
Featured researches published by Yanto Santosa.

Media Konservasi | 2008

Studi keanekaragaman mamalia pada beberapa tipe habitat di Stasiun Penelitian Pondok Ambung Taman Nasional Tanjung Puting Kalimantan Tengah

Yanto Santosa; Eko Prastio Ramadhan; Dede Aulia Rahman

The objective of this research was to identify various kinds of Orchidaceae epiphytes and their porophyte in the logged over forest of 12 hectares within Malinau Research Forest (MRF-CIFOR) Seturan – Ddistrict of Long Loreh, Malinau.Regency. The research found 37 species with 2, 4 individual orchids epiphytes at each phorophyte. The Bulbopphyllum beccariu Rchb.f. is the most one orchids epiphytes at the crown and at the bark trees. The Dominant Index Species (C) at the crown ,.04141 and at the bark 0,34551. The Various Index of Species (H) at the crown 1,3801 and at the bark 0,46975. The Similarity Index of spcies from Shφrensen(ISs) at the crown 16,22.

Media Konservasi | 2008


Yanto Santosa; Fredy Sitorus

Hunting quota is the number of animals of hunting species destined to harvesting from the hunting population in the current year. Setting hunting quota is designed to ensure sustainable use of hunting game and conservation of ecosystem diversity. In the case that population of hunting species within hunting area is absence or not enough to ensure hunting activity, a number of animals must be introduced. The study showed that maximum sustained yield for hunting in the Masigit-Kareumbi Hunting Park was 674 individuals. Based on this quota, the individual number of animal should be introduced to hunting area as width as 12540,73 ha was 3.938 individuals that consist of 657 males and 3.281 females. Hunting season is after 5 years of population introduced. Keywords: hunting quota, sambar deer, conservation, maximum sustained yield, introduced population

Media Konservasi | 2007


Yanto Santosa; Delfiandi

The study was carried out to design of timor deer captive breeding based on deer farming system. The study was done to determine the feasibility of the area, optimum site allocation, and financial feasibility. According to analysis of biological component (i.e vegetation, food, predators, shelter, carrying capacity) and abiological components (i.e. topography, water, temperature and kelembaban) showed that the area were feasible to develop for timor deer captive breeding based on deer farming system. Based on management necessary, the area was divided become two zones i.e headquarter zone and captive breeding zone. Captive breeding zone were divided become 3 categories of paddocks i.e: (1) female paddock (about 1,50 ha or 35,29 % of the area, for carrying capacity about 250 female - 60 m2/head); (2) male paddock (0,35 ha or 8,24 % of the area, for carrying capacity about 341 male and 22 m2/head), and (3) offspring/rearing paddock (0,25 ha) for 1-2 year old of deer for carrying capacity about 84 deers (30 m2/head). Financial analysis showed that timor deer captive breeding was feasible to development based on farming system on maximum interest rate 18%, BCR 1,14 and IRR on 22.7 %. The bisnis of deer captive breeding was not feasible if interest rate were increase up 22.7 %. Keywords: Cervus timorensis, captive design, deer farming system, site plan, financial analysisResearch about Diversity of bird species at some habitat type in Ciremai Mountain National Park conducted by two months (JuniJuli 2006). This research aim to compile the list of bird species at some habitat type, comparing bird species at some habitat type and study the use of vegetationy by the birds. To count of the birds were used Point Count with Index Point Abundance (IPA), and to analysis of the bird diversities were used Index Shannon-Wiener. Result of research were found as much 78 bird species of 26 families; 62 species of 23 families were found in primary forest, 37 bird species of 18 families were found in secondary forest, 24 bird species of 13 families were found in garden. The highest bird diversity (H’=3.90) was found in the primary forest. The strata of vegetation with the highest use on all three habitat types were the third and fourth strata.

Archive | 2018

Tropical plant diversity of Borneo: The role of high conservation value area on species conservation in an oil palm plantation

Rozza Tri Kwatrina; Yanto Santosa; M. Bismark; Nyoto Santoso

The expansion of oil palm plantations is considered a threat to biodiversity, including Indonesia as a tropical biodiversity hotspot in Asia. High conservation value areas are reserve areas inside oil palm plantation plantations that have an important role in biodiversity conservation in a plantation landscape, but our understanding regarding their diversity changes due to land use conversion for plantation establishment is still limited. We addressed this issue by examining the diversity of vegetation at four large-scale plantations. The species number, richness, evenness, and composition of secondary forest and shrubs were compared to the reserve forests (high conservation value area (HCV) and high carbon stock area (HCS) as conserve areas of the oil palm plantations. The results revealed that HCV proved to have a larger role in maintaining the number and diversity of species compared to HCS areas, secondary ares, and shrubs. The HCV are stands out as the area with the highest species number, while the diversity and evenness indices for the species revealed variations. Most of the species found in HCV areas were beneficial species and belong to species with a high conservation status. Our findings suggest that forested areas, especially HCV area, are essential in conserving plant biodiversity in oil palm plantation landscapes.The expansion of oil palm plantations is considered a threat to biodiversity, including Indonesia as a tropical biodiversity hotspot in Asia. High conservation value areas are reserve areas inside oil palm plantation plantations that have an important role in biodiversity conservation in a plantation landscape, but our understanding regarding their diversity changes due to land use conversion for plantation establishment is still limited. We addressed this issue by examining the diversity of vegetation at four large-scale plantations. The species number, richness, evenness, and composition of secondary forest and shrubs were compared to the reserve forests (high conservation value area (HCV) and high carbon stock area (HCS) as conserve areas of the oil palm plantations. The results revealed that HCV proved to have a larger role in maintaining the number and diversity of species compared to HCS areas, secondary ares, and shrubs. The HCV are stands out as the area with the highest species number, while the ...

