Yeya T. Touré
World Health Organization
Insect Molecular Biology | 1997
Guido Favia; A. Della Torre; M. Bagayoko; A. Lanfrancotti; N'Fale Sagnon; Yeya T. Touré; M. Coluzzi
Three chromosomal forms of Anopheles gambiae s.s., designated as Bamako, Mopti and Savanna, were studied for diagnostic PCR assays based on the analysis of the X‐linked ribosomal DNA (rDNA). The study was performed on a 1.3 kb fragment containing part of the 28S coding region and part of the intergenic spacer region. The amplified material was cut with fourteen restriction enzymes to detect Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (RFLPs). The enzymes Tru9I and HhaI produced patterns of DNA bands which differentiated Mopti from Savanna and Bamako; moreover, a distinct ‘hybrid’ pattern was recognized in the F1 female progeny from the cross of Mopti with either one of the other two chromosomal forms. The diagnostic significance of the PCR‐RFLP assay was verified on 203 karyotyped females from field samples collected in two villages in Mali and one village in Burkina Faso. Agreement was observed between the chromosomal and the molecular identifications. No ‘hybrid’ molecular patterns were detected even among carriers of rare heterokaryotypes hypothetically produced by crosses between Mopti and Savanna. The results confirm previous observations indicating barriers to gene flow within An. gambiae s.s. and supporting the specific status of the taxonomic units proposed on cytogenetic ground.
Molecular Ecology | 2001
Frédéric Tripet; Yeya T. Touré; Charles E. Taylor; Douglas E. Norris; Guimogo Dolo; Gregory C. Lanzaro
Anopheles gambiae populations in west Africa are complex, being composed of multiple, sympatric subpopulations. Recent studies have failed to reveal significant genetic differences among subpopulations, stimulating a debate regarding the levels of gene flow among them. The observed homogeneity may be the consequence of substantial contemporary gene flow or it may be that reproductive isolation is complete, but too recent for the accumulation of significant levels of genic divergence. Here, we report the results of a study estimating contemporary levels of gene flow between An. gambiae subpopulations by analysing females and transferred sperm removed from their reproductive systems. A total of 251 female and associated sperm extracts was analysed from a single site in Mali. Two molecular forms of An. gambiae, the M‐ and S‐forms, occurred in sympatry at this site. Overall, we found very strong positive assortative mating within forms, however, we did observe significant hybridization between forms. In the M subpopulation 2/195 females (1.03%) contained sperm from S‐form males and in 55 S‐form females we found one female containing M‐form sperm (1.82%). We also identified a mated M ×S hybrid adult female. From mating frequencies, we estimate the Nem between the M‐ and S‐form at 16.8, and from the adult hybrid frequency at 5.6. These values are consistent with our earlier estimate, based on FST for 21 microsatellite loci in which Nem = 5.8. We conclude that the general lack of genetic divergence between the M and S subpopulations of An. gambiae can be explained entirely by contemporary gene flow.
Insect Molecular Biology | 2003
Caterina I. Fanello; Vincenzo Petrarca; A. Della Torre; Federica Santolamazza; Guimogo Dolo; M. Coulibaly; A. Alloueche; C. F. Curtis; Yeya T. Touré; M. Coluzzi
In Mali the Anopheles gambiae complex consists of An. arabiensis and Mopti, Savanna and Bamako chromosomal forms of An. gambiae s.s. Previous chromosomal data suggests a complete reproductive isolation among these forms. Sequence analysis of rDNA regions led to the characterization of two molecular forms of An. gambiae, named M‐form and S‐form, which in Mali correspond to Mopti and to Savanna/Bamako, respectively, while it has failed so far to show any molecular difference between Savanna and Bamako. The population structure of An. gambiae s.l. was analysed in three villages in the Bamako and Sikasso areas of Mali and the frequency of pyrethroid resistance of the knock‐down resistance (kdr) type was calculated. The results show that the kdr allele is associated only with the Savanna form populations and absent in sympatric and synchronous populations of Bamako, Mopti and An. arabiensis. This is the first molecular indication of barriers to gene flow between the Bamako and Savanna chromosomal forms. Moreover, analyses of specimens collected in the Bamako area in 1987 show that the kdr allele was already present in the Savanna population at that time, and that the frequency of this allele has gradually increased since then.
