Yoshiki Nakata
Osaka University
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics | 2003
Mitsuhisa Kawakami; Agung Budi Hartanto; Yoshiki Nakata; Tatsuo Okada
Nano-structured ZnO thin films were synthesized by the nanoparticle assisted pulsed-laser deposition in an oxygen background gas. Crystallized and c-axis oriented ZnO nanorods with a size of approximately 300 nm in average diameter and 6 µm in length were grown on sapphire substrates heated at approximately 700°C by the pulsed-laser deposition technique without any catalyst. Strong photoluminescence near the band-gap was observed from nanorods under excitation at 308 nm. The Rayleigh scattering diagnostics of the plume was also conducted, revealing that the nanorods grew from ZnO nanoparticles which formed in the plume and were transported onto the substrate.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics | 1997
Junichi Muramoto; Yoshiki Nakata; Tatsuo Okada; Mitsuo Maeda
The behavior of atomic species and of growing nano-particles in the laser-ablated plume was observed by laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) and Rayleigh scattering (RS) imaging techniques, and the results on the ablation of silicon (Si) in a He ambient are presented. The particles were formed in a limited region in the plume with a characteristic spatial distribution. The growth of the particles was completed about 20 ms after ablation at a helium (He) ambient pressure of 1.33 kPa and 50 ms at 0.67 kPa. The spatial distributions of the particles was retained for more than one second.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion | 2011
H. Shiraga; Shinsuke Fujioka; M. Nakai; Takeshi Watari; H. Nakamura; Yasunobu Arikawa; H. Hosoda; Takahiro Nagai; Mayuko Koga; H. Kikuchi; Y. Ishii; T. Sogo; Keisuke Shigemori; Hiroaki Nishimura; Zhe Zhang; Minoru Tanabe; Shinji Ohira; Y. Fujii; T. Namimoto; Y. Sakawa; O. Maegawa; T. Ozaki; K. A. Tanaka; H. Habara; T. Iwawaki; K. Shimada; Hideo Nagatomo; Tomoyuki Johzaki; Atsushi Sunahara; M. Murakami
Based on the successful result of fast heating of a shell target with a cone for heating beam injection at Osaka University in 2002 using the PW laser (Kodama et al 2002 Nature 418 933), the FIREX-1 project was started in 2004. Its goal is to demonstrate fuel heating up to 5 keV using an upgraded heating laser beam. For this purpose, the LFEX laser, which can deliver an energy up to10 kJ in a 0.5–20 ps pulse at its full spec, has been constructed in addition to the Gekko-XII laser system at the Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University. It has been activated and became operational since 2009. Following the previous experiment with the PW laser, upgraded integrated experiments of fast ignition have been started using the LFEX laser with an energy up to 1 kJ in 2009 and 2 kJ in 2010 in a 1–5 ps 1.053 µm pulse. Experimental results including implosion of the shell target by Gekko-XII, heating of the imploded fuel core by LFEX laser injection, and increase of the neutron yield due to fast heating compared with no heating have been achieved. Results in the 2009 experiment indicated that the heating efficiency was 3–5%, much lower than the 20–30% expected from the previous 2002 data. It was attributed to the very hot electrons generated in a long scale length plasma in the cone preformed with a prepulse in the LFEX beam. The prepulse level was significantly reduced in the 2010 experiment to improve the heating efficiency. Also we have improved the plasma diagnostics significantly which enabled us to observe the plasma even in the hard x-ray harsh environment. In the 2010 experiment, we have observed neutron enhancement up to 3.5 × 107 with total heating energy of 300 J on the target, which is higher than the yield obtained in the 2009 experiment and the previous data in 2002. We found the estimated heating efficiency to be at a level of 10–20%. 5 keV heating is expected at the full output of the LFEX laser by controlling the heating efficiency.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion | 2012
S. Fujioka; Zhe Zhang; Norimasa Yamamoto; Shinji Ohira; Y. Fujii; K Ishihara; Tomoyuki Johzaki; Atsushi Sunahara; Yasunobu Arikawa; Keisuke Shigemori; Y. Hironaka; Y. Sakawa; Yoshiki Nakata; Junji Kawanaka; Hideo Nagatomo; H. Shiraga; Noriaki Miyanaga; Takayoshi Norimatsu; Hiroaki Nishimura; H. Azechi
