Featured Researches

Algebraic Topology

Ext groups in the category of bimodules over a simple Leibniz algebra

In this article, we generalize Loday and Pirashvili's [10] computation of the Ext-category of Leibniz bimodules for a simple Lie algebra to the case of a simple (non Lie) Leibniz algebra. Most of the arguments generalize easily, while the main new ingredient is the Feldvoss-Wagemann's cohomology vanishing theorem for semi-simple Leibniz algebras.

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Algebraic Topology

Extendability of simplicial maps is undecidable

We present a short proof of the Čadek-Krčál-Matoušek-Vokřínek-Wagner result from the title (in the following form due to Filakovský-Wagner-Zhechev). For any fixed integer l>1 there is no algorithm recognizing the extendability of the identity map of S l ∨ S l to a PL map X→ S l ∨ S l of given 2l -dimensional simplicial complex X containing a subdivision of S l ∨ S l as a given subcomplex. We also exhibit a gap in the Filakovský-Wagner-Zhechev proof that embeddability of complexes is undecidable in codimension >1 .

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Algebraic Topology

Extra-fine sheaves and interaction decompositions

We introduce an original notion of extra-fine sheaf on a topological space, and a variant (hyper-extra-fine) for which Čech cohomology in strictly positive degree vanishes. We provide a characterization of such sheaves when the topological space is a partially ordered set (poset) equipped with the Alexandrov topology. Then we further specialize our results to some sheaves of vector spaces and injective maps, where extra-fineness is (essentially) equivalent to the decomposition of the sheaf into a direct sum of subfunctors, known as interaction decomposition, and can be expressed by a sum-intersection condition. We use these results to compute the dimension of the space of global sections when the presheaves are freely generated over a functor of sets, generalizing classical counting formulae for the number of solutions of the linearized marginal problem (Kellerer and Matúš). We finish with a comparison theorem between the Čech cohomology associated to a covering and the topos cohomology of the poset with coefficients in the presheaf, which is also the cohomology of a cosimplicial local system over the nerve of the poset. For that, we give a detailed treatment of cosimplicial local systems on simplicial sets. The appendixes present presheaves, sheaves and Čech cohomology, and their application to the marginal problem.

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Algebraic Topology

Extreme Nonuniqueness of End-Sum

We give explicit examples of pairs of one-ended, open 4-manifolds whose end-sums yield uncountably many manifolds with distinct proper homotopy types. This answers strongly in the affirmative a conjecture of Siebenmann regarding the nonuniqueness of end-sums. In addition to the construction of these examples, we provide a detailed discussion of the tools used to distinguish them; most importantly, the end-cohomology algebra. Key to our Main Theorem is an understanding of this algebra for an end-sum in terms of the algebras of the summands together with ray-fundamental classes determined by the rays used to perform the end-sum. Differing ray-fundamental classes allow us to distinguish the various examples, but only through the subtle theory of infinitely generated abelian groups. An appendix is included which contains the necessary background from that area.

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Algebraic Topology

Fibration theorems for TQ-completion of structured ring spectra

The aim of this short paper is to establish a spectral algebra analog of the Bousfield-Kan "fibration lemma" under appropriate conditions. We work in the context of algebraic structures that can be described as algebras over an operad O in symmetric spectra. Our main result is that completion with respect to topological Quillen homology (or TQ-completion, for short) preserves homotopy fibration sequences provided that the base and total O -algebras are connected. Our argument essentially boils down to proving that the natural map from the homotopy fiber to its TQ-completion tower is a pro- π ∗ isomorphism. More generally, we also show that similar results remain true if we replace "homotopy fibration sequence" with "homotopy pullback square."

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Algebraic Topology

Fibrations and lax limits of (∞,2) -categories

We study four types of (co)cartesian fibrations of ∞ -bicategories over a given base B , and prove that they encode the four variance flavors of B -indexed diagrams of ∞ -categories. We then use this machinery to set up a general theory of 2-(co)limits for diagrams valued in an ∞ -bicategory, capable of expressing lax, weighted and pseudo limits. When the ∞ -bicategory at hand arises from a model category tensored over marked simplicial sets, we show that this notion of 2-(co)limit can be calculated as a suitable form of a weighted homotopy limit on the model categorical level, thus showing in particular the existence of these 2-(co)limits in a wide range of examples. We finish by discussing a notion of cofinality appropriate to this setting and use it to deduce the unicity of 2-(co)limits, once exist.

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Algebraic Topology

Flatness and Shipley's algebraicization theorem

We provide an enhancement of Shipley's algebraicization theorem which behaves better in the context of commutative algebras. This involves defining flat model structures as in Shipley and Pavlov-Scholbach, and showing that the functors still provide Quillen equivalences in this refined context. The use of flat model structures allows one to identify the algebraic counterparts of change of groups functors, as demonstrated in forthcoming work of the author.

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Algebraic Topology

Frames in Pretriangulated Dg-Categories

Triangulated categories arising in algebra can often be described as the homotopy category of a pretriangulated dg-category, a category enriched in chain complexes with a natural notion of shifts and cones that is accessible with all the machinery of homological algebra. Dg-categories are algebraic models of ∞ -categories and thus fit into a wide ecosystem of higher-categorical models and translations between them. In this paper we describe an equivalence between two methods to turn a pretriangulated dg-category into a quasicategory. The dg-nerve of a dg-category is a quasicategory whose simplices are coherent families of maps in the mapping complexes. In contrast, the cycle category of a pretriangulated category forgets all higher-degree elements of the mapping complexes but becomes a cofibration category that encodes the homotopical structure indirectly. This cofibration category then has an associated quasicategory of frames in which simplices are Reedy-cofibrant resolutions. For every simplex in the dg-nerve of a pretriangulated dg-category we construct such a Reedy-cofibrant resolution and then prove that this construction defines an equivalence of quasicategories which is natural up to simplicial homotopy. Our construction is explicit enough for calculations and provides an intuitive explanation of the resolutions in the quasicategory of frames as a generalisation of the mapping cylinder.

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Algebraic Topology

Framings of W g,1

We compute the set of framings of W g,1 = D 2n #( S n × S n ) #g , up to homotopy and diffeomorphism relative to the boundary.

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Algebraic Topology

Free algebras through Day convolution

Building on the foundations in our previous paper, we study Segal conditions that are given by finite products, determined by structures we call cartesian patterns. We set up Day convolution on presheaves in this setting and use it to give conditions under which there is a colimit formula for free algebras and other left adjoints. This specializes to give a simple proof of Lurie's results on operadic left Kan extensions and free algebras for symmetric ∞ -operads.

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