Featured Researches

Symbolic Computation

Computing Lower Rank Approximations of Matrix Polynomials

Given an input matrix polynomial whose coefficients are floating point numbers, we consider the problem of finding the nearest matrix polynomial which has rank at most a specified value. This generalizes the problem of finding a nearest matrix polynomial that is algebraically singular with a prescribed lower bound on the dimension given in a previous paper by the authors. In this paper we prove that such lower rank matrices at minimal distance always exist, satisfy regularity conditions, and are all isolated and surrounded by a basin of attraction of non-minimal solutions. In addition, we present an iterative algorithm which, on given input sufficiently close to a rank-at-most matrix, produces that matrix. The algorithm is efficient and is proven to converge quadratically given a sufficiently good starting point. An implementation demonstrates the effectiveness and numerical robustness of our algorithm in practice.

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Symbolic Computation

Computing Multiplicative Order and Primitive Root in Finite Cyclic Group

Multiplicative order of an element a of group G is the least positive integer n such that a n =e , where e is the identity element of G . If the order of an element is equal to |G| , it is called generator or primitive root. This paper describes the algorithms for computing multiplicative order and primitive root in Z ∗ p , we also present a logarithmic improvement over classical algorithms.

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Symbolic Computation

Computing Nearby Non-trivial Smith Forms

We consider the problem of computing the nearest matrix polynomial with a non-trivial Smith Normal Form. We show that computing the Smith form of a matrix polynomial is amenable to numeric computation as an optimization problem. Furthermore, we describe an effective optimization technique to find a nearby matrix polynomial with a non-trivial Smith form. The results are then generalized to include the computation of a matrix polynomial having a maximum specified number of ones in the Smith Form (i.e., with a maximum specified McCoy rank). We discuss the geometry and existence of solutions and how our results can be used for an error analysis. We develop an optimization-based approach and demonstrate an iterative numerical method for computing a nearby matrix polynomial with the desired spectral properties. We also describe an implementation of our algorithms and demonstrate the robustness with examples in Maple.

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Symbolic Computation

Computing Popov and Hermite forms of rectangular polynomial matrices

We consider the computation of two normal forms for matrices over the univariate polynomials: the Popov form and the Hermite form. For matrices which are square and nonsingular, deterministic algorithms with satisfactory cost bounds are known. Here, we present deterministic, fast algorithms for rectangular input matrices. The obtained cost bound for the Popov form matches the previous best known randomized algorithm, while the cost bound for the Hermite form improves on the previous best known ones by a factor which is at least the largest dimension of the input matrix.

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Symbolic Computation

Computing Small Certificates of Inconsistency of Quadratic Fewnomial Systems

B{é}zout 's theorem states that dense generic systems of n multivariate quadratic equations in n variables have 2 n solutions over algebraically closed fields. When only a small subset M of monomials appear in the equations (fewnomial systems), the number of solutions may decrease dramatically. We focus in this work on subsets of quadratic monomials M such that generic systems with support M do not admit any solution at all. For these systems, Hilbert's Nullstellensatz ensures the existence of algebraic certificates of inconsistency. However, up to our knowledge all known bounds on the sizes of such certificates -including those which take into account the Newton polytopes of the polynomials- are exponential in n. Our main results show that if the inequality 2|M| -- 2n ≤ $\sqrt$ 1 + 8{\nu} -- 1 holds for a quadratic fewnomial system -- where {\nu} is the matching number of a graph associated with M, and |M| is the cardinality of M -- then there exists generically a certificate of inconsistency of linear size (measured as the number of coefficients in the ground field K). Moreover this certificate can be computed within a polynomial number of arithmetic operations. Next, we evaluate how often this inequality holds, and we give evidence that the probability that the inequality is satisfied depends strongly on the number of squares. More precisely, we show that if M is picked uniformly at random among the subsets of n + k + 1 quadratic monomials containing at least Ω (n 1/2+ ϵ ) squares, then the probability that the inequality holds tends to 1 as n grows. Interestingly, this phenomenon is related with the matching number of random graphs in the Erd{ö}s-Renyi model. Finally, we provide experimental results showing that certificates in inconsistency can be computed for systems with more than 10000 variables and equations.

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Symbolic Computation

Computing all Affine Solution Sets of Binomial Systems

To compute solutions of sparse polynomial systems efficiently we have to exploit the structure of their Newton polytopes. While the application of polyhedral methods naturally excludes solutions with zero components, an irreducible decomposition of a variety is typically understood in affine space, including also those components with zero coordinates. For the problem of computing solution sets in the intersection of some coordinate planes, the direct application of a polyhedral method fails, because the original facial structure of the Newton polytopes may alter completely when selected variables become zero. Our new proposed method enumerates all factors contributing to a generalized permanent and toric solutions as a special case of this enumeration. For benchmark problems such as the adjacent 2-by-2 minors of a general matrix, our methods scale much better than the witness set representations of numerical algebraic geometry.

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Symbolic Computation

Computing all Space Curve Solutions of Polynomial Systems by Polyhedral Methods

A polyhedral method to solve a system of polynomial equations exploits its sparse structure via the Newton polytopes of the polynomials. We propose a hybrid symbolic-numeric method to compute a Puiseux series expansion for every space curve that is a solution of a polynomial system. The focus of this paper concerns the difficult case when the leading powers of the Puiseux series of the space curve are contained in the relative interior of a higher dimensional cone of the tropical prevariety. We show that this difficult case does not occur for polynomials with generic coefficients. To resolve this case, we propose to apply polyhedral end games to recover tropisms hidden in the tropical prevariety.

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Symbolic Computation

Computing an LLL-reduced basis of the orthogonal lattice

As a typical application, the Lenstra-Lenstra-Lovasz lattice basis reduction algorithm (LLL) is used to compute a reduced basis of the orthogonal lattice for a given integer matrix, via reducing a special kind of lattice bases. With such bases in input, we propose a new technique for bounding from above the number of iterations required by the LLL algorithm. The main technical ingredient is a variant of the classical LLL potential, which could prove useful to understand the behavior of LLL for other families of input bases.

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Symbolic Computation

Computing critical points for invariant algebraic systems

Let K be a field and ϕ , f=( f 1 ,…, f s ) in K[ x 1 ,…, x n ] be multivariate polynomials (with s<n ) invariant under the action of S n , the group of permutations of {1,…,n} . We consider the problem of computing the points at which f vanish and the Jacobian matrix associated to f,ϕ is rank deficient provided that this set is finite. We exploit the invariance properties of the input to split the solution space according to the orbits of S n . This allows us to design an algorithm which gives a triangular description of the solution space and which runs in time polynomial in d s , ( n+d d ) and ( n s+1 ) where d is the maximum degree of the input polynomials. When d,s are fixed, this is polynomial in n while when s is fixed and d≃n this yields an exponential speed-up with respect to the usual polynomial system solving algorithms.

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Symbolic Computation

Computing huge Groebner basis like cyclic10 over $\Q$ with Giac

We present a short description on how to fine-tune the modular algorithm implemented in the Giac computer algebra system to reconstruct huge Groebner basis over $\Q$.The classical cyclic10 benchmark will serve as example.

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