Featured Researches

Algebraic Topology

Homology versus homotopy in fibrations and in limits

Motivated by prominent problems like the Hilali conjecture Yamaguchi--Yokura recently proposed certain estimates on the relations of the dimensions of rational homotopy and rational cohomology groups of fibre, base and total spaces in a fibration of rationally elliptic spaces. In this article we prove these estimates in the category of formal elliptic spaces and, in general, whenever the total space in addition has positive Euler characteristic or has the rational homotopy type of a homogeneous manifold (respectively of a known example) of positive sectional curvature. Additionally, we provide general estimates approximating the conjectured ones. Moreover, we suggest to study families of rationally elliptic spaces under certain asymptotics, and we discuss the conjectured estimates from this perspective for two-stage spaces.

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Algebraic Topology

Homotopical Approach to Tensor Products of Modules

Category theory provides a means through which many far-ranging fields of mathematics can be related by their similar structure. In a paper by Robinson [2], this interconnectivity afforded by categorical perspectives allowed for the realization of torsion products as the homotopy groups of a topological space, which is itself constructed for this express purpose. However, even stating this result formally requires a multitude of preliminaries in algebra, topology, and category theory. The goal of this document is to present a self-contained guide to the fundamental concepts and results, with few proofs, required to do work with this kind of mathematics in hopes of making the field of homotopical algebra more accessible. We only assume familiarity with topological spaces and groups, so it is approachable from an undergraduate level. This project culminates in a discussion of the result of Robinson mentioned above along with a computation as a proof of concept.

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Algebraic Topology

Homotopical decompositions of simplicial and Vietoris Rips complexes

Motivated by applications in Topological Data Analysis, we consider decompositions of a simplicial complex induced by a cover of its vertices. We study how the homotopy type of such decompositions approximates the homotopy of the simplicial complex itself. The difference between the simplicial complex and such an approximation is quantitatively measured by means of the so called obstruction complexes. Our general machinery is then specialized to clique complexes, Vietoris-Rips complexes and Vietoris-Rips complexes of metric gluings. For the latter we give metric conditions which allow to recover the first and zero-th homology of the gluing from the respective homologies of the components.

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Algebraic Topology

Homotopy Mackey functors of equivariant algebraic K -theory

Given a finite group G acting on a ring R , Merling constructed an equivariant algebraic K -theory G -spectrum, and work of Malkiewich and Merling, as well as work of Barwick, provides an interpretation of this construction as a spectral Mackey functor. This construction is powerful, but highly categorical; as a result the Mackey functors comprising the homotopy are not obvious from the construction and have therefore not yet been calculated. In this work, we provide a computation of the homotopy Mackey functors of equivariant algebraic K -theory in terms of a purely algebraic construction. In particular, we construct Mackey functors out of the n th algebraic K -groups of group rings whose multiplication is twisted by the group action. Restrictions and transfers for these functors admit a tractable algebraic description in that they arise from restriction and extension of scalars along module categories of twisted group rings. In the case where the group action is trivial, our construction recovers work of Dress and Kuku from the 1980's which constructs Mackey functors out of the algebraic K -theory of group rings. We develop many families of examples of Mackey functors, both new and old, including K -theory of endomorphism rings, the K -theory of fixed subrings of Galois extensions, and (topological) Hochschild homology of twisted group rings.

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Algebraic Topology

Homotopy characters as a homotopy limit

For a Hopf DG-algebra corresponding to a derived algebraic group, we compute the homotopy limit of the associated cosimplicial system of DG-algebras given by the classifying space construction. The homotopy limit is taken in the model category of DG-categories. The objects of the resulting DG-category are Maurer-Cartan elements of Cobar(A) , or 1-dimensional A ∞ -comodules over A . These can be viewed as characters up to homotopy of the corresponding derived group. Their tensor product is interpreted in terms of Kadeishvili's multibraces. We also study the coderived category of DG-modules over this DG-category.

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Algebraic Topology

Homotopy classification of maps between A 2 n -complexes

In this article, the author improves Baues's homotopy classification of maps between indecomposable (n−1) -connected (n+2) dimensional finite CW-complexes X,Y,n>3 , by finding a generating set for any abelian group [X,Y] . Using these generators, the author firstly finds splitting cofiber sequences which imply Zhu-Pan's decomposability result of smash products of the complexes, and secondly, obtains partial results on the groups of homotopy classes of self-homotopy equivalences of the complexes and some of their natural subgroups.

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Algebraic Topology

Homotopy derivations of the framed little discs operads

We study the homotopy derivations of the framed little discs operads, which correspond to the homotopy derivations of the BV2n operads. By extending a result by Willwacher about the homotopy derivations of the en operads we show that the homotopy derivations of the BV2n operads may be described through the cohomology of a suitable graph complex. We will present an explicit quasi-isomorphic map.

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Algebraic Topology

Homotopy groups and quantitative Sperner-type lemma

We consider a generalization of Sperner's lemma for triangulations of m-discs whose vertices are colored in at most m colors. A coloring on the boundary (m-1)-sphere defines an element in the corresponding homotopy group of the sphere. Depending on this invariant, a lower bound is obtained for the number of fully colored simplexes. In particular, if the Hopf invariant is nonzero on the boundary of 4-disk, then there are at least 9 fully colored tetrahedra and if the Hopf invariant is d, then the lower bound is 3d + 3.

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Algebraic Topology

Homotopy invariance of the space of metrics with positive scalar curvature on manifolds with singularities

In this paper we study manifolds, X Σ , with fibred singularities, more specifically, a relevant space R psc ( X Σ ) of Riemannian metrics with positive scalar curvature. Our main goal is to prove that the space R psc ( X Σ ) is homotopy invariant under certain surgeries on X Σ .

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Algebraic Topology

Homotopy lifting property for actions of finite abelian groups on Hausdorff topological spaces

In this paper we prove the homotopy lifting property for actions of finite abelian groups on Hausdorff topological spaces.

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