Yuting Wang
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2017
Shadab Alam; Metin Ata; S. Bailey; Florian Beutler; Dmitry Bizyaev; J. Blazek; Adam S. Bolton; Joel R. Brownstein; A. Burden; Chia-Hsun Chuang; Johan Comparat; Antonio J. Cuesta; Kyle S. Dawson; Daniel J. Eisenstein; S. Escoffier; Héctor Gil-Marín; Jan Niklas Grieb; Nick Hand; Shirley Ho; Karen Kinemuchi; D. Kirkby; Francisco S. Kitaura; Elena Malanushenko; Viktor Malanushenko; Claudia Maraston; Cameron K. McBride; Robert C. Nichol; Matthew D. Olmstead; Daniel Oravetz; Nikhil Padmanabhan
We present cosmological results from the final galaxy clustering data set of the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey, part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III. Our combined galaxy sample comprises 1.2 million massive galaxies over an effective area of 9329xa0deg^2 and volume of 18.7 Gpc^3, divided into three partially overlapping redshift slices centred at effective redshifts 0.38, 0.51 and 0.61. We measure the angular diameter distance and Hubble parameter H from the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) method, in combination with a cosmic microwave background prior on the sound horizon scale, after applying reconstruction to reduce non-linear effects on the BAO feature. Using the anisotropic clustering of the pre-reconstruction density field, we measure the product D_MH from the Alcock–Paczynski (AP) effect and the growth of structure, quantified by fσ_8(z), from redshift-space distortions (RSD). We combine individual measurements presented in seven companion papers into a set of consensus values and likelihoods, obtaining constraints that are tighter and more robust than those from any one method; in particular, the AP measurement from sub-BAO scales sharpens constraints from post-reconstruction BAOs by breaking degeneracy between D_M and H. Combined with Planck 2016 cosmic microwave background measurements, our distance scale measurements simultaneously imply curvature Ω_Kxa0=xa00.0003 ± 0.0026 and a dark energy equation-of-state parameter wxa0=xa0−1.01 ± 0.06, in strong affirmation of the spatially flat cold dark matter (CDM) model with a cosmological constant (ΛCDM). Our RSD measurements of fσ_8, at 6xa0perxa0cent precision, are similarly consistent with this model. When combined with supernova Ia data, we find H_0xa0=xa067.3 ± 1.0u2009kmu2009s^−1u2009Mpc^−1 even for our most general dark energy model, in tension with some direct measurements. Adding extra relativistic species as a degree of freedom loosens the constraint only slightly, to H_0xa0=xa067.8 ± 1.2u2009kmu2009s^−1u2009Mpc^−1. Assuming flat ΛCDM, we find Ω_mxa0=xa00.310 ± 0.005 and H_0xa0=xa067.6 ± 0.5u2009kmu2009s^−1u2009Mpc^−1, and we find a 95xa0perxa0cent upper limit of 0.16xa0eVxa0c^−2 on the neutrino mass sum.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2016
Chia-Hsun Chuang; Francisco Prada; Marcos Pellejero-Ibanez; Florian Beutler; Antonio J. Cuesta; Daniel J. Eisenstein; S. Escoffier; Shirley Ho; Francisco-Shu Kitaura; Jean-Paul Kneib; Marc Manera; Sebastián E. Nuza; Sergio Rodríguez-Torres; A. Ross; J. A. Rubiño-Martín; Lado Samushia; David J. Schlegel; Donald P. Schneider; Yuting Wang; Benjamin A. Weaver; Gong-Bo Zhao; Joel R. Brownstein; Kyle S. Dawson; Claudia Maraston; Matthew D. Olmstead; Daniel Thomas
Citation: Chuang, C. H., Prada, F., Pellejero-Ibanez, M., Beutler, F., Cuesta, A. J., Eisenstein, D. J., . . . Thomas, D. (2016). The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Single-probe measurements from CMASS anisotropic galaxy clustering. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 461(4), 3781-3793. doi:10.1093/mnras/stw1535
Nature Astronomy | 2017
Gong-Bo Zhao; Marco Raveri; Levon Pogosian; Yuting Wang; Robert Crittenden; Will J. Handley; Will J. Percival; Florian Beutler; Jonathan Brinkmann; Chia-Hsun Chuang; Antonio J. Cuesta; Daniel J. Eisenstein; Francisco-Shu Kitaura; Kazuya Koyama; Benjamin L’Huillier; Robert C. Nichol; Matthew M. Pieri; Sergio Rodríguez-Torres; A. Ross; Graziano Rossi; Ariel G. Sánchez; Arman Shafieloo; Jeremy L. Tinker; Rita Tojeiro; Jose Alberto Vazquez; H. Y. Zhang