Genetica | 1994
Yeya T. Touré; Vincenzo Petrarca; S. F. Traoré; A. Coulibaly; H. M. Maïga; O. Sankaré; M. Y. Sow; M. A. Di Deco; M. Coluzzi
Among the sibling species of the AfrotropicalAnopheles gambiae complex, the nominal taxon (An. gambiae s.str.) is the major malaria vector. Its bionomics suggest a man-dependent speciation process which involves, in West Africa, various incipient species chromosomally recognized by different combinations of 2R paracentric inversions. One of the most recent evolutionary steps of such a speciation process appears to be the chromosomal form Mopti, which is associated with dry season irrigation in arid zones, and is characterized by a remarkable ecological flexibility related to three 2R alternative arrangements, namelybc, u and +, whose expected karyotypes are found in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The study of this chromosomal polymorphism in samples from a 16-locality transect in Mali shows wide variations and highly significant correlation with both temporal and spatial climatic differences. Mosquitoes homokaryotypic for 2Rbc are the actual dry season and arid areas breeders. The regular rise of 2Rbc frequency, up to fixation, during each dry season, corresponds to the South-North clinal increase of the same arrangement along the transect, from about 30% in the humid savanna to near fixation in the South-Saharan zone. This coherent ecological genetics case provides full support to the hypothesis of the adaptive nature of paracentric inversions. Moreover, the very peculiar system of combinations of contiguous 2R inversions, utilized by Mopti as well as by other chromosomal forms ofAn. gambiae, suggests a process of polygenic reorganization based on linkage disequilibria and involving the inversions as driving selection units.
Medical and Veterinary Entomology | 1993
Charles E. Taylor; Yeya T. Touré; M. Coluzzi; Vincenzo Petrarca
Abstract. The way that the malaria vectors Anopheles arabiensis and An.gambiae survive the dry season in sub‐saharan Sahel or northern Savanna areas of Africa remains enigmatic. We examined this problem by calculating the effective sizes (Ne) of An.arabiensis populations for several locations in West Africa. An indirect/genetic procedure was used, comparing gene frequencies at several time intervals. The amount of drift which occurred provides an estimate of Ne. Most estimates of Ne were approximately 2000 individuals, probably close to the yearly minimum. This supports the hypothesis that populations of An.arabiensis in this region are continuous throughout the year, with many individuals surviving through the dry season, perhaps in a physiologically altered state, rather than extinction or severe bottlenecks during the dry season, followed by recolonization by a few individual survivors or immigrants in the subsequent rainy season.
Journal of Medical Entomology | 2002
Frances E. Edillo; Yeya T. Touré; Gregory C. Lanzaro; Guimogo Dolo; Charles E. Taylor
Abstract We studied the larval distribution and composition of Anopheles arabiensis Patton, An. gambiae s.s. Giles, and its forms, among local habitats; and their association with the adults between these habitats in Banambani village, Mali during the mid-rainy seasons of 1997–1999. For species and form identification we used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and PCR-restriction fragment-length polymorphism (RFLP). Differences among species in the distribution of larvae were observed in 1998, but not in 1997 or 1999, although they were on the borderline of statistical significance. Differences among the M and S molecular forms were statistically significant in 1999 when rainfall was high, but not in the two prior, drier sampling periods. Combining all information into the Fisher multiple comparisons test, there were statistically significant differences between species and molecular forms during the 3-yr study period. Hybrid larvae between the M and S forms were observed (0.57%), the first such observation to our knowledge. In spite of differences among larval distribution, no differences of adult species composition were observed among habitats. Factors that influence the distributions of An. gambiae larval populations are discussed.
