
45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit | 2007

Airframe Design for "Silent Aircraft"

James I. Hileman; Zoltán S. Spakovszky; Mark Drela; Matthew Sargeant

The noise goal of the Silent Aircraft Initiative, a collaborative effort between industry, academia and government agencies led by Cambridge University and MIT, demands an airframe design with noise as a prime design variable. This poses a number of design challenges and the necessary design philosophy inherently cuts across multiple disciplines involving aerodynamics, structures, acoustics, mission analysis and operations, and dynamics and control. This paper discusses a novel design methodology synthesizing first principles analysis and high-fidelity simulations, and presents the conceptual design of an aircraft with a calculated noise level of 62 dBA at the airport perimeter. This is near the background noise in a well populated area, making the aircraft imperceptible to the human ear on takeoff and landing. The all-lifting airframe of the conceptual aircraft design also has the potential for a reduced fuel burn of 124 passenger-miles per gallon, a 25% improvement compared to existing commercial aircraft. A key enabling technology in this conceptual design is the aerodynamic shaping of the airframe centerbody which is the main focus of this paper. Design requirements and challenges are identified and the resulting aerodynamic design is discussed in depth. The paper concludes with suggestions for continued research on enabling technologies for quiet commercial aircraft.

Journal of Aircraft | 2010

Airframe Design for Silent Fuel-Efficient Aircraft

James I. Hileman; Zoltán S. Spakovszky; M. Drela; M. A. Sargeant; Anya R. Jones

The noise goal of the Silent Aircraft Initiative, a collaborative effort between the University of Cambridge and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, demanded an airframe design with noise as a prime design variable and a design philosophy that cut across multiple disciplines. This paper discusses a novel design methodology synthesizing first-principles analysis and high-fidelity simulations, and it presents the conceptual design of an aircraft with a calculated noise level of 62 dBA at the airport perimeter. This is near the background noise in a well-populated area, making the aircraft imperceptible to the human ear on takeoff and landing. The all-lifting airframe of the conceptual aircraft design also has the potential for improved fuel efficiency, as compared with existing commercial aircraft. A key enabling technology in this conceptual design is the aerodynamic shaping of the airframe centerbody. Design requirements and challenges are identified, and the resulting aerodynamic design is discussed in depth. The paper concludes with suggestions for continued research on enabling technologies for quiet commercial aircraft.

Journal of Turbomachinery-transactions of The Asme | 2015

Origins and Structure of Spike-Type Rotating Stall

Graham Pullan; A. M. Young; Ivor Day; E. M. Greitzer; Zoltán S. Spakovszky

© 2015 by ASME. In this paper, we describe the structures that produce a spike-type route to rotating stall and explain the physical mechanism for their formation. The descriptions and explanations are based on numerical simulations, complemented and corroborated by experiments. It is found that spikes are caused by a separation at the leading edge due to high incidence. The separation gives rise to shedding of vorticity from the leading edge and the consequent formation of vortices that span between the suction surface and the casing. As seen in the rotor frame of reference, near the casing the vortex convects toward the pressure surface of the adjacent blade. The approach of the vortex to the adjacent blade triggers a separation on that blade so the structure propagates. The above sequence of events constitutes a spike. The computed structure of the spike is shown to be consistent with rotor leading edge pressure measurements from the casing of several compressors: the centre of the vortex is responsible for a pressure drop and the partially blocked passages associated with leading edge separations produce a pressure rise. The simulations show leading edge separation and shed vortices over a range of tip clearances including zero. The implication, in accord with recent experimental findings, is that they are not part of the tip clearance vortex. Although the computations always show high incidence to be the cause of the spike, the conditions that give rise to this incidence (e.g., blockage from a corner separation or the tip leakage jet from the adjacent blade) do depend on the details of the compressor.