A flat Friedmann–Robertson–Walker universe dominated by a cosmological constant (Λ) and cold dark matter (CDM) has been the working model preferred by cosmologists since the discovery of cosmic acceleration1,2. However, tensions of various degrees of significance are known to be present among existing datasets within the ΛCDM framework3–11. In particular, the Lyman-α forest measurement of the baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) by the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey3 prefers a smaller value of the matter density fraction ΩM than that preferred by cosmic microwave background (CMB). Also, the recently measured value of the Hubble constant, H0u2009=u200973.24u2009±u20091.74u2009kmu2009s−1u2009Mpc−1 (ref. 12), is 3.4σ higher than the 66.93u2009±u20090.62u2009kmu2009s−1u2009Mpc−1 inferred from the Planck CMB data7. In this work, we investigate whether these tensions can be interpreted as evidence for a non-constant dynamical dark energy. Using the Kullback–Leibler divergence13 to quantify the tension between datasets, we find that the tensions are relieved by an evolving dark energy, with the dynamical dark energy model preferred at a 3.5σ significance level based on the improvement in the fit alone. While, at present, the Bayesian evidence for the dynamical dark energy is insufficient to favour it over ΛCDM, we show that, if the current best-fit dark energy happened to be the true model, it would be decisively detected by the upcoming Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument survey14.Recent observations reveal tension between various cosmological probes. Assuming dark energy to be non-constant, depending on redshift, may relieve this tension. The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument survey will be able to confirm this result.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2017
A. Ross; Florian Beutler; Chia-Hsun Chuang; Marcos Pellejero-Ibanez; Hee-Jong Seo; Mariana Vargas-Magaña; Antonio J. Cuesta; Will J. Percival; A. Burden; Ariel G. Sánchez; Jan Niklas Grieb; Beth Reid; Joel R. Brownstein; Kyle S. Dawson; Daniel J. Eisenstein; Shirley Ho; Francisco-Shu Kitaura; Robert C. Nichol; Matthew D. Olmstead; Francisco Prada; Sergio Rodríguez-Torres; Shun Saito; Salvador Salazar-Albornoz; Donald P. Schneider; Daniel Thomas; Jeremy L. Tinker; Rita Tojeiro; Yuting Wang; Martin White; Gong-Bo Zhao
We present baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) scale measurements determined from the clustering of 1.2 million massive galaxies with redshifts 0.2 < z < 0.75 distributed over 9300 deg(2), as quantified by their redshift-space correlation function. In order to facilitate these measurements, we define, describe, and motivate the selection function for galaxies in the final data release (DR12) of the SDSS III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS). This includes the observational footprint, masks for image quality and Galactic extinction, and weights to account for density relationships intrinsic to the imaging and spectroscopic portions of the survey. We simulate the observed systematic trends in mock galaxy samples and demonstrate that they impart no bias on BAO scale measurements and have a minor impact on the recovered statistical uncertainty. We measure transverse and radial BAO distance measurements in 0.2 < z < 0.5, 0.5 < z < 0.75, and (overlapping) 0.4 < z < 0.6 redshift bins. In each redshift bin, we obtain a precision that is 2.7 per cent or better on the radial distance and 1.6 per cent or better on the transverse distance. The combination of the redshift bins represents 1.8 per cent precision on the radial distance and 1.1 per cent precision on the transverse distance. This paper is part of a set that analyses the final galaxy clustering data set from BOSS. The measurements and likelihoods presented here are combined with others in Alam et al. to produce the final cosmological constraints from BOSS.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2016
