Z. Rudy
Jagiellonian University
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 2015
P. Moskal; Natalia Zoń; T. Bednarski; P. Białas; E. Czerwiński; A. Gajos; D. Kamińska; Ł. Kapłon; Andrzej Kochanowski; G. Korcyl; Jakub Kowal; P. Kowalski; T. Kozik; W. Krzemien; E. Kubicz; Sz. Niedźwiecki; M. Palka; L. Raczyński; Z. Rudy; Oleksandr Rundel; P. Salabura; Neha Sharma; M. Silarski; A. Słomski; J. Smyrski; A. Strzelecki; A. Wieczorek; W. Wiślicki; M. Zieliński
A novel method of hit time and hit position reconstruction in scintillator detectors is described. The method is based on comparison of detector signals with results stored in a library of synchronized model signals registered for a set of well-defined positions of scintillation points. The hit position is reconstructed as the one corresponding to the signal from the library which is most similar to the measurement signal. The time of the interaction is determined as a relative time between the measured signal and the most similar one in the library. A degree of similarity of measured and model signals is defined as the distance between points representing the measurement- and model-signal in the multidimensional measurement space. Novelty of the method lies also in the proposed way of synchronization of model signals enabling direct determination of the difference between time-of-flights (TOF) of annihilation quanta from the annihilation point to the detectors. The introduced method was validated using experimental data obtained by means of the double strip prototype of the J-PET detector and 22 Na
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 2014
P. Moskal; Sz. Niedźwiecki; T. Bednarski; E. Czerwiński; Ł. Kapłon; E. Kubicz; Ines Moskal; M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka; Neha Sharma; M. Silarski; M. Zieliński; Natalia Zoń; P. Białas; A. Gajos; Andrzej Kochanowski; G. Korcyl; Jakub Kowal; P. Kowalski; T. Kozik; W. Krzemien; Marcin Molenda; M. Palka; L. Raczyński; Z. Rudy; P. Salabura; A. Słomski; J. Smyrski; A. Strzelecki; A. Wieczorek; W. Wiślicki
A Time of Flight Positron Emission Tomography scanner based on plastic scintillators is being developed at the Jagiellonian University by the J-PET collaboration. The main challenge of the conducted research lies in the elaboration of a method allowing application of plastic scintillators for the detection of low energy gamma quanta. In this paper we report on tests of a single detection module built out from the BC-420 plastic scintillator strip (with dimensions of 5 � 19 � 300 mm 3 ) read out at two ends by Hamamatsu R5320 photomultipliers. The measurements were performed using collimated beam of annihilation quanta from the 68 Ge isotope and applying the Serial Data Analyzer (Lecroy SDA6000A) which enabled sampling of signals with 50 ps intervals. The time resolution of the prototype module was established to be better than 80 ps (σ) for a single level discrimination. The spatial resolution of the determination of the hit position along the strip was determined to be about 0.93 cm (σ) for the annihilation quanta. The fractional energy resolution for the energy E deposited by the annihilation quanta via the Compton scattering amounts to σðEÞ=E � 0:044= ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi EðMeVÞ p
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 2014
L. Raczyński; P. Moskal; P. Kowalski; W. Wiślicki; T. Bednarski; P. Białas; E. Czerwiński; Ł. Kapłon; Andrzej Kochanowski; G. Korcyl; Jakub Kowal; T. Kozik; W. Krzemien; E. Kubicz; Marcin Molenda; Ines Moskal; Sz. Niedźwiecki; M. Palka; M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka; Z. Rudy; P. Salabura; Neha Sharma; M. Silarski; A. Słomski; J. Smyrski; A. Strzelecki; A. Wieczorek; M. Zieliński; Natalia Zoń
Currently inorganic scintillator detectors are used in all commercial Time of Flight Positron Emission Tomograph (TOF-PET) devices. The J-PET collaboration investigates a possibility of construction of a PET scanner from plastic scintillators which would allow for single bed imaging of the whole human body. This paper describes a novel method of hit-position reconstruction based on sampled signals and an example of an application of the method for a single module with a 30 cm long plastic strip, read out on both ends by Hamamatsu R4998 photomultipliers. The sampling scheme to generate a vector with samples of a PET event waveform with respect to four user-defined amplitudes is introduced. The experimental setup provides irradiation of a chosen position in the plastic scintillator strip with an annihilation gamma quanta of energy 511 keV. The statistical test for a multivariate normal (MVN) distribution of measured vectors at a given position is developed, and it is shown that signals sampled at four thresholds in a voltage domain are approximately normally distributed variables. With the presented method of a vector analysis made out of waveform samples acquired with four thresholds, we obtain a spatial resolution of about 1 cm and a timing resolution of about 80 ps ( σ).
