Yevgeniy Dodis
New York University
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Featured researches published by Yevgeniy Dodis.
SIAM Journal on Computing | 2008
Yevgeniy Dodis; Rafail Ostrovsky; Leonid Reyzin; Adam D. Smith
We provide formal definitions and efficient secure techniques for - turning biometric information into keys usable for any cryptographic application, and - reliably and securely authenticating biometric data. Our techniques apply not just to biometric information, but to any keying material that, unlike traditional cryptographic keys, is (1) not reproducible precisely and (2) not distributed uniformly. We propose two primitives: a fuzzy extractor extracts nearly uniform randomness R from its biometric input; the extraction is error-tolerant in the sense that R will be the same even if the input changes, as long as it remains reasonably close to the original. Thus, R can be used as a key in any cryptographic application. A secure sketch produces public information about its biometric input w that does not reveal w, and yet allows exact recovery of w given another value that is close to w. Thus, it can be used to reliably reproduce error-prone biometric inputs without incurring the security risk inherent in storing them. In addition to formally introducing our new primitives, we provide nearly optimal constructions of both primitives for various measures of closeness of input data, such as Hamming distance, edit distance, and set difference.
international cryptology conference | 2005
Jean-Sébastien Coron; Yevgeniy Dodis; Cécile Malinaud; Prashant Puniya
The most common way of constructing a hash function (e.g., SHA-1) is to iterate a compression function on the input message. The compression function is usually designed from scratch or made out of a block-cipher. In this paper, we introduce a new security notion for hash-functions, stronger than collision-resistance. Under this notion, the arbitrary length hash function H must behave as a random oracle when the fixed-length building block is viewed as a random oracle or an ideal block-cipher. The key property is that if a particular construction meets this definition, then any cryptosystem proven secure assuming H is a random oracle remains secure if one plugs in this construction (still assuming that the underlying fixed-length primitive is ideal). In this paper, we show that the current design principle behind hash functions such as SHA-1 and MD5 — the (strengthened) Merkle-Damgard transformation — does not satisfy this security notion. We provide several constructions that provably satisfy this notion; those new constructions introduce minimal changes to the plain Merkle-Damgard construction and are easily implementable in practice.
theory of cryptography conference | 2009
Yevgeniy Dodis; Salil P. Vadhan; Daniel Wichs
Proofs of Retrievability (PoR) , introduced by Juels and Kaliski [JK07], allow the client to store a file F on an untrusted server, and later run an efficient audit protocol in which the server proves that it (still) possesses the clients data. Constructions of PoR schemes attempt to minimize the client and server storage, the communication complexity of an audit, and even the number of file-blocks accessed by the server during the audit. In this work, we identify several different variants of the problem (such as bounded-use vs. unbounded-use, knowledge-soundness vs. information-soundness), and giving nearly optimal PoR schemes for each of these variants. Our constructions either improve (and generalize) the prior PoR constructions, or give the first known PoR schemes with the required properties. In particular, we Formally prove the security of an (optimized) variant of the bounded-use scheme of Juels and Kaliski [JK07], without making any simplifying assumptions on the behavior of the adversary. Build the first unbounded-use PoR scheme where the communication complexity is linear in the security parameter and which does not rely on Random Oracles, resolving an open question of Shacham and Waters [SW08]. Build the first bounded-use scheme with information-theoretic security. The main insight of our work comes from a simple connection between PoR schemes and the notion of hardness amplification , extensively studied in complexity theory. In particular, our improvements come from first abstracting a purely information-theoretic notion of PoR codes , and then building nearly optimal PoR codes using state-of-the-art tools from coding and complexity theory.
