Featured Researches

Symbolic Computation

An Improvement over the GVW Algorithm for Inhomogeneous Polynomial Systems

The GVW algorithm is a signature-based algorithm for computing Gröbner bases. If the input system is not homogeneous, some J-pairs with higher signatures but lower degrees are rejected by GVW's Syzygy Criterion, instead, GVW have to compute some J-pairs with lower signatures but higher degrees. Consequently, degrees of polynomials appearing during the computations may unnecessarily grow up higher and the computation become more expensive. In this paper, a variant of the GVW algorithm, called M-GVW, is proposed and mutant pairs are introduced to overcome inconveniences brought by inhomogeneous input polynomials. Some techniques from linear algebra are used to improve the efficiency. Both GVW and M-GVW have been implemented in C++ and tested by many examples from boolean polynomial rings. The timings show M-GVW usually performs much better than the original GVW algorithm when mutant pairs are found. Besides, M-GVW is also compared with intrinsic Gröbner bases functions on Maple, Singular and Magma. Due to the efficient routines from the M4RI library, the experimental results show that M-GVW is very efficient.

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Symbolic Computation

An algorithm for computing Grobner basis and the complexity evaluation

In this paper, we suggest a new efficient algorithm in order to compute S-polynomial reduction rapidly in the known algorithm for computing Grobner bases, and compare the complexity with others.

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Symbolic Computation

An algorithm to determine regular singular Mahler systems

This paper is devoted to the study of the analytic properties of Mahler systems at 0. We give an effective characterisation of Mahler systems that are regular singular at 0, that is, systems which are equivalent to constant ones. Similar characterisations already exist for differential and (q-)difference systems but they do not apply in the Mahler case. This work fill in the gap by giving an algorithm which decides whether or not a Mahler system is regular singular at 0.

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Symbolic Computation

An effective method for computing Grothendieck point residue mappings

Grothendieck point residue is considered in the context of computational complex analysis. A new effective method is proposed for computing Grothendieck point residues mappings and residues. Basic ideas of our approach are the use of Grothendieck local duality and a transformation law for local cohomology classes. A new tool is devised for efficiency to solve the extended ideal membership problems in local rings. The resulting algorithms are described with an example to illustrate them. An extension of the proposed method to parametric cases is also discussed as an application.

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Symbolic Computation

An efficient reduction strategy for signature-based algorithms to compute Groebner basis

This paper introduces a strategy for signature-based algorithms to compute Groebner basis. The signature-based algorithms generate S-pairs instead of S-polynomials, and use s-reduction instead of the usual reduction used in the Buchberger algorithm. There are two strategies for s-reduction: one is the only-top reduction strategy which is the way that only leading monomials are s-reduced. The other is the full reduction strategy which is the way that all monomials are s-reduced. A new strategy, which we call selective-full strategy, for s-reduction of S-pairs is introduced in this paper. In the experiment, this strategy is efficient for computing the reduced Groebner basis. For computing a signature Groebner basis, it is the most efficient or not the worst of the three strategies.

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Symbolic Computation

An implementation of Sub-CAD in Maple

Cylindrical algebraic decomposition (CAD) is an important tool for the investigation of semi-algebraic sets, with applications in algebraic geometry and beyond. We have previously reported on an implementation of CAD in Maple which offers the original projection and lifting algorithm of Collins along with subsequent improvements. Here we report on new functionality: specifically the ability to build cylindrical algebraic sub-decompositions (sub-CADs) where only certain cells are returned. We have implemented algorithms to return cells of a prescribed dimensions or higher (layered {\scad}s), and an algorithm to return only those cells on which given polynomials are zero (variety {\scad}s). These offer substantial savings in output size and computation time. The code described and an introductory Maple worksheet / pdf demonstrating the full functionality of the package are freely available online at this http URL.

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Symbolic Computation

Apparent Singularities of D-finite Systems

We generalize the notions of singularities and ordinary points from linear ordinary differential equations to D-finite systems. Ordinary points of a D-finite system are characterized in terms of its formal power series solutions. We also show that apparent singularities can be removed like in the univariate case by adding suitable additional solutions to the system at hand. Several algorithms are presented for removing and detecting apparent singularities. In addition, an algorithm is given for computing formal power series solutions of a D-finite system at apparent singularities.

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Symbolic Computation

Applying machine learning to the problem of choosing a heuristic to select the variable ordering for cylindrical algebraic decomposition

Cylindrical algebraic decomposition(CAD) is a key tool in computational algebraic geometry, particularly for quantifier elimination over real-closed fields. When using CAD, there is often a choice for the ordering placed on the variables. This can be important, with some problems infeasible with one variable ordering but easy with another. Machine learning is the process of fitting a computer model to a complex function based on properties learned from measured data. In this paper we use machine learning (specifically a support vector machine) to select between heuristics for choosing a variable ordering, outperforming each of the separate heuristics.

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Symbolic Computation

Asymptotic Solutions of Polynomial Equations with Exp-Log Coefficients

We present an algorithm for computing asymptotic approximations of roots of polynomials with exp-log function coefficients. The real and imaginary parts of the approximations are given as explicit exp-log expressions. We provide a method for deciding which approximations correspond to real roots. We report on implementation of the algorithm and present empirical data.

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Symbolic Computation

Automated Generation of Non-Linear Loop Invariants Utilizing Hypergeometric Sequences

Analyzing and reasoning about safety properties of software systems becomes an especially challenging task for programs with complex flow and, in particular, with loops or recursion. For such programs one needs additional information, for example in the form of loop invariants, expressing properties to hold at intermediate program points. In this paper we study program loops with non-trivial arithmetic, implementing addition and multiplication among numeric program variables. We present a new approach for automatically generating all polynomial invariants of a class of such programs. Our approach turns programs into linear ordinary recurrence equations and computes closed form solutions of these equations. These closed forms express the most precise inductive property, and hence invariant. We apply Gröbner basis computation to obtain a basis of the polynomial invariant ideal, yielding thus a finite representation of all polynomial invariants. Our work significantly extends the class of so-called P-solvable loops by handling multiplication with the loop counter variable. We implemented our method in the Mathematica package Aligator and showcase the practical use of our approach.

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