44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit | 2006

Multidisciplinary Design and Optimization of the Silent Aircraft

Adam Diedrich; James I. Hileman; David Tan; Karen Willcox; Zoltán S. Spakovszky

A “silent † aircraft” is defined to be an aircraft that, in a typical urban area, is inaudible outside of the airport boundary. This paper describes the creation, implementation, and use of an integrated design tool to predict and optimize the performance and costs associated with producing a novel, commercial aircraft design with a step change in noise reduction. The silent aircraft uses a highly integrated configuration where a quiet propulsion system is embedded in a Blended-Wing-Body type airframe. This allows the shielding of forward radiated engine noise and the extensive use of acoustic liners. Multidisciplinary aircraft design models, which use a combination of simple physics and empirical relations, are adapted for the silent aircraft configuration. These models are used in conjunction with a multidisciplinary planform optimization capability. The resulting silent aircraft design is assessed in terms of performance and acoustic signature. Significant component noise reductions can be achieved with a design that has a fuel burn competitive with next-generation commercial aircraft. Barriers to achieving the aggressive noise goal of the Silent Aircraft Initiative and the associated required technology developments are described.

Journal of Turbomachinery-transactions of The Asme | 2012

Rotor Interaction Noise in Counter-Rotating Propfan Propulsion Systems

Andreas Peters; Zoltán S. Spakovszky

Due to their inherent noise challenge and potential for significant reductions in fuel burn, counter-rotating propfans (CRPs) are currently being investigated as potential alternatives to high-bypass turbofan engines. This paper introduces an integrated noise and performance assessment methodology for advanced propfan powered aircraft configurations. The approach is based on first principles and combines a coupled aircraft and propulsion system mission and performance analysis tool with 3D unsteady, full-wheel CRP computational fluid dynamics computations and aeroacoustic simulations. Special emphasis is put on computing CRP noise due to interaction tones. The method is capable of dealing with parametric studies and exploring noise reduction technologies. An aircraft performance, weight and balance, and mission analysis was first conducted on a candidate CRP powered aircraft configuration. Guided by data available in the literature, a detailed aerodynamic design of a pusher CRP was carried out. Full-wheel unsteady 3D Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulations were then used to determine the time varying blade surface pressures and unsteady flow features necessary to define the acoustic source terms. A frequency domain approach based on Goldstein’s formulation of the acoustic analogy for moving media and Hanson’s single rotor noise method was extended to counter-rotating configurations. The far field noise predictions were compared to measured data of a similar CRP configuration and demonstrated good agreement between the computed and measured interaction tones. The underlying noise mechanisms have previously been described in literature but, to the authors’ knowledge, this is the first time that the individual contributions of front-rotor wake interaction, aft-rotor upstream influence, hub-endwall secondary flows, and front-rotor tip-vortices to interaction tone noise are dissected and quantified. Based on this investigation, the CRP was redesigned for reduced noise incorporating a clipped rear-rotor and increased rotor-rotor spacing to reduce upstream influence, tip-vortex, and wake interaction effects. Maintaining the thrust and propulsive efficiency at takeoff conditions, the noise was calculated for both designs. At the interaction tone frequencies, the redesigned CRP demonstrated an average reduction of 7.25 dB in mean sound pressure level computed over the forward and aft polar angle arcs. On the engine/aircraft system level, the redesigned CRP demonstrated a reduction of 9.2 dB in effective perceived noise (EPNdB) and 8.6 EPNdB at the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) 36 flyover and sideline observer locations, respectively. The results suggest that advanced open rotor designs can possibly meet Stage 4 noise requirements.

