Yeşim Şenol
Akdeniz University
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Featured researches published by Yeşim Şenol.
Medical Science Monitor | 2013
Ayşe Akman-Karakaş; Arzu Didem Yalcin; Saliha Koç; Saadet Gumuslu; Yeşim Şenol; Birgül Özkesici; Gizem Esra Genc; Erkan Ergün; Ertan Yilmaz; Soner Uzun; Erkan Alpsoy
Background Soluble CD200 (sCD200) is a novel immuno-effective molecule, which acts to regulate inflammatory and acquired immune responses. Recently, our study group showed that sCD200 was present in serum and blister fluid in a patient with bullous pemphigoid and a patient with toxic epidermal necrolysis. We therefore planned this study to evaluate the sCD200 levels of autoimmune and inflammatory skin disorder patients and to compare them with that of healthy controls. Maleral/Methods Our study included 30 consecutive patients with psoriasis vulgaris, 15 with pemphigus vulgaris, and 15 healthy controls. Clinical examination and laboratory tests were performed on the same day. Psoriasis patients were also assessed with the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) and pemphigus patients were assessed using the Pemphigus Disease Area Index (PDAI). Levels of sCD200 in the serum samples were quantified using ELISA kits. Results The serum sCD200 level was observed to be statistically significantly higher in patients with psoriasis vulgaris (96.7±15.8) compared to patients with pemphigus vulgaris (76.2±14.6), (p<0.001) and healthy controls (26.8±7.0) (p<0.001). The serum sCD200 levels were observed to be statistically significantly higher in patients with pemphigus vulgaris compared with that in healthy controls (p<0.001). In addition, there was a statistically significant correlation between serum sCD200 levels and PDAI (r=0.987, p=0.001). Nevertheless, there was no statistically significant correlation between serum sCD200 levels and PASI (r=0.154, p=0.407). Conclusions sCD200 might play a role in immune response in the pathogenesis of autoimmune and inflammatory skin disorders. However, it remains to be fully elucidated how sCD200 can orchestrate inflammatory response in psoriasis and pemphigus.
Postgraduate Medicine | 2011
Melahat Akdeniz; Hakan Yaman; Yeşim Şenol; Zelal Akbayın; Fatma Gökşin Cihan; Sercan Bulut Çelik; Turkish Vasco da Gamma
Abstract Turkeys family practice training program is aimed at providing further training to clinically proficient family physicians who serve the community. A survey conducted in 2001 revealed that there was a need for providing additional training and more time in a specially dedicated family practice placement for family practitioners. Recent changes in the Turkish health care system have also impacted the training environment of family practice residents. Clearly, training needs to change with time. The aims of this study are to investigate the attitudes of resident family practice physicians regarding their training in the health care system in order to gather their views on the hospital learning environment, and to estimate their burnout levels. For this research, the design included a 1-phase cross-sectional study. This study was undertaken in 2008 in departments of family medicine at universities (n = 21) and training and research hospitals of the Ministry of Health (n = 11). Approximately 250 family practice residents in Turkey were approached. In total, 174 residents participated (70% response rate). The survey instruments included a questionnaire with 25 queries and 2 scales: The Postgraduate Hospital Educational Environment Measure and the Maslach Burnout Questionnaire–Human Services Survey. The average age of the participants was 32.2 years (standard deviation, 4.5 years; range, 24–57 years). The gender distribution was 57.6% women and 42.4% men. Marital status was 34.7% single, 62.9% married, and 2.4% divorced/widowed. In our results, residents affirmed that university hospitals were the best facilities for residency training. Their future plans confirmed that most would like to work in family health centers. This sample showed average levels of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and lack of personal accomplishment. Perceptions of professional autonomy, quality of training, and social support were below average. It may be concluded that certain milestones in the development of family practice in Turkey have been fulfilled. The new regulation for postgraduate training has increased the share of family practice training to 50% (18 months). Establishment of educational family health centers has been planned. Introduction of the formative and summative assessment processes in family practice training is anticipated. It is expected that an assessment such as the Membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners (International) (mRCGP[INT]) examination would be helpful for Turkish residents in reaching these goals.
