
Featured researches published by Yildirim Dilek.

Geological Society of America Bulletin | 2011

Ophiolite genesis and global tectonics: Geochemical and tectonic fingerprinting of ancient oceanic lithosphere

Yildirim Dilek; Harald Furnes

Ophiolites, and discussions on their origin and significance in Earths history, have been instrumental in the formulation, testing, and establishment of hypotheses and theories in earth sciences. The definition, tectonic origin, and emplacement mechanisms of ophiolites have been the subject of a dynamic and continually evolving concept since the nineteenth century. Here, we present a review of these ideas as well as a new classification of ophiolites, incorporating the diversity in their structural architecture and geochemical signatures that results from variations in petrological, geochemical, and tectonic processes during formation in different geodynamic settings. We define ophiolites as suites of temporally and spatially associated ultramafic to felsic rocks related to separate melting episodes and processes of magmatic differentiation in particular tectonic environments. Their geochemical characteristics, internal structure, and thickness vary with spreading rate, proximity to plumes or trenches, mantle temperature, mantle fertility, and the availability of fluids. Subduction-related ophiolites include suprasubduction-zone and volcanic-arc types, the evolution of which is governed by slab dehydration and accompanying metasomatism of the mantle, melting of the subducting sediments, and repeated episodes of partial melting of metasomatized peridotites. Subduction-unrelated ophiolites include continental-margin, mid-ocean-ridge (plume-proximal, plume-distal, and trench-distal), and plume-type (plume-proximal ridge and oceanic plateau) ophiolites that generally have mid-ocean-ridge basalt (MORB) compositions. Subduction-related lithosphere and ophiolites develop during the closure of ocean basins, whereas subduction-unrelated types evolve during rift drift and seafloor spreading. The peak times of ophiolite genesis and emplacement in Earth history coincided with collisional events leading to the construction of supercontinents, continental breakup, and plume-related supermagmatic events. Geochemical and tectonic fingerprinting of Phanerozoic ophiolites within the framework of this new ophiolite classification is an effective tool for identification of the geodynamic settings of oceanic crust formation in Earth history, and it can be extended into Precambrian greenstone belts in order to investigate the ways in which oceanic crust formed in the Archean.

Geological Society of America Bulletin | 1999

Structure and petrology of Tauride ophiolites and mafic dike intrusions (Turkey): Implications for the Neotethyan ocean

Yildirim Dilek; P. Thy; Bradley R. Hacker; Sidsel Grundvig

Cretaceous Neotethyan ophiolites occur in four east-west–trending subparallel zones within the Tauride tectonic belt in southern Turkey. The ophiolites of the Inner, Intermediate, and Outer zones tectonically overlie the Mesozoic platform carbonates of the Tauride belt and are commonly underlain by a Cenomanian ophiolitic melange. These ophiolites consist mainly of tectonized mantle rocks, mafic-ultramafic cumulates, and gabbros, and commonly lack sheeted dike complexes and extrusive rocks of a complete ophiolite sequence. Metamorphic soles that are several hundred meters thick occur as thrust-faulted slices beneath these ophiolites and show well-developed metamorphic field gradients. Ophiolitic units and the metamorphic soles are intruded by mafic dike swarms that are truncated at the contact with the underlying melange unit. Dike rocks are made of subalkalic basalt to andesite typical of evolved island-arc tholeiites; they display large compositional variations, with SiO 2 content between 50 and 60 wt% and MgO between 8 and 4 wt%, and contain higher Ti augite phenocrysts and significantly less calcic plagioclase than their host cumulates. The majority of the analyzed dike rocks show a slight depletion in light rare earth elements (REE) with low La/SmN ratios and are depleted in both high-field strength (HFS) and heavy REEs, while enriched in large-ion-lithophile elements (LILE) relative to normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB). These characteristics suggest a mantle source that underwent previous melt extractions and subsequent metasomatism by LILE- and light REE-enriched fluids. Geochemical modeling of trace elements shows that melting occurred at relatively low pressures under hydrous conditions and that it may have required the existence of an asthenospheric window, in which the dike magmas developed through tapping and mixing of melts generated within a rising melting column starting slightly within the garnet stability field, or in a transitional zone between the garnet and spinel stability fields at about 60 km depth. This asthenospheric window was probably created during subduction of a Neotethyan ridge system; magmas ascending from the melt column within this window generated dikes that crosscut the metamorphic soles and were injected into the overlying mantle wedge and oceanic lithosphere. The new 40 Ar/ 39 Ar hornblende dates of 92–90 Ma and 90–91 Ma from the metamorphic soles and dike swarms, respectively, show that evolution of these two geologic units was closely related in time and space and that they formed at the same intraoceanic subduction zone within the Inner Tauride seaway. These data suggest that the Tauride ophiolites within the three zones to the north originated from the same root zone situated north of the Tauride carbonate platform, and that they constitute remnants of a single ophiolitic nappe sheet derived from the Inner Tauride seaway within the Neotethyan ocean.