Insect Molecular Biology | 1995
Gregory C. Lanzaro; L. Zheng; Yeya T. Touré; Sekou F. Traore; Fotis C. Kafatos; K. D. Vernick
Microsatellites are defined as tracts of tandemly repeated short DNA sequences. Polymorphisms in this class of DNA are currently being used to generate a genetic map of the mosquito Anopheles gambiae. In the present study we explore the potential of microsatellites as a tool for studying the genetic structure of natural populations of this malaria vector. Genetic polymorphism at twenty enzyme coding gene loci and eleven microsatellite DNA loci was surveyed in a population of An. gambiae from Mali, West Africa. All of the microsatellite loci surveyed were polymorphic, as compared to 40% of the isozyme loci. The mean heterozygosity for the isozyme loci was only 0.097 (±0.0035), but for the microsatellite loci it was 0.732 (±0.060). The pattern of variability was very different between isozymes and microsatellites. Typically, at an isozyme locus a single allele occurred at a frequency ≥0.75, whereas at microsatellite loci the most common allele had a frequency <0.50. We conclude that micro‐satellites provide a rich source of genetic polymorphisms for the study of the population genetics of An. gambiae and are in many ways superior to isozymes for this purpose. We discuss the potential for utilizing genetically mapped microsatellite loci to explore the effect of chromosomal inversions on the distribution of genetic polymorphisms in An. gambiae.
Journal of Medical Entomology | 2001
Douglas E. Norris; Amy C. Shurtleff; Yeya T. Touré; Gregory C. Lanzaro
Abstract We compared microsatellite polymorphism at nine loci located on chromosome 3 among two colonies and a field population of Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto Giles mosquitoes. Numbers of microsatellite alleles observed at each locus and mean heterozygosities were drastically reduced among laboratory colonies. Genetic analysis of the field population used in this study revealed an unprecedented frequency of rare alleles (<0.05). In contrast, colony samples revealed large numbers of alleles with frequencies >0.50. Partitioning of field data to assess the impact of rare alleles, null alleles, and sample size on estimates of mean heterozygosity revealed the plasticity of this measurement and suggests that heterozygosity may be reliably estimated from relatively small collections using microsatellites.
Medical and Veterinary Entomology | 1998
Yeya T. Touré; Guimogo Dolo; Vincenzo Petrarca; Bouaré; Adama Dao; John Carnahan; Charles E. Taylor
Mark–release–recapture experiments with Anopheles gambiae s.l. were performed during the wet seasons of 1993 and 1994 in Banambani, Mali. All recaptured mosquitoes were identified to species by PCR analysis and, when possible, by chromosomal analysis to chromosomal form. Two species of the An. gambiae complex were present: An. gambiae s.s. and An. arabiensis; their ratio differed greatly from one year to the next. Three chromosomal forms of An. gambiae s.s. were found – Bamako, Savanna and Mopti. The drier 1993 was characterized by a high frequency of An. arabiensis and of the Mopti chromosomal forms of An. gambiae s.s. These trends were consistent with large‐scale geographical patterns of abundance along a precipitation gradient. We observed no difference in dispersal between the two species, nor among the chromosomal forms of An. gambiae s.s. Therefore, in this situation at least, it is reasonable to group such data on the An. gambiae complex as a whole for analysis. Population size of An. gambiae s.l. females in the village was estimated to be 9000–11 000 in 1993 and 28 000 in 1994. The corresponding numbers were somewhat higher when independently‐derived values of daily survival were used. These were consistent with estimates of effective population size obtained from patterns of gene frequency change.
Vector-borne and Zoonotic Diseases | 2008
Mark Q. Benedict; Peter d'Abbs; Stephen L. Dobson; Michael Gottlieb; Laura C. Harrington; Stephen Higgs; Anthony A. James; Stephanie James; Bart G. J. Knols; James V. Lavery; Scott L. O'Neill; Thomas W. Scott; Willem Takken; Yeya T. Touré
THE FOLLOWING RECOMMENDATIONS represent the response of a group of involved scientists to the need for guidance to aid researchers, government authorities, and community leaders as they consider the design and implementation of field trials to assess the safety and efficacy of genetic strategies for reducing the transmission of diseases by mosquito vectors. Guidance is provided for contained (caged) field trials of genetically-engineered (GE) vector mosquitoes that are fertile and contain novel genetic constructs designed to spread through natural mosquito populations (“gene drive systems”). An effort is made to raise the practical issues that must be considered in advance of such testing, provide generalized recommendations based on currently available information, and identify “points to consider” regarding additional information that may be required in order to make informed decisions on a case-by-case basis. This guidance is intended to clarify the pathway for further assessment of the potential utility of such GE mosquitoes as a tool for the improvement of public health in disease-endemic regions. 2. FOCUS