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Featured researches published by Zdeněk Kučera.

Ergo | 2017

Patent activities of the Czech enterprises – an international comparison

Zdeněk Kučera; Tomáš Vondrák; Ondřej Pecha

Abstract The Czech enterprise sector shows in a long term a significantly lower patent activity in comparison with both the most innovation-intensive EU economies, and the EU-15 average. The topic of this contribution is a comparison of the quality and the volume of the industrial property rights created in the Czech enterprises with a selected EU-15 countries classified as innovation leaders, strong and moderate innovators. Two new EU members, namely Poland and Hungary, were also included in the comparisons. The analysis shows that the number of the international patent applications registered by enterprises with the EPO and under the PCT treaty is by more than one order lower in comparison with both the innovation-intensive countries like Denmark, Germany, or Netherlands and the countries whose innovation performance is comparable to the Czech Republic. The Czech enterprises unlike their counterparts in the innovation-intensive countries register the priority applications with the home country patent office and only a small fraction is subsequently registered with EPO and under the PCT. Also the size of the patent families and subsequent citations of the Czech patents by other patent applications lags behind the innovation-intensive countries. The low patenting activity of the Czech enterprises correlates with a low expenditure on R&D. The Czech enterprises are somehow limited in the creation of knowledge giving rise to internationally competitive products which would demand international industrial property claims. The analysis also indicates that patent applications co-authored by Czech inventors are extensively owned by foreign corporations. The Czech enterprises produce a larger fraction of patents in collaboration with research organizations than foreign ones. It indicates that enterprises are interested in tapping in the research capacity of the universities and governmental R&D establishment. The detail analysis of the data in the national R&D Information System indicates that the number of patents created by enterprises supported by applied R&D programs is currently rather low. Beside the stimulation of the Czech enterprises to the in-house R&D spending it is necessary to support long-term strategic alliances of enterprises with research organizations. It will create a fertile environment for the development of radical innovations which are a key factor for the increase of international competitiveness and market shares.

Ergo | 2013

R&D collaboration of EU countries with partners beyond the EU group

Zdeněk Kučera; Tomáš Vondrák; Daniel Frank

International collaboration is an important factor stimulating the advancement of national research and development. In this paper we use bibliometric analysis for the evaluation of the extent and the intensity of collaboration of EU countries with partners beyond the EU group. The main partner of the EU is the USA whose authors participate on nearly one tenth of European scientific publications. Within the 6th and 7th Framework Programme, measured by the number of R&D teams, Russia dominates. Former socialist countries exhibit a broader orientation towards Russia and other countries of the former USSR than the EU-15 countries. The number of US R&D teams involved in collaboration with Czech entities is only about one third of the Russian ones.

Ergo | 2018

Key Enabling Technologies – is the Czech Republic catching up the leading countries in innovation and technology?

Zdeněk Kučera; Tomáš Vondrák

Abstract The topic of this contribution is a comparison of the research & development related to the “key enabling technologies” (KETs) in the Czech Republic and the European Union as a whole with selected non-European economies. A further aim of this article is an appraisal of the effect of the European strategies and action programmes which have been implemented since the turn of the decade and which target the lagging of EU in innovations in critical technologies. We use the publication and the patent activities as a proxy to assess the intensity of the KETs oriented R&D. The Asian countries Japan, South Korea and the fast growing China have the highest fraction of KETs oriented publications and patents in their national output. The Chinese State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) recorded in 2015 a half of the world patent applications related to KETs. Measured by their share of publications, the Asian countries exhibit a significantly more intensive R&D in the majority of KETs. Whereas the patent activity of the Asian countries grows the number of patent applications in the EU stagnates in the recent years and EU visibly lags behind the Asian competitors. The EU R&D policies and strategies aimed at the promotion of KET and the financial support does not seem exhibiting visible effects. In the Czech republic KETs became an organic component of the National Research and Innovation Strategy for the intelligent specialisation (National RIS3 strategy) and a number of targeted public financing programmes support KETs related projects. The situation in the Czech Republic has been evolving in a positive way between 2008 and 2016. Both the number of publications and patent applications related to KETs has been increasing and the growth dynamics approaches the Asian countries. The number of publications per research worker in the Czech Republic is on par with the EU. Due to a stronger growth in recent years of the number of patent applications in comparison to EU the Czech republic reached the EU average per researcher and the fraction of the KETs related applications surpasses the EU average and even some developed countries.