Geology | 2011

Lhasa terrane in southern Tibet came from Australia

Di-Cheng Zhu; Zhidan Zhao; Yaoling Niu; Yildirim Dilek; Xuanxue Mo

The U-Pb age and Hf isotope data on detrital zircons from Paleozoic metasedimentary rocks in the Lhasa terrane (Tibet) defi ne a distinctive age population of ca. 1170 Ma with e Hf (t) values identical to the coeval detrital zircons from Western Australia, but those from the western Qiangtang and Tethyan Himalaya terranes defi ne an age population of ca. 950 Ma with a similar e Hf (t) range. The ca. 1170 Ma detrital zircons in the Lhasa terrane were most likely derived from the Albany-Fraser belt in southwest Australia, whereas the ca. 950 Ma detrital zircons from both the western Qiangtang and Tethyan Himalaya terranes might have been sourced from the High Himalaya to the south. Such detrital zircon connections enable us to propose that the Lhasa terrane is exotic to the Tibetan Plateau system, and should no longer be considered as part of the Qiangtang‐Greater India‐Tethyan Himalaya continental margin system in the Paleozoic reconstruction of the Indian plate, as current models show; rather, it should be placed at the northwestern margin of Australia. These results provide new constraints on the paleogeographic reconstruction and tectonic evolution of southern Tibet, and indicate that the Lhasa terrane evolved as part of the late Precambrian‐early Paleozoic evolution as part of Australia in a different paleogeographical setting than that of the Qiangtang−Greater India−Tethyan Himalaya system.

Geological Society of America Special Papers | 2003

Ophiolite concept and its evolution

Yildirim Dilek

The ophiolite concept, fi rst developed in Europe in the early nineteenth century, went through several phases of evolution. Early studies of ophiolites prior to the plate tectonic revolution emphasized the development of ophiolites as in situ intrusions within geosynclines. The genetic association of mantle peridotites with volcanic and plutonic rocks in ophiolites was not considered in these studies, and the emplacement of serpentinized ultramafi c rocks in orogenic belts remained a topic of debate regarding ophiolites among the North American geoscientists. Recognition of extensional sheeted dike complexes, the existence of a refractory mantle unit represented by peridotites with high-temperature deformation fabrics, fossil magma chambers in plutonic sequences, and the allochthonous nature of ophiolites by the mid 1960s was instrumental in the formulation of the ophiolite model and the ophiolite-ocean crust analogy within the framework of the new plate tectonic theory. This analogy was confi rmed at the fi rst Penrose Conference on ophiolites in 1972, whereby an ideal ophiolite sequence was defi ned to have a layer-cake pseudostratigraphy complete with a sheeted dike complex as a result of seafl oor spreading. Ophiolites were interpreted to have developed mainly at ancient mid-ocean ridges through this model. Geochemical studies of ophiolites challenged this view as early as the beginning of the 1970s and suggested the association of magma evolution with subduction zones. This paradigm shift in the evolving ophiolite concept led to the defi nition of suprasubduction zone ophiolites in the early 1980s. Systematic petrological and geochemical investigations of world ophiolites throughout the 1980s and 1990s demonstrated the signifi cance of subduction zone derived fl uids and melting history in development of ophiolitic magmas; forearc, embryonic arc, and back-arc settings in suprasubduction zones became the most widely accepted tectonic environments of origin. Major differences in their internal structure and stratigraphy, extreme variations in their chemical affi nities and mantle sources, and signifi cant changes in the mode and nature of their emplacement in orogenic belts indicate that ophiolites form in a variety of tectonic environments and that they do not need to have a certain internal stratigraphy to them as defi ned at the 1972 Penrose Conference. A new classifi cation scheme presented in this paper considers seven specifi c types of ophiolites, based on their inferred tectonic settings of igneous origin and emplacement mechanisms in different kinds of orogenic belts (i.e., collisional versus accretionary). Application of this new ophiolite classifi cation scheme may prove helpful in recognizing the Archean oceanic crust and in better understanding the crustal and mantle processes in Earth’s early history.

