Featured Researches

Algebraic Topology

Invariants for tame parametrised chain complexes

We set the foundations for a new approach to Topological Data Analysis (TDA) based on homotopical methods at chain complexes level. We present the category of tame parametrised chain complexes as a comprehensive environment that includes several cases that usually TDA handles separately, such as persistence modules, zigzag modules, and commutative ladders. We extract new invariants in this category using a model structure and various minimal cofibrant approximations. Such approximations and their invariants retain some of the topological, and not just homological, aspects of the objects they approximate.

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Algebraic Topology

Is D symmetric monoidal?

We verify that a certain functor D: Sp Σ ( Ch + )→Ch is symmetric monoidal. This functor is used elsewhere in developing the model category theory of symmetric spectra and of chain complexes graded over N or Z .

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Algebraic Topology

Iterative Desingularization

A simplicial set is said to be non-singular if the representing map of each non-degenerate simplex is degreewise injective. The inclusion into the category of simplicial sets, of the full subcategory whose objects are the non-singular simplicial sets, admits a left adjoint functor called desingularization. In this paper, we provide an iterative description of desingularization that is useful for theoretical purposes as well as for doing calculations.

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Algebraic Topology

K -theory of endomorphisms, the TR -trace, and zeta functions

We show that the characteristic polynomial and the Lefschetz zeta function are manifestations of the trace map from the K -theory of endomorphisms to topological restriction homology (TR). Along the way we generalize Lindenstrauss and McCarthy's map from K -theory of endomorphisms to topological restriction homology, defining it for any Waldhausen category with a compatible enrichment in orthogonal spectra. In particular, this extends their construction from rings to ring spectra. We also give a revisionist treatment of the original Dennis trace map from K -theory to topological Hochschild homology (THH) and explain its connection to traces in bicategories with shadow (also known as trace theories).

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Algebraic Topology

K3 spectra

The notion of a K3 spectrum is introduced in analogy with that of an elliptic spectrum and it is shown that there are "enough" K3 spectra in the sense that for all K3 surfaces X in a suitable moduli stack of K3 surfaces there is a K3 spectrum whose underlying ring is isomorphic to the local ring of the moduli stack in X with respect to the étale topology, and similarly for the ring of formal functions on the formal deformation space.

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Algebraic Topology

Koszul duality for topological E_n-operads

We show that the Koszul dual of an E_n-operad in spectra is O(n)-equivariantly equivalent to its n-fold desuspension. To this purpose we introduce a new O(n)-operad of Euclidean spaces R_n, the barycentric operad, that is fibred over simplexes and has homeomorphisms as structure maps; we also introduce its sub-operad of restricted little n-discs D_n, that is an E_n-operad. The duality is realized by an unstable explicit S-duality pairing (F_n)_+ \smash BD_n \to S_n, where B is the bar-cooperad construction, F_n is the Fulton-MacPherson E_n-operad, and the dualizing object S_n is an operad of spheres that are one-point compactifications of star-shaped neighbourhoods in R_n. We also identify the Koszul dual of the operad inclusion map E_n \to E_{n+m} as the (n+m)-fold desuspension of an unstable operad map E_{n+m} \to \Sigma^m E_n defined by May.

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Algebraic Topology

Kunneth Theorems for Vietoris-Rips Homology

We prove a Kunneth theorem for the Vietoris-Rips homology and cohomology of a semi-uniform space. We then interpret this result for graphs, where we show that the Kunneth theorem holds for graphs with respect to the strong graph product. We finish by computing the Vietoris-Rips cohomology of the torus endowed with diferent semi-uniform structures.

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Algebraic Topology

Landscapes of data sets and functoriality of persistent homology

The aim of this article is to describe a new perspective on functoriality of persistent homology and explain its intrinsic symmetry that is often overlooked. A data set for us is a finite collection of functions, called measurements, with a finite domain. Such a data set might contain internal symmetries which are effectively captured by the action of a set of the domain endomorphisms. Different choices of the set of endomorphisms encode different symmetries of the data set. We describe various category structures on such enriched data sets and prove some of their properties such as decompositions and morphism formations. We also describe a data structure, based on coloured directed graphs, which is convenient to encode the mentioned enrichment. We show that persistent homology preserves only some aspects of these landscapes of enriched data sets however not all. In other words persistent homology is not a functor on the entire category of enriched data sets. Nevertheless we show that persistent homology is functorial locally. We use the concept of equivariant operators to capture some of the information missed by persistent homology.

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Algebraic Topology

Left Bousfield localization without left properness

Given a combinatorial (semi-)model category M and a set of morphisms C , we establish the existence of a semi-model category L C M satisfying the universal property of the left Bousfield localization in the category of semi-model categories. Our main tool is a semi-model categorical version of a result of Jeff Smith, that appears to be of independent interest. Our main result allows for the localization of model categories that fail to be left proper. We give numerous examples and applications, related to the Baez-Dolan stabilization hypothesis, localizations of algebras over operads, chromatic homotopy theory, parameterized spectra, C ∗ -algebras, enriched categories, dg-categories, functor calculus, and Voevodsky's work on radditive functors.

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Algebraic Topology

Length and Multiplicities in Graded Commutative Algebra

This paper is a review of concepts from graded commutative algebra with specific attention given to length and multiplicity. The author's motivation for this paper comes from the study of equivariant cohomology in algebraic topology where the graded commutative algebra of the module is intimately connected to topological properties of the space (as shown by Quillen). Results (and their proofs) which are often left as exercises, or considered 'folklore' in the commutative algebra community are included in this paper, as are references to relevant applications in topology. As such, this paper is aimed at algebraic topologists and geometers looking for a detailed exposition of length and multiplicity computations in graded commutative algebra.

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