IEEE\/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems | 2010

Fabrication and Performance of Silicon-Embedded Permanent-Magnet Microgenerators

Florian Herrault; Bernard C. Yen; Chang-Hyeon Ji; Zoltán S. Spakovszky; Jeffrey H. Lang; Mark G. Allen

This paper focuses on the design, fabrication, and characterization of silicon-packaged permanent-magnet (PM) microgenerators. The use of silicon packaging favors fine control on shape and dimensions in batch fabrication and provides a path toward high rotational speeds (1Mr/min), a requirement for ultimate compactness of microgenerators. The successful silicon packaging of these microgenerators consisted of three essential elements: (1) a winding scheme allowing both nonplanar fabrication and through-wafer interconnects; (2) laminations built into the silicon for enhanced electrical performance; and (3) a balancing scheme for the heavy PM rotor to ensure its maximum performance. The devices were fabricated using bonded silicon wafers, integrated magnetics, and an electroplated metal. The mechanical strength of the 12-mm-diameter silicon-packaged PM rotors was evaluated at high rotational speeds using an external spindle drive. Speeds up to 200000 r/min were achieved prior to a mechanical rotor failure. The generators were electrically characterized, and an output power in excess of 1 W across a resistive load of 0.32 ¿ was measured at a maximum speed. A 225% power increase was also experimentally determined due to the addition of a laminated stator back iron.

Journal of Aircraft | 2010

Stability of Hybrid-Wing-Body-Type Aircraft with Centerbody Leading-Edge Carving

M. A. Sargeant; T. P. Hynes; Wr Graham; James I. Hileman; M. Drela; Zoltán S. Spakovszky

The silent-aircraft experimental aircraft are balanced by generating lift near the aircraft nose through leading-edge carving of the centerbody. The use of leading-edge carving over the centerbody is novel, in that previous blended-wing-body aircraft have balanced the aircraft by downloading the centerbody (via reflex camber) to achieve the effect of a tail. This paper decomposes the aerodynamic forces into contributions from spanwise sections to explain how three-dimensional flow effects are beneficial in allowing the silent-aircraft experimental aircraft to be both statically stable and to have an elliptical lift distribution over a large range of angles of attack. By analyzing the results in this manner, rationale is also given as to why, unlike other blended-wing-body-type configurations, the silent-aircraft-experimental design can use supercritical unstable-outer-wing airfoil profiles to generate a balanced and stable aircraft. The results are then used to develop a methodology to aid the aircraft designer in determining the amount of leading-edge carving that is necessary to achieve static stability for blended-wing-body-type aircraft.

Journal of Tribology-transactions of The Asme | 2012

Foil Bearing Design Guidelines for Improved Stability

Jürg Alexander Schiffmann; Zoltán S. Spakovszky

Experimental evidence in the literature suggests that foil bearing-supported rotors can suffer from subsynchronous vibration. While dry friction between top foil and bump foil is thought to provide structural damping, subsynchronous vibration is still an unresolved issue. The current paper aims to shed new light onto this matter and discusses the impact of various design variables on stable foil bearing-supported rotor operation. It is shown that, while a time domain integration of the equations of motion of the rotor coupled with the Reynolds equation for the fluid film is necessary to quantify the evolution of the rotor orbit, the underlying mechanism and the onset speed of instability can be predicted by coupling a reduced order foil bearing model with a rigid-body, linear, rotordynamic model. A sensitivity analysis suggests that structural damping has limited effect on stability. Further, it is shown that the location of the axial feed line of the top foil significantly influences the bearing load capacity and stability. The analysis indicates that the static fluid film pressure distribution governs rotordynamic stability. Therefore, selective shimming is introduced to tailor the unperturbed pressure distribution for improved stability. The required pattern is found via multiobjective optimization using the foil bearing-supported rotor model. A critical mass parameter is introduced as a measure for stability, and a criterion for whirl instability onset is proposed. It is shown that, with an optimally shimmed foil bearing, the critical mass parameter can be improved by more than two orders of magnitude. The optimum shim patterns are summarized for a variety of foil bearing geometries with different L/D ratios and different degrees of foil compliance in a first attempt to establish more general guidelines for stable foil bearing design. At low compressibility (λ < 2), the optimum shim patterns vary little with bearing geometry; thus, a generalized shim pattern is proposed for low compressibility numbers.

