Yooshik Yoon
Virginia Tech
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Featured researches published by Yooshik Yoon.
Tourism Management | 2001
Yooshik Yoon; Dogan Gursoy; Joseph S. Chen
Abstract This study attempts to examine the structural effects of four tourism-impact factors on total impact and on local residents’ support for tourism development. To achieve the above goal, five research hypotheses are proposed. Three hundred and four questionnaires from a mail survey of randomly selected residents from the Norfolk/Virginia Beach/Newport News area were analyzed. A confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling procedure were performed, respectively, by utilizing the LISREL procedure. Four exogenous constructs dealing with economic, social, cultural, and the environmental impacts and two endogenous constructs, including the variable of total impacts and support for tourism development were analyzed with structural equation modeling procedures. In the resulting structural equation model, five hypotheses are supported. The implications for tourism practitioners and academicians are discussed.
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing | 2003
Seehyung Kim; Yooshik Yoon
Abstract Understanding how tourism destination image (DI) is formed may assist destination promoters in developing appropriate images for their destination products. This study develops and empirically tests a measurement model of tourism destination image. Through a second-order factor analysis in LISREL, the results confirm that destination image can be operationalized as a second-order factor model that includes an affective image (AI) and a cognitive image (CI). These constructs are governed by a second-order construct of tourism destination image. The results of this study suggest that the affective construct has more impact on building destination image than does the cognitive construct. Finally, theoretical implications and practical suggestions are discussed.
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing | 2009
Jin-Soo Lee; Choong-Ki Lee; Yooshik Yoon
This study aimed to capture the underlying quality dimensions (value antecedents) that distinguish between first‐timers and repeaters and that cultivate festival loyalty. Structural relationships were analyzed across the quality dimensions, value, and loyalty for first‐time and repeat visitors. Structural equation modeling revealed that program and convenient facilities alone were antecedents to value for repeaters, whereas food and souvenir, as well as program and convenient facilities, were value antecedents for first‐timers. Specifically, repeat visitors showed stronger relationships on program value and convenient facility value than did first‐time visitors. On the other hand, first‐time visitors associated more strongly with relationships on food value and souvenir value than did repeat visitors. This distinction resulted in a stronger value‐loyalty relationship for repeat visitors than for first‐time visitors. These findings contribute to the understanding of festival‐attendee behavior and thus, provide researchers and practitioners with insights into how to design a festival in such a way that promotes repeat visitors.
Tourism Geographies | 2015
Duk-Byeong Park; Robin Nunkoo; Yooshik Yoon
Scholars have rarely considered the role of social capital in shaping residents’ reactions to tourism development. A theoretical model integrating research on residents’ attitudes, community development, and social capital was developed and tested on a sample of 556 Korean rural residents using structural equation modeling. Multi-group analysis was used to test the moderating effects of social capital on each path relationships proposed in the model. Results indicated that perceived environmental impacts of tourism influenced community satisfaction, which in turn predicted support for tourism. Residents’ perceptions of the socioeconomic impacts of tourism influenced their support for rural tourism. Social capital shaped the ways in which residents responded to tourism development. Interestingly, our results suggest that a high level of social capital among community members is not always desirable as it does not foster pro-tourism attitudes. The lesson to be drawn is that only if the negative consequences of social capital are recognized and managed can communities be built in ways that contribute to sustainable rural tourism development.
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management | 2001
Joseph S. Chen; Yuksel Ekinci; Michael Riley; Yooshik Yoon; Stina Tjelflaat
This research is to explore Norwegians’ image of US lodging facilities with a two‐stage perceptual survey of Norwegian residents. Focus group surveys are first conducted to determine the important attributes delineating Norwegians’ perceptions of US lodging facilities. Subsequently, a questionnaire containing the important perceptual attributes, along with socio‐demographic measurement and preference attributes, is developed and used in the on‐site survey. The 169 questionnaires collected in the surveys reveal that skilled employees, safety, friendly employees, and in‐room facilities are the important attributes determining Norwegians’ perceptions of overall service quality of US hotels/motels. Consequently, marketing implications and suggestions for future studies are provided.
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing | 2016
Hae-Kyung Sohn; Timothy Jeonglyeol Lee; Yooshik Yoon
ABSTRACT This study analyzes the relationship between perceived risk, evaluation, satisfaction, and behavioral intention of tourists attending a local festival. Based on a survey with a sample of 465 respondents attending a local festival in South Korea, a structural equation model (SEM) is proposed that involves festival-related perceived risk, perceptual evaluation, overall satisfaction, and behavioral intention for future attendance at this and other festivals. Firstly, the results show that while risk may lead to a negative perception of a festival, it has no effect on satisfaction or subsequent behavioral intention. Secondly, the results show that direct causality exists between perception, satisfaction and future intention. Thirdly, a demand for diversity in programs determines perceptions of risk, which in turn permits a segmentation of visitors based on these characteristics. The findings of this study contribute to successful planning and marketing strategies to meet the demands of psychologically segmented tourists, especially in festival studies.