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 2015
L. Raczyński; P. Moskal; P. Kowalski; W. Wiślicki; T. Bednarski; P. Białas; E. Czerwiński; A. Gajos; Ł. Kapłon; Andrzej Kochanowski; G. Korcyl; Jakub Kowal; T. Kozik; W. Krzemien; E. Kubicz; Sz. Niedźwiecki; M. Palka; Z. Rudy; Oleksandr Rundel; P. Salabura; Neha Sharma; M. Silarski; A. Słomski; J. Smyrski; A. Strzelecki; A. Wieczorek; M. Zieliński; Natalia Zoń
The J-PET scanner, which allows for single bed imaging of the whole human body, is currently under development at the Jagiellonian University. The discussed detector offers improvement of the Time of Flight (TOF) resolution due to the use of fast plastic scintillators and dedicated electronics allowing for sampling in the voltage domain of signals with durations of few nanoseconds. In this paper we show that recovery of the whole signal, based on only a few samples, is possible. In order to do that, we incorporate the training signals into the Tikhonov regularization framework and we perform the Principal Component Analysis decomposition, which is well known for its compaction properties. The method yields a simple closed form analytical solution that does not require iterative processing. Moreover, from the Bayes theory the properties of regularized solution, especially its covariance matrix, may be easily derived. This is the key to introduce and prove the formula for calculations of the signal recovery error. In this paper we show that an average recovery error is approximately inversely proportional to the number of acquired samples.
Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems | 2014
M. Palka; P. Moskal; T. Bednarski; P. Białas; E. Czerwiński; Ł. Kapłon; Andrzej Kochanowski; G. Korcyl; Jakub Kowal; P. Kowalski; T. Kozik; Wojciech Krzemień; Marcin Molenda; Szymon Niedźwiecki; Monika Pawlik; Lech Razyński; Z. Rudy; P. Salabura; Neha Gupta-Sharma; M. Silarski; A. Słomski; Jerzy Smyrski; A. Strzelecki; W. Wiślicki; M. Zieliński; Natalia Zoń
Abstract This article presents an application of a novel technique for precise measurements of time and charge based solely on a field programmable gate array (FPGA) device for positron emission tomography (PET). The described approach simplifies electronic circuits, reduces the power consumption, lowers costs, merges front-end electronics with digital electronics, and also makes more compact final design. Furthermore, it allows to measure time when analog signals cross a reference voltage at different threshold levels with a very high precision of ~15 ps (rms) and thus enables sampling of signals in a voltage domain.
Physics in Medicine and Biology | 2016
P. Moskal; Oleksandr Rundel; D. Alfs; T. Bednarski; P. Białas; E. Czerwiński; A. Gajos; Krzysztof Giergiel; M. Gorgol; B. Jasińska; D. Kamińska; Ł. Kapłon; G. Korcyl; P. Kowalski; T. Kozik; W. Krzemien; E. Kubicz; Sz. Niedźwiecki; M. Palka; L. Raczyński; Z. Rudy; Neha Sharma; A. Słomski; M. Silarski; A. Strzelecki; A. Wieczorek; W. Wiślicki; Piotr Witkowski; M. Zieliński; Natalia Zoń
Recent tests of a single module of the Jagiellonian Positron Emission Tomography system (J-PET) consisting of 30 cm long plastic scintillator strips have proven its applicability for the detection of annihilation quanta (0.511 MeV) with a coincidence resolving time (CRT) of 0.266 ns. The achieved resolution is almost by a factor of two better with respect to the current TOF-PET detectors and it can still be improved since, as it is shown in this article, the intrinsic limit of time resolution for the determination of time of the interaction of 0.511 MeV gamma quanta in plastic scintillators is much lower. As the major point of the article, a method allowing to record timestamps of several photons, at two ends of the scintillator strip, by means of matrix of silicon photomultipliers (SiPM) is introduced. As a result of simulations, conducted with the number of SiPM varying from 4 to 42, it is shown that the improvement of timing resolution saturates with the growing number of photomultipliers, and that the [Formula: see text] configuration at two ends allowing to read twenty timestamps, constitutes an optimal solution. The conducted simulations accounted for the emission time distribution, photon transport and absorption inside the scintillator, as well as quantum efficiency and transit time spread of photosensors, and were checked based on the experimental results. Application of the [Formula: see text] matrix of SiPM allows for achieving the coincidence resolving time in positron emission tomography of [Formula: see text]0.170 ns for 15 cm axial field-of-view (AFOV) and [Formula: see text]0.365 ns for 100 cm AFOV. The results open perspectives for construction of a cost-effective TOF-PET scanner with significantly better TOF resolution and larger AFOV with respect to the current TOF-PET modalities.
