
Physical Review Letters | 2006

Parity-violating electron scattering from 4He and the strange electric form factor of the nucleon.

K. A. Aniol; D.S. Armstrong; T. Averett; H. Benaoum; P. Y. Bertin; E. Burtin; J. Cahoon; G. D. Cates; C.C. Chang; Y. C. Chao; J. P. Chen; Seonho Choi; E. Chudakov; B. Craver; F. Cusanno; P. Decowski; D. Deepa; C. Ferdi; R. J. Feuerbach; J. M. Finn; S. Frullani; K. Fuoti; F. Garibaldi; R. Gilman; A. Glamazdin; V. Gorbenko; J. Grames; J. Hansknecht; D. W. Higinbotham; R. Holmes

We have measured the parity-violating electroweak asymmetry in the elastic scattering of polarized electrons from ^4He at an average scattering angle= 5.7 degrees and a four-momentum transfer Q^2 = 0.091 GeV^2. From these data, for the first time, the strange electric form factor of the nucleon G^s_E can be isolated. The measured asymmetry of A_PV = (6.72 +/- 0.84 (stat) +/- 0.21 (syst) parts per million yields a value of G^s_E = -0.038 +/- 0.042 (stat) +/- 0.010 (syst), consistent with zero.

Physical Review Letters | 2006

Precision Measurements of the Nucleon Strange Form Factors at Q**2 ~ 0.1-GeV**2

A. Acha; K. A. Aniol; D.S. Armstrong; J. Arrington; T. Averett; S. L. Bailey; J. Barber; A. Beck; H. Benaoum; J. Benesch; P. Y. Bertin; P. Bosted; F. Butaru; E. Burtin; G. D. Cates; Y. C. Chao; J. P. Chen; E. Chudakov; E. Cisbani; B. Craver; F. Cusanno; R. De Leo; P. Decowski; A. Deur; R. J. Feuerbach; J. M. Finn; S. Frullani; S. A. Fuchs; K. Fuoti; R. Gilman

We report new measurements of the parity-violating asymmetry A_PV in elastic scattering of 3 GeV electrons off hydrogen and 4He targets with~6.0 degrees. The 4He result is A_PV = (+6.40 +/- 0.23 (stat) +/- 0.12 (syst)) x10^-6. The hydrogen result is A_PV = (-1.58 +/- 0.12 (stat) +/- 0.04 (syst)) x10^-6. These results significantly improve constraints on the electric and magnetic strange form factors G_E^s and G_M^s. We extract G_E^s = 0.002 +/- 0.014 +/- 0.007 at= 0.077 GeV^2, and G_E^s + 0.09 G_M^s = 0.007 +/- 0.011 +/- 0.006 at= 0.109 GeV^2, providing new limits on the role of strange quarks in the nucleon charge and magnetization distributions.

Physics Letters B | 2006

Constraints on the nucleon strange form factors at Q2∼0.1 GeV2

K. A. Aniol; D.S. Armstrong; T. Averett; H. Benaoum; P. Y. Bertin; E. Burtin; J. Cahoon; G. D. Cates; C.C. Chang; Y. C. Chao; J. P. Chen; Seonho Choi; E. Chudakov; B. Craver; F. Cusanno; P. Decowski; D. Deepa; C. Ferdi; R. J. Feuerbach; J. M. Finn; S. Frullani; K. Fuoti; F. Garibaldi; R. Gilman; A. Glamazdin; V. Gorbenko; J. Grames; J. Hansknecht; D. W. Higinbotham; R. Holmes

We report the most precise measurement to date of a parity-violating asymmetry in elastic electron-proton scattering. The measurement was carried out with a beam energy of 3.03 GeV and a scattering angle=6 degrees, with the result A_PV = -1.14 +/- 0.24 (stat) +/- 0.06 (syst) parts per million. From this we extract, at Q^2 = 0.099 GeV^2, the strange form factor combination G_E^s + 0.080 G_M^s = 0.030 +/- 0.025 (stat) +/- 0.006 (syst) +/- 0.012 (FF) where the first two errors are experimental and the last error is due to the uncertainty in the neutron electromagnetic form factor. This result significantly improves current knowledge of G_E^s and G_M^s at Q^2 ~0.1 GeV^2. A consistent picture emerges when several measurements at about the same Q^2 value are combined: G_E^s is consistent with zero while G_M^s prefers positive values though G_E^s=G_M^s=0 is compatible with the data at 95% C.L.

