Z.B. Chen
National University of Defense Technology
Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables | 2018
Z.L. Zhao; K. Wang; S. Li; R. Si; C.Y. Chen; Z.B. Chen; J. Yan; Yu. Ralchenko
Extensive self-consistent multi-configuration Dirac-Hartree-Fock (MCDHF) calculations are performed for the 3s23p63d k (k = 1-9) ground configurations of highly charged ions (Z = 72-83). Complete and consistent datasets of excitation energies, wavelengths, line strengths, oscillator strengths, and magnetic dipole (M1) and electric quadrupole (E2) transition rates among all these levels are given. We have compared our results with the results available in the literature and the accuracy of the data is assessed. We predict new energy levels and transition probabilities where no other experimental or theoretical results are available, which will form the basis for future experimental work.
Journal of Physics B | 2015
Z.B. Chen; Chenzhong Dong; Jun Jiang; Lu-You Xie
Detailed calculations using a fully relativistic distorted-wave method incorporating the Debye–Huckel potential are carried out for the electron-impact excitation cross sections from the ground state 1s22s2 (J = 0) to the individual magnetic sublevels of 1s2s22p and states of highly charged Be-like ions in the presence of a plasma environment. The effects of plasma screening on the cross section and linear polarization of the corresponding x-ray emission are investigated. For the line, it is found that the plasma screening has a pronounced effect and causes the cross section to decrease over the whole energy range considered. This dramatic influence also leads to a remarkable decrease in the linear polarization of subsequent x-ray radiation. However, for the line, the plasma screening effect on the cross sections is relatively larger than for the excitations, while its influence on the linear polarization of the radiation is very small.
Physics of Plasmas | 2018
Z.B. Chen
The process of excitation of highly charged Fe XXIV ion embedded in weakly coupled plasmas by electron impact is studied, together with the subsequent radiative decay. For the target structure, the calculation is performed using the multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock method incorporating the Debye-Huckel potential for the electron-nucleus interaction. Fine-structure levels of the 1s22p and 1s2s2p configurations and the transition properties among these levels are presented over a wide range of screening parameters. For the collision dynamics, the distorted-wave method in the relativistic frame is adopted to include the effect of plasma background, in which the interparticle interactions in the system are described by screened interactions of the Debye-Huckel type. The continuum wave function of the projectile electron is obtained by solving the modified Dirac equations. The influence of plasma strength on the cross section, the linear polarization, and the angular distribution of x-ray photon emission ...
Physics of Plasmas | 2018
Z.B. Chen; Kun Ma; Hongwei Hu; Kai Wang
Systematic investigations are performed for the energy levels and radiative properties for selected He-like C4+, Ne8+, Ar16+, and Kr34+ ions embedded in weakly coupled plasmas. For the conditions in which the Coulomb coupling parameter is small, the standard Debye model is adopted to describe the plasma screening effects. Within the relativistic framework, the modified version of the Flexible Atomic Code computations is carried out by considering a Debye-Huckel potential, in which the plasma screening is taken into account for both the electron-nucleus and electron-electron (e-e) interactions. An independent calculation for various Debye lengths is also presented using the multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock method for comparison purposes. For the nonrelativistic treatment, the analytical solution of the Schrodinger equation with the Debye screened potential is proposed. The variation method is developed with Slater wave function as a trial wave function that contains the variational parameters. An exact analytical expression of relativistic corrections such as the mass-velocity correction, the one/two-body Darwin correction, the spin-spin contact interaction correction, and the orbit-orbit interaction correction is derived. Differences among our three kinds of calculated energy levels and transition properties are analyzed in terms of the nuclear charge and/or the Debye length. Systematic trend is observed for all the properties under study with respect to increased screening. The influence of relativistic effects is also investigated in detail and found to play an important role in these systems. Our results are compared with available results from other theoretical calculations and the experimental values in the literature, and a good agreement is achieved. This work should be useful for astrophysical applications where such plasma environments exist.Systematic investigations are performed for the energy levels and radiative properties for selected He-like C4+, Ne8+, Ar16+, and Kr34+ ions embedded in weakly coupled plasmas. For the conditions in which the Coulomb coupling parameter is small, the standard Debye model is adopted to describe the plasma screening effects. Within the relativistic framework, the modified version of the Flexible Atomic Code computations is carried out by considering a Debye-Huckel potential, in which the plasma screening is taken into account for both the electron-nucleus and electron-electron (e-e) interactions. An independent calculation for various Debye lengths is also presented using the multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock method for comparison purposes. For the nonrelativistic treatment, the analytical solution of the Schrodinger equation with the Debye screened potential is proposed. The variation method is developed with Slater wave function as a trial wave function that contains the variational parameters. An exact analyt...
Physica Scripta | 2015
Z.B. Chen; Chenzhong Dong; Jun Jiang
Detailed calculations are carried out for the electron-impact excitation cross sections from the ground state 1s2(J = 0) to the individual magnetic sublevels of the excited state 1s2s1/2 (J = 1) of highly charged He-like Fe24+ ions using a fully relativistic distorted-wave method. The cascades contributions from high-lying levels 1s2p, 1snl (n = 3, 4, 5, 6; l = s, p, d) to the cross sections and the polarization properties of the 1s2s(J = 0) line are investigated systematically. It is found that the 1s2p, 1s3l, and 1s4l (l = s, p, d) excited states have significant effects and make the cross sections increase evidently. These dramatic influences also lead to a remarkable decrease in the linear polarization and angular distribution of subsequent x-ray radiation. The present results are in good agreement with the previous theoretical results and the polarization measurements performed at the Livermore electron beam ion trap.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 2015
Z.B. Chen; Chenzhong Dong; Jun Jiang
Detailed calculations using a fully relativistic distorted-wave method are carried out for the electron-impact excitation cross sections from the ground state 1s2 (J= 0) to the individual magnetic sublevels of the excited state 1s2s1/2 (J= 1) of highly charged He-like Fe24+ ions. The cascades effects to the cross sections and the linear polarizations of the 1s2s1/2(J= 1) → 1s2 (J=0) line are investigated systematically. Our results show that the 1s2p, 1s3l, and 1s4l (l = s, p, d) excited states have significant effects and make the cross sections increase. These influences also lead to a remarkable decrease in the linear polarization of subsequent x-ray radiation. The present results agree with the previous theoretical results and the polarization measurements very well.
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer | 2017
R. Si; C.Y. Zhang; Yong Liu; Z.B. Chen; X. L. Guo; S. Li; Jianhua Yan; C.Y. Chen; K. Wang
Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables | 2017
Z.B. Chen; Kun Ma; Hong-Jian Wang; Kai Wang; Xiao-Bin Liu; Jiaolong Zeng
Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables | 2017
K. Wang; X. Yang; Z.B. Chen; R. Si; C.Y. Chen; J. Yan; X.H. Zhao; W. Dang
Journal of Physics B | 2017
Kun Ma; Z.B. Chen; Lu-You Xie; Chenzhong Dong; Y. Z. Qu