
Physical Review C | 2017

Nuclear structure and β -decay schemes for Te nuclides beyond N=82

B. Moon; C.-B. Moon; P.-A. Söderström; A. Odahara; R. Lozeva; B. Hong; F. Browne; H. S. Jung; P. Lee; C. S. Lee; A. Yagi; Cenxi Yuan; S. Nishimura; P. Doornenbal; G. Lorusso; T. Sumikama; Hiroshi Watanabe; I. Kojouharov; T. Isobe; H. Baba; H. Sakurai; R. Daido; Y. Fang; H. Nishibata; Z. Patel; S. Rice; L. Sinclair; Jinguang Wu; Z.Y. Xu; R. Yokoyama

We study for the first time the internal structure of 140Te through the beta-delayed gamma-ray spectroscopy of 140Sb. The very neutron-rich 140Sb, Z = 51 and N = 89, ions were produced by the in-flight fission of 238U beam on a 9Be target at 345 MeV per nucleon at the Radioactive Ion Beam Factory, RIKEN. The half-life and spin-parity of 140Sb are reported as 124(30) ms and (4-), respectively. In addition to the excited states of 140Te produced by the beta-decay branch, the beta-delayed one-neutron and two-neutron emission branches were also established. By identifying the first 2+ and 4+ excited states of 140Te, we found that Te isotopes persist their vibrator character with E(4+)/E(2+) = 2. We discuss the distinctive features manifest in this region, such as valence neutron symmetry and asymmetry, revealed in pairs of isotopes with the same neutron holes and particles with respect to N = 82.

Physical Review Letters | 2016

New Isotopes and Proton Emitters Crossing the Drip Line in the Vicinity of

I. Celikovic; M. Lewitowicz; R. Gernhäuser; R. Krücken; S. Nishimura; H. Sakurai; D. S. Ahn; H. Baba; B. Blank; A. Blazhev; P. Boutachkov; F. Browne; P. Doornenbal; T. Faestermann; Y. Fang; N. Fukuda; J. Giovinazzo; N. Goel; M. Górska; S. Ilieva; N. Inabe; T. Isobe; A. Jungclaus; D. Kameda; Y.-K. Kim; Y. k. Kwon; I. Kojouharov; T. Kubo; N. Kurz; G. Lorusso

Several new isotopes, ^{96}In, ^{94}Cd, ^{92}Ag, and ^{90}Pd, have been identified at the RIKEN Nishina Center. The study of proton drip-line nuclei in the vicinity of ^{100}Sn led to the discovery of new proton emitters ^{93}Ag and ^{89}Rh with half-lives in the submicrosecond range. The systematics of the half-lives of odd-Z nuclei with T_{z}=-1/2 toward ^{99}Sn shows a stabilizing effect of the Z=50 shell closure. Production cross sections for nuclei in the vicinity of ^{100}Sn measured at different energies and target thicknesses were compared to the cross sections calculated by epax taking into account contributions of secondary reactions in the primary target.

Acta Physica Polonica B | 2015


F. Browne; A. M. Bruce; T. Sumikama; I. Nishizuka; S. Nishimura; P. Doornenbal; G. Lorusso; Z. Patel; S. Rice; L. Sinclair; P.-A. Söderström; Hiroshi Watanabe; Jinguang Wu; Z.Y. Xu; H. Baba; N. Chiga; Raymond J. Carroll; R. Daido; F. Didierjean; Y. Fang; G. Gey; E. Ideguchi; N. Inabe; T. Isobe; D. Kameda; I. Kojouharov; N. Kurz; T. Kubo; S. Lalkovski; Z. Li

F. Browne et al.; 4 pags.; 2 figs.; Presented at the Zakopane Conference on Nuclear Physics “Extremes of the Nuclear Landscape”, Zakopane, Poland, August 31–September 7, 2014; PACS numbers: 21.10.Re, 21.10.Tg, 23.20.Js, 27.60.+j

Physics Letters B | 2018


A. I. Morales; G. Benzoni; H. Watanabe; G. de Angelis; S. Nishimura; L. Coraggio; A. Gargano; N. Itaco; T. Otsuka; Y. Tsunoda; P. Van Isacker; F. Browne; R. Daido; P. Doornenbal; Y. Fang; G. Lorusso; Z. Patel; S. Rice; L. Sinclair; P.-A. Söderström; T. Sumikama; J. J. Valiente-Dobón; J. Wu; Z.Y. Xu; A. Yagi; R. Yokoyama; H. Baba; R. Avigo; F. L. Bello Garrote; Nives Blasi

Abstract The low-lying structures of the midshell ν g 9 / 2 Ni isotopes 72Ni and 74Ni have been investigated at the RIBF facility in RIKEN within the EURICA collaboration. Previously unobserved low-lying states were accessed for the first time following β decay of the mother nuclei 72Co and 74Co. As a result, we provide a complete picture in terms of the seniority scheme up to the first ( 8 + ) levels for both nuclei. The experimental results are compared to shell-model calculations in order to define to what extent the seniority quantum number is preserved in the first neutron g 9 / 2 shell. We find that the disappearance of the seniority isomerism in the ( 8 1 + ) states can be explained by a lowering of the seniority-four ( 6 + ) levels as predicted years ago. For 74Ni, the internal de-excitation pattern of the newly observed ( 6 2 + ) state supports a restoration of the normal seniority ordering up to spin J = 4 . This property, unexplained by the shell-model calculations, is in agreement with a dominance of the single-particle spherical regime near 78Ni.

