
Nature Genetics | 2006

Nuclear organization of active and inactive chromatin domains uncovered by chromosome conformation capture-on-chip (4C).

Marieke Simonis; Petra Klous; Erik Splinter; Yuri M. Moshkin; Rob Willemsen; Elzo de Wit; Bas van Steensel; Wouter de Laat

The spatial organization of DNA in the cell nucleus is an emerging key contributor to genomic function. We developed 4C technology (chromosome conformation capture (3C)-on-chip), which allows for an unbiased genome-wide search for DNA loci that contact a given locus in the nuclear space. We demonstrate here that active and inactive genes are engaged in many long-range intrachromosomal interactions and can also form interchromosomal contacts. The active β-globin locus in fetal liver preferentially contacts transcribed, but not necessarily tissue-specific, loci elsewhere on chromosome 7, whereas the inactive locus in fetal brain contacts different transcriptionally silent loci. A housekeeping gene in a gene-dense region on chromosome 8 forms long-range contacts predominantly with other active gene clusters, both in cis and in trans, and many of these intra- and interchromosomal interactions are conserved between the tissues analyzed. Our data demonstrate that chromosomes fold into areas of active chromatin and areas of inactive chromatin and establish 4C technology as a powerful tool to study nuclear architecture.

Genes & Development | 2008

dKDM2 couples histone H2A ubiquitylation to histone H3 demethylation during Polycomb group silencing

Anna Lagarou; Adone Mohd-Sarip; Yuri M. Moshkin; Gillian E. Chalkley; Karel Bezstarosti; Jeroen Demmers; C. Peter Verrijzer

Transcription regulation involves enzyme-mediated changes in chromatin structure. Here, we describe a novel mode of histone crosstalk during gene silencing, in which histone H2A monoubiquitylation is coupled to the removal of histone H3 Lys 36 dimethylation (H3K36me2). This pathway was uncovered through the identification of dRING-associated factors (dRAF), a novel Polycomb group (PcG) silencing complex harboring the histone H2A ubiquitin ligase dRING, PSC and the F-box protein, and demethylase dKDM2. In vivo, dKDM2 shares many transcriptional targets with Polycomb and counteracts the histone methyltransferases TRX and ASH1. Importantly, cellular depletion and in vitro reconstitution assays revealed that dKDM2 not only mediates H3K36me2 demethylation but is also required for efficient H2A ubiquitylation by dRING/PSC. Thus, dRAF removes an active mark from histone H3 and adds a repressive one to H2A. These findings reveal coordinate trans-histone regulation by a PcG complex to mediate gene repression.

Molecular Cell | 2009

Histone Chaperones ASF1 and NAP1 Differentially Modulate Removal of Active Histone Marks by LID-RPD3 Complexes during NOTCH Silencing

Yuri M. Moshkin; Tsung Wai Kan; Henry Goodfellow; Karel Bezstarosti; Robert K. Maeda; Maxim Pilyugin; François Karch; Sarah Bray; Jeroen Demmers; C. Peter Verrijzer

Histone chaperones are involved in a variety of chromatin transactions. By a proteomics survey, we identified the interaction networks of histone chaperones ASF1, CAF1, HIRA, and NAP1. Here, we analyzed the cooperation of H3/H4 chaperone ASF1 and H2A/H2B chaperone NAP1 with two closely related silencing complexes: LAF and RLAF. NAP1 binds RPD3 and LID-associated factors (RLAF) comprising histone deacetylase RPD3, histone H3K4 demethylase LID/KDM5, SIN3A, PF1, EMSY, and MRG15. ASF1 binds LAF, a similar complex lacking RPD3. ASF1 and NAP1 link, respectively, LAF and RLAF to the DNA-binding Su(H)/Hairless complex, which targets the E(spl) NOTCH-regulated genes. ASF1 facilitates gene-selective removal of the H3K4me3 mark by LAF but has no effect on H3 deacetylation. NAP1 directs high nucleosome density near E(spl) control elements and mediates both H3 deacetylation and H3K4me3 demethylation by RLAF. We conclude that histone chaperones ASF1 and NAP1 differentially modulate local chromatin structure during gene-selective silencing.

Nature Genetics | 2006

Probing long-distance regulatory interactions in the Drosophila melanogaster bithorax complex using Dam identification

Fabienne Cléard; Yuri M. Moshkin; François Karch; Robert K. Maeda

A cis-regulatory region of nearly 300 kb controls the expression of the three bithorax complex (BX-C) homeotic genes: Ubx, abd-A and Abd-B. Interspersed between the numerous enhancers and silencers within the complex are elements called domain boundaries. Recently, many pieces of evidence have suggested that boundaries function to create autonomous domains by interacting among themselves and forming chromatin loops. In order to test this hypothesis, we used Dam identification to probe for interactions between the Fab-7 boundary and other regions in the BX-C. We were surprised to find that the targeting of Dam methyltransferase (Dam) to the Fab-7 boundary results in a strong methylation signal at the Abd-Bm promoter, ∼35 kb away. Moreover, this methylation pattern is found primarily in the tissues where Abd-B is not expressed and requires an intact Fab-7 boundary. Overall, our work provides the first documented example of a dynamic, long-distance physical interaction between distal regulatory elements within a living, multicellular organism.

Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2007

Functional Differentiation of SWI/SNF Remodelers in Transcription and Cell Cycle Control

Yuri M. Moshkin; Lisette Mohrmann; Wilfred van IJcken; C. Peter Verrijzer

ABSTRACT Drosophila BAP and PBAP represent two evolutionarily conserved subclasses of SWI/SNF chromatin remodelers. The two complexes share the same core subunits, including the BRM ATPase, but differ in a few signature subunits: OSA defines BAP, whereas Polybromo (PB) and BAP170 specify PBAP. Here, we present a comprehensive structure-function analysis of BAP and PBAP. An RNA interference knockdown survey revealed that the core subunits BRM and MOR are critical for the structural integrity of both complexes. Whole-genome expression profiling suggested that the SWI/SNF core complex is largely dysfunctional in cells. Regulation of the majority of target genes required the signature subunit OSA, PB, or BAP170, suggesting that SWI/SNF remodelers function mostly as holoenzymes. BAP and PBAP execute similar, independent, or antagonistic functions in transcription control and appear to direct mostly distinct biological processes. BAP, but not PBAP, is required for cell cycle progression through mitosis. Because in yeast the PBAP-homologous complex, RSC, controls cell cycle progression, our finding reveals a functional switch during evolution. BAP mediates G2/M transition through direct regulation of string/cdc25. Its signature subunit, OSA, is required for directing BAP to the string/cdc25 promoter. Our results suggest that the core subunits play architectural and enzymatic roles but that the signature subunits determine most of the functional specificity of SWI/SNF holoenzymes in general gene control.

PLOS Biology | 2011

Repressive LTR Nucleosome Positioning by the BAF Complex Is Required for HIV Latency

Haleh Rafati; Maribel Parra; Shweta Hakre; Yuri M. Moshkin; Eric Verdin; Tokameh Mahmoudi

Persistence of a reservoir of latently infected memory T cells provides a barrier to HIV eradication in treated patients. Several reports have implicated the involvement of SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes in restricting early steps in HIV infection, in coupling the processes of integration and remodeling, and in promoter/LTR transcription activation and repression. However, the mechanism behind the seemingly contradictory involvement of SWI/SNF in the HIV life cycle remains unclear. Here we addressed the role of SWI/SNF in regulation of the latent HIV LTR before and after transcriptional activation. We determined the predicted nucleosome affinity of the LTR sequence and found a striking reverse correlation when compared to the strictly positioned in vivo LTR nucleosomal structure; sequences encompassing the DNase hypersensitive regions displayed the highest nucleosome affinity, while the strictly positioned nucleosomes displayed lower affinity for nucleosome formation. To examine the mechanism behind this reverse correlation, we used a combinatorial approach to determine DNA accessibility, histone occupancy, and the unique recruitment and requirement of BAF and PBAF, two functionally distinct subclasses of SWI/SNF at the LTR of HIV-infected cells before and after activation. We find that establishment and maintenance of HIV latency requires BAF, which removes a preferred nucleosome from DHS1 to position the repressive nucleosome-1 over energetically sub-optimal sequences. Depletion of BAF resulted in de-repression of HIV latency concomitant with a dramatic alteration in the LTR nucleosome profile as determined by high resolution MNase nucleosomal mapping. Upon activation, BAF was lost from the HIV promoter, while PBAF was selectively recruited by acetylated Tat to facilitate LTR transcription. Thus BAF and PBAF, recruited during different stages of the HIV life cycle, display opposing function on the HIV promoter. Our data point to the ATP-dependent BRG1 component of BAF as a putative therapeutic target to deplete the latent reservoir in patients.

Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2012

Remodelers organize cellular chromatin by counteracting intrinsic histone-DNA sequence preferences in a class-specific manner

Yuri M. Moshkin; Gillian E. Chalkley; Tsung Wai Kan; B. Ashok Reddy; Zeliha Ozgur; Wilfred van IJcken; Dick H. W. Dekkers; Jeroen Demmers; Andrew Travers; C. Peter Verrijzer

ABSTRACT The nucleosome is the fundamental repeating unit of eukaryotic chromatin. Here, we assessed the interplay between DNA sequence and ATP-dependent chromatin-remodeling factors (remodelers) in the nucleosomal organization of a eukaryotic genome. We compared the genome-wide distribution of Drosophila NURD, (P)BAP, INO80, and ISWI, representing the four major remodeler families. Each remodeler has a unique set of genomic targets and generates distinct chromatin signatures. Remodeler loci have characteristic DNA sequence features, predicted to influence nucleosome formation. Strikingly, remodelers counteract DNA sequence-driven nucleosome distribution in two distinct ways. NURD, (P)BAP, and INO80 increase histone density at their target sequences, which intrinsically disfavor positioned nucleosome formation. In contrast, ISWI promotes open chromatin at sites that are propitious for precise nucleosome placement. Remodelers influence nucleosome organization genome-wide, reflecting their high genomic density and the propagation of nucleosome redistribution beyond remodeler binding sites. In transcriptionally silent early embryos, nucleosome organization correlates with intrinsic histone-DNA sequence preferences. Following differential expression of the genome, however, this relationship diminishes and eventually disappears. We conclude that the cellular nucleosome landscape is the result of the balance between DNA sequence-driven nucleosome placement and active nucleosome repositioning by remodelers and the transcription machinery.