Physical Review Letters | 2010

Strange Quark Contributions to Parity‐Violating Asymmetries in the Backward Angle G0 Electron Scattering Experiment

D. Androic; D.S. Armstrong; J. Arvieux; S. L. Bailey; D. Beck; E. J. Beise; J. Benesch; F. Benmokhtar; L. Bimbot; J. Birchall; P. Bosted; H. Breuer; C. L. Capuano; Y. C. Chao; A. Coppens; C. A. Davis; C. Ellis; G. Flores; G. B. Franklin; C. Furget; D. Gaskell; M. I. W. Gericke; J. Grames; G. Guillard; J. Hansknecht; T. Horn; M. Jones; P. M. King; W. Korsch; S. Kox

D. Androić, D. S. Armstrong, J. Arvieux, S. L. Bailey, D. H. Beck, E. J. Beise, J. Benesch, F. Benmokhtar, 7 L. Bimbot, J. Birchall, P. Bosted, H. Breuer, C. L. Capuano, Y.-C. Chao, A. Coppens, C. A. Davis, C. Ellis, G. Flores, G. Franklin, C. Furget, D. Gaskell, M. T. W. Gericke, J. Grames, G. Guillard, J. Hansknecht, T. Horn, M. Jones, P. M. King, W. Korsch, S. Kox, L. Lee, J. Liu, A. Lung, J. Mammei, J. W. Martin, R. D. McKeown, M. Mihovilovic, A. Micherdzinska, H. Mkrtchyan, M. Muether, S. A. Page, V. Papavassiliou, S. F. Pate, S. K. Phillips, P. Pillot, M. L. Pitt, M. Poelker, B. Quinn, W. D. Ramsay, J.-S. Real, J. Roche, P. Roos, J. Schaub, T. Seva, N. Simicevic, G. R. Smith, D. T. Spayde, M. Stutzman, R. Suleiman, 6 V. Tadevosyan, W. T. H. van Oers, M. Versteegen, E. Voutier, W. Vulcan, S. P. Wells, S. E. Williamson, and S. A. Wood

Physics Letters B | 2006

Constraints on the nucleon strange form factors at Q(2)similar to 0.1 GeV2

K. A. Aniol; D.S. Armstrong; T. Averett; H. Benaoum; P. Y. Bertin; E. Burtin; J. Cahoon; Gd Gates; C.C. Chang; Y. C. Chao; J. P. Chen; S. Choi; E. Chudakov; B. Craver; F. Cusanno; P. Decowski; D. Deepa; C. Ferdi; R. Feuerbach; John M. Finn; S. Frullani; K. Fuoti; F. Garibaldi; R. Gilman; A. Glamazdin; Gorbenko; J. Grames; J. Hansknecht; D. W. Higinbotham; R. Holmes

We report the most precise measurement to date of a parity-violating asymmetry in elastic electron-proton scattering. The measurement was carried out with a beam energy of 3.03 GeV and a scattering angle=6 degrees, with the result A_PV = -1.14 +/- 0.24 (stat) +/- 0.06 (syst) parts per million. From this we extract, at Q^2 = 0.099 GeV^2, the strange form factor combination G_E^s + 0.080 G_M^s = 0.030 +/- 0.025 (stat) +/- 0.006 (syst) +/- 0.012 (FF) where the first two errors are experimental and the last error is due to the uncertainty in the neutron electromagnetic form factor. This result significantly improves current knowledge of G_E^s and G_M^s at Q^2 ~0.1 GeV^2. A consistent picture emerges when several measurements at about the same Q^2 value are combined: G_E^s is consistent with zero while G_M^s prefers positive values though G_E^s=G_M^s=0 is compatible with the data at 95% C.L.

Physical Review Letters | 2011

Transverse Beam Spin Asymmetries at Backward Angles in Elastic Electron-Proton and Quasielastic Electron-Deuteron Scattering

D. Androic; D.S. Armstrong; J. Arvieux; S. L. Bailey; D. Beck; E. J. Beise; J. Benesch; F. Benmokhtar; L. Bimbot; J. Birchall; P. Bosted; H. Breuer; C. L. Capuano; Y. C. Chao; A. Coppens; C. A. Davis; C. Ellis; G. Flores; G. B. Franklin; C. Furget; D. Gaskell; M. T. Gericke; J. Grames; G. Guillard; J. Hansknecht; T. Horn; M. K. Jones; P. M. King; W. Korsch; S. Kox

We have measured the beam-normal single-spin asymmetries in elastic scattering of transversely polarized electrons from the proton, and performed the first measurement in quasielastic scattering on the deuteron, at backward angles (lab scattering angle of 108°) for Q² = 0.22 GeV²/c² and 0.63 GeV²/c² at beam energies of 362 and 687 MeV, respectively. The asymmetry arises due to the imaginary part of the interference of the two-photon exchange amplitude with that of single-photon exchange. Results for the proton are consistent with a model calculation which includes inelastic intermediate hadronic (πN) states. An estimate of the beam-normal single-spin asymmetry for the scattering from the neutron is made using a quasistatic deuterium approximation, and is also in agreement with theory.

