
Featured researches published by Zaidi Che Cob.

PLOS ONE | 2015

Determination of key environmental factors responsible for distribution patterns of fiddler crabs in a tropical mangrove ecosystem

Mohammad Mokhtari; Mazlan Abd Ghaffar; Gires Usup; Zaidi Che Cob

In tropical regions, different species of fiddler crabs coexist on the mangrove floor, which sometimes makes it difficult to define species-specific habitat by visual inspection. The aim of this study is to find key environmental parameters which affect the distribution of fiddler crabs and to determine the habitats in which each species was most abundant. Crabs were collected from 19 sites within the mudflats of Sepang-Lukut mangrove forest. Temperature, porewater salinity, organic matter, water content, carbon and nitrogen content, porosity, chlorophyll content, pH, redox potential, sediment texture and heavy metals were determined in each 1 m2 quadrate. Pearson correlation indicated that all sediment properties except pH and redox potential were correlated with sediment grain size. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicated that Uca paradussumieri was negatively correlated with salinity and redox potential. Sand dwelling species, Uca perplexa and Uca annulipes, were highly dependent on the abundance of 250 μm and 150 μm grain size particles in the sediment. Canonical Discriminative Analysis (CDA) indicated that variation in sediment grain size best explained where each crab species was most abundant. Moreover, U. paradussumieri commonly occupies muddy substrates of low shore, while U. forcipata lives under the shade of mangrove trees. U. annulipes and U. perplexa with the high number of spoon tipped setae on their second maxiliped are specialized to feed on the sandy sediments. U. rosea and U. triangularis are more common on muddy sediment with high sediment density. In conclusion, sediment grain size that influences most sediment properties acts as a main factor responsible for sediment heterogeneity. In this paper, the correlation between fiddler crab species and environmental parameters, as well as the interaction between sediment characteristics, was explained in order to define the important environmental factors in fiddler crab distributions.

Italian Journal of Zoology | 2012

Habitat preference and usage of Strombus canarium Linnaeus, 1758 (Gastropoda: Strombidae) in Malaysian seagrass beds

Zaidi Che Cob; Aziz Arshad; Japar Sidik Bujang; Y. Bakar; K. D. Simon; A. G. Mazlan

Abstract Despite their economic importance, the ecology of Strombus canarium is poorly understood and factors influencing their habitat preferences remain largely unexplained. The species was reported as highly associated with seagrass bed ecosystems, but their distribution and specific preferences within the habitat remain unknown. Determining the mechanisms that regulate conch distribution and abundance is of fundamental importance for management of the species. In this study habitat preference and usage of conch in their natural habitat were investigated. The population was patchily distributed and present in local colonies that comprised of mixed age groups. There was high spatial variation in conch abundance, where multivariate analysis (PCA) showed high preferences for microhabitat with mixed seagrasses dominated by Halophila spp. Other important habitat characteristics preferred were high sediment organic content (% LOI), high sediment sorting (φ), and low mean sediment particulate size. Areas with dense Enhalus acoroides meadows, though in many reports have been linked with the species, were surprisingly the least preferred microhabitat. It is concluded that the preference towards specific microhabitat within the seagrass bed is associated with their feeding, and intra-specific interactions among individuals.

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment | 2011

Description and evaluation of imposex in Strombus canarium Linnaeus, 1758 (Gastropoda, Strombidae): a potential bio-indicator of tributyltin pollution

Zaidi Che Cob; Aziz Arshad; Japar Sidik Bujang; Mazlan Abd Ghaffar

Strombus canarium Linnaeus, 1758 is an important gastropod species within the study area and was traditionally collected for food by the locals. The objective of the present study is to assess the incidence of imposex and its severity in this species. Adult conchs were sampled during their main reproductive period, from October 2005 to January 2006, at Sungai Pulai estuary, Johor Straits, Malaysia. A total of 32.81% of adult females showed imposex characteristics, with varying degrees of severity though. The relative penis size (RPS) index ranged from 1.74 to 33.29 (mean = 13.40 ± 2.27, n = 21), while the relative penis length (RPL) index ranged from 6.28 to 55.19 (mean = 25.83 ± 3.33, n = 21). The use of vas deferens sequence (VDS) index was however cannot be applied as the presence of egg groove obscured any vas deferens development in affected females. Sequence of imposex (male penis) development in female conch, from merely a small stump to an advance male penis homologous was therefore carefully analyzed and described, and an alternative imposex classification scheme was proposed. S. canarium can be a good indicator for monitoring of organotin pollution within the study area. However, more studies are needed in order to further develop and test its validity and application, such as its correlation with levels of pollutant within the tissues and the environment, as well as its application on other Strombus species.

