Yamin Bibi
Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University
Featured researches published by Yamin Bibi.
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease | 2013
Abdul Waheed; Yamin Bibi; Sobia Nisa; Fayyaz M Chaudhary; Sumaira Sahreen; Muhammad Zia
Objective To investigate efficacy of Viburnum foetens (V. foetens) extracts against different cancer lines.
Journal of Chemistry | 2015
Rabia Kanwal; Muhammad Arshad; Yamin Bibi; Saira Asif; Sunbal Khalil Chaudhari
Zanthoxylum armatum DC. (syn. Z. alatum Roxb.) is an important medicinal plant commonly called Timur or Indian prickly ash. The ethnopharmacological study of Z. armatum revealed the use of different plant parts for curing various ailments including cholera, chest infection, fever, indigestion, stomach disorders, gas problems, piles, toothache, gum problems, dyspepsia, as carminative, antipyretic, aromatic, tonic, and stomachic. Keeping in view the medicinal potential of the plant, the antioxidant activity was evaluated using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging, reducing power, and phosphomolybdate assay using different concentrations (7.81 μg/mL–250 μg/mL). Ascorbic acid was taken as standard. The results indicated that the free radical scavenging activity ranged from 40.12% to 78.39%, and the reductive potential ranged from 0.265 nm to 1.411 nm while the total antioxidant activity ranged from 0.124 nm to 0.183 nm. The antioxidant potential evaluated by three assays increased in a concentration dependent manner and ascorbic acid showed better antioxidant activity than leaf extract. Results obtained through different tests confirmed redox protective activities of Zanthoxylum armatum. Further in vitro and in vivo research should be performed, so this plant can be further utilized in drug development.
Journal of Plant Biochemistry & Physiology | 2017
Muhammad Iqbal; Yamin Bibi; Naveed Iqbal Raja; Muhammad Ejaz; Mubashir Hussain; Farhat Yasmeen; Hafiza Saira; Muhammad Imran
The use of medicinal plants is as old as human civilization. About 600-700 plants species in Pakistan are used for preparation of ayurvedic, unani and homeopathic drugs. Asparagus officinalis a sub-erect prickly shrub with white tuberous root usually is of prime importance in this regard. It naturally occurs in areas of southern Africa, Europe, Australia and Asia. Nutritive tonics are prepared from its roots and it is also a source of a nutritious starch, low in calories and is very low in sodium and good source of vitamins. This plant offers multiple health benefits because of presence of ingredients like proteins, alkaloids, saponins and tannins that help in improving fertility and vitality in women and men. Pharmacological activities of Asparagus include anticancer, antioxidant, antifungal, antibacterial, anti-dysenteric, anti-inflammatory, and anti-abortifacient, anti-oxytoxic, antiulcer, hypertensive and anticoagulant effects. Moreover, it is reported to reduce the risk of constipation, diarrhea, osteoporosis, obesity, cardiovascular disease, rheumatism and diabetes. Now days, the demand of such medicinally important plants has increased all over the world. However, indiscriminate use of such vital natural resources overtime and fragmentation of habitats may pose serious threat to their survival. Therefore, keeping in view the significance of Asparagus, efforts must be made to it protect it in its natural population.
Medicinal and Aromatic plants | 2017
Sabah Shaheen; Yamin Bibi; Mubashir Hussain; Muhammad Iqbal; Hafiza Saira; Irum Safdar; Hira Mehboob; Qura Tul Ain; Kiran Naseem; Sadaf Laraib
Geranium wallichianum D. Don ex sweet belongs to Family Geraniaceae, distributed in Himalaya region of Pakistan. It is highly medicinal. It is native to Pakistan due to its restricted geographic ranges, specific habitats and anthropogenic activities more than 75% population has been reduced. Major threats are grazing of pasture, forest encroachment, soil-slope erosion, poverty, forest fire, illegal trade, habitat loss, invasive species and the lack of adequate training. In this review efforts are made to document the conservation status of important medicinal plant G. wallichianum. It is most threatened species and deserves special attention. Due to insufficient information, there is no organization strategy for conservation of this plant. With great ethnomedicinal value of this plant species draw the attention of the researchers to conserve it. Several conservation studies and efforts are making to conserve it, but comprehensive and long lasting conservation policies are necessary to ensure its conservation.