International Geology Review | 2010

Mélanges and mélange-forming processes: a historical overview and new concepts

Andrea Festa; Gian Andrea Pini; Yildirim Dilek; Giulia Codegone

Mélanges represent a significant component of collisional and accretionary orogenic belts and occur widely around the world. Since its first introduction and use, the term has evolved to cover both processes (tectonic, sedimentary, and diapiric) and tectonic settings of mélange formation. The meaning and significance of various terms referring to the origin of ‘block-in-matrix chaotic rocks’ are still subject to debate. This study presents a historical overview of the evolving mélange concept and investigates the relationships between mélange types and their tectonic settings of formation. We investigate the contribution of mass-transport versus contractional deformation processes at the onset of mélange formation and throughout the evolution of different mélange types, and the nature of the continuum and transition from broken formations to true tectonic mélanges. A mélange is a mappable chaotic body of mixed rocks with a block-in-matrix fabric whose internal structure and evolution are intimately linked to the structural, sedimentary, magmatic, and metamorphic processes attending its origin. On the basis of a comparative analysis of exhumed, ancient on-land mélanges and modern tectonic environments, where mélange-forming processes are at work, such units are classified into those related to extensional tectonics, passive margin evolution, strike-slip tectonics, subduction zones, collisional tectonics, and intracontinental deformation. Sedimentation and contractional deformation contribute significantly to mélange formation in all these tectonic environments, although the internal structure of deposits is strongly controlled and overprinted by processes that prevail during the last stages of mélange formation in a single tectonic setting. Tectonic mélanges are commonly subordinate to broken formations and are restricted to narrow, elongated-to-coalescent fault zones, large-scale fault zones, and plate boundaries.

International Geology Review | 2010

Geochemistry and tectonics of Cenozoic volcanism in the Lesser Caucasus (Azerbaijan) and the peri-Arabian region: collision-induced mantle dynamics and its magmatic fingerprint

Yildirim Dilek; Nazim Imamverdiyev

The Lesser Caucasus occurs in the hinterland of the Arabia–Eurasia collision zone in the broad Alpine–Himalayan orogenic belt and includes Cenozoic plutonic and volcanic sequences that provide important clues for collision-driven continental magmatism and mantle dynamics. Two main magmatic episodes (Eocene and late Miocene–Quaternary) formed the volcanic landscape and the igneous assemblages in the Lesser Caucasus of Azerbaijan. (1) The Eocene sequence consists of trachybasalt and basaltic trachyandesite with subordinate tephrite-basanite, basaltic andesite, and trachyandesite, showing shoshonitic and mildly alkaline compositions. The Miocene–Quaternary magmatic episode is represented by (2a) an early phase of upper Miocene–lower Pliocene andesite, trachyandesite, trachydacite, dacite and rhyolite lavas, and by (2b) a late phase of upper Pliocene–Quaternary trachybasalt, basaltic trachyandesite, basaltic andesite, trachyandesite, trachyte, and rhyolite flows. The rocks of the early phase have high-K calc-alkaline compositions, whereas those of the late phase show high-K shoshonitic compositions, defining an alkaline trend and a K2O-enriched melt source. All three volcanic associations show variant troughs in Nb, Ta, Hf, and Zr, strong enrichment in Rb, Ba, Th, La, and depletion in Ti, Yb, Y relative to mid-ocean ridge basalt N-(MORB) in their multi-element patterns. The enrichment of incompatible elements and K suggests derivation from a metasomatized mantle source, whereas the troughs in Nb and Ta indicate a subduction influence in the mantle melt sources. Mantle-derived magmas were modified by AFC/FC processes for all three volcanic sequences. These geochemical features are similar to those of coeval volcanic associations in the peri-Arabian region, and indicate the existence of subduction-metasomatized lithospheric mantle beneath the Lesser Caucasus during the Cenozoic. Partial melting of this subduction-modified subcontinental lithospheric mantle in the peri-Arabian region was triggered initially by slab breakoff following discrete continental collision events in the early Eocene. The heat source for the later Miocene–Quaternary volcanism in the entire peri-Arabian region was provided by asthenospheric upwelling, which itself was caused by delamination of the mantle lithosphere following the final Arabia–Eurasia collision at ∼13 Ma. Increased alkalinity of successively younger units in the Plio-Quaternary volcanic associations resulted from the input of enriched asthenospheric melt during the last stages of post-collisional magmatism. Active, crustal-scale and orogen-parallel, transtensional fault systems in the peri-Arabian region facilitated the formation of fissure eruptions and stratovolcanoes in the latest Cenozoic.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications | 2009

Geochemical and temporal evolution of Cenozoic magmatism in western Turkey: mantle response to collision, slab break-off, and lithospheric tearing in an orogenic belt