digital rights management | 2002
Yevgeniy Dodis; Nelly Fazio
A broadcast encryption scheme allows the sender to securely distribute data to a dynamically changing set of users over an insecure channel. One of the most challenging settings for this problem is that of stateless receivers, where each user is given a fixed set of keys which cannot be updated through the lifetime of the system. This setting was considered by Naor, Naor and Lotspiech [17], who also present a very efficient “Subset Difference” (SD) method for solving this problem. The efficiency of this method (which also enjoys efficient traitor tracing mechanism and several other useful features) was recently improved by Halevi and Shamir [12], who called their refinement the “Layered SD” (LSD) method. Both of the above methods were originally designed to work in the centralized symmetric key setting, where only the trusted designer of the system can encrypt messages to users. On the other hand, in many applications it is desirable not to store the secret keys “on-line”, or to allow untrusted users to broadcast information. This leads to the question of building a public key broadcast encryption scheme for stateless receivers; in particular, of extending the elegant SD/LSD methods to the public key setting. Naor et al. [17] notice that the natural technique for doing so will result in an enormous public key and very large storage for every user. In fact, [17] pose this question of reducing the public key size and user’s storage as the first open problem of their paper. We resolve this question in the affirmative, by demonstrating that an O(1) size public key can be achieved for both of SD/LSD methods, in addition to the same (small) user’s storage and ciphertext size as in the symmetric key setting.
public key cryptography | 2005
Yevgeniy Dodis; Aleksandr Yampolskiy
We give a simple and efficient construction of a verifiable random function (VRF) on bilinear groups. Our construction is direct. In contrast to prior VRF constructions [14,15], it avoids using an inefficient Goldreich-Levin transformation, thereby saving several factors in security. Our proofs of security are based on a decisional bilinear Diffie-Hellman inversion assumption, which seems reasonable given current state of knowledge. For small message spaces, our VRFs proofs and keys have constant size. By utilizing a collision-resistant hash function, our VRF can also be used with arbitrary message spaces. We show that our scheme can be instantiated with an elliptic group of very reasonable size. Furthermore, it can be made distributed and proactive.
theory and application of cryptographic techniques | 2004
Yevgeniy Dodis; Aggelos Kiayias; Antonio Nicolosi; Victor Shoup
We introduce Ad hoc Anonymous Identification schemes, a new multi-user cryptographic primitive that allows participants from a user population to form ad-hoc groups, and then prove membership anonymously in such groups. Our schemes are based on the notion of accumulator with one-way domain, a natural extension of cryptographic accumulators we introduce in this work. We provide a formal model for Ad hoc Anonymous Identification schemes and design secure such schemes both generically (based on any accumulator with one-way domain) and for a specific efficient implementation of such an accumulator based on the Strong RSA Assumption. A salient feature of our approach is that all the identification protocols take time independent of the size of the ad-hoc group. All our schemes and notions can be generally and efficiently amended so that they allow the recovery of the signer’s identity by an authority, if the latter is desired.
theory and application of cryptographic techniques | 2005
Xavier Boyen; Yevgeniy Dodis; Jonathan Katz; Rafail Ostrovsky; Adam D. Smith
Biometric data offer a potential source of high-entropy, secret information that can be used in cryptographic protocols provided two issues are addressed: (1) biometric data are not uniformly distributed; and (2) they are not exactly reproducible. Recent work, most notably that of Dodis, Reyzin, and Smith, has shown how these obstacles may be overcome by allowing some auxiliary public information to be reliably sent from a server to the human user. Subsequent work of Boyen has shown how to extend these techniques, in the random oracle model, to enable unidirectional authentication from the user to the server without the assumption of a reliable communication channel. We show two efficient techniques enabling the use of biometric data to achieve mutual authentication or authenticated key exchange over a completely insecure (i.e., adversarially controlled) channel. In addition to achieving stronger security guarantees than the work of Boyen, we improve upon his solution in a number of other respects: we tolerate a broader class of errors and, in one case, improve upon the parameters of his solution and give a proof of security in the standard model.
