measured at the Radioactive Ion Beam Line at Lanzhou (RIBLL). Two angular dispersion plots of ln (dσ/dθ) versus θ2 are obtained from the angular distribution of the elastic scattering differential cross sections. The angular dispersion plot exhibits a clear turning point for 17F in the range of small scattering angles 6°–20° due to its exotic structure, but for 17O, the turning point is not observed in the same angular range. The experimental results have been compared with previous data of other groups. Systematical analysis on the available data supports the above conclusion that there is an exotic behaviour of the angular dispersion plot of weakly bound nuclei with halo or skin structure as compared with that of the ordinary nuclei near stable line. Therefore the turning point of the angular dispersion plot appears at small angle for weakly bound nuclei with halo or skin structure, and can be used as a new probe to investigate the halo and skin phenomena of weakly bound nuclei.
Chinese Physics C | 2009
Yu Yu-Hong; Xu Hua-Gen; Xu Hu-Shan; Zhan Wen-Long; Sun Zhi-Yu; Guo Zhong-Yan; Hu Zheng-Guo; Chen Junling; Tang Shu-Wen
Timing and amplitude properties of a prototype scintillator TOF counter at an external target facility are studied with a cosmic rays test. The dependence of signal pulse height and time resolution on the coordinate along the scintillator TOF counter is investigated with two different discriminators. A time resolution of 165 ps can be achieved at the center of the counter with a constant fraction discriminator. Time resolution better than 150 ps is obtained at the center with a leading edge discriminator after time walk correction is applied for off-line analysis.
Chinese Physics Letters | 2008
Han Jian-Long; Wang Qi; Bai Zhen; Dong Yu-Chuan; Li Song-Lin; Duan Li-Min; Xu Hu-Shan; Xu Hua-Gen; Wu He-Yu; Li Zhichang; Lu Xiu-Qin; Zhao Kui; Zhou Ping; Liu Jian-Cheng; Xu Guo-Ji; Sergey Yu Kun
Excitation functions have been measured for different projectile-like fragments produced in Al-27(F-19,x)y reactions at incident energies from 110.25 to 118.75 MeV in 250 keV steps. Strong cross section fluctuations of the excitation functions are observed. The cross- correlation coefficients of the excitation functions for different atomic number Z and for different scattering angle theta(cm) have been deduced. These coefficients are much larger than the statistical theoretical calculated ones. This indicates that there are strong correlations between different exit channels in the dissipative heavy ion Collision of Al-27(F-19,x)y.
Chinese Physics C | 2008
Zhang Ya-Peng; Yao Nan; Xiao Zhi-Gang; Zheng Chuan; Xu Hushan; Jin Gen-Ming; Fan Rui-Rui; Fu Fen; Yue Ke; Liang Jin-Jie; Sun Zhi-Yu; Duan Li-Min; Yuan Xiao-Hua; Xu Hua-Gen
The necessity of installing a forward tracking detector stack is discussed for the Hadron Physics LanzhoU Spectrometer(HPLUS). A local tracker is developed to solve the multi-track finding problem. The track candidates are searched iteratively via Hough Transform. The fake tracks are removed by a least square fitting process. With this tracker we have studied the feasibility of pp → pp+(→ K+K−), a typical physical channel proposed on HPLUS. The single track momentum resolution due to the uncertainty of the positioning in FTD is 1.3%. The multiple scattering effect contributes about 20% to the momentum resolution in the FTD coverage. The width and the signal-to-background ratio of the reconstructed are 1.51 MeV and 4.36, respectively, taking into account the direct Kaon channel pp → pp + K+K− as background. The geometry coverage of FTD for f events is about 85.4%. Based on the current fast simulation and estimation, the geometrical configuration of FTD meets the physical requirement of HPLUS under the current luminosity and multiplicity conditions. The tracker is applicable in the full simulation coming next and is extendable to other tracking component of HPLUS.
Chinese Physics B | 2008
Fang Yan; Xiao Guo-Qing; Xu Hu-Shan; Sun Zhi-Yu; Zhao Yong-Tao; Hu Zheng-Guo; Xu Hua-Gen; Huang Tian-Heng; Wang Yu-Yu
Charge state distribution of 0.8MeV/u uranium ions after transmission through a thin carbon foil has been studied. It is observed that the charge state distribution is equilibrated after the uranium ions have passed through a 15 μg/cm2 carbon foil. The equilibrated average charge state is 33.72 and the charge equilibration time of uranium ions in carbon foil is less than 5.4fs.
Chinese Physics Letters | 2005
Jia Fei; Xu Hu-Shan; Huang Tian-Heng; Li Wen-Fei; Xu Hua-Gen; Li Jun-Qing
We perform the calculation of the nucleus-nucleus interaction potential of the dinuclear system with deformed nuclei. Based on the calculated results by properly treating the double-folding method, some results from the analytical expressions for calculating both the nuclear and the Coulomb interactions are investigated. It is concluded that the analytical formula to calculate the Coulomb interaction by Wong [Phys. Rev. Lett. 31 (1973) 766] can reproduce good double folding results. However the results by the parametrized Morse formula, which are used to calculate the nuclear interaction, greatly deviate from the double folding results, unless the distance of nuclei is adjusted to be shifted to a smaller relative distance determined by the same distance between the nuclear surfaces as one of them pertains to the deformed nuclei. Using the double folding method to calculate the nuclear interaction and employing Wongs analytical formula to calculate the Coulomb interaction can keep good precision and can cost much less computation time.
Chinese Physics Letters | 2004
Wang Qi; Dong Yu-Chuan; Li Song-Lin; Duan Li-Min; Xu Hu-Shan; Xu Hua-Gen; Wu He-Yu; Han Jian-Long; Li Zhichang; Lu Xiu-Qin; Zhao Kui; Liu Jian-Cheng; Sergey Yu-Kun
Angular distributions of fragments B, C, N, O, F, Ne, Na, Mg and Al induced by the collision of F-19+Al-27 at 114 MeV have been measured. Angular dispersion parameters are extracted from the experimental data and compared with the theoretical ones. The dynamic dispersions for dissipative products depend strongly on the charge number Z of the fragments.
High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics | 2006
Wang Qi; Han Jian-Long; Xiao Zhi-Gang; Xu Hushan; Sun Zhi-Yu; Hu Zheng-Guo; Zhang Xue-Yin; Wang Hongwei; Mao Rui-Shi; Yuan Xiao-Hua; Xu Zhi-Guo; Zhao Tie-Cheng; Zhang Hong-Bin; Xu Hua-Gen; Qi Hui-Rong; Wang Yue; Jia Fei; Wu Li-Jie; Ding Xian-Li; Gao Qi; Gao Hui; Li Songlin; Bai Zhen; Xiao Guo-Qing; Jin Gen-Ming; Ren Zhong-Zhou; Zhou Shan-Gui; Sergey Yu-Kun