Yildirim Dilek; Şafak Altunkaynak

Abstract Post-collisional magmatism in western Anatolia began in the Eocene, and has occurred in discrete pulses throughout the Cenozoic as it propagated from north to south, producing volcano-plutonic associations with varying chemical compositions. This apparent SW migration of magmatism and accompanying extension through time was a result of the thermally induced collapse of the western Anatolian orogenic belt, which formed during the collision of the Sakarya and Tauride–Anatolide continental blocks in the late Paleocene. The thermal input and melt sources for this prolonged magmatism were provided first by slab break-off-generated aesthenospheric flow, then by lithospheric delamination-related aesthenospheric flow, followed by tectonic extension-driven upward aesthenospheric flow. The first magmatic episode is represented by Eocene granitoid plutons and their extrusive carapace that are linearly distributed along the Izmir–Ankara suture zone south of the Marmara Sea. These suites show moderately evolved compositions enriched in incompatible elements similar to subduction zone-influenced subalkaline magmas. Widespread Oligo-Miocene volcanic and plutonic rocks with medium- to high-K calc-alkaline compositions represent the next magmatic episode. Partial melting and assimilation-fractional crystallization of enriched subcontinental lithospheric mantle-derived magmas were important processes in the genesis and evolution of the parental magmas, which experienced decreasing subduction influence and increasing crustal contamination during the evolution of the Eocene and Oligo-Miocene volcano-plutonic rocks. Collision-induced lithospheric slab break-off provided an influx of aesthenospheric heat and melts that resulted in partial melting of the previously subduction-metasomatized mantle lithosphere beneath the suture zone, producing the Eocene and Oligo-Miocene igneous suites. The following magmatic phase during the middle Miocene (16–14 Ma) developed mildly alkaline bimodal volcanic rocks that show a decreasing amount of crustal contamination and subduction influence in time. Both melting of a subduction-modified lithospheric mantle and aesthenospheric mantle-derived melt contribution played a significant role in the generation of the magmas of these rocks. This magmatic episode was attended by region-wide extension that led to the formation of metamorphic core complexes and graben systems. Aesthenospheric upwelling caused by partial delamination of the lithospheric root beneath the western Anatolian orogenic belt was likely responsible for the melt evolution of these mildly alkaline volcanics. Lithospheric delamination may have been caused by ‘peeling off’ during slab rollback. The last major phase of magmatism in the region, starting c.12 Ma, is represented by late Miocene to Quaternary alkaline to super-alkaline volcanic rocks that show OIB-like geochemical features with progressively more potassic compositions increasing toward south in time. These rocks are spatially associated with major extensional fault systems that acted as natural conduits for the transport of uncontaminated alkaline magmas to the surface. The melt source for this magmatic phase carried little or no subduction component and was produced by the decompressional melting of aesthenospheric mantle, which flowed in beneath the attenuated continental lithosphere in the Aegean extensional province. This time-progressive evolution of Cenozoic magmatism and extension in western Anatolia has been strongly controlled by the interplay between regional plate-tectonic events and the mantle dynamics, and provides a realistic template for post-collisional magmatism and crustal extension in many orogenic belts.

International Geology Review | 2007

Cenozoic Crustal Evolution and Mantle Dynamics of Post-Collisional Magmatism in Western Anatolia

Yildirim Dilek; Şafak Altunkaynak

Post-collisional magmatism in western Anatolia followed a continental collision event in the Early Eocene, and occurred in discrete pulses that appear to have propagated from north to south over time. The first episode occurred during the Eocene and Oligo-Miocene and was subalkaline in nature, producing medium-to high-K calc-alkaline granitoids and mafic to felsic volcanic rocks. Partial melting and assimilation-fractional crystallization of enriched subcontinental lithospheric mantle-derived magma(s) were important processes in the genesis and evolution of the parental magmas, which experienced decreasing subduction influence and increasing crustal contamination through the Early Eocene-Early Miocene. This magmatic episode coincided with continued regional compression and development of a thick orogenic crust, and was influenced by an influx of asthenospheric heat and melts provided by lithospheric slab break-off. Extensional tectonics replaced the regional compression by the Middle Miocene, following the initial collapse of the western Anatolian orogenic welt, and resulted in the development of metamorphic core complexes and horst-graben structures. The second main episode of magmatism occurred during the Middle Miocene (16-14 Ma) and produced mildly alkaline rocks that show a decreasing amount of crustal contamination and subduction influence through time. Although melting of a subduction-modified lithospheric mantle continued, an asthenospheric mantle-derived melt contribution played a major role in the generation of these mildly alkaline magmas. The inferred asthenospheric melt contribution was a result of delamination of the lowermost part of the lithospheric mantle and/or partial convective removal of the sub-continental lithospheric mantle (SCLM). The third episode of post-collisional magmatism started around ~12 Ma and continued through the Late Quaternary. The main melt source for this phase carried no subduction component and was generated by the decompressional melting of asthenospheric mantle, which flowed in beneath the attenuated continental lithosphere in the Aegean extensional province. Lithospheric-scale extensional fault systems acted as natural conduits for the transport of uncontaminated alkaline magmas to the surface. Post-collisional magmatism in western Anatolia thus displays compositionally distinct episodes controlled by slab break-off, lithospheric delamination, and asthenospheric upwelling and decompressional melting, reflecting the geodynamic evolution of the eastern Mediterranean region throughout the Cenozoic. These events and the associated processes in the mantle took place primarily in response to the plate tectonic evolution of the region and collectively constitute a time-progressive template for the mode and nature of the post-collisional magmatism common to most alpine-style orogenic belts.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications | 2003