Ergo | 2017

The analysis of the public support, results, and the research field structure of the Czech security R&D in the years 2010–2015

Martin Faťun; Zdeněk Kučera; Tomáš Vondrák

Abstract The article is devoted to an analysis of the public support and results of the security oriented R&D in Czechia in the years 2011–2015. The aim is to provide a knowledge base for active participation of users of results and existing and potential beneficiaries of public support in the development of the system and programs of the security research after 2017. The introductory part of the text describes the national environment of the security R&D, and the methodology of the data analysis of projects and programs and the bibliometric analyses of results of the security research. The analysis is focused in particular upon the distribution of the public funding, and the results obtained in R&D programs financed by the Ministry of the interior (MoI). The existing overlaps between R&D activities sponsored by MoI and by other governmental bodies are also examined.

Ergo | 2017

The involvement of Czechia in the international cooperation in the security research in the years 2010–2015

Zdeněk Kučera; Martin Faťun; Daniel Frank; Tomáš Vondrák

Abstract The aim of the paper is to assess the Czech participation in international cooperation in the security research and to identify obstacles which prevent a higher involvement of research teams from the Czech Republic in this cooperation. The methodological approach to the analysis and the used data sources are briefly described in the first part of the paper. In the next part we present the results of the analysis of the participation of entities from the Czech Republic in projects dealing with security issues, which were supported by the 7th Framework Program for Research and Technological Development and Horizon 2020, and by some other programs supporting the international cooperation in R&D. The obtained information is supplemented by results of the questionnaire survey between research organizations active in security research and by the findings of the expert workshop.

Ergo | 2016

The research and development in the engineering field in the higher education system of the Czech Republic and its international comparison

Zdeněk Kučera; Tomáš Vondrák

Abstract The Czech Republic is at the forefront of the EU in the contribution of the manufacturing to the total gross value added. The Czech industry contributes significantly to the positive balance of trade of the country. The overall international competitiveness of the Czech Republic will depend upon the innovation performance of the manufacturing sector and its competitiveness on the foreign markets. A necessary condition for extending the share on the foreign markets is the effective harnessing of the national R&D capacity and a strong qualified local workforce. This contribution uses a bibliometric and a patent analysis for the assessment of the R&D carried out by the Czech higher education institutions (HEIs) oriented towards the engineering fields, and selected more general universities, and compares them with similar HEIs in a selected group of developed countries. The analysis indicates that the Czech publication activity in the field of engineering grows. The Czech publications in engineering are cited below the world average which indicates that their impact (and to some extent the quality of the underlying R&D) lags behind the world. The patent activity of the Czech HEIs is on the international scale rather weak. The patenting activity of the Czech HEIs strongly grows since the middle of the last decade. This may by a side effect of the new evaluation methodology which takes into account also the patents. The number of patents registered with the Czech Industrial Property Office increases but on the other hand the international patenting activities tend to stagnate. This gives rise to questions about the real value of the produced patents from the point of their importance for the export competitiveness of the Czech industry.

Ergo | 2016

The patent activity of the Czech R&D organizations and its international comparison

Zdeněk Kučera; Tomáš Vondrák

Abstract An effective knowledge transfer between research institutions and industry is a significant bottleneck in the national innovation system. CR adopted in recent years a series of systemic measures aimed to stimulate the orientation of the R&D organizations towards the generation of knowledge directly applicable in the innovation process and more generally to improve the collaboration of the R&D establishment with the industry. In the majority of programs supporting the applied research patents and industrial designs and utility models are among the anticipated results. The Methodology of the evaluation of R&D organizations implemented in the second half of the last decade brought financial bonuses for the creation of the results in the category of industrial property. Despite of this stimulus CR lags behind the technologically advanced EU countries in the patent activities. The topic of this article is a comparison of the protection of the industrial property rights in the Czech higher education institutions and governmental R&D institutions with selected EU countries. We make use of a couple of quantitative indicators to assess the quality and the technological and the commercial potential of the produced industrial property. Despite a dynamic growth of the patent applications in the CR the number of patent applications relative to the country size is far below the EU-15 average. The Czech research organizations contribute to a higher extent to the number of patent applications then do the analogous institutions in EU-15 countries where the majority of patent applications come from the industrial sphere. The Czech research organizations mainly limit the patent rights to the Czech Republic whereas in the EU-15 countries the opposite is preponderant and only a small fraction of patent applications remains limited to the national environment. Thus the majority of the Czech patents created by research organizations cannot be commercialized on the international scene nor can contribute to the international competitiveness of the Czech industry. The patent applications submitted by the Czech research organizations are significantly less cited. This indicates that the protected intellectual property is of lesser importance. The Methodology of the evaluation of research organizations which was implemented in the second half of the last decade has visibly stimulated the patent activities of the research organizations but simultaneously an absence of any assessment of a future commercialization promoted a production of intellectual property of a limited commercial usability.