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing | 2016
Hae-Kyung Sohn; Timothy Jeonglyeol Lee; Yooshik Yoon
ABSTRACT This research examined and compared the emotional labor in two distinctive cultures (South Korea and Japan), both based on an oriental culture. It confirmed that in both countries emotional labor adhered to company restrictions, but the research identified differences between Korean and Japanese salespersons in terms of their emotional labor. However, it verified that both Korean and Japanese salespersons experience exhaustion as a result of emotional labor. It contributes to the human resources managers in the service industry and emphasizes that cultural differences should be considered in understanding the emotional labor and burnout of service industry employees.
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing | 2016
Hae-Kyung Sohn; Yooshik Yoon
ABSTRACT In this study, a model is presented and verified using the concepts of risk factor, destination image, destination attachment, and destination satisfaction as they are perceived by international tourists. The relationships between these concepts were analyzed among 435 Japanese tourists who visited Seoul Korea. The Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis results reveal: (1) physical risk, health risk, and psychological risk perceived by Japanese tourists have negative effects on the destination image; (2) destination image improves destination satisfaction; (3) destination attachment has a moderating effect on the relationship between two risks (physical and health) and destination image. The results of this study are discussed in terms of theoretical and practical suggestions for destination marketing and management.
International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research | 2018
Wen-Yan Yan; Yooshik Yoon
본 연구는 관광의 사회문화적 의미를 고찰하고 중국인 관광객의 특성을 고찰하기 위하여 Urry의 관광객 시선 이론을 기반으로 서울을 방문한 중국 관광객들이 장소에 대해 어떤 시선을 가지고 관광을 경험하고, 또한 경험후의 변화한 시선을 분석하였다. 자료 수집은 2016년 5월부터 6월까지 서울을 방문한 경험이 있는 10명의 중국인을 대상으로 심층인터뷰를 진행하였다. 수집된 자료는 근거이론 방법론을 적용함으로써 중국관광객의 서울의 시선 형성 과정에 대한 패러다임을 규명하였다. 축 코딩의 결과 ‘관광 전 시선’을 중심현상이었고 ‘관광 전 사전기대’는 중심현상을 이끄는 인과적 조건이었다. 또한 중심현상은 ‘중국특성’이라는 맥락적 조건의 영향을 받으며 ‘관광중의 인상적 현상’이라는 중재적 조건은 ‘사전기대와의 비교’라는 상호작용전략을 조장하도록 작용하였다. 마지막으로 이러한 상호작용에 의해 ‘관광 후 변화된 시선’ 이라는 결과로 분석되었다. 이러한 연구결과는 중국관광객에 대한 심도 깊은 이해에 기여하였으며 중국관광객을 대상으로 한 관광자원 개발에 있어 기초자료를 마련하였다. 또한 양적연구방법의 한계점을 극복한 질적연구 방법으로 접근함으로써 관광업계의 학계와 산업계에 학문적 실무적 시사점을 제시하였다.
Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi | 2005
Muzaffer Uysal; John A. Williams; Yooshik Yoon
Bu calisma, genel musteri memnuniyetini destekleyici ve ifade edici faktorlerin bir fonksiyonu olarak tanimlamaktadir. Calismanin amacina, destekleyici ve ifade edici faktorlerin ziyaretci memnuniyetini daha iyi tahmin eden, birbirinden ayri davranissal gostergeler olup olmadiginin testi yapilarak ulasilmaya calisilmistir. Ayrica calisma, seyahat motivasyonuna gore belirlenen ziyaretci turlerinin destekleyici ve ifade edici faktorlerin arasindaki iliskide bicimlendirici bir rol oynayip oynamadiginin testini de yapmaktadir. Calisma sonuclari, destekleyici ve ifade edici faktorlerin, genel musteri memnuniyeti veya memnuniyetsizliginin birlikte birer gostergesi olabilecegi konusunda kismi destek ortaya cikarmistir. Ancak, arastirma sonuclari seyahat motivasyonuna dayali olarak belirlenen ziyaretci turunun, destekleyici ve ifade edici faktorlerin goreceli onemleri konusunda bicimlendirici bir rol oynadigini ortaya cikarmistir. Bu turden deneysel calismalar, destinasyon pazarlamacilarinin ve planlayicilarinin ziyaretci davranislarinin bir parcasi olan memnuniyet olgusunun ne denli karmasik bir olgu oldugunu anlamalarinda yardimci olacaktir. Aktif ve potansiyel pazarlar bu tur calismalari, algilanan destinasyon niteliklerinin goreceli onemlerini vurgulayan uygun iletisim materyalleri gelistirmede kullanabilirler.