Gong-Bo Zhao; Yuting Wang; A. Ross; Sarah Shandera; Will J. Percival; Kyle S. Dawson; Jean-Paul Kneib; Adam D. Myers; Joel R. Brownstein; Johan Comparat; Timothée Delubac; Pengyuan Gao; Alireza Hojjati; Kazuya Koyama; Cameron K. McBride; Andres Meza; Jef frey A. Newman; Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille; Levon Pogosian; Francisco Prada; Graziano Rossi; Donald P. Schneider; Hee-Jong Seo; C. Tao; Dandan Wang; Christophe Yèche; H. Y. Zhang; Yuecheng Zhang; Xu Zhou; Fangzhou Zhu
We present a science forecast for the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS) survey. Focusing on discrete tracers, we forecast the expected accuracy of the baryonic acoustic oscillation (BAO), the redshift-space distortion (RSD) measurements, the fNL parameter quantifying the primordial non-Gaussianity, the dark energy and modified gravity parameters. We also use the line-of-sight clustering in the Lyman a forest to constrain the total neutrino mass. We find that eBOSS luminous red galaxies, emission line galaxies and clustering quasars can achieve a precision of 1, 2.2 and 1.6 per cent, respectively, for spherically averaged BAO distance measurements. Using the same samples, the constraint on fob is expected to be 2.5, 3.3 and 2.8 per cent, respectively. For primordial non-Gaussianity, eBOSS alone can reach an accuracy of a (f(NL)) similar to 10-15. eBOSS can at most improve the dark energy figure of merit by a factor of 3 for the Chevallier-Polarski-Linder parametrization, and can well constrain three eigenmodes for the general equation-of-state parameter. eBOSS can also significantly improve constraints on modified gravity parameters by providing the RSD information, which is highly complementary to constraints obtained from weak lensing measurements. A principal component analysis shows that eBOSS can measure the eigenmodes of the effective Newtons constant to 2 per cent precision; this is a factor of 10 improvement over that achievable without eBOSS. Finally, we derive the eBOSS constraint (combined with Planck, Dark Energy Survey and BOSS) on the total neutrino mass, sigma (Em(upsilon)) = 0.03 eV (68 per cent CL), which in principle makes it possible to distinguish between the two scenarios of neutrino mass hierarchies.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2018
Metin Ata; Falk Baumgarten; Julian E. Bautista; Florian Beutler; Dmitry Bizyaev; Michael R. Blanton; Jonathan A. Blazek; Adam S. Bolton; Jonathan Brinkmann; Joel R. Brownstein; Etienne Burtin; Chia-Hsun Chuang; Johan Comparat; Kyle S. Dawson; Axel de la Macorra; Wei Du; Hélion du Mas des Bourboux; Daniel J. Eisenstein; Héctor Gil-Marín; Katie Grabowski; J. Guy; Nick Hand; Shirley Ho; Timothy A. Hutchinson; Mikhail M. Ivanov; Francisco-Shu Kitaura; Jean-Paul Kneib; Pierre Laurent; Jean-Marc Le Goff; Joseph E. McEwen
AJR is grateful for support from the Ohio State University Center for Cosmology and ParticlePhysics. n nHGM acknowledges support from the Labex ILP (reference ANR-10-LABX-63) part of the Idex SUPER, and received financial state aid managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche, as part of the programme Investissements davenir under the reference ANR-11-IDEX-0004-02. n nGBZ is supported by NSFC Grant No. 11673025, and by a Royal Society Newton Advanced Fellowship. n nRT acknowledges support from the Science and Technology Facilities Council via an Ernest Rutherford Fellowship (grant number ST/K004719/1) n nCHC is grateful for support from Leibniz-Institut fur Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP). n nEB and PZ acknowledge support from the P2IO LabEx (ANR-10-LABX-0038). n nJLT acknowledges support from National Science Foundation grant AST-1615997. n nYW is supported by the NSFC grant number 11403034. n nWJP acknowledges support from the UK Space Agency through grant ST/K00283X/1, and WJP acknowledges support from the European Research Council through grant Darksurvey, and the UK Science & Technology Facilities Council through the consolidated grant ST/K0090X/1. n nADM was partially supported by the NSF through grant numbers 1515404 and 1616168. n nIP acknowledges the support of the OCEVU Labex (ANR-11-LABX-0060) and the A*MIDEX project (ANR-11-IDEX-0001-02) funded by the