Featured Researches

Artificial Intelligence

"I Don't Think So": Disagreement-Based Policy Summaries for Comparing Agents

With Artificial Intelligence on the rise, human interaction with autonomous agents becomes more frequent. Effective human-agent collaboration requires that the human understands the agent's behavior, as failing to do so may lead to reduced productiveness, misuse, frustration and even danger. Agent strategy summarization methods are used to describe the strategy of an agent to its destined user through demonstration. The summary's purpose is to maximize the user's understanding of the agent's aptitude by showcasing its behaviour in a set of world states, chosen by some importance criteria. While shown to be useful, we show that these methods are limited in supporting the task of comparing agent behavior, as they independently generate a summary for each agent. In this paper, we propose a novel method for generating contrastive summaries that highlight the differences between agent's policies by identifying and ranking states in which the agents disagree on the best course of action. We conduct a user study in which participants face an agent selection task. Our results show that the novel disagreement-based summaries lead to improved user performance compared to summaries generated using HIGHLIGHTS, a previous strategy summarization algorithm.

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Artificial Intelligence

A Bayesian Approach with Type-2 Student-tMembership Function for T-S Model Identification

Clustering techniques have been proved highly suc-cessful for Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy model identification. Inparticular, fuzzyc-regression clustering based on type-2 fuzzyset has been shown the remarkable results on non-sparse databut their performance degraded on sparse data. In this paper, aninnovative architecture for fuzzyc-regression model is presentedand a novel student-tdistribution based membership functionis designed for sparse data modelling. To avoid the overfitting,we have adopted a Bayesian approach for incorporating aGaussian prior on the regression coefficients. Additional noveltyof our approach lies in type-reduction where the final output iscomputed using Karnik Mendel algorithm and the consequentparameters of the model are optimized using Stochastic GradientDescent method. As detailed experimentation, the result showsthat proposed approach outperforms on standard datasets incomparison of various state-of-the-art methods.

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Artificial Intelligence

A Benchmark for Multi-UAV Task Assignment of an Extended Team Orienteering Problem

A benchmark for multi-UAV task assignment is presented in order to evaluate different algorithms. An extended Team Orienteering Problem is modeled for a kind of multi-UAV task assignment problem. Three intelligent algorithms, i.e., Genetic Algorithm, Ant Colony Optimization and Particle Swarm Optimization are implemented to solve the problem. A series of experiments with different settings are conducted to evaluate three algorithms. The modeled problem and the evaluation results constitute a benchmark, which can be used to evaluate other algorithms used for multi-UAV task assignment problems.

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Artificial Intelligence

A Brief Survey of Associations Between Meta-Learning and General AI

This paper briefly reviews the history of meta-learning and describes its contribution to general AI. Meta-learning improves model generalization capacity and devises general algorithms applicable to both in-distribution and out-of-distribution tasks potentially. General AI replaces task-specific models with general algorithmic systems introducing higher level of automation in solving diverse tasks using AI. We summarize main contributions of meta-learning to the developments in general AI, including memory module, meta-learner, coevolution, curiosity, forgetting and AI-generating algorithm. We present connections between meta-learning and general AI and discuss how meta-learning can be used to formulate general AI algorithms.

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Artificial Intelligence

A CP-Net based Qualitative Composition Approach for an IaaS Provider

We propose a novel CP-Net based composition approach to qualitatively select an optimal set of consumers for an IaaS provider. The IaaS provider's and consumers' qualitative preferences are captured using CP-Nets. We propose a CP-Net composability model using the semantic congruence property of a qualitative composition. A greedy-based and a heuristic-based consumer selection approaches are proposed that effectively reduce the search space of candidate consumers in the composition. Experimental results prove the feasibility of the proposed composition approach.

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Artificial Intelligence

A Column Generation based Heuristic for the Tail Assignment Problem

This article proposes an efficient heuristic in accelerating the column generation by parallel resolution of pricing problems for aircrafts in the tail assignment problem (TAP). The approach is able to achieve considerable improvement in resolution time for real life test instances from two major Indian air carriers. The different restrictions on individual aircraft for maintenance routing as per aviation regulatory bodies are considered in this paper. We also present a variable fixing heuristic to improve the integrality of the solution. The hybridization of constraint programming and column generation was substantial in accelerating the resolution process.

