Yang Hongshun
University of Science and Technology of China
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Featured researches published by Yang Hongshun.
Physica C-superconductivity and Its Applications | 1990
Yang Hongshun; Zhan Xiaonong; Zhu Changfei; Wang Keqin; Cao Liezhao; Chen Zhaojia
Abstract The specific heat anomalies of La 2− x Sr x CuO 4− δ polycrystalline samples ( x =0.25, 0.20, 0.16, 0.15, 0.14, 0.12, 0.10, 0.08) were measured. The specific-heat jump at the superconducting transition temperature changes systematically with Sr substitution. The maximum specific-heat jump corresponds to the sample with Sr content x = 0.16. The bulk superconducting phase diagram is similar to that deduced from resistivity measurement. The measurement shows that only the sample with x = 0.16 presents optimal electronic single phase properties and the superconducting transition temperature T c directly related to the electron density of states at the Fermi level N ( E F ).
Chinese Physics | 2002
Li Peng-Cheng; Yang Hongshun; Li Zhi-Quan; Chai Yi-Sheng; Cao Liezhao
The in-plane electrical resistivity and thermoelectric power have been measured on single crystals of La2-xBaxCuO4 at around x=0.125. The room temperature resistivity and thermopower have their maximum values at x=0.125, indicating that the carrier concentration is the minimum and the carriers are most strongly localized at x=0.125. The observed semiconductor-like behaviour can be well described by the weak-localized quasi-two-dimensional state. The steep rise in electric resistivity of the sample at x=0.125 below 70K is attributed to the formation of static stripe-order of holes and spins, which are pinned by the low-temperature tetragonal (LTT) structure, as discovered in La1.48Nd0.4Sr0.12CuO4. The temperature dependence of electric resistivity below 70K is still well described by the formula ρ∝ lnT. A definite change in the slope of thermopower is observed at the low-temperature orthorhombic-LTT structural phase transition temperature. The origin of the 1/8 anomaly is discussed in the text.
Chinese Physics Letters | 1995
Yang Hongshun; Lou Fengming; Wang Wenqing; Sheng Xiangrong; Zhuang Zhizhong; Shi Lei; Chen Zhaojia
The specific heats and temperature dependence of the x-ray powder diffractions for the D-valine and the L-valine single crystal samples have been studied. It is found that there is a specific heat jump at 272.0 K for the D-valine samples but no jump at the same temperature for the L-valine sample. The lambda like transition means that the co-operative effect is involved in this transition. There is no crystal structure transition in the temperature range of 123-293 K for the D-valine sample. The transition of the D-valine sample might be the possible D-L transition which is proposed by Abdus Salam.
Physical Review B | 2006
Huang Sheng-Li; Ruan Ke-Qing; Lv Zhangming; Zhuang Lihui; Wei Peng; Wu Huiyan; Li Mi; Zhang Junliang; Chai Yi-Sheng; Yang Hongshun; Cao Lie-Zhao; Li Xiao-Guang
We report a high-pressure investigation of the relaxor ferroelectric lead zinc niobate PbZn{sub 1/3}Nb{sub 2/3}O{sub 3} (PZN) up to 46 GPa, which is the highest pressure yet attained in the study of relaxors. The evolution of both Raman and x-ray scattering with pressure gives evidence for important pressure instabilities, which find its expression in three successive phase transitions. The observed pressure-induced suppression of diffuse scattering above 5 GPa is similar to recent reports and supports the hypothesis that this is a general feature in relaxors at high pressures.Stable pairing states of superfluid {sup 3}He in aerogel are examined in the case with a global uniaxial anisotropy which may be created by applying a uniaxial stress to the aerogel. Due to such a global anisotropy, the stability region of an Anderson-Brinkman-Morel (ABM) pairing state becomes wider. In a uniaxially stretched aerogel, the pure polar pairing state with a horizontal line node is predicted to occur, as a three-dimensional superfluid phase, over a measurable width just below the superfluid transition at T{sub c}(P). A possible relevance of the present results to the case with no global anisotropy is also discussed.A series of Ca{sub x}CoO{sub 2} (0.15{<=}x{<=}0.40) materials have been prepared by means of an ion exchange reaction from Na{sub x}CoO{sub 2}. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) measurements revealed a rich variety of structural phenomena resulting from cation ordering, structural distortion, and twinning. Systematic structural analysis, in combination with the experimental data of Na{sub x}CoO{sub 2} (0.15{<=}x{<=}0.8) and Sr{sub x}CoO{sub 2} (1.5{<=}x{<=}0.4) systems, suggests that there are two common well-defined cation ordered states corresponding, respectively, to the orthorhombic superstructure at around x=1/2 and the 3{sup 1/2}ax3{sup 1/2}a superstructure at around x=1/3 in this kind of system. Multiple ordered states, phase separation, and incommensurate structural modulations commonly appear in the materials with 0.33<x<0.5. The TEM observations also reveal an additional periodic structural distortion with q{sub 2}=a{sup *}/2 in materials for x{<=}0.35. This structural modulation also appears in the remarkable superconducting phase Na{sub 0.33}CoO{sub 2}{center_dot}1.3H{sub 2}O.Electrical resistance, thermoelectric power, dc magnetization, ac susceptibility, and electron spin resonance (ESR) are investigated for the polycrystalline Nd{sub 1-x}Sr{sub 1+x}CoO{sub 4} (x=0.25, 0.33, and 0.60). Powder x-ray diffraction (XRD) confirms that these compounds crystallize in K{sub 2}NiF{sub 4}-type structure with space group I4/mmm. The specimens exhibit ferromagnetic and semiconducting behaviors. With Sr doping, the lattice parameter c increases, the cusp intensity related to spin-glass states weakens, and the ferromagnetic property intensifies. The transport mechanisms in high temperature range obey Arrhenius law and might be understood by small polaron models. The magnetic properties present spin-glass states at {approx}18 K and Griffiths singularity at {approx}210 K.In this work we report on a low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) study of MnO(100) thick films grown on Ag(100) in order to determine their surface geometry. The LEED results indicate a topmost layer rumple of (4.8{+-}2.0)% with the oxygen ions moving towards the vacuum side. These results are in line with other surface structure determinations carried out on the (100) surface of different oxides having rock-salt structure but are in disagreement with MEIS results reported in the literature for the MnO(100) using a MnO single crystal.We report the observation of Co{sup 3+}/Co{sup 4+} short-range charge ordering in 10% Ho-doped SrCoO{sub 3-x} by means of high resolution neutron powder diffraction. The associated one-dimensional commensurate modulation, which can be described with the propagation vector q{sub CO}=(0 0 1/2) with respect to the cubic perovskite cell Pm3m, occurs for compositions close to x=0.20, corresponding to a 1:1 Co{sup 3+}/Co{sup 4+} ratio and extends over clusters of finite size (D{approx}250 A). The bond valence sums for the Co{sup 3+} and Co{sup 4+} sites are +3.07(7) and +3.95(11) (x=0.19), very close to their nominal values +3 and +4. We attribute this astonishing observation to the one-dimensional (1D) character of the associated distortion pattern, whose elastic stabilization is eased with respect to the 3D arrays reported for other charge-ordered perovskite oxides.The compounds RNi{sub 2}Mn (R=Tb, Dy, Ho, and Er) with a MgCu{sub 2}-type structure have been synthesized. The R to transition metal atom ratio is confirmed to be 1:3 using the energy dispersive spectroscopy. The structural and magnetic properties have been investigated by various experimental methods. The x-ray diffraction patterns (XRD) can be well indexed with a cubic Laves cell and space group Fd3m. The refinement results of the XRD patterns show the presence of vacancies in the crystallographic structure. The ordering temperatures T{sub C} have been derived to be 131, 94, 75, and 50 K for R=Tb, Dy, Ho and Er, respectively, which are much higher than those of their corresponding RNi{sub 2} and RMn{sub 2} compounds. A large difference of M-T curves between zero-field-cooling and field-cooling magnetization for all samples at a certain temperature range is observed in a low field, which can be understood in the terms of narrow-domain-wall pinning and a sensitive temperature dependence of coercivity.The structure of liquid CdTe was investigated at pressures up to 23.5 GPa using synchrotron x-ray diffraction. The structure factor, S(Q), and the pair distribution function, g(r), drastically change in two pressure regions, 1.8-3.0 and 7.0-9.0 GPa, accompanied with marked increase in the average coordination number. These findings suggest that there exists at least three stable liquid forms below 23.5 GPa. The pressure interval of the structural change is much smaller compared to other liquids of tetrahedrally bonded materials. Comparing the shapes of S(Q) and g(r) and other structural parameters with the respective data for the reference materials reveals that the lowest- and intermediate-pressure forms have the same local structures as the crystalline counterpart (zinc-blende-like local structure and a NaCl-like local structure), while the highest-pressure form has a different local structure from that in the crystalline form.The charge distributions of slow atomic particles that are singly scattered, multiply scattered, recoiled, and sputtered from metal surfaces are analyzed in terms of both nonadiabatic particle-substrate electron transfer and electron transfer from electronically excited substrates. The results are compared to experimental data for 50 eV Na{sup +} ions scattered from Cu(001), and Al atoms sputtered and recoiled from Al(100). The comparison allows for a quantitative determination of the role of substrate excitations in surface charge exchange. In addition, an analysis of kinetic electron emission (KEE) is carried out