Investissements dAvenir French government program managed by the AN. n nJPK acknowledges support from the ERC advanced grant LIDA. n nGR acknowledges support from the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) through NRF-SGER 2014055950 funded by the Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST), and from the faculty research fund of Sejong University in 2016. n nFunding for SDSS-III and SDSS-IV has been provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and Participating Institutions. Additional funding for SDSS-III comes from the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science. Further information about both projects is available at www.sdss.org. SDSS is managed by the Astrophysical Research Consortium for the Participating Institutions in both collaborations. In SDSS-III, these include the University of Arizona, the Brazilian Participation Group, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Carnegie Mellon University, University of Florida, the French Participation Group, the German Participation Group, Harvard University, the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, the Michigan State/Notre Dame/JINA Participation Group, Johns Hopkins University, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, New Mexico State University, New York University, Ohio State University, Pennsylvania State University, University of Portsmouth, Princeton University, the Spanish Participation Group, University of Tokyo, University of Utah, Vanderbilt University, University of Virginia, University of Washington, and Yale University. n nThe Participating Institutions in SDSS-IV are Carnegie Mellon University, Colorado University, Boulder, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Participation Group, Johns Hopkins University, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astrophysik (MPA Garching), Max-Planck-Institut fuer Extraterrestrische Physik (MPE), Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astronomie (MPIA Heidelberg), National Astronomical Observatories of China, New Mexico State University, New York University, The Ohio State University, Penn State University, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, United Kingdom Participation Group, University of Portsmouth, University of Utah, University of Wisconsin and Yale University. n nThis work made use of the facilities and staff of the UK Sciama High Performance Computing cluster supported by the ICG, SEP-Net and the University of Portsmouth. This research used resources of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, a DOE Office of Science User Facility supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2017
Ariel G. Sánchez; Roman Scoccimarro; M. Crocce; Jan Niklas Grieb; Salvador Salazar-Albornoz; Claudio Dalla Vecchia; Martha Lippich; Florian Beutler; Joel R. Brownstein; Chia-Hsun Chuang; Daniel J. Eisenstein; Francisco-Shu Kitaura; Matthew D. Olmstead; Will J. Percival; Francisco Prada; Sergio Rodríguez-Torres; A. Ross; Lado Samushia; Hee-Jong Seo; Jeremy Tinker; Rita Tojeiro; Mariana Vargas-Magaña; Yuting Wang; Gong-Bo Zhao
Citation: Sanchez, A. G., Scoccimarro, R., Crocce, M., Grieb, J. N., Salazar-Albornoz, S., Dalla Vecchia, C., . . . Zhao, G. B. (2017). The clustering of galaxies in the completed SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Cosmological implications of the configuration-space clustering wedges. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 464(2), 1640-1658. doi:10.1093/mnras/stw2443
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2017
Gong-Bo Zhao; Yuting Wang; Shun Saito; Dandan Wang; A. Ross; Florian Beutler; Jan Niklas Grieb; Chia-Hsun Chuang; Francisco-Shu Kitaura; Sergio Rodríguez-Torres; Will J. Percival; Joel R. Brownstein; Antonio J. Cuesta; Daniel J. Eisenstein; Héctor Gil-Marín; Jean-Paul Kneib; Robert C. Nichol; Matthew D. Olmstead; Francisco Prada; Graziano Rossi; Salvador Salazar-Albornoz; Lado Samushia; Ariel G. Sánchez; Daniel Thomas; Jeremy L. Tinker; Rita Tojeiro; David H. Weinberg; Fangzhou Zhu