international cryptology conference | 2008
Ronald Cramer; Yevgeniy Dodis; Serge Fehr; Carles Padró; Daniel Wichs
Consider an abstract storage device Σ(G) that can hold a single element x from a fixed, publicly known finite group G. Storage is private in the sense that an adversary does not have read access to Σ(G) at all. However, Σ(G) is non-robust in the sense that the adversary can modify its contents by adding some offset Δ ∈ G. Due to the privacy of the storage device, the value Δ can only depend on an adversarys a priori knowledge of x. We introduce a new primitive called an algebraic manipulation detection (AMD) code, which encodes a source s into a value x stored on Σ(G) so that any tampering by an adversary will be detected. We give a nearly optimal construction of AMD codes, which can flexibly accommodate arbitrary choices for the length of the source s and security level. We use this construction in two applications: - We show how to efficiently convert any linear secret sharing scheme into a robust secret sharing scheme, which ensures that no unqualified subset of players can modify their shares and cause the reconstruction of some value s′ ≠ s. - We show how to build nearly optimal robust fuzzy extractors for several natural metrics. Robust fuzzy extractors enable one to reliably extract and later recover random keys from noisy and non-uniform secrets, such as biometrics, by relying only on non-robust public storage. In the past, such constructions were known only in the random oracle model, or required the entropy rate of the secret to be greater than half. Our construction relies on a randomly chosen common reference string (CRS) available to all parties.
symposium on the theory of computing | 2009
Yevgeniy Dodis; Yael Tauman Kalai; Shachar Lovett
We study the question of designing cryptographic schemes which are secure even if an arbitrary function f(sk) of the secret key is leaked, as long as the secret key sk is still (exponentially) hard to compute from this auxiliary input. This setting of auxiliary input is more general than the more traditional setting, which assumes that some of information about the secret key sk may be leaked, but sk still has high min-entropy left. In particular, we deal with situations where f(sk) information-theoretically determines the entire secret key sk. As our main result, we construct CPA/CCA secure symmetric encryption schemes that remain secure with exponentially hard-to-invert auxiliary input. We give several applications of such schemes. * We construct an average-case obfuscator for the class of point functions, which remains secure with exponentially hard-to-invert auxiliary input, and is reusable. * We construct a reusable and robust extractor that remains secure with exponentially hard-to-invert auxiliary input. Our results rely on a new cryptographic assumption, Learning Subspace-with-Noise (LSN), which is related to the well known Learning Parity-with-Noise (LPN) assumption.
symposium on the theory of computing | 2003
Richard Cole; Yevgeniy Dodis; Tim Roughgarden
We study the negative consequences of selfish behavior in a congested network and economic means of influencing such behavior. We consider a model of selfish routing in which the latency experienced by network traffic on an edge of the network is a function of the edge congestion, and network users are assumed to selfishly route traffic on minimum-latency paths. The quality of a routing of traffic is measured by the sum of travel times (the total latency).It is well known that the outcome of selfish routing (a Nash equilibrium) does not minimize the total latency. An ancient strategy for improving the selfish solution is the principle of marginal cost pricing, which asserts that on each edge of the network, each network user on the edge should pay a tax offsetting the congestion effects caused by its presence. By pricing network edges according to this principle, the inefficiency of selfish routing can always be eradicated.This result, while fundamental, assumes a very strong homogeneity property: all network users are assumed to trade off time and money in an identical way. The guarantee also ignores both the algorithmic aspects of edge pricing and the unfortunate possibility that an efficient routing of traffic might only be achieved with exorbitant taxes. Motivated by these shortcomings, we extend this classical work on edge pricing in several different directions and prove the following results.We prove that the edges of a single-commodity network can always be priced so that an optimal routing of traffic arises as a Nash equilibrium, even for very general heterogeneous populations of network users.When there are only finitely many different types of network users and all edge latency functions are convex, we show how to compute such edge prices efficiently.We prove that an easy-to-check mathematical condition on the population of heterogeneous network users is both necessary and sufficient for the existence of edge prices that induce an optimal routing while requiring only moderate taxes.