
Featured researches published by Yasuyuki Kaneko.

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology | 1981

Treatment of phenolic wastes byAureobasidium pullulans adhered to the fibrous supports

Shinji Takahashi; Masao Itoh; Yasuyuki Kaneko

SummaryBiological treatment of waste water containing a large amount of phenol was carried out by using a phenolassimilating fungus,Aureobasidium pullulans No. 14 adhered (“semi-immobilized”) to fibrous asbestos. The column reactor employed for oxidative degradation of phenol consisted of a cylindrical glass column containing plastic nets.During 27 days operation, it was observed that: 1) The phenol removal capacity of the reactor gradually increased during the first 10 days, reaching a stable level. 2) The best phenol removal capacity (50 mg phenol removed/h/ liter of reactor volume) was obtained when an artificial waste water containing up to 1,200 μg/ml phenol was applied to the reactor. 3) Much higher concentrations of phenol (e.g. 1,700 μg/ml) brought about a marked decrease in the phenol removal capacity (40–50 mg/h/liter). 4) Satisfactorily stable operation was achieved using the semiimmobilized mycelia ofAureobasidium pullulans, whose active state could be checked by observing the thick, black-colored biomass which is characteristic of the genusAureobasidium and covered the plastic nets inside the glass column reactor.

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology | 1983

Serial production of nucleoside-5′-triphosphates and uracil from 3′-mononucleotides by intact yeast cells

S. Watanabe; R. Kodaira; Yasuyuki Kaneko

SummaryNucleoside-5′-triphosphates such as 5′-ATP and 5′-GTP can be produced efficiently and continuously from 3′-mononucleotides such as 3′-AMP and 3′-GMP by a series of processes consisting of two reaction phases using dried cells of Candida sp. N-25-2 (a hydrocarbon assimilating yeast). Moreover, incidentally to the 5′-triphosphates, free uracil is yielded almost stoichiometrically from 3′-CMP and 3′-UMP which, as is well known, are main concomitant products depolymerized from RNA. Uracil is then also available for many usage.

Bulletin of the Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan | 1968

Studies on the Production of Hyaluronidase by Actinomycetes Part II

Yasuyuki Kaneko; Takaichi Ohya; Hitoshi Ohiwa

Streptomyces hyalurolyticusがhyaluronidase (HA-ase)を生産するための最適培地を検討した.HAaseはこれらの培地により構成酵素として産生され,生育と酵素生産とは並行しており,ジャーファーメンター培養では40 hrで最高46 TRU/mlに達した. 培養液よりDEAE, CMセルローズカラムクロマトグラフィー,有機溶媒沈澱,硫安分画等の常法によりHA-aseを精製し,33, 100 TRU/mg蛋白の精製標品を得た.この標品によりHA溶液は著しく粘度を降下させる. Ag+,Hg2+,pb2+等の金属イオン,I2,KMnO4等の酸化剤,モノヨード酢酸,N-bromosuccinimide, ρ-hydro-xymercuribenzoate等のSH試薬で阻害をほぼ完全にうけるが,これらの点は睾丸や細菌類のHAaseと性質を異にする.ヘパリン,コンドロイチン硫酸,ポリビニールアルコール硫酸等の高分子硫酸エステルによってもこの酵素は著しくHA分解作用を抑えられる.他の起源のHAaseと異なり,本酵素は精製を充分進めても決して不安定にはならない

Bulletin of the Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan | 1968

Studies on the Metabolism of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Microorganisms Part II

Yasuyuki Kaneko; Yushi Saino; Hiroshi Tanaka; Shinji Doi

(1) 各地で採取した試料332個より,集積培養によりフェナンスレン資化菌22株を分離した. (2) 22株のフェナンスレン代謝産物を薄層クロマトグラフィーで比較し,すべてが1-hydroxy-2-naph-thoic acidを生成するのを認めた. (3) 分離菌のうち生育の良好なS-210, 592株の菌学的性質を検討し,いずれもPseitidomonas aeruginosaと同定した. (4) S-210, 592株はフェナンスレン,ナフタレンに資化能を示したが,アンソラセン,ベンツアンソラセンの資化能を示さなかった.

Agricultural and biological chemistry | 1967

Studies on the Nucleases Produced by Microorganisms:Part III. Properties of Partially Purified Phosphodiesterase (5'-Nucleotide-Forming) Produced by Pellicularia sp

Yushin Fujimura; Yasuhiro Hasegawa; Yasuyuki Kaneko; Shinji Doi

The properties of crude phosphodiesterase forming 5′-mononucleotide of Pellicularia H-II were investigated on its metal requirement, pH response for activity and so on. The dialyzate of crude PDase against distilled water became partly inactive, but was recovered with Zn++, Mn++ and Mg++, whereas completely inactivated dialyzate against EDTA was restored specifically with only Zn++The optimum pH of PDase activity was 5.0 and that of ribonuclease 4.0. The crude PDase was partially purified by acetone fractionation and Amberlite IRC-50 (XE-64) or CM-cellulose column chromatography. Two PDase and a RNase activities were recognized.Pellicularia PDase was found to be of new type according to its Zn++ dependency and non-activity towards bis-p-nitrophenyl phosphate.

Bulletin of the Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan | 1960

Studies on the Glutamic Acid Fermentation. Part I

Shinji Doi; Yasuyuki Kaneko; Yasuhiro Hasegawa; Isamu Adaciii; Toshihisa Furukawa

愛知県下の汚水からグラム陽性,無胞子,非運動性の好気性桿菌で糖から多量のL-グルタミン酸を生成するものを分離した.この菌は10%グルコース培地において振盪培養により4日間で対糖40%(培地1ml中40mg)以上のL-グルタミン酸を蓄積する.またその細菌学的性質から従来知られていない新菌と認め, Microbacterium salicinovorum nov. sp.と命名した.

Bulletin of the Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan | 1959

Proteolytic Enzymes of Butyl Bacteria. Part III

Shinji Doi; Yasuyuki Kaneko; Fuji Uchino

アセトン・ブタノール菌,東大314号菌の生産する蛋白分解酵素と2個金属イオンとの関係につて試験して次の結果を得た. (1) 10-4MのEDTAによって殆んど完全に失活する.この失活は等モル量のCo++で完全に回復する. (2) EDTAと長時間,比較的高温に放置するとCo++を添加しても回復は小さくなるが,低温の場合には殆んど可逆的に活性は発現する. (3) EDTAに対し低温透析処理を行った結果,この失活はCo++, Mn++, Zn++, Fe++等で回復した.特にCo++及びMn++は有効である. (4)酵素液を放置する場合の失活に対してはMn++が保護作用を示し, EDTA処理酵素の失活防止には, Co++, Mn++, Zn++, Ca++等が有効である. (5)本実験より, EDTAによる失活は可逆的であり, EDTA処理酵素の変性(失活)は不可逆的に進行すると考えられる.

Agricultural and biological chemistry | 1987

Research on decolorization of melanoidin by microorganisms. Part V. Decolorization of molasses waste water by a thermophilic strain, Aspergillus fumigatus G-2-6.

Sadahiro Ohmomo; Yasuyuki Kaneko; Suntud Sirianuntapiboon; Praphaisri Somchai; Poonsook Atthasampunna; Isei Nakamura

Archive | 1981

Method for producing coenzyme Q10

Yasuyuki Kaneko; Masao Itoh; Shinji Takahashi; Masako Iritani

Agricultural and biological chemistry | 1968

A New Antifungal Substance Produced by Myrothecium

Masao Okuchi; Masao Itoh; Yasuyuki Kaneko; Shinji Doi

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