Biologia | 2015
Darima Habib; Muhammad Anjum Zia; Yamin Bibi; Bilal Haider Abbasi; Muhammad Fayyaz Chaudhary
Abstract Nitrogen assimilating enzymes play curtail role during un-differentiation and re-differentiation of plant cells. To investigate role and pattern of glutamine synthetase (GS), nitrate reductase (NR) and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) during in vitro life cycle of Argyrolobium roseum this study was conducted. The concentrations of these enzymes were determined during seed germination; callus induction from leaf, stem and root explants; shoot regeneration from callus; root development and acclimatization stages. GS and NR enzymes showed ascending pattern during in vitro plant development from seed while GDH concentration decreased during this process. Completely reverse pattern was showed by these enzymes during callogenesis and proliferation phase. Increase in GS and NR activities was noticed in regenerated leaves and stem during shoots and roots developmental phases; and vice verse for GDH. The acclimatization stress also up lifted NR and GS activities in leaf, stem and root tissues. This study highlights the importance of nitrogen assimilating enzymes (NR, GS, and GDH) during growth and development of A. roseum in vitro culture.
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B-soil and Plant Science | 2018
Abdul Qayyum; Abdul Razzaq; Yamin Bibi; Sami Ullah Khan; Kashif Sarfraz Abbasi; Ahmad Sher; Ayaz Mehmood; Waseem Ahmed; Imran Mahmood; Abdul Manaf; Ayub Khan; Abid Farid; Matthew A. Jenks
ABSTRACT Water stress is one of the major environmental stresses that affect agricultural production worldwide, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. This research investigated the effect of water deficit, induced by PEG-6000 on wheat genotypes (GA-2002, Chakwal-97, Uqab-2000, Chakwal-50 and Wafaq-2001) grown in modified MS medium solution. Osmotic stress caused a more pronounced inhibition in leaf relative water content and leaf membrane stability more sensitive (index in Wafaq-2001 and Uqab-2000) genotypes compared with the tolerant (Chakwal-50, GA-2002 and Chakwal-97) genotypes. Upon dehydration, an incline in proline, total soluble sugar, total soluble protein, superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, catalase and malondialdehyde activity content were evident in all genotypes, especially at osmotic stress of −8 bars. The observed data showed that status of biochemical attributes and antioxidant enzymes could provide a meaningful tool for depicting drought tolerance of wheat genotypes. The present study shows that genotypic differences in drought tolerance could be likely attributed to the ability of wheat plants to induce antioxidant defense under drought conditions. In order to develop genotypes with stable, higher yields in dry farming conditions, it is necessary to characterise genetic resources based on drought adaptation, determine suitable genotypes, and then use them in breeding programmes.
Planta Daninha | 2017
Iqrasan; Abdul Qayyum; Sami Ullah Khan; S.A. Khan; Ayaz Mehmood; Yamin Bibi; Ahmad Sher; H. Khan; Jenks
Field experiment was conducted at the University of Haripur, Pakistan, to explore the role of photothermal units on oil contents, fatty acids profile, yield and yield traits of four sunflower hybrids viz SMH-0917, NK-S-278, SMH-0907 and Hysun33. These sunflower hybrids were selected because the farmers of that area are mostly relying on these hybrids for sunflower production. Sunflower hybrids were sown in spring and arranged under Randomized Complete Block Design with 3 replications under field conditions. Significant variation (p ≤ 0.05%) was found among the sunflower hybrids for photothermal unit requirements for flower completion and physiological maturity. Highest photothermal unit accumulation was found in Hysun33 followed by SMH-0917 and SMH-0907. Highest seed oil content and oil composition (linoleic and oleic acid were most abundant, whereas palmitic acid was least) was recorded in Hysun-33, SMH-0917 and SMH-0907. Overall Hysun-33, SMH-0917 and SMH-0907 performed better for plant height, head diameter, number of achenes per head and achene yield under field conditions. It was also observed that temperature and moisture availability positively influenced the oil quality of sunflower hybrids under spring planting conditions. The significant amount of variation within the sunflower population for photothermal unit accumulation, oil content, oil quality, and yield traits under these uniform field conditions reveals potential genetic variation that could be useful in breeding early maturing and high yielding local sunflower hybrids.
