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Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society | 2010

Study on Thermal Design of a 3W MR16 Light with Single High-Power LED

Young Lim Lee; Soon Ho Hwang

Abstract LED lights as a newly-growing industry are highly energy-efficient and have drawn lots of attention due to higher illuminance and longer life compared to other light sources. In this study, MR16 lights with one high-power LED were considered for the replacement of the previous halogen lights or LED lamps with many LEDs. Thus, fundamental experiments of LED on a MCPCB, 3-dimensional numerical analysis for heatsink design and performance tests of the prototype lights have been done and the MR16 LED lights have been successfully developed. Key Words : LED Lights, MR16, Thermal Design, CFD 본 논문은 2009 이공계전문가서포터즈기술지원 사업으로 수행되었음. * 교신저자 : 이영림([email protected])접수일 09년 02월 01일 수정일 (1차 10년 03월 25일, 2차 10년 04월 02일) 게재확정일 10년 04월 09일 1. 서론 신성장 동력으로 분류된 LED 조명 제품은 기존 광원보다 조도가 높고 수명이 길어 에너지 효율의 상승 효과가 높기 때문에 세계 정책에 따른 환경 및 에너지 문제를 해결하기 위한 중요한 요소라 할 수 있다. 일반적으로 LED 기술은 적은 전력 소비, 긴 수명, 진동과 충격에 강하며 색상 효율이 높고 자외선 및 적외선 방출이 없는 장점을 가지고 있는 반면 방열 문제로 인한 취약한 단점을 가지고 있다. 선행연구에 따르면 LED 고발열 문제는 LED 광출력 효율에 직접적인 영향을 미치고 고출력 LED의 경우 이러한 문제가 더욱 대두된다[1]. 이 밖에도 온도 상승에 따른 색온도 변이 및 LED 수명 감소 등의 문제점들이 발생한다[2].LED 조명등이 약 3000 lm/lamp 이상의 광속을 가지는 백열등이나 형광등과 경쟁하기 위해서는 많은 광속이 필요하다. 이에 따라 1W 이상의 고출력 LED가 개발되고 있고 다수의 고출력 LED를 조합하여 필요한 광속을 얻고 있는 실정이다. 따라서 입력 전류의 85% 이상이 대부분 열로 변환되는 고출력 LED의 특성으로 인해 방열 문제가 필연적으로 대두된다. 이러한 방열 문제를 해결하기 위해서 주로 자연 및 강제대류, 히트 파이프, 액체 냉각 기술 분야에서 많은 연구가 이루어져 왔다. Christensen과 Graham[3]은 다수의 고출력 LED를 10cm × 10cm 히트싱크에 장착하고, LED간의 간격과 대류열전달계수를 변화시키면서 1차원 열저항 모델과 3차원 유한요소법을 사용

Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society | 2010

A Study of Optimal Thermal Design for a 10W LED lamp

Soon Ho Hwang; Sang Jun Park; Young Lim Lee

Abstract Market for LED lights as a newly-growing industry has been growing, and secureness of high efficiency and long life through optimal thermal design are crucial for further popularization. In this study, considerable improvement in thermal performance for a 10W LED light has been done compared to a previous model. For this, numerical model has been established through experiments and used to optimize design factors in heat release such as fin shape, PCB kind or LED number etc. Furthermore, prototype of a LED light has been made and the improved thermal performance was verified with heat release experiments. Key Words : LED, Lamp, Thermal design, MCPCB, CFD * 교신저자 : 이영림([email protected])접수일 10년 05월 10일 수정일 10년 06월 15일 게재확정일 10년 07월 06일 1. 서론 고효율 조명기기인 LED 조명 제품은 전력소비가 적을 뿐만 아니라 긴 수명으로 인해 환경 및 에너지에 대한 범국가적 문제 해결에 중요한 요소로 작용한다 . 또한 진동 및 충격에 상당히 우수하며, 색상효율이 높을 뿐만 아니라 자외선 및 적외선 방출이 없다. 하지만 공급전력의 80∼85%가 열로 변환되며, 발생된 열은 직접적으로 칩(chip)에 악영향을 끼쳐 광출력 효율 저감, 색온도 변이 및 전구 수명을 단축시킨다[1]. 백열등 대체용으로 제작되는 3∼10W급 LED 조명 기기 개발시 열저항과 복사를 통해 상승한 고온의 칩을 적정범위내로 낮추는 것이 중요하다. 온도와 밀접한 관계를 가지고 있는 LED 조명 제품의 효율을 증가시키기 위하여 방열면적 증가나 팬, 히트 파이프(heat pipe) 및 액체 냉각 기술 등을 사용하여 온도를 감소시키고 있다. 하지만 방열면적 증가나, 강제 냉각 기술을 적용시킬 경우 제품 단가가 상승하는 원인이 된다. 특히 팬을 이용해 표면 열전달계수를 증가시키는 경우 칩의 온도가 획기적으로 감소하는 것과는 달리 짧은 팬 수명으로 인해 LED의 수명도 감소하는 요인으로 작용한다. 그러므로 LED 조명 기기의 특성에 맞는 적합한 온도감소 방식의 선택이 중요하다.Kim 등[2]은 다수의 저출력 칩을 이용하여 히트 파이프 유무에 따른 정션온도를 비교하였으며, Liu 등[3]은 마이크로 제트(micro jet)를 이용하여 강제 냉각 기술을 연구하였는데 개발된 마이크로 제트의 최적화를 통하여 LED 기판온도를 추가적으로 23℃감소시킬 수 있음을 보였다.Chen 등[4]은 LED 칩과 MCPCB(metal core printed

Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society | 2012

A Numerical Analysis Study on Two-phase Flow for the Development of High-efficiency Toilet

Il-Yong An; Young Lim Lee

In the era of water scarcity, saving toilet water is one of the most effective ways to save water. In this study, two-phase flow for the development of highly-efficient toilet has been analysed with VOF(Volume Of Fluid) method. Since the whole model requires extensive computing time, part of the whole model has also been adopted to reduce the analysis time. Four different rim models were considered for flow distribution analysis and sizes of rim holes were found to become more important rather than locations or numbers of rim holes in achieving flow distribution effectively. In addition, velocity and pressure of two-phase flow due to siphon phenomenon have been studied through the analysis of whole model. Therefore, this study provides a variety of fundamental data for the development of highly-efficient toilet.

Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society | 2009

A Study on Development of Large-capacity Aluminum Heat Sinks Brazed with a Batch Furnace

Young Lim Lee; Soon Ho Hwang; Euy Sik Jeon

Abstract Recently demand for large-capacity aluminum heat sinks has been increased as market for high power electricity expands and high-performance electronic products develop. While the brazed heat sinks are in particular preferred, it is almost impossible to manufacture them with an atmospheric continuous furnace due to insufficient heating rate and various thickness of the parent metals. Therefore, a new index batch furnace is developed and the process variables are optimized. Then, brazing efficiency and tensile stress are obtained for brazed parts of the heat sinks. Finally experiment as well as numerical analysis has been performed to compare thermal efficiency of the brazed heat sinks with that of the silicone-bonded heat sinks. Key Words : Large-capacity heat sink, Brazing, Batch furnace, Numerical analysis * 교신저자 : 이영림([email protected])접수일 09년 04월 01일 수정일 09년 06월 29일 수정일 09년 07월 22일 1. 서론 대용량 알루미늄 브레이징 히트싱크는 대전력 시장의 확대 및 제품의 고성능화에 따라 단순 압출 및 가공에서 전열면적 증대 및 열저항을 없앤 브레이징 형태로의 전환이 필요하게 되었다.현재 사용되는 대기 연속로는 3 kg이하의 알루미늄 열교환기 및 0.5 mm 이하의 박판 튜브와 박판 방열 핀을 접합하는 용도로 사용하는데 이를 이용하여 대용량 히트싱크를 제작하는 데는 여러 가지 어려움이 따른다. 먼저, 대기 연속로에서는 대형 히트싱크의 접합에 충분한 열량 확보가 어렵고 베이스 판과 방열핀의 두께 차로 인한 소요열량 분배에 어려움을 가지고 있다. 일부 저중량 히트싱크는 외부 히터를 통한 예열, 연속로 승온 및 구동속도 저하 등을 통하여 생산하고 있으나 생산성 및 품질 확보가 힘들다. 또한 대기 연속로는 승온 및 하온시 많은 시간이 필요하고 200 ℃까지 예열하는 것도 30분 이상 소요되어 생산성 향상이 불가능한 실정이다. 더구나 현재 사용되는 대기 연속로 공정에는 예열 및 운반에 따른 플럭스(flux) 비산으로 먼지 및 분진 등 환경 유해요인이 발생하여 작업자의 기피 요인이 되고 있다. 따라서, 대용량 히트싱크를 위한 배치(batch) 형식의 브레이징 시스템이 개발 될 경우 대형 알루미늄 브레이징 히트싱크 생산의 당면 문제점을 해결할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 고부가가치를 창출할 수 있다.한편, Nocolok 브레이징은 플럭스 용액을 접합부분 전

Advances in Mechanical Engineering | 2015

Study on Energy Efficiency Improvement of a Heat Pump Dryer during the Early Stage of Drying Frozen Hot Peppers

Young Lim Lee; Sang Jun Park; Il Sun Hwang

During an early stage of drying frozen peppers, an electric heater is often used for elevating the temperature of a drying chamber to a certain temperature due to liquid back of the compressor or frosting at the evaporator. Therefore, it is necessary to devise an energy-efficient method to replace or less use electric heaters since they have very low energy efficiency. Also, to shorten drying time, it is essential to rapidly elevate the chamber temperature. In this study, a set of performance tests using hot bypass gas, air dampers, external evaporators, and radiators has been tried to lower the operating temperature of the heat pump dryer as well as to decrease the temperature-elevating time. According to the test results, hot bypass gas is beneficial in increasing the energy efficiency by lowering the initial operating temperature of the heat pump to 3C. Furthermore, air dampers, external evaporators, and radiators can greatly improve the rate of temperature elevation. When compared with the temperature elevation rate of the standard dryer, 4.1C/h, an external evaporator can improve elevation rate by 78%, air dampers by 93%, and radiators by 45%.

Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering | 2013

A Study on Performance Test and Fabrication of Vacuum Glazing with Numerical Analysis

Il Sun Hwang; Young Lim Lee

For air-tight modern buildings, secondary damage is likely to occur due to condensation in the relatively high heat-transmission windows since water vapor is not easy to discharge. Therefore, in this study, condensation performance of vacuum glazing was numerically analysed, compared with that of ordinary glass and confirmed experimentally by three sheets of vacuum glazing manufactured. The results show that the heat transmission coefficient of the vacuum glazing whose internal pressure is torr was as low as about . Thus, the condensation performance as well as the adiabatic performance was greatly improved compared to that of the ordinary glass.

Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering | 2012

A Study on Performance Improvement of a Heat Pump Dryer with an Extra Evaporator Outside

Young Lim Lee; Sang Jun Park; Il Sun Hwang

ABSTRACT:A heat pump dryer for the frozen food needs to preheat the air to a certain tempera-ture where condensation can efficiently occur. In this study, an analysis of a heat pump dryer performance with operating conditions, an analysis of supplying heat with internal and external evaporators and a warm-up experiment with the evaporators have been performed. The results showed that the external evaporator can significantly accelerate the warm-up time of the dryer, so that it can reduce power consumption greatly. The use of the external evaporator is more effici-ent for higher ambient temperature. In addition, it was found that COP decreases and the range of evaporating pressure for the evaporator becomes narrower as the condensing temperature of the condenser increases.Keywords:Heat pump(히트펌프), Dryer(건조기), Evaporator(증발기), Cycle(사이클) †Corresponding author Tel.: +82-41-521-9261; fax: +82-41-555-9123 E-mail address: [email protected] 기 호 설 명 COP :성적계수α, β :effectiveness-capacitance rate product e :heat exchanger effectivenessṁ :냉매 질량유량 [kg/s]T :온도 [℃]c :비열 [kW/K]

Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society | 2010

Thermal Design of a MR16 LED Light with the Effects of Ceiling Unit Mount

Soon Ho Hwang; Young Lim Lee

The most important cause for shortening LED lighting efficiency and life is the junction temperature rises and, to solve this problem, various studies such as thermally efficient packaging, highly conductive material development, contact resistance improvement or heat sink optimization have been studied. However, most studies so far assumed that the LED lights are in the atmosphere, and thermal performance has not been therefore reported when the LED lights are mounted on the ceiling with ceiling unit. Thus, this study investigates the variation of junction temperature of the MR16 LED light under actual installation conditions and more accurate thermal design for the efficiency and life of LED lights is therefore achieved.

Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society | 2009

Development of hydrogen-oxygen mixed gas torch for joining of vacuum glazing

Soon Ho Hwang; Young Lim Lee; Euy Sik Jeon

Efficient energy use becomes necessary since energy consumption has dramatically been increasing due to continuous economic development and population growth. In particular, high efficient vacuum glazing needs to be introduced to buildings where enormous energy loss occurs through windows and has been rarely used yet due to its high price and performance. Therefore, in this study, torch for glass welding was developed with CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics) and experiments. Torch shape, nozzle diameter, nozzle arrangement etc. were mainly optimized and hydrogen-oxygen mixed gas fuels the torch. Finally, glass welding with the developed torch has been successful, showing that it can be used to develop economic vacuum glazing.

Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society | 2012

A Study on Development of Porous SiC Ceramic Heat Sink from Solar Wafering Slurry

Il-Yong An; Young Lim Lee

In recent years, while the importance of thermal management has been emphasized due to smaller electronic products, various materials have been used as heat sink. In this study, porous ceramic heat sink was developed with SiC, successfully separated from the slurry of SiC occurring in solar energy materials industry and the thermal performance of porous SiC heat sink has been compared with those of aluminum heat sink and pure SiC heat sink through experiment. From the experimental results, it was verified that porous recycled SiC heat sink has better thermal performance than aluminum heat sink since its micropores increase the heat transfer area. In addition, the effect of the micropores on thermal performance has been quantified by increasing convective heat transfer coefficient with numerical analysis.


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Il Sun Hwang

Kongju National University

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Soon Ho Hwang

Kongju National University

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Sang Jun Park

Kongju National University

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Kongju National University

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Il-Yong An

Kongju National University

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Eui Dae Jung

Kongju National University

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Ji Woo Jeong

Kongju National University

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