using similar low-energy metal projectile-metal substrate systems. Contributions to KEE from various nonadiabatic processes are quantitatively evaluated, including the same process that is responsible for charge formation in single-scattering experiments. The results are compared to experimental KEE data induced by Na{sup +} impinging on Ru(0001). The contributions of nonadiabatic one-electron processes are shown to be small when realistic particle-substrate parameters are used. Many-electron interactions are assumed to play an important role in explaining KEE and, as an illustration, a simplified hot-spot model is outlined.Neutron powder diffraction and transport measurements have been used to investigate the PrBaCo{sub 2}O{sub 5.48} compound between room temperature and 820 K. A structural phase transition, involving a rearrangement of oxygen vacancies, was found at T{sub OD}=776 K. Across the transition the perovskite structure loses its vacancy ordering, and the crystal symmetry changes from orthorhombic Pmmm to tetragonal P4/mmm. The resistivity measurements for temperatures above {approx}350 K yield high values of {rho}, indicating that the compound is rather semiconducting than metallic as usually accepted. A model in terms of thermally activated hole (polaronic) hopping is proposed.Granular films composed of well defined nanometric Co particles embedded in an insulating ZrO{sub 2} matrix were prepared by pulsed laser deposition in a wide range of Co volume concentrations (0.15<x<0.43). High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed very sharp interfaces between the crystalline particles and the amorphous matrix. Narrow particle size distributions were determined from TEM and by fitting the low-field magnetic susceptibility and isothermal magnetization in the paramagnetic regime to a distribution of Langevin functions. The magnetic particle size varies little for Co volume concentrations x<0.32 and increases as the percolation limit is approached. The tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) was successfully reproduced using the Inoue-Maekawa model. The maximum value of TMR was temperature-independent within 50-300 K, and largely increased at low T, suggesting the occurrence of higher-order tunneling processes. Consequently, the tunneling conductance and TMR in clean granular metals are dominated by the Coulomb gap and the inherent particle size distribution.The five independent elastic moduli of single-crystalline hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) are determined using inelastic x-ray scattering. At room temperature the elastic moduli are in units of GPa C{sub 11}=811, C{sub 12}=169, C{sub 13}=0, C{sub 33}=27.0, and C{sub 44}=7.7. Our experimental results are compared with predictions of ab initio calculations and previously reported incomplete datasets. These results provide solid background for further theoretical advances and quantitative input to model elasticity in boron nitride (BN) nanotubes.I argue that certain bosonic insulator-superfluid phase transitions as an interaction constant varies are driven by emergent geometric properties of insulating states. I examine the renormalized chemical potential and population of disordered bosons at different energy levels. These quantities define the geometric aspect of an effective low energy Hamiltonian which I employ to investigate various resonating states and quantum phase transitions. In a mean field approximation, I also demonstrate that the quantum phase transitions are in the universality class of a percolation problem.The electronic structure and physical properties of {gamma}-Sn{sub 3}N{sub 4} in the spinel structure are investigated by first-principles calculations. The calculated band structure, electronic bonding, and optical properties are compared with two well-studied spinel nitrides {gamma}-Si{sub 3}N{sub 4} and {gamma}-Ge{sub 3}N{sub 4}. {gamma}-Sn{sub 3}N{sub 4} is a semiconductor with a direct band gap of 1.40 eV and an attractive small electron effective mass of 0.17. Its optical properties are different from that of {gamma}-Si{sub 3}N{sub 4} and {gamma}-Ge{sub 3}N{sub 4} because of the difference in the conduction band minimum. The Sn K, Sn L{sub 3}, Sn M{sub 5}, and N K edges of the x-ray-absorption near-edge structure spectra in {gamma}-Sn{sub 3}N{sub 4} are calculated using a supercell approach and are found to be rich in structures. These spectra are discussed in the context of the electronic structure of the unoccupied conduction band in the presence of the electron core-hole interaction. These calculated spectra can be used for the characterization of this novel compound.The structure of the incommensurate phase of Rb{sub 2}ZnCl{sub 4} has been determined at 194 K (2 K above the lock-in transition) within the soliton regime using satellites up to fifth order. The rather anharmonic modulation functions agree with the expected steplike functions supported by theoretical arguments. In addition, the constancy of the ratio between the amplitudes of the fifth-order