Featured Researches

Algebraic Topology

Higher representation stability for ordered configuration spaces and twisted commutative factorization algebras

Using factorization homology with coefficients in twisted commutative algebras (TCAs), we prove two flavors of higher representation stability for the cohomology of (generalized) configuration spaces of a scheme/topological space X . First, we provide an iterative procedure to study higher representation stability using actions coming from the cohomology of X and prove that all the modules involved are finitely generated over the corresponding TCAs. More quantitatively, we compute explicit bounds for the derived indecomposables in the sense of Galatius-Kupers-Randal-Williams. Secondly, when certain C ∞ -operations on the cohomology of X vanish, we prove that the cohomology of its configuration spaces forms a free module over a TCA built out of the configuration spaces of the affine space. This generalizes a result of Church-Ellenberg-Farb on the freeness of FI -modules arising from the cohomology of configuration spaces of open manifolds and, moreover, resolves the various conjectures of Miller-Wilson under these conditions.

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Algebraic Topology

Hochschild cohomology of Sullivan algebras and mapping spaces between manifolds

Let e: N n → M m be an embedding into a compact manifold M . We study the relationship between the homology of the free loop space LM on M and of the space L N M of loops of M based in N and define a shriek map e ! : H ∗ (LM,Q)→ H ∗ ( L N M,Q) using Hochschild cohomology and study its properties. We also extend a result of Félix on the injectivity of the induced map aut 1 M→map(N,M;f) on rational homotopy groups when M and N have the same dimension and f:N→M is a map of non zero degree.

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Algebraic Topology

Hodge decompositions and Poincare duality models

We use Hodge decompositions to construct Poincaré duality models and revise results of Lambrechts and Stanley by removing unnecessary assumptions in the 'weak uniqueness' statement for simply-connected Poincaré duality models. The main idea is the construction of a certain extension of the Sullivan minimal model with a pairing which admits a Hodge decomposition.

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Algebraic Topology

Homological Scaffold via Minimal Homology Bases

The homological scaffold leverages persistent homology to construct a topologically sound summary of a weighted network. However, its crucial dependency on the choice of representative cycles hinders the ability to trace back global features onto individual network components, unless one provides a principled way to make such a choice. In this paper, we apply recent advances in the computation of minimal homology bases to introduce a quasi-canonical version of the scaffold, called minimal, and employ it to analyze data both real and in silico. At the same time, we verify that, statistically, the standard scaffold is a good proxy of the minimal one for sufficiently complex networks.

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Algebraic Topology

Homological algebra of modules over posets

Homological algebra of modules over posets is developed, as closely parallel as possible to that of finitely generated modules over noetherian commutative rings, in the direction of finite presentations and resolutions. Centrally at issue is how to define finiteness to replace the noetherian hypothesis which fails. The tameness condition introduced for this purpose captures finiteness for variation in families of vector spaces indexed by posets in a way that is characterized equivalently by distinct topological, algebraic, combinatorial, and homological manifestations. Tameness serves both theoretical and computational purposes: it guarantees finite presentations and resolutions of various sorts, all related by a syzygy theorem, amenable to algorithmic manipulation. Tameness and its homological theory are new even in the finitely generated discrete setting of N n -gradings, where tame is materially weaker than noetherian. In the context of persistent homology of filtered topological spaces, especially with multiple real parameters, the algebraic theory of tameness yields topologically interpretable data structures in terms of birth and death of homology classes.

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Algebraic Topology

Homological stability for Iwahori-Hecke algebras

We show that the Iwahori-Hecke algebras H_n of type A_{n-1} satisfy homological stability, where homology is interpreted as an appropriate Tor group. Our result precisely recovers Nakaoka's homological stability result for the symmetric groups in the case that the defining parameter is equal to 1. We believe that this paper, and our joint work with Boyd on Temperley-Lieb algebras, are the first time that the techniques of homological stability have been applied to algebras that are not group algebras.

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Algebraic Topology

Homology of categories via polygraphic resolutions

In this paper, we extend a result of Lafont and M{é}tayer and prove that the polygraphic homology of a small category, defined in terms of polygraphic resolutions in the category ω Cat of strict ω -categories, is naturally isomorphic to the homology of its nerve. Along the way, we prove some results on homotopy colimits with respect to the Folk model structure and deduce a theorem which formally resembles Quillen's Theorem A.

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Algebraic Topology

Homology of sheaves via Brown representability

We give an elementary construction of homology of sheaves from Brown representability for the dual and see how its main properties are derived easily from the construction. Comparison with Poincaré-Verdier duality and with homology of groups are also developed.

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Algebraic Topology

Homology operations revisited

The mod p homology of E-infinity spaces is a classical topic in algebraic topology traditionally approached in terms of Dyer--Lashof operations. In this paper, we offer a new perspective on the subject by providing a detailed investigation of an alternative family of homology operations equivalent to, but distinct from, the Dyer--Lashof operations. Among other things, we will relate these operations to the Dyer--Lashof operations, describe the algebra generated by them, and use them to describe the homology of free E-infinity spaces. We will also investigate the relationship between the operations arising from the additive and multiplicative E-infinity structures on an E-infinity ring space. The operations have especially good properties in this context, allowing for a simple and conceptual formulation of "mixed Adem relations" describing how the operations arising from the two different E-infinity structures interact.

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Algebraic Topology

Homology theory valued in the category of bicommutative Hopf algebras

The codomain category of a generalized homology theory is the category of modules over a ring. For an abelian category A, an A-valued (generalized) homology theory is defined by formally replacing the category of modules with the category A. It is known that the category of bicommutative (i.e. commutative and cocommutative) Hopf algebras over a field k is an abelian category. Denote the category by H. In this paper, we give some ways to construct H-valued homology theories. As a main result, we give H-valued homology theories whose coefficients are neither group Hopf algebras nor function Hopf algebras. The examples contain not only ordinary homology theories but also extraordinary ones.

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