
Featured researches published by Yu.Ts. Oganessian.

Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms | 1997

High resolution line for secondary radioactive beams at the U400M cyclotron

A. M. Rodin; S. I. Sidorchuk; S. V. Stepantsov; G. M. Ter-Akopian; A. S. Fomichev; R. Wolski; V.B. Galinskiy; G. Ivanov; I.B. Ivanova; V. A. Gorshkov; A.Yu. Lavrentyev; Yu.Ts. Oganessian

Abstract For implementation of an experimental program for studying nuclear reactions with radioactive ion beams in the energy domain of 20 through 80 MeV A the high resolution beam line ACCULINNA was put into commissioning on a primary beam line of the JINR U-400M cyclotron. By means of nuclear fragmentation of the 14 N beam with the energy of 51 MeV A on the 170 mg/cm 2 carbon target radioactive beams of 6 He, 8 He and 8 B were obtained. Possibilities of further development of the set-up are discussed.

Physics Letters B | 2009

The 8He and 10He spectra studied in the (t, p) reaction

M. S. Golovkov; L. V. Grigorenko; G. M. Ter-Akopian; A. S. Fomichev; Yu.Ts. Oganessian; V. A. Gorshkov; S. A. Krupko; A. M. Rodin; S. I. Sidorchuk; R. S. Slepnev; S. V. Stepantsov; R. Wolski; D.Y. Pang; V. Chudoba; A. A. Korsheninnikov; E. A. Kuzmin; E. Yu. Nikolskii; B. G. Novatskii; D. N. Stepanov; P. Roussel-Chomaz; W. Mittig; A. Ninane; F. Hanappe; L. Stuttge; A. A. Yukhimchuk; V. V. Perevozchikov; Yu. I. Vinogradov; S. K. Grishechkin; S. V. Zlatoustovskiy

The low-lying spectra of 8He and 10He nuclei were studied in the 3H(6He, p)8He and 3H(8He, p)10He transfer reactions. The 0+ ground state (g.s.) of 8He and excited states, 2+ at 3.6–3.9 MeV and (1+) at 5.3–5.5 MeV, were populated with cross sections of 200, 100–250, and 90–125 μb/sr, respectively. Some evidence for a 8He state at about 7.5 MeV was obtained. We discuss a possible nature of the nearthreshold anomaly above 2.14 MeV in 8He and relate it to the population of a 1− continuum (soft dipole excitation) with a peak value at about 3 MeV. The lowest energy group of events in the 10He spectrum was observed at ∼ 3 MeV with a cross section of ∼ 140 μb/sr. We argue that this result is consistent with the previously reported observation of 10He providing the new 10He g.s. position at about 3 MeV

Physics Letters B | 2003

Evidences for resonance states in 5H

M. S. Golovkov; Yu.Ts. Oganessian; D. D. Bogdanov; A. S. Fomichev; A. M. Rodin; S. I. Sidorchuk; R. S. Slepnev; S. V. Stepantsov; G. M. Ter-Akopian; R. Wolski; V. A. Gorshkov; M. L. Chelnokov; M. G. Itkis; E. M. Kozulin; A. A. Bogatchev; N. A. Kondratiev; I. V. Korzyukov; A. A. Yukhimchuk; V. V. Perevozchikov; Yu. I. Vinogradov; S. K. Grishechkin; A. M. Demin; S. V. Zlatoustovskiy; A. V. Kuryakin; S. V. Filchagin; R.I Il'kayev; F. Hanappe; T. Materna; L. Stuttge; A. Ninane

Resonance states of H-5 were investigated through the two-neutron transfer reaction t(t, P)(5) H. A triton beam at 57.5 MeV and a cryogenic liquid tritium target were used. The H-5 missing mass spectrum in triple coincidence, proton + triton + neutron, shows a resonance at 1.8 +/- 0.1 MeV above the t + 2n decay threshold. This energy is in good agreement with the result reported in Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (2001) 092501. The resonance width, Gamma(intr) less than or equal to 0.5 MeV, is surprisingly small and difficult to reconcile with theory predictions

Nuclear Physics | 2003

Resonance states of hydrogen nuclei 4H and 5H obtained in transfer reactions with exotic beams

S. I. Sidorchuk; D. D. Bogdanov; A. S. Fomichev; M. S. Golovkov; Yu.Ts. Oganessian; A.M. Rodina; R. S. Slepnev; S. V. Stepantsov; G. M. Ter-Akopian; R. Wolski; V. A. Gorshkov; M. L. Chelnokov; M. G. Itkis; E. M. Kozulin; A. A. Bogatchev; N. A. Kondratiev; I. V. Korzyukov; A. A. Korsheninnikov; E. Yu. Nikolski; I. Tanihata