Archive | 2018

Low Resource Use and High Yield Concept in Climate-Smart Community Empowerment

Arzyana Sunkar; Yanto Santosa

Assuring food, energy and water security is a great challenge for government and development agencies. In addition to many critical lands that were left barren, different cases have shown that land clearance to satisfy food production and increase income has often used quick and cheap methods. These human-driven activities have become terrifying images of climate change. Various analyses have indicated that socio-economic circumstances are generally more important considerations in designing effective conservation methods for households faced with the primary need to survive and satisfy basic needs. These reinforced that sustainable development must focus on the power of local people to manage the environment on which they depend. Using the Bangkalan Madura region of East Java and peat swamp areas of four provinces in Indonesia as examples, this chapter discusses the drivers behind the successful implementation of a community empowerment model in responding to climate change and at the same time developing livelihood strategies for food, energy and water security as well as improving economic welfare by enhancing resource use efficiency. The presence of high social capital of Bangkalan community and readily available free agricultural inputs in the peatland provinces were also significant factors. This chapter concludes that the low resource use and high yield concept in empowerment programme is the key success to an effective climate change mitigation and adaptation, as well as enhancing community livelihood. This chapter also highlights the need of policy shift, the sustainability and scalability of the programme.



Rina Wulan Sari; Agus Hikmat; Yanto Santosa

Forest land clearing withoutt appropriate method for oil palm plantations can reduce the diversity of wildlife in that area. To decrease these impacts, data of wildlife diversity and the distribution needs to be known, so that it can be determined which area can be opened or must be maintained. The research was to determine the diversity and conservation status in PT. Riau Sawitindo Abadi (PT. RSA). The Research was conducted in April 2015. Data was collected by interview, literatur studies and field observation (direct and indirect observation). The results showed that the RSA is a habitat for 78 wildlife species which consists of 52 species of birds (13 species protected), 16 species of mammals (13 species protected) and 10 species of reptiles (5 species protected). Forest area of PT. RSA has an important role as the habitat as well as a corridor for these animals. Keywords: biodiversity, conservation status, habitat, land clearing, wildlifeRecently a comprehensive source of data and information on carbon storage in various types of forest ecosystems and other land use in Java Island are still limited. This study was carried out in a conservation area of Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS) that represents the ecosystem types of lowland rain forest, sub-montane forests and mountain forests in Java. The information on carbon sequestration and carbon stocks at TNBTS becomes important. The main objective of this study was to estimate biomass and carbon storage in various types of forests in TNBTS using allometric approaches. The additional objectives were to estimate carbon storage on various land cover and to estimate the changes in carbon storage by land cover changes during the period 1990, 2000 and 2013. The measurement of forest carbon include aboveground, understorey, necromass and litter pools covering all ecosystem such as primary forest, secondary forest with high- and low- canopy density. This study found that the average of carbon stocks in primary forest were 193,49 ± 125,98 tonC/ha, and were 267,42 ± 119,25 tonC/ha in secondary forest. The total carbon stocks in the period 1990–2000 has decreased about 22.6 tonC/ha/year and in the period 2000–2013 has increased about 41.2 tonC/ha/year. The enhancement of carbon stocks in this area was driven by an intensive forest protection, good monitoring and land rehabilitation. Keywords: biomass, carbon storage, carbon stock, land cover , national park

Media Konservasi | 2008

Pendugaan model pertumbuhan dan penyebaran spasial populasi rusa timor (Cervus timorensis de Blainville, 1822) di Taman Nasional Alas Purwo Jawa Timur

Yanto Santosa; Diah Auliyani; Agus Priyono Kartono

This study was carried out to gain data on animal species and their subtances/derivatives believed had medicinal properties that were utilized and traded by local people around Betung Kerihun National Park (BKNP). The study was conducted at the 12 villages around area of BKNP. Snowball method was used to determine respondents. There were 32 respondens interviewed. The data obtained was analysed by using descriptive quantitatively method. The study showed that there were 39 animal species and 19 animal substances/derivatives that utilized as medicinal purposes by local people around BKNP. There were also 9 animal species and 4 animal subtances/derivatives traded by those peoples. Local peopl’s perspectives on animal utilization had been changed from nature to economic orientation. Law enforcement, giving conservation education, involving local peoples on biodiversity conservation management, and introducing captive breeding program to local communities are needed to raise the understanding and awareness of the importance of habitat and animal species conservation in BKNP. Key word: Medicinal Animal, subtances/derivatives, medicinal purposes, utilization, trade, conservation.