Biology | 2016

Effects of Fiddler Crab Burrows on Sediment Properties in the Mangrove Mudflats of Sungai Sepang, Malaysia

Mohammad Mokhtari; Mazlan Abd Ghaffar; Gires Usup; Zaidi Che Cob

In mangrove ecosystems, litter fall accumulates as refractory organic carbon on the sediment surface and creates anoxic sediment layers. Fiddler crabs, through their burrowing activity, translocate oxygen into the anoxic layers and promote aerobic respiration, iron reduction and nitrification. In this study, the effects of four species of fiddler crabs (Uca triangularis, Uca rosea, Uca forcipata and Uca paradussumieri) on organic content, water content, porosity, redox potential and solid phase iron pools of mangrove sediments were investigated. In each crab’s habitat, six cores down to 30 cm depth were taken from burrowed and non-burrowed sampling plots. Redox potential and oxidized iron pools were highest in surface sediment, while porosity, water and organic content were higher in deeper sediment. Reduced iron (Fe (II)) and redox potential were significantly different between burrowed and non-burrowed plots. Crab burrows extend the oxidized surface layer down to 4 cm depth and through the oxidation effect, reduce the organic content of sediments. The effects of burrows varied between the four species based on their shore location. The oxidation effect of burrows enhance the decomposition rate and stimulate iron reduction, which are processes that are expected to play an important role in biogeochemical properties of mangrove sediments.

THE 2014 UKM FST POSTGRADUATE COLLOQUIUM: Proceedings of the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Faculty of Science and Technology 2014 Postgraduate Colloquium | 2014

Macrobenthos composition, distribution and abundance within Sungai Pulai estuary, Johor, Malaysia

Guan Wan Shi; Lee Di Min; Mazlan Abd Ghaffar; Masni Md Ali; Zaidi Che Cob

Macrobenthos are very useful organisms for monitoring marine environmental and widely use in marine ecology research. They are able to monitor the difference phase in the recovery stage of disturbed sites by appear different species macrobenthos after the cessation of the impact. Univariate and multivariate methods were use to study the macrobenthos community within Sungai Pulai estuary, Johor, Malaysia. Five sub-samples were taken at each sampling sites by using 10 cm diameter corer. Crustaceans were the most abundant at Tanjung Adang (St. 1) and the station of non-seagrass area (St. 2) while polychaetes were the most abundant at Merambong Shoal (St. 3). Higher density of macrobenthos was found at St.3 followed by St. 1 and St. 2. The commonly used population indices such as diversity, richness, evenness and dominance were employed to determine the differences in diversity and abundance of macrobenthos. The diversity, richness and evenness index values showed slight increment from Station 1 to Station 3, while the dominance index decreasing trend from Station 1 to Station 3. A total 21 polychaete families were collected in Sungai Pulai estuary, which was dominated by the Spionidae, Capitellidae and Glyceridae. Cluster (Bray-Curtis similarities) analyses revealed that the Tanjung Adang and Merambong Shoal population were clearly separated from the station non-seagrass. For the time being factors that influence the pattern of distribution of the macrobenthos cannot be determined and subjected to further studies.

tropical life sciences research | 2018

The effects of microalgae as live food for brachionus plicatilis (Rotifer) in intensive culture system

Abdull Razak Abd Rahman; Zaidi Che Cob; Zainoddin Jamari; Abdul Majid Mohamed; Tatsuki Toda; Othman bin Haji Ross

Brachionus plicatilis is used to feed fish and crustacean larvae in the aquaculture industry. It is well established that the type of microalgae may influence rotifer production. This experiment was conducted to determine the effect of five different locally available microalgae species at Fisheries Research Institute (FRI), Kampung Pulau Sayak, Kedah, Malaysia on the instantaneous growth rate (μ) of rotifer. Nannochloris sp., Tetraselmis sp., Isochrysis sp., Chlorella sp., and Nannochloropsis sp. were used as feed at different algae densities (0.1, 0.3, 0.7 and 1.5 × 106 cells/ml) and culture volumes (20, 70 and 210 ml). At algae densities ranging from 0.3 to 1.5 × 106 cells/ml, an average μ value of more than 0.90 per day were recorded for all algae species. However, at density of 0.1 × 106 cells/ml, only Tetraselmis sp. resulted in the significantly highest μ value compared with others (p < 0.05). In terms of volume, smaller culture volume of Tetraselmis sp. (20 ml) showed significantly higher μ compared with higher volume (70 and 210 ml cultures).

Journal of Invertebrate Pathology | 2018

Ultrastructural analysis of Apicomplexa-Like parasites in two conch species Laevistrombus canarium and canarium urceus from Johor Straits, Malaysia

Nur Fauzana Azmi; Mazlan Abd Ghaffar; Hassan Mohd Daud; Zaidi Che Cob

The tropical conch, Laevistrombus canarium (Linnaeus, 1758) and Canarium urceus (Linneaus, 1758) are ecologically and economically important shellfish species in Malaysia and neighboring region. Their populations, however are currently declining and this histopathological study investigates the aspect of parasitism and diseases that may affect their well-being. Conch samples were randomly collected from their natural habitat and histological sections (4-5 µm) of various organs and tissues were examined under light microscope. This was followed by ultrastructure analysis on infected tissues using transmission electron microscope (TEM). Based on the histological analysis, large numbers of gamonts, sporocysts and trophozoites of Apicomplexa-like parasites were observed in the vacuolated cells and pyramidal crypt cells of the digestive tubules, and in the digestive ducts. Furthermore, coccidian and oocysts-like Pseudoklossia sp. stages were also observed in the cells of the kidney. Apart from that, spores with cyst-like structure were observed in the digestive gland and kidney. Although the parasites were present in most of the organs analyzed, there was no obvious symptom, inflammatory response or mortality incurred on both species, which implies the possibility of a non-virulent relationship like commensalisms or mutualism. However, more investigations, including molecular studies, are needed to confirm the parasite identification and dynamics, and to further evaluate the nature of relationship between Apicomplexa parasites and their host.