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Artificial Intelligence

A Combination of Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm and Deep Learning for Music Harmony Generation

Automatic Music Generation (AMG) has become an interesting research topic for many scientists in artificial intelligence, who are also interested in the music industry. One of the main challenges in AMG is that there is no clear objective evaluation criterion that can measure the music grammar, structural rules, and audience satisfaction. Also, original music contains different elements that should work together, such as melody, harmony, and rhythm; but in the most of previous works, AMG works only for one element (e.g., melody). Therefore, in this paper, we propose a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MO-GA) to generate polyphonic music pieces, considering grammar and listener satisfaction. In this method, we use three objective functions. The first objective function is the accuracy of the generated music piece, based on music theory; and the other two objective functions are modeled scores provided by music experts and ordinary listeners. The scoring of experts and listeners separately are modeled using Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory (Bi-LSTM) neural networks. The proposed music generation system tries to maximize mentioned objective functions to generate a new piece of music, including melody and harmony. The results show that the proposed method can generate pleasant pieces with desired styles and lengths, along with harmonic sounds that follow the grammar.

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Artificial Intelligence

A Commonsense Reasoning Framework for Explanatory Emotion Attribution, Generation and Re-classification

We present DEGARI (Dynamic Emotion Generator And ReclassIfier), an explainable system for emotion attribution and recommendation. This system relies on a recently introduced commonsense reasoning framework, the TCL logic, which is based on a human-like procedure for the automatic generation of novel concepts in a Description Logics knowledge base. Starting from an ontological formalization of emotions based on the Plutchik model, known as ArsEmotica, the system exploits the logic TCL to automatically generate novel commonsense semantic representations of compound emotions (e.g. Love as derived from the combination of Joy and Trust according to Plutchik). The generated emotions correspond to prototypes, i.e. commonsense representations of given concepts, and have been used to reclassify emotion-related contents in a variety of artistic domains, ranging from art datasets to the editorial contents available in RaiPlay, the online platform of RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana (the Italian public broadcasting company). We show how the reported results (evaluated in the light of the obtained reclassifications, the user ratings assigned to such reclassifications, and their explainability) are encouraging, and pave the way to many further research directions.

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Artificial Intelligence

A Constraint Programming-based Job Dispatcher for Modern HPC Systems and Applications

Constraint Programming (CP) is a well-established area in AI as a programming paradigm for modelling and solving discrete optimization problems, and it has been been successfully applied to tackle the on-line job dispatching problem in HPC systems including those running modern applications. The limitations of the available CP-based job dispatchers may hinder their practical use in today's systems that are becoming larger in size and more demanding in resource allocation. In an attempt to bring basic AI research closer to a deployed application, we present a new CP-based on-line job dispatcher for modern HPC systems and applications. Unlike its predecessors, our new dispatcher tackles the entire problem in CP and its model size is independent of the system size. Experimental results based on a simulation study show that with our approach dispatching performance increases significantly in a large system and in a system where allocation is nontrivial.

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Artificial Intelligence

A Cooperative Memory Network for Personalized Task-oriented Dialogue Systems with Incomplete User Profiles

There is increasing interest in developing personalized Task-oriented Dialogue Systems (TDSs). Previous work on personalized TDSs often assumes that complete user profiles are available for most or even all users. This is unrealistic because (1) not everyone is willing to expose their profiles due to privacy concerns; and (2) rich user profiles may involve a large number of attributes (e.g., gender, age, tastes, . . .). In this paper, we study personalized TDSs without assuming that user profiles are complete. We propose a Cooperative Memory Network (CoMemNN) that has a novel mechanism to gradually enrich user profiles as dialogues progress and to simultaneously improve response selection based on the enriched profiles. CoMemNN consists of two core modules: User Profile Enrichment (UPE) and Dialogue Response Selection (DRS). The former enriches incomplete user profiles by utilizing collaborative information from neighbor users as well as current dialogues. The latter uses the enriched profiles to update the current user query so as to encode more useful information, based on which a personalized response to a user request is selected. We conduct extensive experiments on the personalized bAbI dialogue benchmark datasets. We find that CoMemNN is able to enrich user profiles effectively, which results in an improvement of 3.06% in terms of response selection accuracy compared to state-of-the-art methods. We also test the robustness of CoMemNN against incompleteness of user profiles by randomly discarding attribute values from user profiles. Even when discarding 50% of the attribute values, CoMemNN is able to match the performance of the best performing baseline without discarding user profiles, showing the robustness of CoMemNN.

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