The worlds largest peta watt (PW) laser LFEX, which delivers energy up to 2?kJ in a 1.5?ps pulse, has been constructed beside the GEKKO XII laser at the Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University. The GEKKO-LFEX laser facility enables the creation of materials having high-energy-density which do not exist naturally on the Earth and have an energy density comparable to that of stars. High-energy-density plasma is a source of safe, secure, environmentally sustainable fusion energy. Direct-drive fast-ignition laser fusion has been intensively studied at this facility under the auspices of the Fast Ignition Realization Experiment (FIREX) project.In this paper, we describe improvement of the LFEX laser and investigations of advanced target design to increase the energy coupling efficiency of the fast-ignition scheme. The pedestal of the LFEX pulse, which produces a long preformed plasma and results in the generation of electrons too energetic to heat the fuel core, was reduced by introducing an amplified optical parametric fluorescence quencher and saturable absorbers in the front-end system of the LFEX laser. Since fast electrons are scattered and stopped by the strong electric field of highly ionized high-Z (i.e. gold) ions, a low-Z cone was studied for reducing the energy loss of fast electrons in the cone tip region. A diamond-like carbon cone was fabricated for the fast-ignition experiment. An external magnetic field, which is demonstrated to be generated by a laser-driven capacitor-coil target, will be applied to the compression of the fuel capsule to form a strong magnetic field to guide the fast electrons to the fuel core. In addition, the facility offers a powerful means to test and validate astronomical models and computations in the laboratory. As well as demonstrating the ability to recreate extreme astronomical conditions by the facilities, our theoretical description of the laboratory experiment was compared with the generally accepted explanation for astronomical observations.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics | 2005
Tatsuo Okada; Kou Kawashima; Yoshiki Nakata; Xu Ning
This paper describes the synthesis of nanostructured ZnO crystals by nanoparticle-assisted pulsed-laser deposition (NAPLD), in which nanoparticles formed in the gas phase by the condensation of the ablated species are transported onto the substrate. The influence of the synthesis conditions on the morphologies of the formed ZnO crystals was investigated in detail. ZnO nanorods with a hexagonal- and pyramidal top surface were obtained under limited growth conditions. The most critical process parameter for the growth of ZnO nanorods was gas pressure, whose process window was in the range from 1.0 to 5 Torr.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics | 1999
Zhicong Meng; Tomoshi Yoshimura; Yoshiki Nakata; Nilesh J. Vasa; Tatsuo Okada
The fluorescence characteristics of Ce3+:Er3+ codoped fluoride glass are reported. It is observed that the decay rate of the 4I11/2 state of Er3+ increased by increasing the Ce3+ concentration. Further, the branching ratio for the transition from the 4I11/2 state to the 4I13/2 state of Er3+ increased from 0.20 to 0.95 by codoping 6.0 mol% Ce3+ into Er3+-doped ZBLAN-H fluoride glass. As a result, the 1.55 ?m fluorescence quantum yield has been significantly improved.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics | 1995
Tatsuo Okada; Yoshiki Nakata; Hiroshi Kaibara; Mitsuo Maeda
Barium titanate ( BaTiO3) thin films have been deposited on MgO substrates by pulsed-laser deposition under various deposition conditions. The films were characterized as highly oriented polycrystalline based on X-ray diffraction analysis, atomic force microscope observation and the angular dependence of the optical second-harmonic generation (SHG). The second-order nonlinear optical coefficients (d-coefficients) of one-eighth those of the bulk BaTiO3 crystal were obtained from as-grown films.
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters | 2003
Yoshinori Kubota; Takuya Teshima; Natuya Nishimura; Sadao Kanto; Shigeki Sakaguchi; Zhicong Meng; Yoshiki Nakata; Tatsuo Okada
We demonstrate the low-noise and high-gain operation of a fluoride Er/sup 3+/ and Ce/sup 3+/ codoped fiber (F-ECDF) amplifier with 980-nm pumping. A 980-nm-pumped F-ECDF with a length of only 45 cm exhibits a noise figure of <4.5 dB in the entire C-band and a small signal gain of >20 dB with a gain ripple of <1 dB without any gain-flattening filter in the 1525-1560-nm range. Excitation spectra for the gain and noise figure of an F-ECDF exhibit flat shapes in the 974-982-nm range. We also demonstrate that the gain coefficient reaches 1.4 dB/mW and the power conversion efficiency is 27.4% at 1532 nm for a 2.25-m-long F-ECDF.
