Featured Researches

Symbolic Computation

Chordal Graphs in Triangular Decomposition in Top-Down Style

In this paper, we first prove that when the associated graph of a polynomial set is chordal, a particular triangular set computed by a general algorithm in top-down style for computing the triangular decomposition of this polynomial set has an associated graph as a subgraph of this chordal graph. Then for Wang's method and a subresultant-based algorithm for triangular decomposition in top-down style and for a subresultant-based algorithm for regular decomposition in top-down style, we prove that all the polynomial sets appearing in the process of triangular decomposition with any of these algorithms have associated graphs as subgraphs of this chordal graph. These theoretical results can be viewed as non-trivial polynomial generalization of existing ones for sparse Gaussian elimination, inspired by which we further propose an algorithm for sparse triangular decomposition in top-down style by making use of the chordal structure of the polynomial set. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm for triangular decomposition, when the polynomial set is chordal and sparse with respect to the variables, is demonstrated by preliminary experimental results.

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Symbolic Computation

Chordal networks of polynomial ideals

We introduce a novel representation of structured polynomial ideals, which we refer to as chordal networks. The sparsity structure of a polynomial system is often described by a graph that captures the interactions among the variables. Chordal networks provide a computationally convenient decomposition into simpler (triangular) polynomial sets, while preserving the underlying graphical structure. We show that many interesting families of polynomial ideals admit compact chordal network representations (of size linear in the number of variables), even though the number of components is exponentially large. Chordal networks can be computed for arbitrary polynomial systems using a refinement of the chordal elimination algorithm from [Cifuentes-Parrilo-2016]. Furthermore, they can be effectively used to obtain several properties of the variety, such as its dimension, cardinality, and equidimensional components, as well as an efficient probabilistic test for radical ideal membership. We apply our methods to examples from algebraic statistics and vector addition systems; for these instances, algorithms based on chordal networks outperform existing techniques by orders of magnitude.

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Symbolic Computation

Comparative study of space filling curves for cache oblivious TU Decomposition

We examine several matrix layouts based on space-filling curves that allow for a cache-oblivious adaptation of parallel TU decomposition for rectangular matrices over finite fields. The TU algorithm of \cite{Dumas} requires index conversion routines for which the cost to encode and decode the chosen curve is significant. Using a detailed analysis of the number of bit operations required for the encoding and decoding procedures, and filtering the cost of lookup tables that represent the recursive decomposition of the Hilbert curve, we show that the Morton-hybrid order incurs the least cost for index conversion routines that are required throughout the matrix decomposition as compared to the Hilbert, Peano, or Morton orders. The motivation lies in that cache efficient parallel adaptations for which the natural sequential evaluation order demonstrates lower cache miss rate result in overall faster performance on parallel machines with private or shared caches, on GPU's, or even cloud computing platforms. We report on preliminary experiments that demonstrate how the TURBO algorithm in Morton-hybrid layout attains orders of magnitude improvement in performance as the input matrices increase in size. For example, when N= 2 13 , the row major TURBO algorithm concludes within about 38.6 hours, whilst the Morton-hybrid algorithm with truncation size equal to 64 concludes within 10.6 hours.

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Symbolic Computation

Comparing machine learning models to choose the variable ordering for cylindrical algebraic decomposition

There has been recent interest in the use of machine learning (ML) approaches within mathematical software to make choices that impact on the computing performance without affecting the mathematical correctness of the result. We address the problem of selecting the variable ordering for cylindrical algebraic decomposition (CAD), an important algorithm in Symbolic Computation. Prior work to apply ML on this problem implemented a Support Vector Machine (SVM) to select between three existing human-made heuristics, which did better than anyone heuristic alone. The present work extends to have ML select the variable ordering directly, and to try a wider variety of ML techniques. We experimented with the NLSAT dataset and the Regular Chains Library CAD function for Maple 2018. For each problem, the variable ordering leading to the shortest computing time was selected as the target class for ML. Features were generated from the polynomial input and used to train the following ML models: k-nearest neighbours (KNN) classifier, multi-layer perceptron (MLP), decision tree (DT) and SVM, as implemented in the Python scikit-learn package. We also compared these with the two leading human constructed heuristics for the problem: Brown's heuristic and sotd. On this dataset all of the ML approaches outperformed the human made heuristics, some by a large margin.