Molecular Cell | 2012

Metabolic Enzyme IMPDH Is Also a Transcription Factor Regulated by Cellular State

Elena N. Kozhevnikova; Jan A. van der Knaap; Alexey V. Pindyurin; Zeliha Ozgur; Wilfred van IJcken; Yuri M. Moshkin; C. Peter Verrijzer

Cells need to coordinate gene expression and metabolic state. Inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH) controls the guanine nucleotide pool and, thereby, cell proliferation. We found that Drosophila IMPDH is also a DNA-binding transcriptional repressor. IMPDH attenuates expression of histone genes and E2f, a key driver of cell proliferation. Nuclear IMPDH accumulates during the G2 phase of the cell cycle or following replicative or oxidative stress. Thus, IMPDH can couple the expression of histones and E2F to cellular state. Genome-wide profiling and in vitro binding assays established that IMPDH binds sequence specifically to single-stranded, CT-rich DNA elements. Surprisingly, this DNA-binding function is conserved in E. coli IMPDH. The catalytic function of IMPDH is not required for DNA binding. Yet substitutions that correspond to human retinitis pigmentosa mutations disrupt IMPDH binding to CT-rich, single-stranded DNA elements. By doubling as nucleotide biosynthetic enzyme or transcription factor, IMPDH can either enable or restrict cell proliferation.

Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2008

The transcriptional coactivator SAYP is a trithorax group signature subunit of the PBAP chromatin remodeling complex

Gillian E. Chalkley; Yuri M. Moshkin; Karin Langenberg; Karel Bezstarosti; András Blastyák; Henrik Gyurkovics; Jeroen Demmers; C. Peter Verrijzer

ABSTRACT SWI/SNF ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes (remodelers) perform critical functions in eukaryotic gene expression control. BAP and PBAP are the fly representatives of the two evolutionarily conserved major subclasses of SWI/SNF remodelers. Both complexes share seven core subunits, including the Brahma ATPase, but differ in a few signature subunits; POLYBROMO and BAP170 specify PBAP, whereas OSA defines BAP. Here, we show that the transcriptional coactivator and PHD finger protein SAYP is a novel PBAP subunit. Biochemical analysis established that SAYP is tightly associated with PBAP but absent from BAP. SAYP, POLYBROMO, and BAP170 display an intimately overlapping distribution on larval salivary gland polytene chromosomes. Genome-wide expression analysis revealed that SAYP is critical for PBAP-dependent transcription. SAYP is required for normal development and interacts genetically with core- and PBAP-selective subunits. Genetic analysis suggested that, like BAP, PBAP also counteracts Polycomb silencing. SAYP appears to be a key architectural component required for the integrity and association of the PBAP-specific module. We conclude that SAYP is a signature subunit that plays a major role in the functional specificity of the PBAP holoenzyme.

Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2010

Biosynthetic enzyme GMP synthetase cooperates with ubiquitin-specific protease 7 in transcriptional regulation of ecdysteroid target genes.

Jan A. van der Knaap; Elena N. Kozhevnikova; Karin Langenberg; Yuri M. Moshkin; C. Peter Verrijzer

ABSTRACT Drosophila GMP synthetase binds ubiquitin-specific protease 7 (USP7) and is required for its ability to deubiquitylate histone H2B. Previously, we showed that the GMPS/USP7 complex cooperates with the Polycomb silencing system through removal of the active ubiquitin mark from histone H2B (H2Bub). Here, we explored the interplay between GMPS and USP7 further and assessed their role in hormone-regulated gene expression. Genetic analysis established a strong cooperation between GMPS and USP7, which is counteracted by the histone H2B ubiquitin ligase BRE1. Loss of either GMPS or USP7 led to increased levels of histone H2Bub in mutant animals. These in vivo analyses complement our earlier biochemical results, establishing that GMPS/USP7 mediates histone H2B deubiquitylation. We found that GMPS/USP7 binds ecdysone-regulated loci and that mutants display severe misregulation of ecdysone target genes. Ecdysone receptor (EcR) interacts biochemically and genetically with GMPS/USP7. Genetic and gene expression analyses suggested that GMPS/USP7 acts as a transcriptional corepressor. These results revealed the cooperation between a biosynthetic enzyme and a ubiquitin protease in developmental gene control by hormone receptors.

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