Tıp Eğitimi Dünyası | 2018
Yasemin Behram Kandemir; Muzaffer Sindel; Yeşim Şenol
Amac Bu calismada, 2017-2018 egitim-ogretim yilinda, tip fakultesinde uzmanlik egitimi alan hekimlere, kendi uzmanlik alanlarinda anatomi egitiminin oneminin belirlenmesi amaciyla bir anket calismasi yapilmistir. Gerec ve Yontem Akdeniz Universitesi tip fakultesinde 6 farkli bransta (Radyoloji, Plastik Cerrahi, Genel Cerrahi, Gogus Cerrahisi Ortopedive Anestezi) uzmanlik egitimi alani asistan hekimlere, arastirmaci tarafindan 6 sorudan olusan, uzmanlik alanina anatomi egitimi entegrasyonunun yarari konulu bir anket calismasi yapilmistir. Verilerin analizinde SPSS 7.4 programi kullanilarak ki kare uygulanmistir. Bulgular Anket sorularinin cevaplari degerlendirildiginde uzmanlik egitimi alan hekimlerin bir buyuk cogunlugu, Anatomi egitimine uzmanlik alaninda ihtiyac duyduklarini (%97,23), almis olduklari uzmanlik egitimine, anatomi egitiminin katkisi olabilecegine inandiklari icin anatomi entegrasyonunun olmasi gerektigini (%94,6) ve sonraki hekimlik yasantilarinda anatomi egitiminin faydali olabilecegini (%97,2) vurgulamislardir. Hekimlerin cogu bu egitimin 1. (%54,2) veya 2.(%45,8) yilda verilmesi gerektigini belirtmislerdir. Sonuc Anket sonuclari isiginda, mezuniyet sonrasi tip egitiminde anatomi bilgisinin yeri ve onemi sorgulanmistir ve uzmanlik egitimi alan hekimler tarafindan, egitimleri sirasinda, alabilecekleri anatomi bilgisinin onemli ve faydali olabilecegi vurgulanmistir.
Tıp Eğitimi Dünyası | 2017
Utku Şenol; Yeşim Şenol; Mustafa Mert; Buket Cinemre; Can Çevikol; Ali Ünal; Evrim Gülbetekin
Giris: Metabilis, bireyin kendi bilis sistemi, yapisi, calismasi hakkindaki bilgisidir. Metabilis yasla birlikte ve uygun egitim ile gelisebilmektedir. Bu calismanin amaci, mudahale grubunda uygulanan ogrenme stratejilerinin metabilis farkindalik olceginde yarattigi degisimi izlemektir. Bu yazi uc yillik bir projenin ilk sonuclarini icermektedir Gerec ve yontem: Calisma 2014-2015 egitim doneminde Akdeniz Universitesi Tip Fakultesinde egitim goren ikinci sinif ogrencilerinin bir bolumuyle ile yurutulen mudahale arastirmasidir. Matabilis farkindaligini arttiracak egitim stratejileri uygulanmistir. Degisimin izlenmesi icin Metabilis farkindalik olcegi ( MAI) kullanilmistir. Bulgular: Mudahale grubunda kontrol grubuna gore olcek puanlarinda istatistiksel olarak anlamli bir artis gozlenmistir. Baslangicta MAI puani ve basari puanlari arasinda bir korelasyon bulunmazken, Egitim verilen grupta MAI ve ortalama basari arasinda anlamli ve bir iliski bulunmustur. (p<0,05, r=,474) Sonuc: C alismanin sonucunda, egitime katilan ogrencilerin, katilmayanlara gore MAI olcegi puanlarinin egitim oncesinden sonrasina gore, anlamli farklilik gosterdigi gorulmustur.
Kuram ve Uygulamada Egitim Yönetimi Dergisi | 2015
Mualla Bilgin Aksu; Türkan Aksu; Çiğdem Apaydın; Gamze Kasalak; Oya Tan; Yeşim Şenol
The purpose of this study was to promote practical training process of novice teachers through peer consultation and clinical supervision. This study was conducted in a hybrid design using pre-experimental model and qualitative method. The study participants were consisted of 14 novice teachers and 14 mentors employed in six different schools. Four hypotheses developed for the quantitative method of the study were tested via pre and posttest. The views of all the participants regarding peer consultation and clinical supervision process were obtained for the qualitative method. Results of the quantitative study revealed that novice teachers’ beliefs differed positively in classroom management efficacy but there was no significant difference in teaching efficacy beliefs at the end of the study. No statistical difference between pre and posttest scores was also found in novice teachers’ open and private self-areas. The qualitative findings of this study indicated that peer consultation and clinical supervision can contribute to novice teachers’ development in the process of practical training. In conclusion, if appropriate conditions are met, it is recommended that peer consultation and clinical supervision be used for training novice teachers.
Akdeniz Medical Journal | 2015
Erol Gürpınar; Hasan Şenol Coşkun; Yeşim Şenol; Cem Boneval; Mustafa Kemal Alimoglu; Meral Gültekin
The National Core Curriculum 2014 was developed by the Council of Medical School Deans and accepted by the Higher Education Council to be applied in the 2015-2016 academic year in all schools of medicine in Turkey. Regarding this initiative, Akdeniz University Faculty of Medicine designed a plan to improve the undergraduate medical education program. The aim of this paper is to present the work schedule designed for the period between 2014 and 2017.
Turkderm | 2015
Erkan Alpsoy; Yeşim Şenol; Aslı Bilgiç Temel; G. Özge Baysal; Ayşe Akman Karakaş
M. Kemal Alimoglu; Erol Gürpınar; Yeşim Şenol; Sibel Cubukcu; Mehmet Aktekin
TED | 2003
Yeşim Şenol; Mehmet Aktekin
TED | 2002
Levent Donmez; Mehmet Aktekin; Melahat Akdeniz; Yeşim Şenol