Yasuo Kajikawa
Kanazawa University
Nuclear Engineering and Design | 1994
Hiroshi Masuya; Yasuo Kajikawa; Yoshihiko Nakata
Abstract In this paper, the distinct element method is applied to the analysis of the behavior of a structure under impact. At first, this method is applied to the one-dimensional wave propagation problem by comparing with the experimental results and the theoretical results. The effectiveness of this method is confirmed by including not only elastic behavior but also the fracture of a structural member. Second, this method is developed to two-dimensional problems to simulate the behavior of a simply supported beam under an impact load. Finally, it could be shown that this method is effective to simulate wide phenomena from elastic behavior to a fracture under impact.
Structural Engineering International | 2007
Saiji Fukada; Yasuo Kajikawa
Bridge vibration is the major focus of environmental issues, especially in urban areas where the ground is soft. The structural system of the bridge greatly influences the ergonomic serviceability of the bridge, infrasound and ground vibration by vehicular live load. This paper discusses the vibrational serviceability of bridges, considering the interaction between vehicular live load and the structural systems of the bridge. The numerical approach with Finite Element Analysis was conducted to understand and evaluate the fundamental dynamic behaviour of flexible single span bridges under vehicular live load for four types of different structural systems, including the adjacent approach parts of the bridges.
11th Biennial ASCE Aerospace Division International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments | 2008
K. Usui; Yasuo Kajikawa; Saiji Fukada
Vibration caused by running vehicles on a highway bridge is spread to the superstructure, substructure s and ground. The ground vibrates both in horizontal and vertical direction. When vehicles load at the tip of the cross beam in the T -shape d pier , rocking vibration of the pier occurs. Its ground vibration in transverse direction is the biggest. In the two -box gi rders bridge, which bearings are installed at the tip of the cross beam of the T -shape d pier , the ground vibration has greatly occurred due to the rocking vibration of the pier. Two measures to mitigate the vibration are propose d in t his study. The evaluat ion the change of the vibration characteristics and effects of the measures to mitigate the vibration are also discussed in the study .
Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshu | 2002
Masahiko Harada; Yasuo Kajikawa; Saiji Fukada
耐力不足となっている既設鋼橋の補強工法として, カバープレート工法と外ケーブル工法がある. その耐力的な補強効果は確認されているが, 耐久的な補強効果については明確になっていない. 特に, 疲労損傷の原因となることの多い二次応力の動的荷重下での挙動については, ほとんど研究されていない. そこで本研究では, 車両の大型化対策として外ケーブル補強された単純活荷重合成Iげた橋を対象に, 数値解析によって算出する動的荷重下での橋梁部材に作用する一次応力および二次応力の妥当性の検証を行い, その数値解析を用いて, カバープレート工法と外ケーブル工法の疲労から決まる耐久性に対する補強効果について検討するものである.
Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshu | 2002
Shinichi Kondoh; Yasuo Kajikawa; Ken-ichi Maeda
張弦桁橋は, ケーブルで主桁を下方から支持した自碇構造の橋である. 本論文では, 多数のストラットを有する張弦桁橋の基本的な力学特性を明らかにするとともに, 主桁剛性が全体系の静的特性, 動的特性などに及ぼす影響について検討した. また, 構造解析の妥当性を確認するために行った実橋における静的・動的載荷試験結果を示した. さらに, 主桁剛性が, 車両走行時および破壊時の挙動に及ぼす影響について検討を加えた.
European Journal of Applied Physiology | 1981
Akira Okada; Yasuo Kajikawa
SummaryThe level at which vibration becomes a nuisance is low, well below the vibration intensity discussed with regard to the health of industrial workers in the International Standard ISO-2631 draft. The relationships between the various factors and the human response to low-level vibration generated by vehicular traffic, are discussed from the results obtained from questionnaires.A female may respond to a lower level than a male. There is no difference in response to low-level vibration between standing and sitting postures. Accompanying noise distracts the perception of low-level vibration, however at high levels, the effect of distraction is reduced.
Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshu | 1999
Iraj H. P. Mamaghani; Ömer Aydan; Yasuo Kajikawa
Proceedings of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers | 1974
Tameo Kobori; Yasuo Kajikawa
Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshu | 1989
Yoshihiro Tachibana; Yasuo Kajikawa; Mitsunori Kawamura
Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshu | 1989
Meguru Tsunomoto; Yasuo Kajikawa; Mitsunori Kawamura