Yota Otachi
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Featured researches published by Yota Otachi.
Theoretical Computer Science | 2015
Erik D. Demaine; Martin L. Demaine; Eli Fox-Epstein; Duc A. Hoang; Takehiro Ito; Hirotaka Ono; Yota Otachi; Ryuhei Uehara; Takeshi Yamada
Suppose that we are given two independent sets I b and I r of a graph such that | I b | = | I r | , and imagine that a token is placed on each vertex in I b . Then, the sliding token problem is to determine whether there exists a sequence of independent sets which transforms I b into I r so that each independent set in the sequence results from the previous one by sliding exactly one token along an edge in the graph. This problem is known to be PSPACE-complete even for planar graphs, and also for bounded treewidth graphs. In this paper, we thus study the problem restricted to trees, and give the following three results: (1) the decision problem is solvable in linear time; (2) for a yes-instance, we can find in quadratic time an actual sequence of independent sets between I b and I r whose length (i.e., the number of token-slides) is quadratic; and (3) there exists an infinite family of instances on paths for which any sequence requires quadratic length.
Discrete Applied Mathematics | 2009
Kyohei Kozawa; Yota Otachi; Koichi Yamazaki
The security number of a graph is the cardinality of a smallest vertex subset of the graph such that any attack on the subset is defendable. In this paper, we determine the security number of two-dimensional cylinders and tori. This result settles a conjecture of Brigham et al. [R.C. Brigham, R.D. Dutton, S.T. Hedetniemi, Security in graphs, Discrete Appl. Math. 155 (2007) 1708-1714].
Discrete Mathematics | 2012
Shuji Kijima; Yota Otachi; Toshiki Saitoh; Takeaki Uno
Abstract We investigate the computational complexity of the following restricted variant of Subgraph Isomorphism : given a pair of connected graphs G = ( V G , E G ) and H = ( V H , E H ) , determine if H is isomorphic to a spanning subgraph of G . The problem is NP-complete in general, and thus we consider cases where G and H belong to the same graph class such as the class of proper interval graphs, of trivially perfect graphs, and of bipartite permutation graphs. For these graph classes, several restricted versions of Subgraph Isomorphism such as Hamiltonian Path , Clique , Bandwidth , and Graph Isomorphism can be solved in polynomial time, while these problems are hard in general.
scandinavian workshop on algorithm theory | 2014
Yota Otachi; Pascal Schweitzer
We study the parameterized complexity of the graph isomorphism problem when parameterized by width parameters related to tree decompositions. We apply the following technique to obtain fixed-parameter tractability for such parameters. We first compute an isomorphism invariant set of potential bags for a decomposition and then apply a restricted version of the Weisfeiler-Lehman algorithm to solve isomorphism. With this we show fixed-parameter tractability for several parameters and provide a unified explanation for various isomorphism results concerned with parameters related to tree decompositions. As a possibly first step towards intractability results for parameterized graph isomorphism we develop an fpt Turing-reduction from strong tree width to the a priori unrelated parameter maximum degree.
international symposium on algorithms and computation | 2014
Erik D. Demaine; Martin L. Demaine; Eli Fox-Epstein; Duc A. Hoang; Takehiro Ito; Hirotaka Ono; Yota Otachi; Ryuhei Uehara; Takeshi Yamada
Suppose that we are given two independent sets I \(_{b}\) and I \(_{r}\) of a graph such that \(\mid \) \({{\varvec{I}}}_{b}\) \(\mid \) = \(\mid \) I \(_{r}\) \(\mid \), and imagine that a token is placed on each vertex in I \(_{b}\) . Then, the sliding token problem is to determine whether there exists a sequence of independent sets which transforms I \(_{b}\) and I \(_{r}\) so that each independent set in the sequence results from the previous one by sliding exactly one token along an edge in the graph. This problem is known to be PSPACE-complete even for planar graphs, and also for bounded treewidth graphs. In this paper, we show that the problem is solvable for trees in quadratic time. Our proof is constructive: for a yes-instance, we can find an actual sequence of independent sets between I \(_{b}\) and I \(_{r}\) whose length (i.e., the number of token-slides) is quadratic. We note that there exists an infinite family of instances on paths for which any sequence requires quadratic length.
scandinavian workshop on algorithm theory | 2012
Takehiro Ito; Shin-ichi Nakano; Yoshio Okamoto; Yota Otachi; Ryuhei Uehara; Takeaki Uno; Yushi Uno
We give a polynomial-time approximation scheme for the unique unit-square coverage problem: given a set of points and a set of axis-parallel unit squares, both in the plane, we wish to find a subset of squares that maximizes the number of points contained in exactly one square in the subset. Erlebach and van Leeuwen (2008) introduced this problem as the geometric version of the unique coverage problem, and the best approximation ratio by van Leeuwen (2009) before our work was 2. Our scheme can be generalized to the budgeted unique unit-square coverage problem, in which each point has a profit, each square has a cost, and we wish to maximize the total profit of the uniquely covered points under the condition that the total cost is at most a given bound.
Journal of Discrete Algorithms | 2012
Toshiki Saitoh; Yota Otachi; Katsuhisa Yamanaka; Ryuhei Uehara
Connected bipartite permutation graphs without vertex labels are investigated. First, the number of connected bipartite permutation graphs of n vertices is given. Based on the number, a simple algorithm that generates a connected bipartite permutation graph uniformly at random up to isomorphism is presented. Finally an enumeration algorithm of connected bipartite permutation graphs is proposed. The algorithm is based on reverse search, and it outputs each connected bipartite permutation graph in O(1) time.
workshop on graph theoretic concepts in computer science | 2010
Yota Otachi; Hans L. Bodlaender; Erik Jan van Leeuwen
We study the problem of determining the spanning tree congestion of a graph. We present some sharp contrasts in the complexity of this problem. First, we show that for every fixed k and d the problem to determine whether a given graph has spanning tree congestion at most k can be solved in linear time for graphs of degree at most d. In contrast, if we allow only one vertex of unbounded degree, the problem immediately becomes NP-complete for any fixed k ≥ 10. For very small values of k however, the problem becomes polynomially solvable. We also show that it is NP-hard to approximate the spanning tree congestion within a factor better than 11/10. On planar graphs, we prove the problem is NP-hard in general, but solvable in linear time for fixed k.
theory and applications of models of computation | 2015
Takehiro Ito; Hirotaka Ono; Yota Otachi
We study reconfiguration problems for cliques in a graph, which determine whether there exists a sequence of cliques that transforms a given clique into another one in a step-by-step fashion. As one step of a transformation, we consider three different types of rules, which are defined and studied in reconfiguration problems for independent sets. We first prove that all the three rules are equivalent in cliques. We then show that the problems are PSPACE-complete for perfect graphs, while we give polynomial-time algorithms for several classes of graphs, such as even-hole-free graphs and cographs. In particular, the shortest variant, which computes the shortest length of a desired sequence, can be solved in polynomial time for chordal graphs, bipartite graphs, planar graphs, and bounded treewidth graphs.
international symposium on algorithms and computation | 2015
Eli Fox-Epstein; Duc A. Hoang; Yota Otachi; Ryuhei Uehara
Sliding Token is a natural reconfiguration problem in which vertices of independent sets are iteratively replaced by neighbors. We develop techniques that may be useful in answering the conjecture that Sliding Token is polynomial-time decidable on bipartite graphs. Along the way, we give efficient algorithms for Sliding Token on bipartite permutation and bipartite distance-hereditary graphs.