Physical Review Letters | 2015
D. Eversmann; V. Hejny; F. Hinder; A. Kacharava; J. Pretz; F. Rathmann; M. Rosenthal; F. Trinkel; Serge Andrianov; W. Augustyniak; Z. Bagdasarian; M. Bai; Werner Bernreuther; Susanna Bertelli; Martin Berz; J. Bsaisou; S. Chekmenev; D. Chiladze; G. Ciullo; M. Contalbrigo; J. de Vries; S. Dymov; R. Engels; F. M. Esser; O. Felden; M. Gaisser; R. Gebel; H. Glückler; F. Goldenbaum; K. Grigoryev
A new method to determine the spin tune is described and tested. In an ideal planar magnetic ring, the spin tune-defined as the number of spin precessions per turn-is given by ν(s)=γG (γ is the Lorentz factor, G the gyromagnetic anomaly). At 970 MeV/c, the deuteron spins coherently precess at a frequency of ≈120 kHz in the Cooler Synchrotron COSY. The spin tune is deduced from the up-down asymmetry of deuteron-carbon scattering. In a time interval of 2.6 s, the spin tune was determined with a precision of the order 10^{-8}, and to 1×10^{-10} for a continuous 100 s accelerator cycle. This renders the presented method a new precision tool for accelerator physics; controlling the spin motion of particles to high precision is mandatory, in particular, for the measurement of electric dipole moments of charged particles in a storage ring.
European Physical Journal A | 2002
Z. Rudy; W. Cassing; L. Jarczyk; B. Kamys; P. Kulessa
Abstract:The production of K+-mesons in proton-nucleus collisions from 1.0 to 2.5GeV is analyzed with respect to one-step nucleon-nucleon ( NN → NYK+) and two-step Δ-nucleon ( ΔN → K+YN) or pion-nucleon ( πN → K+Y) production channels on the basis of a coupled-channel transport approach (CBUU) including the kaon final-state interactions. The influence of momentum-dependent potentials for the nucleon, hyperon and kaon in the final state are studied as well as the importance of K+ elastic rescattering in the target nucleus. The transport calculations are compared to the experimental K+ spectra taken at LBL Berkeley, SATURNE, CELSIUS, GSI and COSY-Jülich. It is found that the momentum-dependent baryon potentials affect the excitation function of the K+ cross-section; at low bombarding energies of ∼ 1.0GeV the attractive baryon potentials in the final state lead to a relative enhancement of the kaon yield, whereas the net repulsive potential at bombarding energies ∼ 2GeV causes a decrease of the K+ cross-section. Furthermore, it is pointed out that especially the K+ spectra at low momenta (or kinetic energy TK) allow to determine the in-medium K+ potential almost model independently due to a relative shift of the K+ spectra in kinetic energy that arises from the acceleration of the kaons when propagating out of the nuclear medium to free space, i.e. converting the potential energy to the kinetic energy of the free kaon.
European Physical Journal A | 1994
W. Cassing; T. Demski; L. Jarczyk; B. Kamys; Z. Rudy; O.W.B. Schult; A. Strzałkowski
The production ofK+ mesons in proton-nucleus and deuteron-nucleus collisions is analyzed with respect to one-step nucleon-nucleon (NN → N ΛK+),Δ- nucleon (ΔN → N Λ K+) and two-step pion-nucleon (πN → K+Λ) production channels on the basis of experimental ground state momentum distributions and free on-shell production processes. Whereas forK+ production in proton-nucleus reactions the secondary channelπN clearly dominates at subthreshold energies, meson and nucleon induced channels are of similar magnitude in deuteron-nucleus reactions. Contrary to nucleus-nucleus collisions theΔ induced reaction channels are found to be of minor importance. The experimental differentiation of the underlying microscopic reaction channels appears possible via differential proton —K+ coincidence measurements as shown in detail by the microscopic simulations including proton rescattering.
Acta Physica Polonica B | 2016
G. Korcyl; D. Alfs; T. Bednarski; P. Białas; E. Czerwiński; K. Dulski; A. Gajos; B. Głowacz; B. Jasińska; D. Kamińska; Ł. Kapłon; P. Kowalski; T. Kozik; W. Krzemien; E. Kubicz; M. Mohammed; Sz. Niedźwiecki; M. Palka; M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka; L. Raczyński; Z. Rudy; O. Rundel; Neha Sharma; M. Silarski; A. Słomski; Karol Stoła; A. Strzelecki; A. Wieczorek; W. Wiślicki; B. Zgardzińska
In this paper, we present a complete Data Acquisition System (DAQ) together with the readout mechanisms for the J-PET tomography scanner. In general detector readout chain is constructed out of Front-End Electronics (FEE), measurement devices like Time-to-Digital or Analog-to-Digital Converters (TDCs or ADCs), data collectors and storage. We have developed a system capable for maintaining continuous readout of digitized data without preliminary selection. Such operation mode results in up to 8 Gbps data stream, therefore it is required to introduce a dedicated module for online event building and feature extraction. The Central Controller Module, equipped with Xilinx Zynq SoC and 16 optical transceivers serves as such true real time computing facility. Our solution for the continuous data recording (trigger-less) is a novel approach in such detector systems and assures that most of the information is preserved on the storage for further, high-level processing. Signal discrimination applies an unique method of using LVDS buffers located in the FPGA fabric.