2017 UKM FST Postgraduate Colloquium | 2018

Parasites and pathological condition in Green mussel Perna viridis Linnaeus, 1758 from western Johor Straits, Malaysia

Nur Fauzana Azmi; Mazlan Abd Ghaffar; Zaidi Che Cob

This study describes the parasites and pathological condition of infected organ of the green mussel Perna viridis from Merambong Shoal, Western Johor Straits, Malaysia. Samples were collected randomly in November and December 2013. Histopathology techniques using Masson’s Trichrome staining protocol were performed and the thin sections were observed under light microscope. Result showed that gonad was the most infected organ followed by the digestive tubule, adductor muscle, intestine and mantle tissue. The parasites (apicomplexa) such as spore-like Nematopsis, macrogamont-like coccidian, mature oocyst-like coccidian, unidentified coccidian and protozoan were found in the adductor muscle, gonad and mantle. Meanwhile, the pathological conditions were found in all infected organs except the gill, such as particular melanin deposits in cytoplasm, Rickettsia-like or Chlamydiae organism and bacteria-like inclusions. Haemocytic infiltrations were found in the surrounding connective tissues of all infected organ...

Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | 2017

Ontogenetic changes in feeding and food preferences of the dog conch Laevistrombus canarium Linnaeus 1758 (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from Merambong shoal, Malaysia

Wan Nurul Wan Hassan Husna; Abd Ghaffar Mazlan; Zaidi Che Cob

Laevistrombus canarium is one of the marine gastropod mollusks that have high commercial value, particularly in the aquaculture sector in Malaysia. This study was conducted to determine the feeding and food items of L. canarium at different ontogenetic stages (juveniles, sub-adults and adults) from Merambong shoals, Malaysia. Field observations on feeding activity were conducted, followed by detailed laboratory analysis on the stomach content. Five-minutes observations on randomly selected individuals were conducted at the field sampling site and their feeding activities were recorded with reference to age stage. Various shell sizes from each ontogenetic stage were randomly collected and quickly anaesthetized with ice and preserved in 10% formalin before being transported to the laboratory for stomach content analyses. Field observations showed that L. canarium mainly grazed on epiphytes occurring on seagrass (46.67%), followed by sediment surface (40%) and epiphytes occurring on macroalgae (13.33%). Stomach content analyses showed a significant difference (P <0.05) in gastro-somatic index (Gasi) between the juveniles (0.39±0.05), sub-adults (0.68±0.09) and adults (0.70±0.05) (P <0.05). Food items found in the conch stomach include diatoms, detritus, foraminifera, seagrass and macroalgae fragments, sand particles and shell fragments. The Index of Relative Importance (%IRI) indicates three main types of food dominated the three ontogenetic stages namely diatoms, sand particles and detritus. However, no significant difference (P >0.05) was detected between the three main food items (diatoms, sand particles and detritus) among the ontogenetic stages. Therefore, feeding activity revealed the role of the dog conch in the marine food network. While, classification of the types of food consumed by L. canarium through stomach content analysis determines the particular position of the gastropod in the food chain. Further studies are needed to provide a better insight between trophic relationships of L. canarium with marine ecosystem.

THE 2016 UKM FST POSTGRADUATE COLLOQUIUM: Proceedings of the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Faculty of Science and Technology 2016 Postgraduate Colloquium | 2016

Comparison of zooplankton abundance and community in seagrass and non-seagrass areas of Merambong shoal

Afiq Auji Azmi; Teruaki Yoshida; Tatsuki Toda; Othman bin Haji Ross; Zaidi Che Cob

A zooplankton comparison study of Merambong shoal’s seagrass and non-seagrass area was conducted from April 2013 to October 2014. Sampling was conducted monthly at fixed stations by horizontal tows of a 140 µm plankton net. Mean temperature was significantly higher during the south-west (SW) monsoon at both stations. Salinity and Chlorophyll a concentrations were not significantly different between the monsoons for both stations. However, Chlorophyll a concentrations were significantly higher in the seagrass compared to non-seagrass station. Mean zooplankton abundance was 1.32-fold higher in the non-seagrass area (4006.5±1990.5 ind/m³) than the seagrass area (3030.1± 855.6 ind/m³), despite overall higher Chlorophyll a levels in the seagrass station. At the seagrass station, the dominant copepods Paracalanus and Parvocalanus abundances were significantly higher (p<0.01, Mann-Whitney) during the SW monsoon, while Euterpina was significantly lower (p<0.04, Mann-Whitney). The non-seagrass station also showed ...

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