
Featured researches published by Zuheid Noor.

Jurnal Agritech Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian UGM | 2014

Oksidasi Protein Daging Merah dan Putih pada Ikan Tongkol Putih (Thunus Sp) oleh Sistim Katalis Logam CUSO./Ho.

Daniel Ambrosius Nicolas Apituley; Zuheid Noor; Purnama Darmadji; Suparmo Suparmo

properties of foodstuff including fish muscles, hence protein oxidation will provide significant effect the integrity of the foodstuff (fish muscles). The aims of this study were to examine the effect of metal–catalyzed oxidation concentration CuSO4 / H202 on the formation of carbOnyl protein, loss of protein solubility and protein denaturation in red and white meat of White Tuna (Thunus sp). The result indicated that the formation of carbonyl protein offish protein was influenced by types of meat and metal-catalyzed oxidation concentration CuSO4/H202. 1,02. The higher the concentration Cu504/ H20 ? the higher increased the carbonyl protein product in both white and red meat. Formation of carbonyl protein was also increased with the storage time. However, the increase of carbonyl protein of red meat is higher compare with the white meat. Counter post the existence of hidroxyl radical produced from metal-catalyzed oxidation apparently leads to the modification of secondary and tertiary structure of the protein, in turn affect to the protein solubility and protein denaturation. The percentage of loss of protein solubility in red and white meat were 28.74 – 45.31 % and 23.13 – 34.50 % respectively. While the percentage of the protein denaturation of red and white meat were 38.88 % and 32.00 % respectively.

Archive | 2003

Pengaruh Diet Kacang Merah terhadap Kadar Gula Darah Tikus Diabetik Induksi Alloxan

Yustinus Marsono; Zuheid Noor; Fitri Rahmawati

Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian | 2012

Hypoglycemic Effect Determination of Soybean, Soybean Protein Fraction and Tempe in Diabetic Rats

Siti Narsito Wulan; Mary Astuti; Yustinus Marsono; Zuheid Noor

Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Indonesia | 2017


Boetle Rumahrupute; Zuheid Noor; Suparmo Suparmo

Agritech: Jurnal Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian UGM | 2017

Peran Lactoferin Susu Kuda sebagai Imunomodulator dalam Respon Imun Humoral

Nurliyani Nurliyani; Mochamad Adnan; Wayan Tunas Artama; Zuheid Noor

Agritech | 2017

Konsentrat Serat Kedelai : Preparasi dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Sifat Fisik dan Kimia Digesta pada Tikus

Sri Budi Wahjuningsih; Yustinus Marsono; Zuheid Noor

Agritech | 2017

Sifat dan Potensi Serat Pangan pada "Gudeg Kering"

Priyanto Triwitono; Suparmo Suparmo; Zuheid Noor

Agritech | 2017

Cooking Tenderization of Meat

Zuheid Noor

Agritech | 2017

Pengaruh Penambahan Tepung Kacang Hijau dan Gliseril Monostearat Pada Tepung Jagung Terhadap Sifat Fisik dan Organoleptis Roti Tawar yang Dihasilkan

Rob Mudjisihono; S. Joni Munarso; Zuheid Noor

Agritech | 2017

Pengurangan Asam Fitat Biji Kedele dengan Cara Pengupasan

Agus Setyono; Zuheid Noor; Slamet Sudarmadji; Mochamad Adnan

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