Physical Review Letters | 2012

Measurement of the Parity-Violating Asymmetry in Inclusive Electroproduction of π- near the Δ0 Resonance

D. Androic; D.S. Armstrong; J. Arvieux; S. L. Bailey; D. Beck; E. J. Beise; J. Benesch; F. Benmokhtar; L. Bimbot; J. Birchall; P. Bosted; H. Breuer; C. L. Capuano; Y. C. Chao; A. Coppens; C. A. Davis; C. Ellis; G. Flores; G. B. Franklin; C. Furget; D. Gaskell; M. T. Gericke; J. Grames; G. Guillard; J. Hansknecht; T. Horn; M. K. Jones; P. M. King; W. Korsch; S. Kox

The parity-violating (PV) asymmetry of inclusive π- production in electron scattering from a liquid deuterium target was measured at backward angles. The measurement was conducted as a part of the G0 experiment, at a beam energy of 360 MeV. The physics process dominating pion production for these kinematics is quasifree photoproduction off the neutron via the Δ0 resonance. In the context of heavy-baryon chiral perturbation theory, this asymmetry is related to a low-energy constant d(Δ)- that characterizes the parity-violating γNΔ coupling. Zhu et al. calculated d(Δ)- in a model benchmarked by the large asymmetries seen in hyperon weak radiative decays, and predicted potentially large asymmetries for this process, ranging from A(γ)-=-5.2 to +5.2  ppm. The measurement performed in this work leads to A(γ)-=-0.36±1.06±0.37±0.03  ppm (where sources of statistical, systematic and theoretical uncertainties are included), which would disfavor enchancements considered by Zhu et al. proportional to V(ud)/V(us). The measurement is part of a program of inelastic scattering measurements that were conducted by the G0 experiment, seeking to determine the N-Δ axial transition form factors using PV electron scattering.

Physical Review Letters | 2007

Precision measurements of the nucleon strange form factors at Q(2)similar to 0.1 GeV2

A. Acha; K. A. Aniol; D.S. Armstrong; J. Arrington; T. Averett; S. L. Bailey; J. Barber; A. Beck; H. Benaoum; J. Benesch; P. Y. Bertin; P. Bosted; F. Butaru; E. Burtin; G. D. Cates; Y. C. Chao; J. P. Chen; E. Chudakov; E. Cisbani; B. Craver; F. Cusanno; R. De Leo; P. Decowski; A. Deur; R. Feuerbach; John M. Finn; S. Frullani; S. A. Fuchs; K. Fuoti; R. Gilman

We report new measurements of the parity-violating asymmetry A_PV in elastic scattering of 3 GeV electrons off hydrogen and 4He targets with~6.0 degrees. The 4He result is A_PV = (+6.40 +/- 0.23 (stat) +/- 0.12 (syst)) x10^-6. The hydrogen result is A_PV = (-1.58 +/- 0.12 (stat) +/- 0.04 (syst)) x10^-6. These results significantly improve constraints on the electric and magnetic strange form factors G_E^s and G_M^s. We extract G_E^s = 0.002 +/- 0.014 +/- 0.007 at= 0.077 GeV^2, and G_E^s + 0.09 G_M^s = 0.007 +/- 0.011 +/- 0.006 at= 0.109 GeV^2, providing new limits on the role of strange quarks in the nucleon charge and magnetization distributions.

Physical Review Letters | 2007

Precision Measurements of the Nucleon Strange Form Factors atQ2∼0.1GeV2

A. Acha; K. A. Aniol; D.S. Armstrong; J. Arrington; T. Averett; S. L. Bailey; J. Barber; A. Beck; H. Benaoum; J. Benesch; P. Y. Bertin; P. Bosted; F. Butaru; E. Burtin; G. D. Cates; Y. C. Chao; J. P. Chen; E. Chudakov; E. Cisbani; B. Craver; F. Cusanno; R. De Leo; P. Decowski; A. Deur; R. Feuerbach; John M. Finn; S. Frullani; S. A. Fuchs; K. Fuoti; R. Gilman

We report new measurements of the parity-violating asymmetry A_PV in elastic scattering of 3 GeV electrons off hydrogen and 4He targets with~6.0 degrees. The 4He result is A_PV = (+6.40 +/- 0.23 (stat) +/- 0.12 (syst)) x10^-6. The hydrogen result is A_PV = (-1.58 +/- 0.12 (stat) +/- 0.04 (syst)) x10^-6. These results significantly improve constraints on the electric and magnetic strange form factors G_E^s and G_M^s. We extract G_E^s = 0.002 +/- 0.014 +/- 0.007 at= 0.077 GeV^2, and G_E^s + 0.09 G_M^s = 0.007 +/- 0.011 +/- 0.006 at= 0.109 GeV^2, providing new limits on the role of strange quarks in the nucleon charge and magnetization distributions.

arXiv: Nuclear Experiment | 2012

First Measurement of the Neutral Current Excitation of the Delta Resonance on a Proton Target

D. Androic; C. Furget; T. Horn; D. Beck; H. Mkrtchyan; L. Lee; W.D. Ramsay; M. Stutzman; J. Birchall; C. A. Davis; F. Benmokhtar; W. Korsch; P. King; D. Gaskell; R. D. McKeown; S. F. Pate; S. L. Bailey; G. Flores; E. Voutier; S. Kox; J. Roche; E. J. Beise; J. Schaub; Jian-Guo Liu; C. Ellis; M. Versteegen; V. Tadevosyan; M. Muether; J. Grames; A. Coppens

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