Proceedings of The 26th International Nuclear Physics Conference — PoS(INPC2016) | 2017


R. Yokoyama; E. Ideguchi; G. S. Simpson; Mana Tanaka; S. Nishimura; Pieter Doornnbal; Pär-Anders Söderström; Giuseppe Lorusso; Z. Y. Xu; Jin Wu; T. Sumikama; N. Aoi; Hidetada Baba; Frank Bello; F. Browne; R. Daido; Y. Fang; N. Fukuda; G. Gey; Shintaro Go; Naohiro Inabe; T. Isobe; Daisuke Kameda; Kazuma Kobayashi; M. Kobayashi; T. Komatsubara; Toshiyuki Kubo; I. Kuti; Zhihuan Li; Masafumi Matsushita

A new isomer with ms half-life was observed in 160Nd at RIBF, RIKEN Nishina Center by using in-flight fission of 238U beam and a cluster-type Ge detector array, EURICA. The experimental results and a PSM calculation indicate that the isomer in 160Nd is a 2 quasi-particle excitation of nneutrons with a configuration of n1/2[521]x7/2[633] as the case in other N = 100 isotones. The E(4+)/E(2+) ratio of the ground-state band, 3.29, shows the 160Nd is well deformed and the ground band has a rotational nature. The 4- excitation of 160Nd showed an increase in energy byx18 100 keV compared to that of 162Sm as predicted by the PSM calculation. A PSM calculation was performed by changing input beta_4 value and confirmed that the large hexadecupole deformation in Nd was responsible for the increase of the isomer energy.

Physics Letters B | 2015

Is seniority a partial dynamic symmetry in the first ν g 9/2 shell?

F. Browne; A. M. Bruce; T. Sumikama; I. Nishizuka; S. Nishimura; P. Doornenbal; G. Lorusso; Pär-Anders Söderström; H. Watanabe; R. Daido; Z. Patel; S. Rice; L. Sinclair; Jinguang Wu; Z.Y. Xu; A. Yagi; H. Baba; N. Chiga; Raymond J. Carroll; F. Didierjean; Y. Fang; N. Fukuda; G. Gey; E. Ideguchi; N. Inabe; T. Isobe; D. Kameda; I. Kojouharov; N. Kurz; T. Kubo

Physical Review Letters | 2014

Role Of Hexadecupole Deformation In The Shape Evolution Of Neutron-rich Nd Isotopes

Z. Patel; Pär-Anders Söderström; Zs. Podolyák; P. H. Regan; P. M. Walker; H. Watanabe; E. Ideguchi; G. S. Simpson; H. L. Liu; S. Nishimura; Q. Wu; F. R. Xu; F. Browne; P. Doornenbal; G. Lorusso; S. Rice; Laura C. Sinclair; T. Sumikama; Jinguang Wu; Z. Y. Xu; N. Aoi; H. Baba; Bello Garrote Fl; G. Benzoni; R. Daido; Y. Fang; N. Fukuda; G. Gey; Shintaro Go; A. Gottardo

Physics Letters B | 2016

Lifetime measurements of the first 2+ states in 104,106Zr: Evolution of ground-state deformations

Z. Patel; Zs. Podolyák; P. M. Walker; P. H. Regan; Pär-Anders Söderström; H. Watanabe; E. Ideguchi; G. S. Simpson; S. Nishimura; F. Browne; P. Doornenbal; G. Lorusso; S. Rice; L. Sinclair; T. Sumikama; Jinguang Wu; Z.Y. Xu; N. Aoi; Hidetada Baba; F. L. Bello Garrote; G. Benzoni; R. Daido; Zs. Dombrádi; Y. Fang; N. Fukuda; G. Gey; S. Go; A. Gottardo; N. Inabe; T. Isobe

Physical Review C | 2016

Isomer decay spectroscopy of 164Sm and 166Gd: Midshell collectivity around N=100

A. I. Morales; G. Benzoni; H. Watanabe; S. Nishimura; F. Browne; R. Daido; P. Doornenbal; Y. Fang; G. Lorusso; Z. Patel; S. Rice; L. Sinclair; P.-A. Söderström; T. Sumikama; J. Wu; Z.Y. Xu; A. Yagi; R. Yokoyama; H. Baba; R. Avigo; F. L. Bello Garrote; N. Blasi; A. Bracco; F. Camera; S. Ceruti; F. C. L. Crespi; G. de Angelis; M.-C. Delattre; Zs. Dombrádi; A. Gottardo

Physics Letters B | 2015

Decay spectroscopy of 160Sm: The lightest four-quasiparticle K isomer

G. Benzoni; A.I. Morales; H. Watanabe; S. Nishimura; L. Coraggio; N. Itaco; A. Gargano; F. Browne; R. Daido; P. Doornenbal; Y. Fang; G. Lorusso; Z. Patel; S. Rice; L. Sinclair; Pär-Anders Söderström; T. Sumikama; J. Wu; Z.Y. Xu; R. Yokoyama; Hidetada Baba; R. Avigo; F. L. Bello Garrote; N. Blasi; A. Bracco; F. Camera; S. Ceruti; F. C. L. Crespi; G. de Angelis; M.-C. Delattre

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