We perform a tomographic baryon acoustic oscillations (BAOs) analysis using the two-point galaxy correlation function measured from the combined sample of Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey Data Release 12 (BOSS DR12), which covers the redshift range of 0.2 < z < 0.75. Upon splitting the sample into multiple overlapping redshift slices to extract the redshift information of galaxy clustering, we obtain a measurement of D-A(z)/r(d) and H(z)r(d) at nine effective redshifts with the full covariance matrix calibrated using MultiDark-Patchy mock catalogues. Using the reconstructed galaxy catalogues, we obtain the precision of 1.3-2.2 per cent for D-A(z)/r(d) and 2.1-6.0 per cent for H(z)r(d.) To quantify the gain from the tomographic information, we compare the constraints on the cosmological parameters using our nine-bin BAO measurements, the consensus three-bin BAO and redshift space distortion measurements at three effective redshifts in Alam et al., and the non-tomographic (one-bin) BAO measurement at a single effective redshift. Comparing the nine-bin with one-bin constraint result, it can improve the dark energy Figure of Merit by a factor of 1.24 for the Chevallier-Polarski-Linder parametrization for equation-of-state parameter w(DE). The errors of w(0) and w(a) from nine-bin constraints are slightly improved when compared to the three-bin constraint result.
Physical Review D | 2015
Yuting Wang; Gong-Bo Zhao; David Wands; Levon Pogosian; Robert Crittenden
An interaction between the vacuum energy and dark matter is an intriguing possibility which may offer a way of solving the cosmological constant problem. Adopting a general prescription for momentum exchange between the two dark components, we reconstruct α(a), the temporal evolution of the coupling strength between dark matter and vacuum energy, in a nonparametric Bayesian approach using combined observational data sets from the cosmic microwave background, supernovae and large scale structure. An evolving interaction between the vacuum energy and dark matter removes some of the tensions between different data sets. However, it is not preferred over ΛCDM in the Bayesian sense, as improvement in the fit is not sufficient to compensate for the increase in the volume of the parameter space.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2017
Salvador Salazar-Albornoz; Ariel G. Sánchez; Jan Niklas Grieb; M. Crocce; Roman Scoccimarro; Shadab Alam; Florian Beutler; Joel R. Brownstein; Chia-Hsun Chuang; Francisco-Shu Kitaura; Matthew D. Olmstead; Will J. Percival; Francisco Prada; Sergio Rodríguez-Torres; Lado Samushia; Jeremy Tinker; Daniel Thomas; Rita Tojeiro; Yuting Wang; Gong-Bo Zhao
We investigate the cosmological implications of studying galaxy clustering using a tomographic approach applied to the final Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) DR12 galaxy sample, including both auto-and cross-correlation functions between redshift shells. We model the signal of the full shape of the angular correlation function, omega(theta), in redshift bins using state-of-the-art modelling of non-linearities, bias and redshift-space distortions. We present results on the redshift evolution of the linear bias of BOSS galaxies, which cannot be obtained with traditional methods for galaxy-clustering analysis. We also obtain constraints on cosmological parameters, combining this tomographic analysis with measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and Type Ia supernova (SNIa). We explore a number of cosmological models, including the standard Lambda cold dark matter model and its most interesting extensions, such as deviations from omega(DE) =-1, non-minimal neutrino masses, spatial curvature and deviations from general relativity (GR) using the growth-index gamma parametrization. These results are, in general, comparable to the most precise present-day constraints on cosmological parameters, and show very good agreement with the standard model. In particular, combining CMB, omega(theta) and SNIa, we find a value of w(DE) consistent with -1 to a precision better than 5 per cent when it is assumed to be constant in time, and better than 6 per cent when we also allow for a spatially curved Universe.