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Symbolic Computation

Compatible rewriting of noncommutative polynomials for proving operator identities

The goal of this paper is to prove operator identities using equalities between noncommutative polynomials. In general, a polynomial expression is not valid in terms of operators, since it may not be compatible with domains and codomains of the corresponding operators. Recently, some of the authors introduced a framework based on labelled quivers to rigorously translate polynomial identities to operator identities. In the present paper, we extend and adapt the framework to the context of rewriting and polynomial reduction. We give a sufficient condition on the polynomials used for rewriting to ensure that standard polynomial reduction automatically respects domains and codomains of operators. Finally, we adapt the noncommutative Buchberger procedure to compute additional compatible polynomials for rewriting. In the package OperatorGB, we also provide an implementation of the concepts developed.

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Symbolic Computation

Compile-Time Symbolic Differentiation Using C++ Expression Templates

Template metaprogramming is a popular technique for implementing compile time mechanisms for numerical computing. We demonstrate how expression templates can be used for compile time symbolic differentiation of algebraic expressions in C++ computer programs. Given a positive integer N and an algebraic function of multiple variables, the compiler generates executable code for the N th partial derivatives of the function. Compile-time simplification of the derivative expressions is achieved using recursive templates. A detailed analysis indicates that current C++ compiler technology is already sufficient for practical use of our results, and highlights a number of issues where further improvements may be desirable.

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Symbolic Computation

Compiling LATEX to computer algebra-enabled HTML5

This document explains how to create or modify an existing LATEX document with commands enabling computations in the HTML5 output: when the reader opens the HTML5 output, he can run a computation in his browser, or modify the command to be executed and run it. This is done by combining different softwares: hevea for compilation to HTML5, giac.js for the CAS computing kernel (itself compiled from the C++ Giac library with emscripten), and a modified version of itex2MML for fast and nice rendering in MathML in browsers that support MathML.

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Symbolic Computation

Complex Golay Pairs up to Length 28: A Search via Computer Algebra and Programmatic SAT

We use techniques from the fields of computer algebra and satisfiability checking to develop a new algorithm to search for complex Golay pairs. We implement this algorithm and use it to perform a complete search for complex Golay pairs of lengths up to 28. In doing so, we find that complex Golay pairs exist in the lengths 24 and 26 but do not exist in the lengths 23, 25, 27, and 28. This independently verifies work done by F. Fiedler in 2013 and confirms the 2002 conjecture of Craigen, Holzmann, and Kharaghani that complex Golay pairs of length 23 don't exist. Our algorithm is based on the recently proposed SAT+CAS paradigm of combining SAT solvers with computer algebra systems to efficiently search large spaces specified by both algebraic and logical constraints. The algorithm has two stages: first, a fine-tuned computer program uses functionality from computer algebra systems and numerical libraries to construct a list containing every sequence which could appear as the first sequence in a complex Golay pair up to equivalence. Second, a programmatic SAT solver constructs every sequence (if any) that pair off with the sequences constructed in the first stage to form a complex Golay pair. This extends work originally presented at the International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC) in 2018; we discuss and implement several improvements to our algorithm that enabled us to improve the efficiency of the search and increase the maximum length we search from length 25 to 28.

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Symbolic Computation

Complexity Estimates for Fourier-Motzkin Elimination

In this paper, we propose a new method for removing all the redundant inequalities generated by Fourier-Motzkin elimination. This method is based on an improved version of Balas' work and can also be used to remove all the redundant inequalities in the input system. Moreover, our method only uses arithmetic operations on matrices and avoids resorting to linear programming techniques. Algebraic complexity estimates and experimental results show that our method outperforms alternative approaches, in particular those based on linear programming and simplex algorithm.

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Symbolic Computation

Computation of gcd chain over the power of an irreducible polynomial

A notion of gcd chain has been introduced by the author at ISSAC 2017 for two univariate monic polynomials with coefficients in a ring R = k[x_1, ..., x_n ]/(T) where T is a primary triangular set of dimension zero. A complete algorithm to compute such a gcd chain remains challenging. This work treats completely the case of a triangular set T = (T_1 (x)) in one variable, namely a power of an irreducible polynomial. This seemingly "easy" case reveals the main steps necessary for treating the general case, and it allows to isolate the particular one step that does not directly extend and requires more care.

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