and first-order harmonics, a relation predicted by theory, indicate the correctness of the model and imply a value of 0.4 for the soliton density n{sub s}. A symmetry mode analysis shows that the incommensurate structure is consistent with the one of the lock-in phase in the sense that the displacement pattern of every symmetry mode remains unaltered in the transition except for a global change in the amplitudes.X-ray diffraction of SnO{sub 2} (cassiterite) at high pressures and temperatures demonstrates the existence of four phase transitions to 117 GPa. The observed sequence of phases for SnO{sub 2} is rutile-type (P4{sub 2}/mnm){yields}CaCl{sub 2}-type(Pnnm){yields}pyrite-type(Pa3){yields}ZrO{sub 2} orthorhombic phase I (Pbca){yields}cotunnite-type (Pnam). Our observations of the first three phases are generally in agreement with earlier studies. The orthorhombic phase I and cotunnite-type structure (orthorhombic phase II) were observed in SnO{sub 2} for the first time. The Pbca phase is found at 50-74 GPa during room-temperature compression. The cotunnite-type structure was synthesized when SnO{sub 2} was compressed to 74 GPa and heated at 1200 K. The cotunnite-type form was observed during compression between 54-117 GPa with additional laser heating carried out at 91 and 111 GPa. Fitting the pressure-volume data for the high-pressure phases to the second-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state yields a bulk modulus of 259(26) GPa for the Pbca phase and 417(7) GPa for the cotunnite-type phase.We report x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) study of Na and K adlayers on icosahedral Al{sub 70.5}Pd{sub 21}Mn{sub 8.5} (i-Al-Pd-Mn) quasicrystal. The Na 1s core-level exhibits a continuous linear shift of 0.8 eV towards lower binding energies (BE) with increasing coverage up to one monolayer (ML) saturation coverage. In the case of K/i-Al-Pd-Mn, a similar linear shift in the K 2p spectra towards lower BE is observed. In both cases, the plasmon related loss features are observed only above 1 ML. The substrate core-level peaks, such as Al 2p, do not exhibit any shift with the adlayer deposition up to the highest coverage. Based on these experimental observations and previous studies of alkali metal growth on metals, we conclude that below 1 ML, both Na and K form a dispersed phase on i-Al-Pd-Mn and there is hardly any charge transfer to the substrate. The variation of the adlayer and substrate core-level intensities with coverage indicates layer by layer growth.We report the magnetic properties of the ZnL{sub 2}S{sub 4} (L=Er,Tm,Yb) olivines, in which the magnetic lanthanide ions are in a potentially frustrated geometry consisting of sawtooth chains of corner-sharing triangles. Fits to the high-temperature magnetic susceptibility yielded Curie-Weiss temperatures of {theta}{sub W}{approx_equal}-4, -13, and -75 K for the Er, Tm, and Yb compounds, respectively. None of the compounds displayed magnetic long-range order above T=1.8 K. The lack of ordering at temperatures near {theta}{sub W} may be attributed to either the low dimensionality of the structure or the frustrating effect of the triangular geometry.
Physica C-superconductivity and Its Applications | 1991
Chen Zhaojia; Yang Hongshun; Zhan Xiaonong; Wang Keqin
Abstract The differential specific heats of the La2−xMxCuO4−δ (M=Sr and Ba) and La1.85Sr0.15Cu1−yCoyO4−δ polycrystalline samples are measured. For La2−xSrxCuO4−δ samples, the superconducting transition temperature Tc and the specific heat anomalies Δ C (Tc) all present maximum at x=0.15, while they disappear near x=0.14 for the La2−xBaxCuO4−δ samples. The magnitude of the specific heat anomaly is reduced quickly when the concentration x deviate from the optimal value, which are 0.15 for LSCO and 0.10 and 0.22 for LBCO. The Tc is lowered and the specific heat anomaly is smeared out with foreign ion doping at Cu site.
Physica C-superconductivity and Its Applications | 1988
Zhang Yuheng; Chen Zhaojia; Ruan Yaozhong; Wang Jun; Mao Xianglei; Yang Hongshun; Li Li-Ping; Chen Lin; Cheng Tingzhu; Meng Guangyao; Peng Dingkun; Hu Junbao
The single (123) phase of Y-Ba-Cu oxides with T-phase structure was prepared using the air-quenching technique. From the measurements of electrical resistance, thermal expansion coefficience, specific heat, ac susceptibility and XRD, it is the first time to find the existance of a structure phase transition. It is suggested to be a structure phase transition from Y-phase to O-phase. The explanation for low Tc in this system is also proposed in this paper.
Superconductor Science and Technology | 2009
Liu Jian; Yang Hongshun; Chai Yi-Sheng; Sun ChengHai; Gao HuiXian; Cheng Lu; Wang JianBin; Cao Lie-Zhao
Solid State Communications | 1987
Chen Zhaojia; Zhao Yong; Yang Hongshun; Chen Zuyao; Zheng Dongnin; Qian Yitai; Wu Bai-Mei; Zhang Qirui
Ceramics International | 2016
Cheng Xiangyi; Ma Chao; Wang Xiaoxiong; Meng Dechao; Song Jiangluqi; Yang Hongshun; Ruan Ke-Qing
Chinese Journal of Low Temperature Physics | 2011
Yang Hongshun