Physics of Plasmas | 2016
S. Fujioka; Yasunobu Arikawa; S. Kojima; Tomoyuki Johzaki; H. Nagatomo; H. Sawada; Seung Ho Lee; Takashi Shiroto; Naofumi Ohnishi; Alessio Morace; X. Vaisseau; Shohei Sakata; Yuki Abe; Kazuki Matsuo; King Fai Farley Law; Shota Tosaki; Akifumi Yogo; Keisuke Shigemori; Yoichiro Hironaka; Zhe Zhang; Atsushi Sunahara; T. Ozaki; H. Sakagami; Kunioki Mima; Yasushi Fujimoto; Kohei Yamanoi; Takayoshi Norimatsu; Shigeki Tokita; Yoshiki Nakata; Junji Kawanaka
A petawatt laser for fast ignition experiments (LFEX) laser system [N. Miyanaga et al., J. Phys. IV France 133, 81 (2006)], which is currently capable of delivering 2 kJ in a 1.5 ps pulse using 4 laser beams, has been constructed beside the GEKKO-XII laser facility for demonstrating efficient fast heating of a dense plasma up to the ignition temperature under the auspices of the Fast Ignition Realization EXperiment (FIREX) project [H. Azechi et al., Nucl. Fusion 49, 104024 (2009)]. In the FIREX experiment, a cone is attached to a spherical target containing a fuel to prevent a corona plasma from entering the path of the intense heating LFEX laser beams. The LFEX laser beams are focused at the tip of the cone to generate a relativistic electron beam (REB), which heats a dense fuel core generated by compression of a spherical deuterized plastic target induced by the GEKKO-XII laser beams. Recent studies indicate that the current heating efficiency is only 0.4%, and three requirements to achieve higher efficiency of the fast ignition (FI) scheme with the current GEKKO and LFEX systems have been identified: (i) reduction of the high energy tail of the REB; (ii) formation of a fuel core with high areal density using a limited number (twelve) of GEKKO-XII laser beams as well as a limited energy (4 kJ of 0.53-μm light in a 1.3 ns pulse); (iii) guiding and focusing of the REB to the fuel core. Laser–plasma interactions in a long-scale plasma generate electrons that are too energetic to efficiently heat the fuel core. Three actions were taken to meet the first requirement. First, the intensity contrast of the foot pulses to the main pulses of the LFEX was improved to >109. Second, a 5.5-mm-long cone was introduced to reduce pre-heating of the inner cone wall caused by illumination of the unconverted 1.053-μm light of implosion beam (GEKKO-XII). Third, the outside of the cone wall was coated with a 40-μm plastic layer to protect it from the pressure caused by imploding plasma. Following the above improvements, conversion of 13% of the LFEX laser energy to a low energy portion of the REB, whose slope temperature is 0.7 MeV, which is close to the ponderomotive scaling value, was achieved. To meet the second requirement, the compression of a solid spherical ball with a diameter of 200-μm to form a dense core with an areal density of ∼0.07 g/cm2 was induced by a laser-driven spherically converging shock wave. Converging shock compression is more hydrodynamically stable compared to shell implosion, while a hot spot cannot be generated with a solid ball target. Solid ball compression is preferable also for compressing an external magnetic field to collimate the REB to the fuel core, due to the relatively small magnetic Reynolds number of the shock compressed region. To meet the third requirement, we have generated a strong kilo-tesla magnetic field using a laser-driven capacitor-coil target. The strength and time history of the magnetic field were characterized with proton deflectometry and a B-dot probe. Guidance of the REB using a 0.6-kT field in a planar geometry has been demonstrated at the LULI 2000 laser facility. In a realistic FI scenario, a magnetic mirror is formed between the REB generation point and the fuel core. The effects of the strong magnetic field on not only REB transport but also plasma compression were studied using numerical simulations. According to the transport calculations, the heating efficiency can be improved from 0.4% to 4% by the GEKKO and LFEX laser system by meeting the three requirements described above. This efficiency is scalable to 10% of the heating efficiency by increasing the areal density of the fuel core.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics | 1993
Wanniarachchi K. A. Kumuduni; Yasushi Nakayama; Yoshiki Nakata; Tatsuo Okada; Mitsuo Maeda
The time-of-flight (TOF) distributions of particles produced by an ArF laser-ablated YBa2Cu3O7-x were measured by laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (LIF) under different ambient oxygen gas pressures. Nascent Y atoms react with oxygen during their flight and form YO. Transport of particles through the ambient oxygen gas is well described by the drag model at low pressures and by the shock model at high pressures. It has been found in our present experiment that the critical pressure at which the transition occurs from the drag to the shock propagation is around 100 mTorr.