Arc-trench rollback and forearc accretion: 2. A model template for ophiolites in Albania, Cyprus, and Oman

Yildirim Dilek; Martin F. J. Flower

Abstract Ophiolite assemblages record structural, magmatic, and metamorphic processes that preceded their entrapment in orogenic belts by continental plate collisions. Ophiolite genetic models appealing to ‘oceanic’ or ‘suprasubduction’ provenance are still unable to reconcile several basic problems, including: (1) the association of boninites with oceanic ridge-type structural settings; (2) the diachronous ‘patch-like’ distribution of ophiolites in orogenic belts; (3) disparate ages between and within their mantle and crustal sections; (4) the lack of evidence for ‘obduction’ at modern passive margins. In contrast, the proposal that ophiolite genesis is exclusive to intra-oceanic forearc settings is compelling, given their uniquely shared structural, lithological, and stratigraphic attributes. Forearcs are interpreted to record discrete stages of subduction ‘rollback’ cycles, examples of which begin with subduction nucleation and the formation of boninitic ‘proto-arcs’, followed by arc splitting and concomitant retreat of the evolving arc-forearc complex. Forearc assemblages are likely to resist subduction to become entrapped in orogens, in contrast to denser, recently formed back-arc basin lithosphere, which is reconsumed by subduction following collision of the retreating forearc. As a model for Neo-Tethyan ophiolite genesis, this is predicated on the notion that rollback cycles are driven by ductile asthenosphere mobilized prior to and during collisions of Gondwana fragments with accreting Eurasia. It is also consistent with the apparent correlation of ophiolite ages with collisional events and their conjugate plate kinematic adjustments. Here, we use the slab rollback model as a template for interpreting the structural, magmatic, and metamorphic characteristics of well-studied Tethyan ophiolites, in Albania (Mirdita), Cyprus (Troodos), and Oman (Semail).

Geological Society, London, Special Publications | 2003

What constitutes ‘emplacement’ of an ophiolite?: Mechanisms and relationship to subduction initiation and formation of metamorphic soles

John Wakabayashi; Yildirim Dilek

Abstract Ophiolites have long been recognized as on-land fragments of fossil oceanic lithosphere, which becomes an ophiolite when incorporated into continental margins through a complex process known as ‘emplacement’. A fundamental problem of ophiolite emplacement is how dense oceanic crust becomes emplaced over less dense material(s) of continental margins or subduction-accretion systems. Subduction of less dense material beneath a future ophiolite is necessary to overcome the adverse density contrast. The relationship of subduction to ophiolite emplacement is a critical link between ophiolites and their role in the development of orogenic belts. Although ophiolite emplacement mechanisms are clearly varied, most existing models and definitions of emplacement concern a specific type of ophiolite (i.e. Oman or Troodos) and do not apply to many of the world’s ophiolites. We have defined four prototype ophiolites based on different emplacement mechanisms: (1) ‘Tethyan’ ophiolites, emplaced over passive continental margins or microcontinents as a result of collisional events; (2) ‘Cordilleran’ ophiolites progressively emplaced over subduction complexes through accretionary processes; (3) ‘ridge-trench intersection’ (RTI) ophiolites emplaced through complex processes resulting from the interaction between a spreading ridge and a subduction zone; (4) the unique Macquarie Island ophiolite, which has been subaerially exposed as a result of a change in plate boundary configuration along a mid-ocean ridge system. Protracted evolutionary history of some ocean basins, and variation along the strike of subduction zones may result in more complicated scenarios in ophiolite emplacement mechanisms. No single definition of emplacement is free of drawbacks; however, we can consider the inception of subduction, thrusting over a continental margin or subduction complex, and subaerial exposure as critical individual stages in ophiolite emplacement.

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