Ergo | 2015

Key Enabling Technologies – pozice České republiky v rámci EU a porovnání s vybranými zahraničními zeměmi

Zdeněk Kučera; Tomáš Vondrák

„Klíčové umožňující technologie“ (Key Enabling Technologies, KETs) představující technologie náročné na znalosti a spojené s intenzivním VaV, rychlými inovačními cykly, vysokými kapitálovými náklady a vysoce kvalifikovanými pracovními místy, jsou zdrojem inovací v celé řadě technologických oblastí. KETs proto stojí v popředí zájmu tvůrců politiky výzkumu, vývoje a inovací a jsou zapracovány do řady strategicko-koncepčních dokumentů zaměřených na oblast VaVaI. V ČR jsou KETs zapracovány do Strategie pro inteligentní specializaci (RIS3) a také některé nově připravené programy na podporu VaVaI svými cíli a zaměřením zohledňují tyto technologické oblasti. Jak však vyplývá z provedené analýzy, ČR ve VaV zatím ve většině KETs zaostává nejen za předními technologicky vyspělými zeměmi, jako jsou USA či Korejská republika, ale i za průměrem zemí EU-28. Uspokojivou pozici má ČR pouze v případě nanotechnologií, kde patentová i publikační aktivita předstihuje většinu členských států EU. Naopak největší „zaostávání“ je patrné v případě mikro- a nanoelektroniky. Také podíl produktů využívajících KETs v celkovém vývozu je v ČR poněkud nižší, než je tomu v případě technologicky vyspělých zemí zařazených do této srovnávací studie. Vzhledem k tomu, že KETs jsou zapracovány do národní RIS3 strategie a do připravovaných operačních programů i některých programů připravených na národní úrovni, lze očekávat, že kvalita VaV se v těchto významných technologických oblastech bude v ČR postupně zvyšovat a nové poznatky budou využívány efektivněji v podnikových inovacích.

Ergo | 2015

Key Enabling Technologies v ČR – internacionalizace výzkumu a průmyslového vlastnictví / Key Enabling Technologies in the Czech Republic – the internationalization of research and of industrial property rights

Zdeněk Kučera; Tomáš Vondrák

This article aims to examine the character of the international relationships of the Czech Republic in R&D in the Key Enabling Technologies (KETs), and in the protection of international industrial property rights. The analysis of the publication activities indicates an increase of the internationalization of the Czech R&D in nanotechnology and to a lesser extent in advanced manufacturing technologies both in an absolute volume and relatively to the overall internalization of the whole Czech R&D system. The R&D related to KETs uses the foreign expertise less than is the overall extent of the R&D international collaboration of the Czech Republic. The traditional Czech R&D partners USA, UK, and Germany dominate in the KETs oriented collaborations. The collaboration in photonics and micro- and nanoelectronic with Japan, in nanotechnology with Malaysia and in advanced materials with Singapore is significantly higher than the overall collaboration with these countries. On the other side it is rather disquieting, that countries with advanced R&D like Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Sweden are underrepresented in the KETs oriented Czech collaborative research. The patent analysis indicates that almost a half of the inventions in which the Czech researchers participated, is co-owned by foreign subjects. This probably relates to a significant number of global corporations or subsidiaries with R&D operating in the Czech Republic. In micro- and nanolelectronics and to a significant extent in photonics more than half of patent applications are co-owned by foreign entities. Most of the patent applications originating from Czech inventors are owned by US subjects. On the other hand the fraction of patent applications which have foreign inventors and are co-owned by Czech subjects is significantly lower in comparison with developed countries.

Ergo | 2014

Energy research in the Czech Republic – comparison of R&D expenditure and results with foreign countries

Zdeněk Kučera; Tomáš Vondrák

Abstract Energy research is one of the fields of the National Priorities of Oriented Research, Experimental Development and Innovations. The Czech Republic is facing rather ambitious targets in the utilization of renewable energy resources, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and improvement of the overall energetic efficiency of the national economy. The fulfilling of these goals will require an intensive R&D in a broad spectrum of disciplines and technology fields. The present article evaluates the extent and the structure of the support of the energy research in the Czech Republic and brings comparisons with foreign countries both in expenditure and results in various research fields. The Czech Republic spends relatively more public resources in the nuclear technology research. It is accompanied by higher publication activities. It is in a stark contrast with significantly lower patenting activities in this field, except of the branch of non-fossil fuel production, in comparison with both the World and EU-27 countries.


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