Journal of applied botany and food quality | 2017
Kashif Sarfraz Abbasi; Tariq Masud; Abdul Qayyum; Asif Ahmad; Ayaz Mehmood; Yamin Bibi; Ahmad Sher
The retail display of potato tubers is carried out in supermarkets under additional light sources to impart aesthetic value and consumer’s attention, however, is associated with potato greening and associated disorders. The objective of this study was to identify a most appropriate light source for potato variety ’Lady Rosetta‘ along with photo-induced changes in different quality parameters. Potato tubers were placed for 27 days at ambient storage (25 ± 2 °C) under different light sources i.e. blue, fluorescent, green, mercury and red along with dark storage, which also served as normal control. In general, quality parameters, such as sugars, chlorophyll, total glycoalkaloids, increase while attributes, such as starch and ascorbic acid decrease during the storage period. The initial increase followed by final decline has been observed in parameters, such as total phenolic contents and radical scavenging activity. The results showed maximum retention of different quality attributes in dark potato storage. Amongst different light sources mercury and green light retained appreciable retention of different quality parameters with non-significant difference estimated between them in most of the studied parameters. Storage of potato under fluorescent, red and blue light proved to be precarious due to skin discoloration. Overall results revealed tuber sensitivity to different colored light along with their potential storage stability in the retail markets.
Journal of The Chilean Chemical Society | 2016
Yamin Bibi; Abdul Qayyum; Sobia Nisa; Abdul Waheed; Muhammad Fayyaz Chaudhary
Plants have been source of fantastic natural compounds that range in complexity. Chemical studies on traditional medicinal plants have led to discovery of potent bioactive components . Pistacia integerrima belonging to family Anacardiaceae has been traditionally effective for rheumatic pain, analgesic and antipyretic effects and used in treatment of coughs, phthisis, asthma and dysentery. Natural products have served as basis for compounds to be utilized in drug discovery. Stem extract of Pistacia integerrima was investigated with the aim to find some novel components that can later be used as drugs or active pharmaceutical intermediates. Plant material was collected from Margalla Hills Islamabad, shade dried and subjected to cold maceration technique for extraction. Crude extract was partitioned into different fractions on polarity basis. Repeated normal and reverse phase column chromatography of ethyl acetate fraction supported by Thin Layer Chromatography have led to the isolation of pure single compound. Isolated compound was further analyzed towards structural elucidation using LC-MS, IR and NMR spectroscopy. Present finding will be a useful and novel addition in already known chemical components from Pistacia integerrima.
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease | 2016
Huma Mehreen Sadaf; Yamin Bibi; Iqra Riaz; Saboon; Muhammad Asim Sultan; Fatima Bibi; Muhammadi Bibi; Mubashir Hussain; Sidra Sabir
Abstract The plants provide medicinally valuable substances since ancient time and are the cheapest, oldest, as well as imperative source of pharmacologically active chemical compounds used for the treatment of several diseases. Medicinally, Otostegia limbata (O. limbata) is very imperative species of genus Otostegia which are extensively utilized by traditional practitioners against several ailments and its chemical constituents possess antispasmodic, antiulcer, antidepressant, sedative, anxiolytic, anti-inflammatory for eyes inflammation, antibacterial, antioxidant, haemagglutination activity, cholinesterase inhibition for Alzheimers treatment, antitussive potential, anti-aphids and larvicidal potential aptitude. The pharmacological impact of O. limbata and their diverse biological activities along with its active constituent are complied in this review. This species provide rich variety of biologically active secondary metabolites. Quite large number of active compounds isolated from O. limbata is the evidence to have considerable potential making them competent candidate for critically required novel drugs.