Media Konservasi | 2008

PENENTUAN KUOTA BURU DAN INTRODUKSI POPULASI RUSA SAMBAR UNTUK MENJAMIN PERBURUAN LESTARI (Determining Hunting Quota and Population Introduced for Sustainable Hunting of Sambar Deer)

Agus Priyono Kartono; Yanto Santosa; Dudung Darusman; Achmad Machmud Thohari

Hunting quota is the number of animals of hunting species destined to harvesting from the hunting population in the current year. Setting hunting quota is designed to ensure sustainable use of hunting game and conservation of ecosystem diversity. In the case that population of hunting species within hunting area is absence or not enough to ensure hunting activity, a number of animals must be introduced. The study showed that maximum sustained yield for hunting in the Masigit-Kareumbi Hunting Park was 674 individuals. Based on this quota, the individual number of animal should be introduced to hunting area as width as 12540,73 ha was 3.938 individuals that consist of 657 males and 3.281 females. Hunting season is after 5 years of population introduced. Keywords: hunting quota, sambar deer, conservation, maximum sustained yield, introduced population

Media Konservasi | 2007

KEANEKARAGAMAN JENIS BURUNG DI BEBERAPA TIPE HABITAT TAMAN NASIONAL GUNUNG CIREMAI (Diversity of Bird Species at Some Habitat Type in Ciremai Mountain National Park)

Rika Sandra Dewi; Yeni Mulyani; Yanto Santosa

The study was carried out to design of timor deer captive breeding based on deer farming system. The study was done to determine the feasibility of the area, optimum site allocation, and financial feasibility. According to analysis of biological component (i.e vegetation, food, predators, shelter, carrying capacity) and abiological components (i.e. topography, water, temperature and kelembaban) showed that the area were feasible to develop for timor deer captive breeding based on deer farming system. Based on management necessary, the area was divided become two zones i.e headquarter zone and captive breeding zone. Captive breeding zone were divided become 3 categories of paddocks i.e: (1) female paddock (about 1,50 ha or 35,29 % of the area, for carrying capacity about 250 female - 60 m2/head); (2) male paddock (0,35 ha or 8,24 % of the area, for carrying capacity about 341 male and 22 m2/head), and (3) offspring/rearing paddock (0,25 ha) for 1-2 year old of deer for carrying capacity about 84 deers (30 m2/head). Financial analysis showed that timor deer captive breeding was feasible to development based on farming system on maximum interest rate 18%, BCR 1,14 and IRR on 22.7 %. The bisnis of deer captive breeding was not feasible if interest rate were increase up 22.7 %. Keywords: Cervus timorensis, captive design, deer farming system, site plan, financial analysisResearch about Diversity of bird species at some habitat type in Ciremai Mountain National Park conducted by two months (JuniJuli 2006). This research aim to compile the list of bird species at some habitat type, comparing bird species at some habitat type and study the use of vegetationy by the birds. To count of the birds were used Point Count with Index Point Abundance (IPA), and to analysis of the bird diversities were used Index Shannon-Wiener. Result of research were found as much 78 bird species of 26 families; 62 species of 23 families were found in primary forest, 37 bird species of 18 families were found in secondary forest, 24 bird species of 13 families were found in garden. The highest bird diversity (H’=3.90) was found in the primary forest. The strata of vegetation with the highest use on all three habitat types were the third and fourth strata.

Media Konservasi | 2006

PROSPEK PENGGUNAAN Sarcocystis singaporensis UNTUK PENGENDALIAN BIOLOGIS POPULASI TIKUS SAWAH (Rattus argentiventer) (Prospect of Sarcocystis singaporensis for the Biological Control of Rice Field Rats (Rattus argentiventer) Population)

Muchrodji; Yanto Santosa; Abdul Haris Mustari

This research was carried out to know the role of sanrego and the dosage responses of sanrego to increase libido sexual of male timor deer. Four sanrego levels (0, 600, 800 and 1000 mg/head/day) were tested to a total of 12 male timor deers using completely random design with three replication for each treatment. Some parameters of libido sexual dan behaviour were observed i.e. approach female, smelling of vulva, crying stage, wallow in a mudhole, scrub its velvet, agonistic and mounting female shoulder. Result of research showed that the role of sanrego was significant (P Key words : libodo sexual, mating behaviour, male timor deer, sanrego, hormoneThe study was conducted to calculate the earning and expenses of three kinds breeding system of long tail macaque i.e open, semi-open and close breeding system, respectively in PT PRESTASI Farma Nusantara, CV New Inquitex Primates Division and CV Wahana Satwa Loka. Discounted cash now analysis for ten years period were used to determine the earning and expenses, using 18% of interest rate. According to NPV, IRR and BCR values for 1000 macaques in captive showed that the earning and expenses were difference between these breeding system, where closed system was higher than the others. Based on product grade, close system was better (level B) than semi-open (level C) and open system (level D). Keyword : Macaca fascicularis, breeding system, expenses, earnings

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