Journal of Turbomachinery-transactions of The Asme | 2001

Unsteady Flow and Whirl-Inducing Forces in Axial-Flow Compressors: Part II—Analysis

F. F. Ehrich; Zoltán S. Spakovszky; M. Martinez-Sanchez; S. J. Song; D. C. Wisler; A. F. Storace; H.-W. Shin; B. F. Beacher

An experimental and theoretical investigation was conducted to evaluate the effects seen in axial-flow compressors when the centerline of the rotor becomes displaced from the centerline of the static structure of the engine, thus creating circumferentially nonuniform rotor-tip clearances. This displacement produces unsteady flow and creates a system of destabilizing forces, which contribute significantly to rotor whirl instability in turbomachinery. These forces were first identified by Thomas (1958. Bull. AIM, 71, No. 11/12, pp. 1039-1063.) for turbines and by Alford (1965. J. Eng. Power, Oct., pp. 333-334) for jet engines. In Part I, the results from an experimental investigation of these phenomena were presented. In this Part II, three analytic models were used to predict both the magnitude and direction of the Thomas/Alford force in its normalized form, known as the β coefficient, and the unsteady effects for the compressors tested in Part I. In addition, the effects of a whirling shaft were simulated to evaluate differences between a rotor with static offset and an actual whirling eccentric rotor. The models were also used to assess the influence of the nonaxisymmetric static pressure distribution on the rotor spool, which was not measured in the experiment. The models evaluated were (I) the two-sector parallel compressor (2SPC) model, (2) the infinite-segment-parallel-compressor (ISPC) model, and (3) the two-coupled actuator disk (2CAD) model. The results of these analyses were found to be in agreement with the experimental data in both sign and trend. Thus, the validated models provide a general means to predict the aerodynamic destabilizing forces for axial flow compressors in turbine engines. These tools have the potential to improve the design of rotordynamically stable turbomachinery.

Journal of Turbomachinery-transactions of The Asme | 2014

Ultrashort Nacelles for Low Fan Pressure Ratio Propulsors

Andreas Peters; Zoltán S. Spakovszky; Wesley K. Lord; Becky Rose

As the propulsor fan pressure ratio (FPR) is decreased for improved fuel burn, reduced emissions and noise, the fan diameter grows and innovative nacelle concepts with short inlets are required to reduce their weight and drag. This paper addresses the uncharted inlet and nacelle design space for low-FPR propulsors where fan and nacelle are more closely coupled than in current turbofan engines. The paper presents an integrated fan–nacelle design framework, combining a spline-based inlet design tool with a fast and reliable body-force-based approach for the fan rotor and stator blade rows to capture the inlet–fan and fan–exhaust interactions and flow distortion at the fan face. The new capability enables parametric studies of characteristic inlet and nacelle design parameters with a short turn-around time. The interaction of the rotor with a region of high streamwise Mach number at the fan face is identified as the key mechanism limiting the design of short inlets. The local increase in Mach number is due to flow acceleration along the inlet internal surface coupled with a reduction in effective flow area. For a candidate short-inlet design with length over diameter ratio L/D = 0.19, the streamwise Mach number at the fan face near the shroud increases by up to 0.16 at cruise and by up to 0.36 at off-design conditions relative to a long-inlet propulsor with L/D = 0.5. As a consequence, the rotor locally operates close to choke resulting in fan efficiency penalties of up to 1.6% at cruise and 3.9% at off-design. For inlets with L/D < 0.25, the benefit from reduced nacelle drag is offset by the reduction in fan efficiency, resulting in propulsive efficiency penalties. Based on a parametric inlet study, the recommended inlet L/D is suggested to be between 0.25 and 0.4. The performance of a candidate short inlet with L/D = 0.25 was assessed using full-annulus unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) simulations at critical design and off-design operating conditions. The candidate design maintains the propulsive efficiency of the baseline case and fuel burn benefits are conjectured due to reductions in nacelle weight and drag compared to an aircraft powered by the baseline propulsor.

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