Abstract Experimental search for 4 H and 5 H has been performed in the reactions 3 H(t,p) 5 H, 2 H( 6 He, 3 He) 5 H and 2 H(t,p) 4 H. A resonance state situated at 1.8±0.1 MeV above the t+n+n decay threshold is obtained in the missing mass energy spectrum of the 5 H nucleus. Also, there is an indication that another resonance located at 2.7±0.1 MeV presents in this spectrum. Visible peak widths are governed mostly by the instrumental resolution, which came to about 0.4 MeV. We set an upper limit of 0.5 MeV on the true width of any of the two states. The resonance state of 4 H with E res = 3.3 ± 0.2 MeV and Γ res = 4.1 ± 0.3 Mev was obtained in the 2 H(t,p) 4 H reaction.

Physics of Atomic Nuclei | 2003

Resonance States of Hydrogen Nuclei 4H and 5H Obtained in Transfer Reactions with Exotic Beams

G. M. Ter-Akopian; Dmitrij D.D. Bogdanov; A. S. Fomichev; Golovkov; Yu.Ts. Oganessian; A. M. Rodin; S. I. Sidorchuk; R. S. Slepnev; S. V. Stepantsov; R. Wolski; V. A. Gorshkov; Maxim Chelnokov; A. A. Korsheninnikov; Yu E.Y. Nikolski; Isao Tanihata; F. Hanappe; T. Materna; A. Ninane

To investigate 5H resonance states with a better instrumental resolution, we utilized the two-neutron transfer reaction 3H(t, p)5H accomplished with the use of a cryogenic liquid-tritium target and 57.5-MeV triton beam. As a result of this study, a valuable fraction of protons detected at ϑlab=18°–32° in ptn coincidence events was attributed to the states of the 5H nucleus. Two resonance states situated at 1.8±0.1 and 2.7±0.1 MeV above the t + n + n decay threshold were obtained in the missing mass energy spectrum of the 5H nucleus. The peak located close to E5H was clearly seen in the 5H spectrum obtained from the energy distributions of 3H nuclei emitted in the reaction 2H(6He, 5H)3He at ϑlab=17°–32°. The width (Γobs≤0.5 MeV) obtained for the two 5H resonance states is surprisingly small. A state of 4H with Eres=3.3 MeV and γ2=2.3 MeV was obtained in the reaction 2H(t, p)4H from the spectra of protons leaving the target at ϑlab=18°–32° and detected in coincidence with neutrons emitted in the decay of 4H nuclei.

Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters | 2009

Soft dipole mode in 8He

L. V. Grigorenko; M. S. Golovkov; G. M. Ter-Akopian; A. S. Fomichev; Yu.Ts. Oganessian; V. A. Gorshkov; S. A. Krupko; A. M. Rodin; S. I. Sidorchuk; R. S. Slepnev; S. V. Stepantsov; R. Wolski; D.Y. Pang; V. Chudoba; A. A. Korsheninnikov; E. A. Kuzmin; E. Yu. Nikolskii; B. G. Novatskii; D. N. Stepanov; P. Roussel-Chomaz; W. Mittig; A. Ninane; F. Hanappe; L. Stuttge; A. A. Yukhimchuk; V. V. Perevozchikov; Yu. I. Vinogradov; S. K. Grishechkin; S. V. Zlatoustovskiy

The low-lying spectrum of 8He was studied in the 3H(6He, p)8He transfer reaction for small center of mass angles. The 0+ ground state (g.s.) of 8He and excited states, 2+ at 3.6–3.9 MeV and (1+) at 5.3–5.5 MeV, were populated with cross sections of 200, 100–250, and 90–125 μb/sr. Some evidence for the excited state at about 7.5 MeV can be found in the data. The possible nature of the near-threshold anomaly above 2.14 MeV in 8He is related to the population of a 1− continuum (soft dipole excitation) with a peak energy value at about 3 MeV. This assumption can probably resolve the problem of a large uncertainty existing in the experimental data on the 8He 2+ state energy.

Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters | 2012

Study of complete and incomplete fusion for loosely bound projectiles 6He and 6Li on 165Ho and 166Er targets

A. S. Fomichev; V. Chudoba; A. V. Daniel; M. S. Golovkov; V. A. Gorshkov; S. A. Krupko; Yu.Ts. Oganessian; G. S. Popeko; S. I. Sidorchuk; R. S. Slepnev; G. M. Ter-Akopian; R. Wolski; V. I. Chepigin; D. E. Katrasev; O. N. Malyshev; A. I. Svirikhin; A. V. Yeremin; Ch. Briançon; K. Hauschild; A. Korichi; M.‐H. Ha; F. Hanappe; O. Dorvaux; L. Stuttge

Complete fusion (CF) and incomplete fusion (ICF) reactions were studied for the cases of the loosely bound 6He and 6Li projectiles bombarding 166Er and 165Ho targets at energy of about 10 MeV/nucleon. Experiments were carried out to test an approach exploiting the measured intensities of γ rays emitted at the transitions between the yrast-band levels of reaction products formed after the termination of neutron evaporation. Partial waves feeding the CF reactions 165Ho (6Li, 5n) 166Yb and 166Er(6He, 6n) 166Yb as well as ICF 165Ho (6Li, α3n) 164Er and 166Er(6He, α4n) 164Er reaction channels were revealed from the obtained γ-ray data. The method of exit channel identification via the triple coincidence (γ1-γ2-light charged particle) was employed for these reactions study.

Nuclear Physics | 1997

High resolution beam line of the U400M cyclotron and a possibility of RIB accumulation and cooling in the K4 storage ring

A. M. Rodin; S. I. Sidorchuk; S. V. Stepantsov; G. M. Ter-Akopian; A. S. Fomichev; R. Wolski; V.B. Galinskiy; G. Ivanov; I.B. Ivanova; V. A. Gorshkov; A.Yu. Lavrentyev; Yu.Ts. Oganessian

Abstract The high resolution beam line ACCULINNA put into operation on a primary beam line of the JINR U400M cyclotron is discussed in the framework of the TREBLe project [1]. The capability of the beam line for producing radioactive ion beams is demonstrated by means of nuclear fragmentation of the primary 14 N beam with an energy of 51 MeV. A on a 170 mg/cm 2 carbon target. Characteristics of the obtained 6 He and 8 B radioactive beams are presented. A scheme of accumulation and cooling on the orbit of the storage ring K4 is proposed for a low intensity radioactive beam obtained from this beam line.

FUSION08: New Aspects of Heavy Ion Collisions Near the Coulomb#N#Barrier | 2009

Complete and Incomplete Fusion of6He and6Li Projectiles with Medium Mass Targets at Energy ∼10 AMeV

S. A. Krupko; A. V. Daniel; A. S. Fomichev; Golovkov; V. A. Gorshkov; Yu.Ts. Oganessian; G. S. Popeko; S. I. Sidorchuk; G. M. Ter-Akopian; R. S. Slepnev; V. Chudoba; L. Standylo; R. Wolski; V. I. Chepigin; D. E. Katrasev; O. N. Malyshev; A. I. Svirikhin; A. V. Yeremin; Ch. Briançon; K. Hauschild; A. Korichi; M.‐H. Ha; F. Hanappe; O. Dorvaux; L. Stuttge; Christopher T. Goodin; J. H. Hamilton; A. V. Ramayya

Complete fusion (CF) and incomplete fusion (ICF) reactions were studied with the beams of loosely bound 6He and 6Li bombarding 166Er and 165Ho targets. Experiments were carried out to test an approach exploiting the measured intensities of y rays emitted at the transitions between the yrast-band levels of reaction products formed after the termination of neutron evaporation. Partial waves feeding the CF [ 165Ho(6Li,5n)166Yb, 166Er( 6He,6n)166Yb] and ICF [165Ho( 6Li,α3n)164Er, and 166Er( 6He,α4n)164Er] reaction channels were revealed from the obtained γ-ray data.

Acta Physica Hungarica A) Heavy Ion Physics | 2003

Resonance states of superheavy hydrogen nuclei obtained in transfer reactions with exotic beams

G. M. Ter-Akopian; Dd Bogdanov; A. S. Fomichev; Golovkov; Yu.Ts. Oganessian; A. M. Rodin; S. I. Sidorchuk; R. S. Slepnev; S. V. Stepantsov; R. Wolski; V. A. Gorshkov; Maxim Chelnokov; A. A. Korsheninnikov; Ey Nikolski; I Tanihata; F. Hanappe; T. Materna; L. Stuttge; Alain Ninane

A resonance state situated at 1.8 +/- 0.1 and, most likely, another state positioned at 2.7 +/- 0.1 MeV above the t+n+n decay threshold were observed in the missing mass energy spectrum of the H-5 nucleus produced in the reaction H-3(t,p)H-5. The peak located close to E-5H = 1.8 MeV also was seen in the H-5 spectrum obtained from the energy distributions of 3H nuclei emitted in the reaction H-2(He-6,H-5)He-3. The width (Gamma(obs) less than or equal to 0.5 MeV) obtained for the two 5H resonance states is surprisingly small. A state of H-4 with E-res = 3.3 MeV and gamma(2) = 2.3 MeV was obtained in the reaction H-2(t,p)H-4 from the proton spectrum.

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